Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Aug 3, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction.

All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Nineteen.

On the Saturday morning of the holiday weekend Joey called Andy to see what he had planned for later that day.

"Funny you should ask dude. The answer is nada. I bet that surprises you huh?"

Joey laughed. "Well, I was thinkin that maybe, if I can get that piece of shit I call a car started, I could pick you up and we could go down to the Arcade and play the machines for a while. Word has it too that a pool hall has opened up a couple doors away and, at this stage, they ain't too particular who they admit age-wise."

"Oh yeah?" replied Andy. "Things sure are lookin up. You figure we can get in?"

"If Tonio, that latino guy, is around at the Arcade, it should be a cinch. One of his cuz's runs the joint."

"Sounds promising dude. It's about time we started honing our skills at pool. It's one of the revenue streams I have identified for the future."

Joey duly arrived at Andy's house at three and honked the horn. He didn't want to chance switching the engine off in case the car wouldn't re-start. Andy poked his nose through the window and made his way downstairs.

"Jesus, dude, you really gotta win the lottery or sumthin." he informed Joey. "This heap of shit ain't gonna be around for too long. If you were bouncing around on the backseat with a chick in your lap, chances are you'd end up with a spring up your ass."

"Shut the fuck up and get in prick."

The Arcade wasn't exactly jumping but there was a reasonable smattering of guys of all ages. "I hope you have some dough Andy coz I'm not exactly flush myself." said Joey.

Andy looked hurt and said: "Dude have I ever sponged off of you?"

"Ha fucking ha." was Joey's response.

Andy pulled out a ten and two fives and flashed them before Joey's eyes. "It so happens that yesterday was Friday and Chrissie boy forked up his dues."

"So you really have that dude on a hook huh? Impressive!"

An hour passed uneventfully before Tonio appeared in the doorway. He looked around sizing up the situation before strolling over to Andy and Joey. "So, my homies, what titbit of news do you have for Uncle Tonio?" Not getting a reply, he continued, shaking his head: "These vacation days are really a drag."

Tonio had finally dropped out of school and fled the nest. His family consisted of his parents and five siblings, all younger than him, living in a three bedroom tenement. It became all too much for him and he decided to hit the streets. He was well connected in the latino teen community and it wasn't long before he was pushing dope, mainly to schoolkids. The Arcade was fertile ground for him and he soon became the "connection" for many of the guys he had previously met there. They considered him to be an honest broker.

Joey addressed Tonio: "So dude, tell us about the new pool hall."

He replied: "My cuz is the Manager. The place hasn't really got off the ground yet but things are slowly picking up."

"You think we can gain entrance there?" asked Andy.

"Well it ain't strictly legal considering they sell booze but my cuz is an accommodating kinda guy. If you want we can go check it out."

"Fuck yeah!" replied Andy and Joey in unison.

When they reached the pool hall Tonio told the other two to wait outside. He entered and before long re-appeared with a guy in his twenties. His name was Carlos.

"These are the the two guys Carlos. They are fine upstanding citizens and I'll vouch for them."

Carlos looked the two boys over and although it was obvious he harbored some doubts about their ages said: "OK Tonio, I'll take your word for it. When we go in, walk through to the back and take a booth near the restrooms."

When seated, Tonio thought he would push his luck and asked Carlos whether they could have three beers. Carlos sighed and fetched them.

They had been sitting there for about a half hour when a guy in his thirties appeared in the doorway and started looking around. When he saw Tonio, he came across to them and apologised to Tonio for being late.

Tonio was kinda abrupt with him and said "Ain't the first time dude. I don't know what to make of it."

"I'm really sorry Tonio but we had this meeting at work and I couldn't get away."

"Dude, I'm beginning to wonder who comes first. Your fucking boss or me. Anyway, get your fucking ass home and I'll be there when I see you."

"Sure thing Tonio. Thanks." the guy replied and left.

Joey and Andy had been staring at each other during this exchange and, when the guy had left, Joey asked Tonio: "What the fuck was that all about."

Tonio explained: "He's some faggot I hooked up with and I'm living in his apartment now. He's one of those fags that craves control and I pretty much run his life for him now. What I say goes and he thrives on it. It's like having a personal servant at your disposal. Very cool situation."

"Jesus man, I knew that faggots liked sucking cock but this control thing kinda blows my mind."

Tonio continued: "Oh he likes sucking cock make no mistake but this is like another level. Ain't you guys never heard of Master/slave relationships?" Andy and Joey shook their heads.

"I suggest you guys check out the internet. There are many of these cocksuckers who are submissive by nature. It's kinda hardwired into their DNA. They crave to serve dominant guys and ultimately they actually accept that they are inferior beings meant only to be a slave to a Master. The guy you saw just now hasn't reached that state of submission yet but I am training him physically and psychologically in that direction. I would describe him at this stage as being a willing servant but I intend to reduce him to a state of abject slavery over time. When that time comes I'll use him for as long as it suits me but in the process strip him completely of all he possesses. Strange as it seems, it's actually what they really want deep down. Maybe then I'll sell him on to another Master."

"Anyway guys," Tonio continued, "I must go. Business calls. When you leave make a point of thanking Carlos; next time you come here ask for him and he'll probly let you in."

Joey and Andy sat there looking at each other with amazed expressions on their faces. "You live and learn dude." was Joey's take on the matter.

Andy said: "You know what Joey? I figure Chris is one of these guys that Tonio described. Maybe at an early stage, but I always thought there was somethin strange about him. Perhaps it's time to find out."

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 53: Christians Induction III 20

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