Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Aug 9, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction.

All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Twenty.

Matt had arrived home late on the Monday night after Chris had already fallen into a deep sleep. The following morning when Chris emerged from the shower Matt gave him one look and commented: "Jesus, dude, you look like shit." He added with a smirk: "You have a rough weekend?"

Chris replied: "No worse than usual. How about you? You finally get to fuck Cindy?"

Thus the brothers effectively shut each other up.

Chris collected Andy to drive him to school as per usual and found him to be unusually quiet. Normally he would have been full of smartass remarks but that morning appeared to have something on his mind. Chris on two occasions caught him glancing his way as if he were to say something but then refrained from doing so.

When they arrived at the school, Andy informed Chris that he would be trying out for the swim team that afternoon and that he would try to get a ride home after that. "If I can't get a ride, I'll call you and maybe you can fetch me huh?" Chris reluctantly agreed.

Mark Nesbit had been on the swim team for a couple of seasons and was now a regular. As was their wont, the juniors and seniors looked over the motley bunch of aspirant freshmen with the disdain expected of them. Mark was surprised to see Andy there; it hadn't escaped his notice that Andy and Chris were often seen together at the school and that Chris had been transporting Andy to and from school. He had in fact warned Chris to be watchful of the implications of the relationship as he had guessed pretty much what was going on. Thinking back on it he wondered why the hell he had bothered as he figured that Chris's actions would be guided completely by the extent to which he had access to Andy's dick.

At the conclusion of the tryouts, in which Andy had performed quite creditably considering that he had never been coached before, Mark approached him, told him he had done OK and that he would probably make the team.

"Is Chris coming to pick you up?" he asked Andy. Andy was rather surprised that Mark should be asking him this but replied that he would be calling Chris only if he wasn't able to bum a ride.

"Well then, you can get a ride with me if you want." offered Mark. Andy was flattered that Mark was paying attention to him and eagerly accepted.

When they reached Andy's house, Mark parked the car and switched off the ignition, indicating that he wasn't leaving immediately. Andy wondered what was up and stayed put in the car.

"Listen dude," said Mark, "I thought we could have a little chat." "Sure." replied the younger boy.

Mark continued: "You won't be aware of it but the fact is I know Chris VERY well. My older bro was the first guy that Chris ever sucked off and, when he left for college, he passed Chris on to me. We had a very close relationship and I only ended it quite recently when I met my current girl friend." Mark smiled when he saw the astonishment on Andy's face. "Don't sweat it dude, it ain't no big deal."

Andy wasn't quite sure where this conversation was heading but decided to let it flow. He informed Mark: "Well man, I had no idea that the Chris thing was like common knowledge. But since you obviously know about it, yeah he is sucking my cock. And not only mine I might add."

Mark laughed. "Don't worry dude, I'm the only guy at school who knows what's going on between you and Chris. I'm not about to spoil your fun. It's just that I thought maybe I could offer you some advice. Save you a little trouble in dealing with him."

Andy was all ears by now. After what had happened at the Arcade with Tonio and the suspicions it had given rise to in his mind regarding Chris, things were suddenly moving at an unexpected pace. "I guess I could do with all the advice you can give Mark."

Mark looked Andy over for a minute and decided he would take him into his confidence. "Listen dude what I'm gonna tell you is in confidence OK? If it leaks out, I will know where it comes from. And I promise you you will regret having opened your mouth."

Andy assured Mark: "Dude, I ain't no big mouth. Well, not usually anyway." he laughed. Mark also laughed: he liked this kid.

Mark went on to explain to Andy that he had discovered that Chris had a submissive nature quite soon into their relationship and had slowly but surely advanced it to the stage where Chris was completely under his control. He assured Andy: "I figure that if I snapped my fingers right now, Chris would be back askin for more. He was ultimately not only my cum and piss dump, but was like a servant to me. I had him doing all sorts of shit around my apartment. Cleaning, laundry, errands, the works."

Andy was sitting bug-eyed listening to Mark's revelations.

Mark continued: "I'll be honest dude. What puzzles me is that a senior would be submitting to a freshman like yourself. No offence, you understand? I'm just curious to know how it happened."

Andy decided to come clean. "I met Chris down at the video games arcade. He was sellin blowjobs for his bro and I figured that I would chance my arm. I didn't have no dough to buy a blowjob but I used my innocence and charm to get around him." He winked at Mark and laughed. "I soon had him suckin my dick, and pretty soon after that my buddy Joey and even my younger bro Pauly."

Mark continued: "But now it seems you have him doin stuff beyond blowjobs right? Are you holdin somethin over him?"

Andy wasn't sure whether he should divulge to Mark that he had compromising pics of Chris. "Well, yeah, you could say that." he said.

"Pics?" asked Mark.

Jesus, thought Andy, this fucking guy has some sort of sixth sense. "Yeah." he informed Mark.

"Cool, cool." responded Mark. "I figured that might be the case."

Mark continued: "Now listen to me guy. I can sense that you would like to get Chris under your control right?" Andy nodded saying "I guess so yeah." "OK then, having those pics is gonna give you a head start. However, and this is something you have to learn, he is only doing what you want because of the pics. You will only truly have control of him when the pics no longer are there to coerce him. Are you getting my drift?"

Andy looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I think so."

"You have to advance him to the stage where he is doing your bidding because he WANTS to not because he HAS to. It is then that you will truly own him. After that, believe me, the sky's the limit."

Chris looked at his watch. "Anyway dude, I gotta be on my way. Just remember, slowly, slowly, catchee monkey."

Andy thanked Mark for his advice and asked him whether he might discuss it further with him if needed.

"Sure dude." replied Mark. "Anything I can do lemme know. We dom guys gotta stick together right?"

On the way home, Mark smiled to himself. He had a feeling that Andy, although young, had it in him to keep Chris on the hop. The idea of Chris serving some freshman amused him. He thought to himself that he wouldn't mind seeing those pics; maybe he would ask Andy to show them to him.


After Andy had been dropped off by Mark, he went up to his room. Almost immediately Pauly entered and wanted to know who had given him a ride home. He informed Pauly that it had been Mark, one of the juniors on the swim team, and Pauly whistled.

"So how did it go bro?"

"Pretty good I think. Mark seems to think I will make the team."

"Congrats Andy. How come you didn't get Chris to collect you?"

"Well I told him I would call if I couldn't bum a ride and it so happened that Mark offered so there was no need."

Pauly got all serious. "Dude I got my buddy Tom from school next door. You remember him right? The thing is he is kinda in need of his first blowjob and I told him maybe I could help." Pauly laughed. "You think we can get Chris to do him? Actually I introduced them one afternoon at the skatepark and Chris was checking him out."

Andy smiled. "Well, he don't really have much option if we want him to dude. Those pics are pretty persuasive huh? What you got in mind?" Andy thought that this might be the ideal opportunity to start exercising some level of control over Chris; to display a more demanding attitude towards him.

Pauly replied: "Well, the real problem is to find a place for them to do it. Tom's mother don't work and so he can't take Chris to his house. And we couldn't have them here, at least not until the old girl starts her new job. So that rules out weekdays. Weekends always gonna be a problem."

It had only recently been revealed to the boys that their mother would be taking a job in order to help out with the family finances. They had been told that this would necessitate their having to take on more responsibility around the house and it had been suggested that, apart from their usual chores, they would be expected to make their own beds, clean their living quarters and even do their own own laundry. Their mom had consented though to do the ironing. "Phew!" thought Andy with some relief.

Andy gave it some thought and agreed that Pauly had a point.

Eventually he said to Pauly: "Dude, at this stage there may no other option but to use the john behind the stand at the sports field at your school. I still got a key."

Pauly laughed and said: "Eeeewwww! That might put Tom off blowjobs for life!"

"Oh come on!" said Andy. "We both been done there. Joey too. The fucking surroundings don't matter a damn if you gonna get your rocks off! Ask Tom whether he can meet us there at six tomorrow afternoon when the school is deserted."

Pauly soon came back saying it was OK with Tom; he was so fucking horny he would have agreed to get done on the Town Hall steps at high noon.

Andy laughed and said: "That dirty little fucker! OK, I'll speak with Chris in the morning."


On the way to school the next morning, Chris asked Andy how the tryouts for the swim team had gone.

"Pretty good. I think I may make the team."

"That's great man."

"Yeah, be cool if I make it. By the way I met this guy Mark there whose been on the team for two years. He said he knew you."

Chris looked surprised. "Oh yeah? Really."

"Yeah, offered me a ride home. That's why I didn't call you. Do you know him well? Haven't seen you together or nuthin."

"Yeah, I guess so. I met him through his bro. But we've kinda drifted apart lately."

So, thought Andy, at least that part of Mark's story hangs together.

When they reached the school and had parked, Andy said: "Hang on a moment dude. I believe you've met Pauly's friend Tom, right?"

Chris wondered where this was leading. "Yeah, met him briefly at the skatepark. He was there with Pauly."

"Well, Pauly says he's lookin for his very first blowjob and Pauly and I figured that you could do the honors. He's gonna meet us behind the stand at the junior high school this afternoon at six. Should be deserted by then. Would you pick Pauly and me up at say ten to six and we can drive over there?"

Andy knew that this would be the first real test of the relationship he wanted to cement with the older boy and, while looking nonchalant, waited with baited breath for Chris's response. Chris appeared to think about it and finally said: "Yeah, I figure that will be OK."

"OK, cool then. Do your best to please him dude."

Andy got out of the car and walked over to the school entrance. He felt like jumping up and down: he figured he had crossed an important hurdle successfully.


Chris got to Andy and Pauly at about seven minutes to six.

"You're late dude." said Andy. "Yeah I know, the old lady wanted to know where I was goin and I had to explain." replied Chris.

Pauly made as if to get in the front seat of the car and Andy said: "In the back asshole!" Pauly laughed and did as he was told.

Chris parked about a block away from the school and they walked the rest of the way, jumping over the gate. Tom was waiting as arranged. Pauly pulled him aside and told him quietly that when he and Chris went into a cubicle, Chris would sit on the seat and that he, Tom, should stand in front facing him. "Just stand there, dude, let him do all the work OK?"

Andy said: "Let's hope to fuck this key still works." The door opened without a problem and they entered the toilet with Andy locking the door behind them. "Go into one of the stalls with Chris dude. He knows the drill."

Chris unzipped Tom and slipped his by now semi-erect dick from out of his jeans. Chris thought that he was quite well endowed for his age and quickly took his dick into his mouth. It tasted good thought Chris, typical boy dick. He used his tongue around and around and under the head and soon Tom was squirming. Tom started to buck his hips and was starting to fuck Chris's mouth. He's a fuckin natural thought Chris.

Meanwhile outside Andy and Pauly were laughing quietly as they heard the grunts coming from the stall. Pauly entered one of the other stalls and started to read the graffiti.

"Jesus, Andy, there's definitely gotta be a coupla more fags in our school. You wanna read some of the stuff written on the walls. I'm gonna keep an eye on that." he laughed, groping himself. Andy said: "Seems like it's got you all horned up. You gonna have a go after Tom?" "Might as well." replied Pauly. "How about you?" "I guess so." replied Andy with a laugh.

Chris was sucking Tom for all he was worth keeping his mouth tight around his dick. In a matter of a few more minutes, Tom shot a thick creamy load into Chris's waiting mouth.

As soon as Pauly heard the cubicle door open, he quickly got there and, as Tom exited, told Chris to stay where he was. Chris then proceeded to suck off the two brothers in turn.

The four of them jumped the gate and Andy told Tom that Chris would drop him off at his house.

Later that evening Pauly called Tom and asked him what he thought of it all. Tom replied: "It was fucking awesome dude. I sure could do with more of that." Pauly laughed and said "Well, the beauty of a cocksucker is that it's never a one off. They are good for many repeats."

Andy sat in his room and ruminated on the events of the day. He assured himself that there was nothing more he could have done and felt that he had made sure strides in his quest to control Chris, his first but surely not his last cocksucker to be milked, controlled and used. He resolved to keep in touch with Tonio and Mark.

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 54: Christians Induction III 21

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