Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Aug 19, 2011



Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction.

All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Twenty Two.

That evening Andy and his two bros were congregated around the computer they shared which was situated in Andy's room.

Andy asked: "You guys given any thought to this deal of having to clean up this place when the old girl starts her new job?"

"Not really." replied Pauly. "Don't seem like the end of the world to me." George, who shared the second bedroom with Pauly, and who always deferred to his opinions, kept quiet.

"What!" exclaimed Andy. "Are you fucking nuts? Imagine having to make the beds every day, dust the joint, hang up clothes, put away sneaks and shoes, take out the trash, do the laundry, and God forbid, clean the bathroom and toilet. Jesus, Pauly, you surprise me sometimes."

Pauly looked unperturbed. "Andy, excuse me for saying so, but you are one of the laziest fuckers I know. If you had the chance you would have someone wipe your ass."

Andy smiled as if the idea hadn't occurred to him before. "Maybe, just maybe, that could be arranged." He laughed at the thought.

"Eeeewwww." said George, commenting for the first time.

Andy continued: "Seriously guys, I wanna suggest somethin to you. You know Mark Nesbit right? The dude who has been giving me a ride home after swim practice?" Pauly nodded yeah. "Well he and our friend Chris had a VERY close relationship until recently. Mark ditched Chris when he met this chick Beth. She is hot for him and, since her folks are loaded, Mark's mother put the screws on him to get his hooks into her. If he hadn't agreed she was gonna hurl him out of the basement apartment at their house. His older bro used to use it before he went to college. Now that apartment is Mark's life, so he had to agree. Ain't Moms great?"

"So?" Pauly asked.

"I'm not sure George should hear the rest of this."

"George is old enough to hear any of your shitty ideas. He ain't goin nowhere." said Pauly. George beamed.

"OK then. It seems that you get this type of fag that is naturally submissive and they like be controlled. Mark had full control of Chris and it reached the stage where he did all of Mark's shit. All the stuff I mentioned earlier. He was like Mark's servant and Chris apparently got off on it big time. Tonio, down at the Arcade, also has a guy like that under his thumb. Joey and I saw it for ourselves. You can ask Joey if you don't believe me."

"Carry on." instructed Pauly.

"Mark and I were discussing this and when he heard that we had pics of Chris........."

"What!" Pauly interjected. "You told Mark about the pics? What an asshole you are Andy!"

"Yea, well, he kinda guessed we had somethin over Chris."


"Anyway, he figures that with the pics and Chris's willingness to serve other dudes, we could get him to do all the chores around here. Sounds good to me."

"And how the fuck is this supposed to work dude?"

"I thought maybe he could come around here directly after school each day and do his stuff."

"Andy, I think I'm gonna talk with the rents and have you committed or somethin. You are tied up with stuff after school every day except Fridays right? Who the fuck do you think is gonna supervise your boyfriend?"

"Well, I figured that either you or George were bound to be here....."

"Just hold on a minute. You really think you gonna push this on to me and George? You can forget about that dude. Ain't gonna happen."

Andy genuinely looked crestfallen. He failed to see how all his plans could be thwarted in this way.

Pauly took the initiative. "OK, you have had your say. Now you listen to me. George and me discussed this already. We are gonna make the best of this. Each day first thing we gonna make our beds. Then we are gonna pick up after ourselves as we go along. No big deal really. Once a week we will jointly dust and do stuff like that. Probly take an hour. Same thing goes for the bathroom and toilet. Except that you gonna participate there. Once a week in turn, including you, we will scrub in there. George and me will share our laundry duties and give the stuff to the old girl to iron."

Pauly continued: "How you arrange to clean your room and stuff is your concern. Just don't involve George and me. Capiche? Another thing, me and George gotta use the computer in your room, so you are gonna have to change your socks more than once a week."

Andy smiled: "But Chris likes em kinda rank." Despite everything Pauly laughed and shook his head.

Pauly wasn't finished. "George, you mind leaving Andy and me alone for a few minutes?" George nodded and left the room.

"Lemme put you further in the picture bro." Pauly continued. Those six pics I gave you of Chris chowing down on your dick were not the only ones I took. I got three more in a safe place which are kinda similar; except you, dude, are clear for all to see. I thought maybe they would come in handy one day. So the days of "big bro Andy" and "little Pauly" are gone forever. In future we are gonna be level pegging OK?"

Andy really couldn't believe that Pauly would sink so low. It seemed that in future Pauly would be going his own way and that he himself would need to do so too. And bang went his proposed subjugation of Chris. He felt like crying.


Tom, who hadn't been able to get his first blowjob out of his mind, decided that he would have to enlist Pauly's aid in getting a repeat. Hadn't Pauly said: "That's the beauty of a cocksucker dude. It ain't never a one off. There will always be repeats." Well, thought Tom, now was the time to put that theory to the test.

A couple days later he was down at the skatepark when Chris pulled up in his car with a view to checking out what was going on. It was but a few minutes before he spotted Tom. Jesus, he thought, the kid looked hot! He was wearing dirty sneaks, and faded blue jeans all torn at the knees and resting low on his hips, his red checked boxers half exposed above the waistband. Above that he wore a worn out tee shirt proclaiming on the front "I make the boys cry". No fucking kidding, thought Chris. Tom spotted Chris almost simultaneously and immediately came over to him.

"Hi Tom." said Chris. "How's it goin."

"Awww not too bad you know." replied Tom. "Things could always be better. You seen Andy or Pauly lately?"

Chris confessed that he hadn't.

"Of course, I seen Pauly at school. I asked him to tell you thanks for...well, you know what." he laughed. "But if you ain't seen him, obviously he ain't been able to tell you."

Chris replied: "My pleasure dude. I think you're kinda hot." Chris had decided to take the bull by the horns as it were, although he did feel kinda embarrassed doing it.

Tom blushed and after a moment's hesitation asked: "Think we could do it again some time?"

"Why the hell not?" replied Chris. "Want me to chat with Pauly about it?"

"That would be awesome Chris. Lemme give you my number in any case. Wanna give me yours?"

They exchanged numbers and Tom then rejoined a couple of other kids who were yelling at him.

Chris thought "Fucking sweet!" and went back to the car.


Andy, who had always been so upbeat about everything, for the first time in his life felt as if he had been kicked in the balls. By his bro on top of it! Feeling sorry for himself, he decided to call his only real friend Joey.

"Hey bud!" said Joey. "I was just about to call you. Great minds and all that shit. I'll pick you up in about 40 minutes OK?"

Andy waited outside the house and when Joey arrived he was surprised to see another kid sitting beside him in the car.

Joey said to the kid: "You mind sitting in the back Claude?"

"No, that's cool." replied Claude.

Joey introduced the two of them and suggested that they go down to the Arcade. Andy said: "Fuck yeah! Maybe we can get a joint or two from Tonio. I need it."

It turned out that Claude went to the same school as Joey and he too was a soph. After they had obtained sodas from the machine and were sitting in a booth, Claude excused himself to go for a leak. "Just to the rear on the left dude." Joey informed him.

When they were alone Andy asked: "So what's the deal with this guy Joey?"

Joey smiled and conspiratorially informed Andy: "A fag, dude. Sucks a good cock I hear."

Andy laughed and said "I thought there was sumthin about him. I'm getting to a have a nose about those things."

Joey giggled and said: "Well, when we first met, I had a similar feeling about you."

"Fuck you, asshole."

Claude returned from the john and slipped in beside Joey opposite Andy. Joey decided to chat with a friend who was playing on one of the machines, leaving Andy and Claude to themselves.

"So," asked Andy, "do you come here often?"

"Not really Andy." replied Claude laughing, "If I did I'm sure we would have bumped into one another." Andy felt a sneaker against his; he retracted his and the other one followed it.

"Busy in the rear?" asked Andy.

"Not really. I checked the stalls. All the locks are in working order." replied Claude.

Andy got up and made his way to the john with Claude following close behind. Andy selected the furthest stall from the door and ushered Claude into it. "Have a seat dude." he invited Claude. He stood in front of the other boy and instructed him: "OK, take it out and let's see if you live up to your reputation."

Claude took Andy's dick into his mouth and started to suck on it with relish. He's done it before, Andy thought laughingly to himself. Andy came within five or six minutes shooting a good load into the back of Claude's mouth. Claude displayed Andy's load to him on his tongue and Andy told him to swallow it.

When they returned to Joey who was sitting in the booth, Andy winked at Joey and thought to himself, Jesus I needed that.

Before heading for home, the three of them agreed to meet the following Saturday night.

To be continued.......

Comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 56: Christians Induction III 23

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