Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Oct 3, 2011



This is a work of fiction.

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Part One.

The following weeks seemed to go by in a flash and Chris soon became accustomed to his new role as Andy's boy. Twice a week he would report to the house and proceed to clean Andy's room and pick up after him and tidy things up. Andy had suddenly acquired this new found sense of fastidiousness and would be quick to point out any shortcomings in Chris's performance. The other two boys now would leave all their laundry for Chris to attend to as well and it wasn't too long before they were expecting Chris to perform other chores on their behalf. It was pretty degrading really but Chris complied without complaint and the three brothers were quick to pick up on this. Even George would venture to ask for favors and would expect Chris to comply. The idea of being bossed by this sixth grade middle school boy made Chris's dick jump for reasons he could not fathom. Often it would take place in the presence of either or both of Andy and Pauly, who made no effort to interfere. Andy would merely give Pauly a knowing wink.

About six weeks before the Winter Break, the Nystroms were sitting around the supper table each engrossed in their own thoughts. Andy was thinking that the old man was unusually quiet, when suddenly he informed them that he had some news for them.

"It's like this guys. They informed us at work yesterday that the firm is closing down it's operation here and I've been offered a position at a Branch in a neighboring state. Well, the economic situation being what it is, I really have no option but to take up the offer. This means that we will be upping sticks and moving there as soon as it's feasible."

Andy looked almost panic stricken. "Jesus Christ, Bob, how can you do this to us? We only been here a year and now we have to move again. We are like fuckin gypsies."

Doreen, their mother, scolded Andy telling him to watch his language and that he should desist from calling his father Bob.

"Well, Jesus, Mom. It's all a bit much. Just when we have developed a nice circle of friends, we are gonna have to start all over again."

Pauly rolled his eyes and Andy looked daggers at him indicating that he should keep his mouth shut.

Andy continued: "I suppose this time the three of us will actually end up in the garage itself." Addressing his mother, he said: "And what about your job Mom?"

She replied: "No need to concern yourself about that son. I'll soon find something else."

Andy knew there was little point in arguing further and that they would have to roll with it.

When they were back in their rooms, the three boys were bemoaning their fate, when George suggested that maybe they could ask Chris to come and live with them. Andy told him: "Don't be so fuckin stupid dude. That ain't never gonna happen. Sometimes I think you should be in a special school for retards George."

"Talk for yourself Andy." George replied. "And just when I was fixin to have Chris suck my dick! I'm pretty sure he wants to and I was just waitin for the right opportunity."

Andy and Pauly looked at each other; this was news to them. George had been jacking off for a couple of months now and Pauly never tired of watching him. He even wondered whether he himself was turning a bit queer. George didn't seem to mind putting on a show either. He still shot a thin load but Pauly loved how he went nuts when he came.

When Andy lay in bed later, he wondered why things never worked out well for them. Fuck! he was gonna miss Joey.


Things moved even quicker than any of them had thought. Bob received a good offer for the house and, considering the state of the market, felt constrained to accept it. The guy who made the offer was really taken with the fact that his own boys would finally be out of his hair and living in the apartment over the garage. He just wished that they would be as neat as the Nystrom boys appeared to be, but apart from that the idea of not having to listen to the loud music he was at present inflicted with, was too tempting to miss out on.

So it was that within a matter of a couple of weeks the Nystroms moved lock stock and barrel to their new town. Andy told Chris he should keep in touch as friendships such as theirs were hard to come by. Chris had to smile because Andy right to the end was so transparent it was hard to believe. Andy, however, had the last word and told Chris that he had given Chris's cell number to Casey, the older boy moving into their house, who like himself was a soph and would probably be attending the same high school.


A couple of weeks before the start of Winter Break, Matt and Chris's father came home from work in an unusually good mood and broke the news to the family that he had been offered a condo for two weeks right on the beach in Florida before and over Christmas up until New Year's day. One of his colleagues was being forced to give up the reservation due to a family member's ill-health, and it had been offered to him at a good rate. Since the family had not been on a proper vacation for years, he had seized the opportunity. The boys didn't bother to ask where the money had suddenly come from as they had suspected for years that the old man was salting every extra penny away.

"That's just great Dad." Chris informed his father. "We all need a good break. Especially Mom." She beamed at her elder son. Matt, however, wasn't jumping for joy and his father asked him why he seemed so unenthusiastic.

"Well, Dad, it sure sounds great but I already accepted an invitation from Cindy to accompany her family to their lake-side cottage. I been meaning to tell you."

"Jesus, dude, surely they will understand if you cancel that arrangement." Chris commented.

Matt replied: "Yeah well, I would hate to do that coz firstly Cindy will be disappointed and secondly, it would seem kinda rude to turn sumthin down when it appears that sumthin better came along."

"Well my boy think it over huh." said their father. He was clearly disappointed at this turn of events.

Later, when Chris and Matt returned to their rooms, Chris confronted Matt and said: "You do realize that they are pretty pissed about this huh? What's goin on?"

"Well it aint really none of your business but you might as well know that me and Cindy been getting it on for a coupla weeks now. Her parents know about it and even allow us the privacy of her bedroom. How the fuck can I be expected to give that up? If I go to Florida, Cindy will give me the heave-ho for sure."

Chris understood where Matt was coming from, so he merely said: "Either way, it sucks to be you dude."


The day of departure arrived and Chris found it difficult to hide his excitement. It would be his first trip out of state, his first view of the ocean, and his first flight. His parents sensed it and exchanged smiles.

On arrival the old man cleared their luggage (his wife had brought along nearly everything bar the kitchen sink) and told them to wait while he collected the rental car he had reserved. The rental company provided him with a map and thus they had little difficulty in finding their accommodation. It turned out to be a really large block of condos and apartments (aptly named "Casa Vista") and in no time at all they were unpacking. Chris wandered out on to the balcony and was overcome by it all. Before him lay a beautiful stretch of beach and the ocean itself, smooth and blue. What struck him the most was the balmy scented air, so different from the muggy cloudy Mid-West conditions he was used too. He truly wished that Matt had accompanied them. He really would have been in his element.

As soon as they had had a bite of lunch, Chris donned a pair of shorts, a tee shirt, cap and sandals and announced that he was going out to reconnoitre the place.

"Be careful darling." his mother advised him, not noticing him rolling his eyes.

He headed for the side walk running along the edge of the beach and decided to test for himself all the stories he had heard about the available talent in this part of the world. He wasn't disappointed. The beach was crawling with young guys and girls all sporting skimpy suits and tans. He looked at his legs and saw just how pale he really was. Strange that he hadn't noticed it before. He caught the admiring eyes of a few boys along the way and thought Fuck! it was like a smorgasbord of available talent! A number of the guys who checked him out were obviously gay and this detracted from the situation as far as he was concerned. But he had no doubt that something to his taste would soon come along.

Every half mile or so there was a lifeguard position and he had to smile at how those guys sat there in their elevated chairs knowing full well how they were being regarded by the girls, not to mention the gay guys. To Chris it smacked of blatancy. Accompanying the lifeguard stations there were change rooms/rest rooms and Chris had no doubt that action was to be had there. On the way back to the condo, he had the need to take a piss and made his way down to one of the rest rooms. There were one or two guys loitering around, none of whom had any interest for Chris, but while he was doing his business a kid of no more than fifteen/sixteen sidled up to the urinals and stood near to where Chris was standing. He was wearing a long-legged swimsuit, a ragged tee shirt and flip flops. Chris estimated him to be about 5'8", 135 pounds, and he sported short light brown hair. He had that lean hard wiry look that Chris found so appealing. The kid took out his dick and simultaneously gave Chris the look that he was so accustomed to. It was the same routine he had experienced in the video games arcade at home. The kid slowly stroked his cock until it was semi-erect and gave Chris a smile. Chris smiled back and said hi, then zipped up and exited the restroom. Outside he waited for a minute or so until the boy exited.

"So," said the kid, "judging from your non-tan I figure you have just arrived in this part of the world."

Chris replied: "Well yeah, I didn't realize it was so obvious." laughing nervously.

"It's normal." the kid informed him. "I'm guessing the Mid-West, right?"

Chris looked surprised and told the kid yeah.

"Don't be surprised dude, I'm from that part of the world myself. Let's cut to the chase man. I figure you are interested in what you saw in there. If you want, why don't we meet up tonite? Say, eight o'clock?

Chris was kind of taken aback at this direct approach but didn't want to miss out and already had guessed that if he prevaricated the kid would just leave without another word.

"OK, cool. Where?"

"In front of McDonalds. Don't be late." With that the kid turned on his heel and left.

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 60: Christians Induction IV 2

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