Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 4, 2012



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Nine.

During the course of the next week Chris had difficulty in concentrating during classes at school; he found that his thoughts kept returning to the promised reunion with Mark the coming Saturday. He had inevitably heard rumors of the break-up between Mark and his girl friend Beth, so he anticipated that he himself would be seeing more of Mark. Of course, he had no illusions that anything permanent would come of it but decided to make the most of it while it lasted.

He was pretty sure that Mark would want to fuck him so he resolved to make it as pleasant an experience for Mark as he could. Thus on the Saturday morning he went to the drug store in the mall which he usually patronized to buy an enema kit; as luck would have it the old hag who worked there and who he studiously tried to avoid, came up to attend to him. He saw no way out of it and told her what he wanted. Her mouth immediately shrivelled into a thin disapproving line as she scuttled off to get the item, as if she wanted to get it all over with as soon as possible and return her thoughts to tomorrow's Church service. Chris decided there and then never to go back to that establishment, even more so when the cashier and the clerk exchanged smirking glances when he paid for his purchase.

It had not been his first such encounter with the old bag; on one occasion Andy had prevailed upon him to purchase some condoms on his behalf and, when he put his request to her, she had, with some malice he thought, asked him if he wanted the regular or large size. He wished later that he had put her in her place by asking for the small size and whether her husband found them adequate normally. The fucking bitch!

It was a short walk from the mall to the video games arcade and he found himself unconsciously drawn to it. He hadn't been there for a while and he was curious to see what changes had taken place. As usual there were two or three guys hanging outside the narrow entrance looking tough but he ignored them and entered. As was normal when a shaft of light appeared when the door was opened, all eyes turned to see who had entered. He ignored it all and walked towards the back where his usual stand-up table was situated. Having settled down with a coke from an adjacent dispenser, he looked around to see if he knew any of the guys playing the machines. He couldn't believe it when he was unable to recognize one face. Over the course of the next ten minutes a few of the guys looked over towards him as if to size him up, and he quickly looked away if he caught their eyes. He was in no mood for any hook-ups today. As luck would have it though, not long after he had entered, someone familiar came through the door. It was Joey, Andy's best bud. He was waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light and when eventually he could see again, he saw Chris sitting at the table at the rear. His face was split by a huge smile and he immediately came over to Chris.

"Jesus, dude, what a pleasant surprise! After Andy moved away I figured I would never lay eyes on you again. Just goes to show there is a God in heaven!" For a fleeting moment Chris wished that the bitch in the drug store was there to witness the scene.

"Hey Joey! How things goin dude?"

"Awww could be better man. I kinda miss Andy a lot and it shouldn't be allowed that friendships from grade school are broken up."

"Anyway, what are you doing on this side of town? You haven't moved have you?"

"No, nuthin like that." Joey replied. It's just that my car has been givin trouble and I heard of this guy near here who works on old cars for next to nuthin, so here I am." He smiled his cute smile. "It's up and runnin again, hallelujah!"

Joey continued: "I often thought of askin Andy for your number dude, but then I thought maybe you were Andy's special preserve and I shouldn't butt in."

Chris replied: "Fuck man, nobody belongs to nobody right? Where's your cell?"

Joey handed him his phone and Chris added his name and number to his contacts. He laughed and said: "Now you ain't got no excuse huh?"

Joey smiled and said: "I guess not. So you sayin I can call you sometime?"

Chris stuck his tongue out at Joey and replied: "Better keep outta my way if you don't dude."

Joey looked around and then leaned over to Chris and said softly: "I'm so fuckin horny right now Chris. Any chance we can use the john at the back?"

Chris knew he was taking a risk but said: "Go into the farthest stall Joey. When the coast is clear I'll join you."

Nobody appeared to be taking the slightest notice, least of all the guy at the door, so after a few minutes Chris entered the john and slipped into the stall occupied by Joey. He sat on the toilet seat and pulled Joey towards him. He unzipped his jeans and took out his dick which had a pissy aroma about it which he found highly intoxicating. He went down on it and after about five minutes of furious sucking, Joey shot a good load into his mouth which he greedily swallowed down.

Joey said: "That was awesome Chris. I'll meet you outside OK?"

On the side walk outside the arcade, they smiled at each other and Joey promised to contact Chris. As they were about to part, Joey asked Chris whether he could spare him five bucks for gas. Chris fumbled in his pocket and handed him the five spot; Joey made a kissing gesture with his lips, thanked him and was gone.


During the week Randy called Nate one afternoon late to see if he was at home.

Nate replied: "Yeah, I just got outta the shower. Like a fuckin idiot I took on this garden job on Plumtree and it turned out to be work suitable for a slave, not for someone of my stature. My quotation was way too low. I'm gonna have to up my rates."

Randy replied: "Sorry to hear that dude. On the bright side, I got a cold six-pack of Bud here and was wonderin if you wanted to share it."

"Sounds good Randy. I'll expect you in ten minutes." Nate wondered what it was Randy wanted now.

Randy strolled over to the house where Nate lived in a garden cottage in the rear of the property. He made sure he rang the right bell at the gate; he knew that if he rang the bell for the main house and disturbed the old couple who lived there Nate would have his balls.

Once ensconced in easy chairs the two of them popped a couple of tins which disappeared in no time without a word being said. As soon as they started on their second beers, Nate asked Randy to what he owed the honor of the visit.

"Dude, I wanted to ask a favor. If you think it's out of line, just say so, OK?"

Nate replied: "You can depend on that Randy. What is it you want?"

"Well, I been invited to this surprise party by two of the guys from school, the idea being to gangbang a young suckboy who they figure is about due to learn a few more tricks of his trade. Obviously the whole thing is not in your league but I was wonderin whether you might have a coupla toys we could borrow for the occasion."

Nate smiled and replied: "Well, Randy, first of all I ain't runnin no adult store here and, regrettably, ain't in no position to offer dungeon facilities. And if one of my customers is lookin for a one-on-one SM scene with me, he has to provide his own toys. So, I'm not really in a position to oblige. However, having said that, I did on one occasion manage to spirit away from a scene, a coupla items you could perhaps use."

Randy was all ears and asked what exactly Nate had to offer.

Nate went to a cupboard in his bedroom and came back with a normal sized dildo and a leather blindfold, which he surmised Randy would not need an instruction manual for. In addition he had with him a ring gag which he explained the workings of. It had an optional leather tongue depressor.

"Jesus, Nate," Randy enthused, "this is exactly the kinda stuff I had in mind. Can I borrow them?"

Nate appeared to think it over. "Well, OK, Randy but these are kinda personal items so I hope you realize that this is a major favor you are askin."

"Nate, I would owe you big time dude."

"I know Randy. I know."


After having been summoned by Casey the previous week to his house after school, the object of which summons had turned out to be to suck off his younger bro Teddy, Chris was in some trepidation as to what Casey's next move would be. It was clear to Chris that this guy brooked no shit and, unlike Andy, who achieved his ends by stealth and cunning, Casey adopted a full-on frontal approach. Chris still had not worked out a counter to this.

On two occasions the following week Casey had left a note for him in his locker but it turned out that he merely wanted a ride home after school. Not a problem, thought Chris, he had done the same on a regular basis for Andy.

One evening he received a call from an "unknown number" on his cell phone and, when he answered it, it turned out to be Casey's younger bro Teddy.

"Hi Chris, Teddy here. Casey's gone out for an hour or two, so I thought I would give you a call on his cell. I just wanted to say thanks for an awesome time last week. I really enjoyed it and I hope you did too."

"You're welcome Ted. Does Casey know you are calling me?"

"Well no, but what he don't know ain't gonna hurt no one right? I thought I would just take the opportunity of lettin you have my own cell number in case you want to contact me some time. I've got yours now off Casey's phone."

"OK cool then Teddy, thanks for the call hear?" With that Chris rang off.


At that particular moment Casey was over at Mark's house. He, Mark and Randy were discussing arrangements for Saturday night. Randy had asked Mark to let him have the dough for the beer, weed, etc, and confirmed that obtaining the stuff would not present a problem. Randy had been curious about meeting Casey and was quite impressed with him. He came over as being beyond his actual years, and if he had been asked, Randy would have said that he had a really mean streak under a pleasant exterior. Definitely more so than Mark, he would have said.

When Randy revealed the toys he had borrowed from Nate, he was greeted with peals of laughter from Mark and Casey.

"Can't fucking wait to gag the dude." said Casey.

Every planning detail seemed to be in place; the three boys were satisfied about that and were looking forward to Saturday night.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 68: Christians Induction IV 10

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