Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jan 15, 2012



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Part Twelve.

On the following day Chris received an SMS from Teddy asking him to call him as soon as he got home from school. Chris decided he would have to eat humble pie and ask Matt to intervene on his behalf, not with Teddy as such but with his older bro Casey and also with Mark, since he had now made a reappearance on the scene since his break-up with Beth. Chris felt sure that Matt would, as he had done before, warn Mark off as far he was concerned; Matt was aware of his brother's involvement with first Jerry, Mark's older and now married bro, Mark himself and even their young cuz Billy from Chicago. There was enough dirt there to sink the entire fucking family and Matt knew it. Obviously the weak link was Jerry who was now married with a child; Mark would never allow Jerry's involvement with Chris to become public knowledge.

Matt however barely knew Casey. He was aware that he was a year younger than himself and Mark, which would be a plus in dealing with him, and that Casey had become acquainted with Mark through their joint involvement on the swim team at school. Perhaps, in his dealing with Mark, Casey would also back off. Chris fervently hoped so.

As soon as he got home from school, Chris called Teddy who seemed pleased to hear from him.

"Hey! Chris. Glad you received my SMS. I just got home myself so figured you would soon be calling. This is the plan I have concocted dude; it's a pretty mild day so we should be able to meet up without any problems. I'm gonna tell the folks that I am going over to Anthony's this evening to work with him on a project. The two of us will then meet you in the toilets behind the stand at our school, say, at 7.30. Pauly said you know the drill as far as that is concerned. Is that correct?"

Chris managed to mutter that he did.

"OK then," Teddy continued. "We'll see you there at 7.30. Just give two knocks on the door and I'll know it is you and let you in. I chatted with Anthony and you will be pleased to hear that he is keen to join us. Look forward to seeing you later dude." With that he cut off the connection.


During the course of the day, Matt cornered Mark and told him they had something to discuss and could they get together in Matt's car after school. Mark knew exactly what the subject of the discussion would be and, smiling inwardly, agreed to be there. Matt then asked him a favor; would he mind asking his friend from the swim team, Casey, to join them. Mark agreed to that as well and thought to himself that the confrontation between Matt and Casey should prove to be quite entertaining.

All three of the boys were on time after school and climbed into Matt's old car. Mark settled himself in the back and Casey sat up front with Matt. Mark said to Matt: "I don't think you have actually met Casey have you Matt? He's only been here a couple of weeks and I'm pleased to say he is a great acquisition to the school's swim team." Matt put out his hand to Casey and said he was pleased to meet him. Casey said likewise. Mark informed Matt that Casey and his folks had moved into the house previously occupied by the Nystroms; "You know Andy and Pauly right?" Matt nodded that he did.

Casey piped up: "So guys, what's with this summit? I got homework to do." Mark laughed at what passed for a witticism in his books.

Matt decided to take the bull by the horns. "Guys we all know that my bro Chris is gay and I understand that he was at a party on Saturday night held at your house Mark. Right?" Mark nodded yeah.

Matt continued: "Well, he rolled in at about 3 on Sunday morning looking very much the worse for wear. It was obvious that he had been given a going over by you guys. I don't know who else was there."

"I just wanna say that that behavior is completely unacceptable and I am asking you guys in a civilized fashion to refrain from further incidents of that nature."

Casey scoffed at what Matt had said. "And just who, dude, is going to make us stop huh? Your faggot bro was a willing participant in whatever was handed out to him and I bet if we arranged another similar party next week, he would be there like a shot. You may not like to admit it but he thrives on being bossed and humiliated and I for one am gonna make sure he continues to get what he craves so much. He's a fuckin fag and he's gonna get treated like one."

Matt was taken aback and didn't quite know how to respond. He hadn't expected this from a sophomore and Mark was sitting quietly in the back taking it all in. Matt decided to turn his attention to Mark.

"Mark, we've been over all this before dude and we came to an amicable solution right? You, and Jerry, and even that little cuz of yours in Chicago have a lot of baggage that I'm sure nobody wants aired. I think we should agree to leave it at that huh?"

Mark said: "I'm not your problem Matt. I'll go along with whatever is decided but it's the dude sitting next to you who you have to convince."

Casey was sitting there with a smug look on his face. He turned to Matt and said: "Listen, big bro, I can guess what you are threatening my friend here with but let me just tell you this. It ain't gonna wash with me. I have in my possession some pretty damning pics of your faggot bro doing what he does best and, if you so much as threaten me or Mark again, they just might see the light of day. It would really be all over for your fuckin family, not just Chrissie boy. On top of that, he has been messin with my little bro Teddy who is just 14 and, if that became public knowledge, it would look really bad for him."

Matt didn't doubt what Casey had just told him and, to be honest, the wind went right out of his sails. Casey could see he had won the battle and just sat there waiting for Matt to respond.

Matt continued quietly: "So, OK, what is it you guys propose?"

Casey took over, leaving Mark out of the conversation. "I'm not proposing anything dude. I'm tellin you what's gonna happen. Chris is a fucking faggot whore and we are gonna use him as such as and when we feel like it. I mean, look on the bright side, he will enjoy every minute of it. Furthermore, you better understand that all your threats against Mark had better cease. I say, let matters rest as they are and let Chris take what's coming to him. I know he's your bro but he ain't some little dude you gotta protect. For fuck sake man, he is older than you."

Casey continued: "I have it on good authority too that you yourself were renting out Chris's ass. Jesus, and you have the nerve to lecture us. So, why not accept the situation dude and maybe give some thought to even joining us."

Matt looked at them both and said: "OK, I got no more to say. Let's just bury all the dirty laundry and let the chips fall where they may. Deal?"

Casey smiled his crocodile smile and said: "Deal. You OK with it all Mark?" Mark, still marvelling at Casey's guile, just nodded and said "Deal."

Casey and Mark got out of the car and Matt drove home feeling like he had lost not only the battle but the whole fucking war.


That evening after supper Matt went through to Chris's room. Unusually for him he did knock before entering.

He informed Chris: "I spoke with both Mark and Casey together this afternoon and I'm sorry to tell you dude that I made no impression on them. I tried to threaten Mark like I did before but Casey came to his rescue and threatened to expose you instead. He said that he has some incriminating pics of you and said also that you been messing with his young bro. Is it true?"

"Well, yeah, it is but the pics were taken by Andy and Pauly. How Casey got his hands on them I don't know. And as for Teddy, Casey himself forced me to give him head and so that is a crock of shit."

Matt replied: "Well, whatever the case, they are holding all the cards dude. If we don't want this whole thing to explode in our faces, you are just gonna have to go along with whatever those assholes want. As long as you do, all the bad stuff will remain hidden. You really are an idiot man."

"I know Matt, I know."


At 7.20 that evening Chris received an SMS from Teddy informing him that he and Anthony were at the restroom behind the junior high sport field stand as arranged and were waiting for him. Chris had been in his car and five minutes later parked a block away from the school under some trees and walked the rest of the way. He hopped the fence and slunk along in the shadows until he reached the designated spot. He knocked softly twice and immediately the door opened for him. He entered and Teddy locked the door behind him.

As Chris remembered, the area behind the stand comprised a parking lot which was well lit. The toilets had high narrow windows running the length of the outside wall and thus the light penetrated from outside and everything was clearly visible inside. From the outside no one would be aware that anyone was present inside the toilets and the need to "rush" was eliminated.

Chris greeted both boys and saw that they were nicely dressed wearing good jeans, warm shirts and sweaters. They were both looking really hot thought Chris.

"Excellent timing dude." said Teddy. "Let's have a quick look around."

The facility had the usual odor about it, smelling of piss mainly and cleaning agents, and Chris never marvelled that as soon as he entered such a place he immediately boned up. It had always been that way. The floor was a mess and they checked out the three stalls which appeared to be even worse. The cement floors of each of them were wet principally from piss where the boys using them had missed their mark. The toilet seats and covers were similarly wet with piss.

Anthony said laughing: "Jesus, Teddy, are you sure this ain't the pigs' toilet?" Teddy answered: "Dude, you may be right. Most of the guys in our grade are pigs anyway, not so?" That elicited another laugh.

Teddy asked Chris: "How did you do this when you were here before with Andy and Pauly dude?" Chris replied that he had seated himself on the toilet and Andy and Pauly had stood in front of him lowering their jeans and undies.

Teddy informed him: "Well the toilet seats are a mess and I ain't gonna lower my jeans on to the mess on that floor. I figure that goes for Anthony too. Let's check the urinal area."

It turned out that the space just before one took a step up towards the urinals was reasonably clean. Teddy turned towards Chris and suggested that they could use that space; Chris could kneel there and he and Anthony could just stand in front of him and slip their dicks through their unzipped jeans for him. "You agree Anthony?" he asked his friend. Anthony nodded "Sure" and so Teddy said "Let's do it that way then Chris. You go first Anthony since you are the guest." They smiled widely at each other.

Chris kneeled on the hard cement floor, which fortunately wasn't wet, and Anthony took up a position in front of him. Chris cupped Anthony's ass cheeks with both hands and pulled him closer so that his crotch was in his face. He unzipped Anthony's jeans, fished inside and slipped his by now hard dick through his briefs and jeans. It turned out that, unlike most of the guys, Anthony was uncut. He was leaking quite profusely and when Chris took the head of his dick into his mouth he could taste the salty precum as well as the residue of piss which had remained behind under Anthony's foreskin. Chris's dick got even harder.

Chris retracted Anthony's foreskin and proceeded to lick all around the head of his dick as Anthony, quite spontaneously, grabbed hold of Chris's head and started to move his dick in and out of his mouth. Chris clamped his lips around the shaft of Anthony's dick and simultaneously sucked on it vigorously in an attempt to get him to cum. It required only three or four more minutes before Anthony ejaculated and shot a good load of cum into Chris's mouth.

Teddy, who had been watching fascinated, instructed Chris to suck out the last few drops of Anthony's load and then informed the newcomer Anthony that Chris would swallow his jizz.

Anthony, while zipping up his jeans, informed Teddy that the blowjob had been awesome, and Anthony replied: "That's cool bro. Plenty more where that came from."

Chris then proceeded to suck off Teddy as well, who did his best to emulate his friend by giving Chris's face a good fucking. By now he was seriously horny and shot a good load into the older boy's mouth.

While Chris was brushing the dirt off his jeans and wiping his mouth, Teddy peaked outside the door to see if the coast was clear. They slunk along the edge of the building in the shadows and had soon hopped over the fence on to the side walk.

Teddy said to Anthony: "We better get our asses into gear dude. It's getting kinda late. Chris can give us a ride home."

To be continued.......

Next: Chapter 71: Christians Induction IV 13

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