Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on May 28, 2012



This is a work of fiction.

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Part One.

It was with an overwhelming sense of relief that the final day of Chris's senior year of high school dawned. The previous couple of weeks had not been a pleasant time for him and his isolation from the other students had continued. It would have been untruthful on his part if he had expected otherwise as he knew full well the stigma that attached to students who were "outted", either voluntarily or otherwise. He understood that this emanated from the others' desire not to be similarly branded as gay and thus bore the exclusion with equanimity. Since he had only a few weeks to go until graduation he was able to view the situation from afar as it were, and he even found the behavior of the other students quite amusing. This particularly applied to guys who had for some time enjoyed his sexual favors, e.g. Mark Nesbit; they made strenuous efforts to avoid him.

The bullying, however, had ceased as soon as word spread that he was not about to take it lying down. The situation of the junior who had called Chris a faggot to his face and who Chris had subsequently beaten the shit out of was even worse if that were possible. He would carry that ignominy forever. Chris thought it was hilarious. Randy continued his relationship with Chris as if nothing had happened and no one was prepared to question his sexuality because of it. Even the most loud-mouthed of the jocks avoided any confrontation with him.

Travis, who had made it clear to Chris that he was gay soon after Chris had been outted, was no exception either. Chris understood his situation and bore him no ill-will; he had his entire senior year ahead of him. If Chris had considered him boy-friend material, however, that notion was soon dispelled. The two of them did on occasion hook up on the down low but Chris soon realized that Travis had merely sensed Chris's outting as an opportunity to get the occasional blowjob. He had reciprocated on two occasions by jerking Chris off but that was as far as it went.

Fortunately the news of Chris's outting did not filter back to his parents. His occasional dating of Sandy Bishop helped in this regard. She obviously had a bit of a thing for Chris but let matters be. Matt too did not let on to them in any way although whenever he wanted a favor of Chris (chores, etc), he implied that if Chris did not agree he always had the option of putting the rents in the picture. It was not seriously meant though and Chris usually complied anyway.


At the time Nate and Randy had scared the shit out of Casey and retrieved the incriminating pictures of Chris from him, they had both individually made it clear to Chris that "he owed them one". Chris would have expected nothing less and soon after the Summer vacation months commenced, payback time had clearly arrived when Randy called him and informed him that Nate had issued an invitation to them to spend an evening at his cottage. Nate had apparently scored some prime weed and Randy, as was his wont, was able to lay his hands on a supply of beer. Randy enquired of Chris whether he would be able to source condoms.

Like Chris himself, Randy and Nate were clad only in PT shorts, tee shirts and sandals. It was perfect Summer weather. They settled back on the sofa and the two easy chairs, Randy making sure that with Nate's beady eyes on him, he did not put his feet on the furniture. Nate stretched out with relief after a day's hard work, legs apart and making no effort to conceal his package, while they passed from one to the other a joint and swigged their beers.

"Jesus, what a fuckin day." Nate remarked. "There's gotta be an easier way to make a few bucks. My feet are killin me." Randy smiled to himself as he was well aware that Nate had a portfolio of older guys from whom he extracted dough by one means or another.

"Chris dude, why don't you give ole Nate some relief? I'm pretty sure a foot massage would go down well."

Chris moved over to where Nate was sitting and settled himself at Nate's feet. He removed Nate's sandals and proceeded to massage his feet one at a time. Nate sighed contentedly and Chris, whose head was starting to spin from the weed, found that massaging Nate's feet was kinda intoxicating and that he was unexpectedly becoming aroused. He lifted Nate's feet one at a time and slowly licked under and between his toes. Randy meanwhile moved over to the sofa and settled himself next to Nate. Chris saw through his flimsy shorts that he was boned and that he was slowly fondling himself. While Chris held each of Nate's feet in one hand, Randy took his other hand and placed it on his distended crotch. He felt Randy's throbbing dick and had this overwhelming desire to slip it out from his shorts and take it in his mouth. He moved up from Nate's feet and slipped Nate's shorts down so that the waistband was under his balls; meanwhile Randy had done the same and Chris now had in each hand one of their dicks. He moved from one to the other, sucking on their leaking dicks in turn and tasting their sticky precum. Nate and Randy were both clearly close to shooting their loads and in turn they forced Chris's head down on their dicks as they shot copious loads into his mouth, which he dutifully swallowed.

"Fuckin awesome." said Randy to no-one in particular.

Nate and Randy rested on the sofa after their exertions while Chris flopped back on the carpet. They had lit another joint which they passed around. Randy said: "Chris dude. How about you go get us another beer? They should be real cold by now." Chris did as he was bid and the three of them lay back and relaxed.

It wasn't too long before Nate remarked: "Christ, this weed is fuckin beyond good. My dick refuses to rest." Turning to Randy he said: "Wanna go through to the bedroom dude? I think Chris deserves some real action." Randy replied: "Hell yeah man. Whatever."

Nate got up and lifted Chris to his feet by the scruff of his collar. "Come on babe, you gotta earn your keep." In Nate's bedroom they all stripped and Chris was instructed to get on the bed on all fours. Nate informed Randy: "Take it from me dude, this is the only position for a spit roast." Nate was already rock hard and, having had Chris roll a condom on his dick, pushed Chris's legs apart with his knees and slowly entered him. Chris, gritting his teeth, took Nate's dick without complaint and soon it was inserted up to the hilt in his ass. Nate started to pound away and told Randy to move ass and facefuck the boy. Randy grabbed Chris's hair with one hand and lifted his head: "Open up bitch." he instructed Chris. "I got somethin here for you to chew on." With that he forced his dick into Chris's mouth, slowly forcing it in as far as it would go. Chris was spluttering and choking but eventually was able to relax his throat muscles and master his gag reflex, allowing Randy full access to his throat. Nate informed Randy to tell him when he was close so that they could enjoy a joint orgasm and Chris found himself being rammed from both ends as the other two unloaded. Chris collapsed on the bed as Nate and Randy withdrew their dicks and as they walked to the bathroom to clean up, Nate instructed Chris to fetch another round of beers.

The three of them went back to the living room where they relaxed, while sharing another joint and further beers. Randy instructed Chris to get between his legs and to suckle his semi-hard dick and it wasn't long before Nate told Chris to move over to him, get between his legs and to suck on and lick his balls and softened cock.

Chris was subjected to another fucking thereafter, but this time the other two traded places. Nate fucked him less forcefully than Nate had, but Nate for his part subjected his mouth and throat to a brutal fucking which he would not forget for a long time to come.

At about 11.30 Nate and Randy were completely sated and told Chris he could go. Chris had used his own car and was soon at home. He slunk up to his room and collapsed on his bed in a semi daze. The realization dawned on him however that he had that night been forced into lower depths of submission than ever before, but also that he had now developed an aching need to submit to even further levels of depredation and abuse. He was surprised to find that he became erect at the thought of it and wondered whether he might soon once again be forced into a state of subjugation by Nate and Randy, or, who knew, perhaps by some other guys. He slept with his mind in a state of turmoil that night.


Chris found that he was irresistibly drawn to visiting the video games arcade and the skatepark as he had before. The young boys who frequented those places had a powerful attraction for him and he enjoyed sitting there with a soda scoping them out. A few of them seemed to sense that they were being watched and would make little effort to hide their interest. Whenever they passed him on the way to the restroom they would give him knowing looks and as they entered the facility would look back to see his reaction. Chris knew that this behavior meant only one thing, namely, that they were more than willing to have their cocks sucked.

One afternoon at the skatepark he was sitting on the grass looking on to see if he knew any of the kids who were all doing their best to outdo the others. Suddenly from behind he heard a young voice exclaim "Hiya dude!" and felt his cap being pushed forward over his face. He looked around and saw the smiling face of Teddy, Casey's younger bro. He was accompanied by his best bud Anthony, who also was all smiles.

"Hiya guys". he responded. "How ya doin?" He looked them over and his previous estimate of them was confirmed; they definitely were junior high properties of the highest order. "Long time no see."

"Ain't that the truth." said Teddy. "But whose fault is that? Certainly not ours. Right?" He and Anthony flopped down beside Chris on the grass.

"I guess so." replied Chris lamely. "I'm sure you heard what happened with Casey though. That kinda put a damper on things."

"Well dude," continued Teddy "what Casey does is his own business. It don't concern us. Right Ant?" Anthony nodded his agreement.

Teddy continued: "Chris I figure you would pretty much like to meet up with us again like before. Am I right?"

Chris knew he was hooked and just nodded.

"Well where's the problem?" asked Teddy. "Me and Ant been thinkin a lot about how you did us in the restroom behind the stand at our school playing field and a repeat would definitely be good. I still got the key Pauly gave me; I knew it would come in handy again sometime."

They had no sooner confirmed each other's cell phone numbers when someone appeared before them seemingly out of nowhere. It was Casey and Chris inwardly groaned. He knew that he should never have renewed his acquaintance with Teddy and Anthony. It was asking for trouble.

"Well! Well! Well!" said Casey. "What have we here then? A high school grad putting the make on two junior high boys maybe, huh?"

Teddy chimed in. "It weren't nuthin like that bro. Really. We were just chattin."

"Shut up you little punk!" Casey grabbed the piece of paper with Chris's cell number written on it out of Teddy's hand and said to the two younger kids: "Scram! Both of you. Me and queerboy here got some unfinished business to discuss." Teddy and Anthony slunk away without looking back.

"So, queerboy, did you really think you would get away with that shit you pulled on me? Huh? Luckily for you the only guys at school who know about it are your butt buddy Randy and my bud Mark. We swim team guys got each others' backs boy, so I can depend on Mark to keep his trap shut. He's told me all about you dude; how you would eat shit if he told you to. He advised me to bide my time and it seems he was right. Caught you right in the act, didn't I?" Casey laughed. "Maybe I don't got the pics no more but I still got you by the balls asshole. We are basically right back where we started, ain't we?"

Casey continued: "Well, the good news for you is that I don't intend to report you to the rents or the cops. But that depends on you. That's where the bad news comes in. You gonna be at my beck and call mister. If I say jump, you ask how high. That's he way it's gonna be from now on. Do I make myself quite clear queerboy?"

Chris knew he was completely at Casey's mercy once again and merely nodded yeah.

Casey went on: "Good. I'm glad we understand each other. I think we should maybe seal the deal. Let's go up to the restroom."

When they entered the restroom Casey pushed Chris into one of the cubicles and then down on to the piss strewn toilet seat. He unzipped his jeans and took out his cock which he pushed against Chris's mouth.

"Open up asshole." he instructed Chris and shoved his dick into his mouth. "Get it hard and get me off." Chris soon had Casey's cock rock hard in his mouth and went to work on it with gusto. He wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. It took but five minutes before Casey blew his load into Chris's mouth. "Swallow it down bitch." he exhorted the panting Chris. He withdrew his dick from Chris's mouth, squeezed the last drops of his cum on to his finger and rubbed his finger over Chris's lips. "OK asshole, consider the deal sealed." he smirked.

As they exited the restroom Casey informed Chris he required a ride home. Before he exited the car, he said: "One more thing asshole. My lil bro is part of this arrangement. Whatever he wants from you, no matter what, you do it. If Teddy has a problem with you, he'll report it to me."


Chris drove home in a completely deflated state of mind, not understanding how he had managed to get himself into this new predicament.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 78: Christians Induction V 2

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