Christians Induction

By Jase Jason

Published on Jun 11, 2012



This is a work of fiction.

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Part Three.

Teddy called Chris the next morning and informed him that he had arranged with Pauly that they would collect him and Andy on Saturday. Chris had decided that he would not tell anyone at home about this proposed trip; he would surely have run into all sorts of obstacles and enquiries. He was still worried about his car's ability to perform the trip though but he suddenly remembered having run into Joey at the video games arcade some time ago. He had asked Joey what he was doing on this side of town and Joey had told him he knew of a part-time motor mechanic who worked on old model cars and who was cheap, no doubt because of the fact that the owners of old cars were usually high school or college kids.

Chris gave Joey a call, who was surprised to hear from him. Joey laughed and said: "Jesus dude have you now reached the stage where you have to call guys up to get a taste of dick?" Chris ignored the remark and replied:

"Joey I believe Andy is visiting you for a coupla weeks?"

"Yeah." replied Joey. "So?"

"Well, Teddy, the younger of the two dudes who moved into the Nystrom house when they relocated, has invited Pauly to visit him while his bro is away and he has asked me to collect Pauly and Andy who as usual are short of dough. As you know my car ain't in that great a shape and I was wondering if you could connect me with the mechanic you told me about when I saw you last. Kinda for a quick check-up."

Joey replied: "Yeah, I could do that I guess. If today is OK, meet me at the arcade at lunch time. I'll give the guy a call in the meantime and set it up."

Not for the first time, Chris thought Joey was a cool guy.

"OK. See you then Joey."


When Chris arrived at the arcade he saw Joey's car parked across the street. He entered the arcade and looked around. He saw one or two guys he recognized and they gave him enquiring stares. He saw Joey at the back and walked over to him.

"Hiya Chris. Long time no see. I kinda missed you."

"Yeah, yeah." replied Chris.

Joey laughed. "It's true dude. This older chick I been seeing is kinda religious and she doesn't think it's cool to suck dick. I mean how backward is that? Anyway I'm kinda stringin her along coz I have a feeling that once she gets the taste, there'll be holdin her back."

"Interestin." replied Chris. Normally he loved this type of conversation but today he was focussed on getting his car looked over. "Listen, can we go see this guy of yours?"

"Sure. Let's go."

The mechanic guy was a typical back-yard mechanic type but he seemed to know what he was doing and did all the obligatory checks. He pronounced the car to be in pretty good shape but suggested replacing the fan belt. He produced a new one and fitted it. At the end of the exercise Chris was pleasantly surprised at how little the guy asked for payment.

As they left Joey said: "He woulda probly done the job for free with a blowjob thrown in."

He continued: "This buncha assholes you gonna collect, I don't suppose any of them have got a driver's licence huh?"

"I guess not." replied Chris. "How come?"

"Well, I was figurin there's plenty space in your car for five. You want me to join you?"

Chris hadn't given it a thought previously but, on reflection, it sounded like a good idea. Joey could help with the driving and, if they had car trouble, he sure as hell would be better equipped to deal with it than Chris himself.

"Sure Joey, if you wanna. Can you fit Saturday in on your busy schedule?"

Joey smiled. "I'll have to check with my secretary but I'm pretty sure it'll be OK."

They finalized the details and Chris drove home feeling a lot better than when he had arrived.


On Saturday morning Joey drove over to the old Nystrom residence which he knew well from his days of visiting Andy and met up with Teddy and Chris. Joey said to Teddy: "Get in the back kid." and they were soon on their way. Chris had withdrawn some money from his bank savings account where he had birthday and Christmas money stashed, as he knew that everyone except possibly Teddy would be short of dough. He also brought along his bank card in case of emergencies.

The trip to the Nystroms' new home town was uneventful and not much was said. Chris was driving and the other two were taken up with studying the dreary surrounding countryside and the excitement of the trip. When they were close to their destination Teddy gave Pauly a call and they were given instructions on how to reach the house. They found it without difficulty as the town was "Hicksville" personified. "Jesus, what a fuckin dump." Joey commented.

The three Nystrom boys and their father Bob were all standing on the porch when they arrived. Pleasantries were exchanged and Andy and Pauly were keen to get going. Chris got the impression that Bob was not too averse to getting the boys temporarily off his hands and probably shared the disappointment of George, the youngest of his three sons, that George would not be accompanying the others.

Bob enquired of Andy: "You got the money I gave you son?"

"Yeah, Bob, I got that $10 safely tucked away in my pocket." Andy replied, giving Joey a shake of the head.

Chris was surprised to note that Andy had shot up by at least two inches since he had last seen him and had a stringbean look about him. Pauly had filled out a bit. Andy's attitude seemed to have a touch of superiority about it now and Chris thought back to the young kid who had originally approached him in the video arcade. Pauly however was having none of Andy's crap and ignored him when Andy tried to boss him around. It was decided that Joey would drive at least for the first portion of the return journey and so his buddy Andy joined him up front. They were soon engaged in discussing what had been going on in their lives and mutual acquaintances. Chris, Pauly and Teddy piled in the back and Pauly suggested that Chris sit between him and Teddy. Chris was impressed with Joey's driving ability and decided that that he could drive the whole way if he wanted to.

The three in the back listened to the conversation taking place up front but tired after a while of hearing about, probably fictitious, sexual conquests and other happenings. Andy informed Joey what a fucking backwater they now lived in and Pauly turned to Chris and said: "It really is a dump dude. No fuckin action at all. Everybody goes to Church and the chicks don't put out. And the gay boys, "I mean me and Andy can spot em a mile off right?", aren't about to suck no cock. I get loads of glances but that's as far as it goes."

Pauly leaned around Chris to address Teddy. "It's real cool of you to invite me to visit dude. I ain't been nowhere in quite a while. So your bro is visitin family huh?"

Teddy replied: "Yeah, I was also invited but I'd sooner chill at home with my buds. And then you mentioned that Andy would be visitin Joey here, so I thought maybe you would like to visit too. You will be sleepin in Casey's room."

Pauly laughed and said to Andy: "You hear that dude? I'll finally be sleepin in your old room." Andy turned around and gave him a dismissive look.

Pauly turned to Teddy again and asked: "You still got that key I left for you dude?"

Teddy, coming out of his shell at last, replied: "Fuck yeah bro. It's my key to paradise man. Right Chris?" The others all laughed and Teddy felt he was now finally part of the group.

There was a lull in the conversation and Chris felt Pauly's leg pushing and rubbing up against his. Pauly said to him quietly: "Been some time since you saw lil Pauly huh?" Chris nodded yeah. "It's grown a bit dude. Here take a feel." With that he took Chris's hand and put it on his crotch. He was totally hard and Chris rubbed it slowly.

Pauly continued: "We all friends here dude. No need to be shy. Take it out and say hello." Chris unzipped Pauly's jeans and felt inside. Pauly's dick was throbbing through his briefs and Chris had this compulsive need to take it in his mouth. He slipped Pauly's dick through the slit in his briefs and went hungrily down on it.

"Mmmm. That's it dude. Suck on it like you mean it. I ain't had a hot pair of lips on it for some time. I been savin it up for you."

The other three kept quiet although Teddy was sitting next to Chris kinda bug-eyed. Pauly continued soothingly: "You doin fine dude. I can tell lil Pauly loves it. Keep suckin on it and use your tongue babe. That's the reason you got a tongue: to please dudes like me. Oh yeah! Go faster now babe coz I'm close and I don't wanna miss one second of the sensation."

Pauly suddenly bucked in his seat and Chris felt the hot smooth load from Pauly's dick flood his mouth. He swirled Pauly's load around his mouth and over his tongue and, once he had savored the sweet salty taste, swallowed it down.

Pauly relaxed as his dick slowly softened in Chris's mouth and instructed Chris to keep his dick in his mouth and suckle on it. Chris sucked slowly on Pauly's semi-hard dick giving it a loving tongue job. After a minute or two Chris felt Pauly's hands in a firm grip behind his head as he unleashed a strong and long stream of piss into his mouth. Chris swallowed as fast as he could and avoided spilling any of it on Pauly's jeans. Pauly sighed and relaxed completely.

Pauly noticed that Teddy was sitting in his seat bug-eyed at what had happened and laughed: "Don't look so shocked Teddy. That's what dudes like Chris are there for. To please guys like us. Right Chris?" Chris didn't reply; he just sat there panting from his exertions.


After they had been on the road for about an hour Joey said:

"There's one of those one-horse gas stations up ahead. Snack shop too. You need to piss Chris?"

Chris replied: "I guess." and the others enjoyed a good laugh, especially Teddy Chris noted.

Joey pulled up outside the snack shop and Chris got out and went round to the side of the building where the john was situated. Andy whispered something to Joey who laughed. Andy got out of the car and entered the shop while Joey started the car and drove around to the back of the building. Andy approached the counter and a pimply faced kid said: "Yeah?" Andy bought some gum and then told the kid that one of their friends was in the john. When he discovered that the car was no longer there, would the kid tell him the car had driven off. The kid laughed and said "Sure." With that Andy walked around the other side of the building and hopped into the car.

Chris did indeed need a piss and afterwards washed out his mouth hoping to eradicate the taste of Pauly's piss. He exited the washroom and walked around to the shop, only to discover that his car was no longer there. He couldn't believe it. He looked around and could see no trace of it. With a sense of panic he entered the shop and asked the sullen faced kid behind the counter if he had seen what had happened to the car that was parked out front.

"Yeah, dude, you think I'm blind or somethin? It drove off thataway about five minutes ago." A sense of panic really gripped Chris now and even more so when he realised that his billfold containing his money and bank card were in the pocket of his jacket which he had left in the car. He went outside again and waited to see whether the car might put in an appearance. Ten minutes went by and he was almost in tears.

Suddenly he heard the noise of an engine and his car appeared from around the side of the building. Andy called to him: "You finally get rid of that load dude? You sure took long enough."

He hopped in the car next to Pauly who said to Andy: "For fuck sake give the man some gum. He smells like a piss house." Chris took the gum and started to chew on it. To Chris, Pauly said: "Dude you really gotta carry some gum on you. You never know when one of your buds needs to piss." The others chuckled.


The rest of the journey passed off uneventfully without any major mishap. On reaching Teddy's house, Joey and Andy left in Joey's car, but not until Andy had said to Chris: "We'll be in touch soon dude." Teddy said: "Wanna join me and Pauly upstairs dude?" Chris declined on the pretext that he had to get back home as it was kinda late. Pauly chipped in: "Awww pity dude. OK then we'll give you a call tomorrow."

To be continued.........

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