Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Dec 4, 2008


Nifty, this is a new story I submit for posting.

Warning! This story contains sexually explicit behavior between males, so, if you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail address making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Introduction: Christmas Cocks and Cousins

I was eagerly anticipating another Christmas with family. I think last Christmas was the best Christmas of my life: Santa came early in December 2007. I don't think anything will ever equal or surpass it. Let me tell you all about it and what is planned for Christmas 2008.

I hadn't visited my aunt and uncle in three years. Mom and Dad were off taking a Christmas pilgrimage to the old country. Dad had done much genealogical research on his side of the family as well as Mom's side, so they were off to central and northwestern Europe in search of their roots. After two years of pure boredom in college I'd grown restless with academia, enlisting in the Army late summer 2007. I was due to graduate from basic training at Fort Knox just before Christmas and then it was two weeks leave before I had to report for advanced training January 2008. With Mom and Dad off on their six weeks Christmas sojourn I would be spending my leave time with my aunt, uncle and cousins in southern Illinois.

I hadn't seen my dad's brother and family since I graduated from high school. Their oldest boy, my first cousin, would turn eighteen on January 18, 2008. On my last visit Danny was a freshman in high school. Danny and I had always gotten along and played as kids, but that was about it nothing special between us. I was looking forward to the visit, especially to see how Danny had developed over the past three years. I'd seen few photographs and he looked good. If I couldn't spend Christmas with Mom and Dad the next best thing was Dad's younger brother and family. The last days of basic training were quickly winding down.

The final week of basic was really a breeze. We finished our training and did rehearsals for the graduation ceremony. The day before graduation was set aside as family day. Since I had no family coming to see me graduate I worked as an orderly for the First Sergeant and Captain. While doing chores in the orderly room one of my Drill Sergeants offered me a ride halfway to my uncle's place in southern Illinois.

My DI had received orders reassigning him to the 101st at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He told me the day before graduation that if I wanted a ride as far as Evansville, Indiana, I was welcome to ride along with him. Like most Army NCOs he would be leaving before breakfast, early Friday morning the day after graduation. Due to sign-out and sign-in dates I was going to end up with a little more than fourteen days leave time and hopefully I wouldn't be charged with the overage. The offer of a ride was enticing and would save me at least a half day as well as money, so I agreed. The indoor graduation went well at the field house. There was a little nip to the air, but not too bad.

We stood in formation while awards were handed out, speeches delivered and then finally we were all released for our two weeks leave. The next morning I met DI Murphy wearing my uniform with my duffle bag in front of the company area at 0500 hours. I threw my bag in the back of his loaded pickup truck and we were off. I slept most of the way into Louisville, but once we connected with I-64 west Sergeant Murphy pulled into a truck stop for breakfast.

Once we finished eating I called my uncle and told him we were headed west and when we expected to be at the truck stop, I-64 and Highway 41, just north of Evansville. The drive from the farm to the truck stop would take about an hour and half. The ride to Evansville was uneventful. Sergeant Murphy let me out at the fuel stop where we bid each farewell and good luck. I thanked him for the ride. As my ride pulled away Uncle Jack pulled up. I was excited yet relaxed meeting my uncle and Danny.

The first thing I noticed was the amazing transformation my Cousin Danny had made into a handsome young man in three short years. I was wowed by my cousin's good looks. We all hugged and then immediately got into Uncle Jack's big Suburban for the journey back to the farm. For some unexplained reason I found myself for the first time somewhat sexually attracted to my younger cousin. I couldn't understand those feelings of desire for my cousin. Oh, I had had my share of male on male sexual encounters since puberty, but had never had any sexual lustful feelings for family members.

I'd been brought up in a religious setting where the church taught not lust after family. Incest was a behavior not tolerated, including sex between first cousins. Since we were teens I'd secretly yearned to engage Danny in sexual trysts, and would have pursued him if he wasn't my cousin. As we rode towards the farm my mind was spinning with thoughts about what it might be like to have him in bed with me making love to him throughout my Christmas leave.

As the three of us sat in the front bench seat of the behemoth SUV Danny's leg kept touching mine in a sensuous manner as we rode. I didn't give it a second thought; three men sitting side by side in the front seat. Each time Danny rubbed against my leg it was as if electricity went through my body, making my cock jump. A couple of times Danny's hand came to rest on my thigh. Oh how I wished we were alone in the vehicle so he could let his hand slide up my leg feeling the semi hard cock hidden beneath my uniform. There was much conversation on the trip to the farm, catching up on the past, so I dismissed the touches as innocent.

Once we arrived at the old farm I was relieved to get out of the confines of the SUV and stretch. As we entered the house we found that Aunt Alice had lunch waiting for us. Open face turkey sandwiches with gravy, potato salad and coffee. After we finished chow Danny gave me a grand tour of the farm, nothing much had changed. Some new animals and couple new pieces of farm machinery to point out, but it took up the rest of the afternoon. As we walked around we quickly discovered with maturity we seemed much closer than when we were kids. We made are way back to the house by late afternoon.

Once back at the house Aunt Alice announced that we would be having Swiss steak, gravy and mashed potatoes with homemade biscuits for dinner. One of my favorites; I loved her cooking, and was sure I'd put on a few ponds before my leave was over. There would also be fresh baked apple pie. After consuming our evening meal we all adjourned to the parlor to visit.

The parlor in old time houses is what is now referred to as the family room. As I sat across from Danny I noticed he was staring at me, but then his eyes would quickly glance elsewhere. Every once in a while he would adjust the package in his Levis. I thought I could make out the outline of an erection running down the inseam. I was mesmerized by his good looks; again, I was becoming aroused by the handsome young man across form me. Of course I had to control myself with the smaller children surrounding me.

Aunt Alice and Uncle Jack had two boys and two girls. The other children were all great looking kids too. They surrounded me as I talked about the Army. Tim who was no longer little Timmy sat on the floor next to my right leg gazing up adoringly at me. Timmy was younger than his brother by two years and almost as sexy looking as big brother. But like me he had Chestnut brown hair and took after his dad as for as looks. The two girls who sat attentively by my side on the couch were ten and twelve. They were going to make two young men very happy in a few years. They all wanted to hear about the exciting things I'd been doing in the Army the past weeks. They listened intently as I explained all about Basic Combat Training and where I was going next.

After an evening of sharing photos, story telling and delicious desert Uncle Jack finally broke the conversation up just before ten stating that it was bedtime. He asked if I minded sharing a bed with Danny as he had a big twin bed in his own room on the third floor of the stately old farm house. Apparently Danny and his dad had transformed the old attic room on the third floor into a bedroom for Danny. Of course Timmy whined wanting to know why I couldn't sleep with him.

Uncle Jack told his son that Danny and I were closer in age that's why we were paired up for sleeping arrangements. I made Timmy a promise that before I departed I'd spend a night with him. That seemed to satisfy him. The three younger siblings slept in the second floor bedrooms while my aunt and uncle occupied the big master bedroom on ground level. I acknowledged that after sleeping with a bunch of guys for the last two and half months at Fort Knox there was no problem sharing a room and bed with Danny.

I had slept with Danny and Timmy many times before when we were kids, so that was nothing new. Danny got up motioning for me to follow him upstairs. I picked up my duffle bag and followed my cousin up the stairs to the third floor. As I followed my head was full of images of Danny naked. I was hoping to get a preview of Danny's hot ass once we got upstairs and ready for bed, but moreover what I'd like to do with his bare ass. Once we got to his to his room he explained, "We remodeled and installed a small bathroom with shower stall up here Dude."

"Yep, you could fit a platoon in this room," I remarked, "this place is as big as an Army barracks."

Danny laughed and said, "Towels are in the cabinet next to the door before you enter the bathroom your welcome to use the shower first."

"Thanks," I said as I started shucking my uniform. Once I was down to my skivvies I grabbed my shaving kit making a beeline for the bathroom to wash the road grime and stink from the trip off my body. I lathered up and washed my scalp and them my body. I was tired and in no mood to jack off; otherwise, I would have. After the shower I shaved and brushed my teeth before reentering the bedroom. Danny was no where to be found when I returned. I put on a clean pair of underwear and T-shirt and then began looking around Danny's room before crawling under the covers.

I left room in the bed for Danny and was looking forward to his warm body in bed next to me. Danny returned and without a word was into the bathroom for his shower. I could hear the shower go on and then after a few minutes go off. After a couple minutes Danny appeared in the room with a bath towel wrapped around his waist. I couldn't help but admire his very well-developed and tanned body, especially his pecs. His wet black hair was combed back setting off a perfect face. The black eyebrows set off his smoldering eyes. The big smile exposed his white perfect teeth. He'd inherited his good looks, hair color and skin tone from his mother who was half Italian.

What really caught my attention was the black treasure trail leading from his belly button disappearing into the towel around his waist. For me that was so sexy and I wanted to see the treasure at the end of the trail. Danny turned away from me, whereby he dropped the towel, and then bent over to pull on clean pair underwear. Damn, he had a phat looking ass; very clean and smooth, very edible, very fuckable I thought to myself. I got a quick glimpse of his balls and cock hanging between his legs while he pulled up his skivvies. "You're lookin good Cuz," I remarked, "great body from what I remember of you compared to three years ago."

"Yeah, I played sports all through high school and worked the farm on summers. Not the same geeky body that I used to have."

"So, what we got to look forward to for the next two weeks together Cuz?"

"Tomorrow Mom and Dad are taking the kids to a Christmas pageant in St. Louis. They'll spend the day doing some Christmas shopping and then eat before attending the pageant in the evening. You can go with them if you want or hang with me," Danny said.

"I'll hang with you and chill Cuz, or maybe I better go with them to do some shopping. I need to get me some civilian clothes. I'm gonna need something to wear for the next two weeks."

"You and me we're about the same size Cuz," Danny said as he shuffled around in his closet. "Here, try these on," Danny threw a pair of faded Levis and a Pendleton shirt on the bed for me to try on. I threw the covers back and got out of bed. I pulled on the Levis and the shirt, both fit perfectly. "No need to buy any clothes as long as you're here we'll just share mine," Danny said.

"Thanks Cuz."

"Then there's no excuse for you not stayin here keeping me company tomorrow. You know, I'll probably be doing the same thing you're doin this time next year," Danny said, "So, we got a lot to talk about over the next two weeks."

"What's that?" I asked but I really wanted more action than conversation.

"I'll probably be spending my next Christmas on leave from the Army. I've already talked to the Army recruiter that came to the high school. I'll probably enlist before I graduate to be ready for basic afterwards."

"Wow, I had no idea you wanted to go into the Army."

"Yep, gonna try the Army Ranger program as my enlistment option," Danny said proudly. "I'll do all my training at Fort Benning, Georgia. The recruiter told me that I could arrange my leaves pretty much the way I wanted them. I would have to tell the personnel people during basic, so I decided to do basic, AIT and jump school and then take a Christmas leave before starting Ranger school. After Ranger school I'll be assigned to one of the Ranger battalions in the 75th Infantry."

"Damn tough program Cuz. I applaud your courage and commitment."

"Yeah, that's what the recruiter said, but I'm gonna give it a go. Oh, don't say anything to Mom and Dad about me joining the Army."

Danny walked over descending the steps to let his parents know that I was going to hang with him tomorrow and not to wake us up.

When he reentered the room he switched off the overhead light and as he approached the bed said, "Scoot over let me climb in Dude."

I scooted over in the bed and Danny climbed in beside me. Damn, his body was warm; furthermore, he smelled good. We talk for a few minutes before Danny snapped of the lamp on the night table. It had been a long day; besides there would be more time for conversation in the morning. We both fell asleep in a matter of minutes. When I awoke light was streaming through the window and Danny was gone. I got up and pulled on the Levis and Pendleton before making my way downstairs.

Once I was on the ground floor I smelled fresh coffee and bacon. Danny was frying the pork slices when I poked my head into the kitchen, "Howdy."

"Hey Cuz, what's up."


"How you want your eggs?"

"Not particular same as yours."

"I'm havin scrambled. By the way the bacon and eggs are all grown here on the farm."

"Sounds great," I said and then asked, "Where's the coffee cups?"

Danny handed me a coffee mug from the shelf. I poured a full cup and sat down to enjoy some homemade brew while staring at Danny's body and butt. His shitless body revealed a beautiful back with nice definition.

Chapter 1: Discovery

After breakfast the two of us drank the rest of the coffee from the pot before retiring to the parlor. Once in the parlor Danny sat on the couch, grabbed the remote and turned on the television. I sat on the other end as we made small talk. I had a stiff neck. Maybe from the way I slept. Anyway it was obvious my neck hurt the way I kept twisting my head back and forth trying to ease the pain.

"What's wrong Dude?" Danny asked.

"My neck and shoulder are givin me pain. I guess it's all that exercise in basic catching up."

"Come over here and set between my legs I'll work the knots and kinks out," Danny said motioning me over. "The guys on the football team say I'm really pretty good at it."

I got up and walked around the coffee table. I took a seat between Danny's powerful legs. He began working the muscles in my neck and shoulders. My moans and sighs of pleasure must have sent a signal that whatever he was doing he was doing it correctly. His hands felt so good on my neck and shoulders. I secretly wished his hands would move down and massage my cock.

Suddenly, Danny took hold of my head gently rolling it back into his crotch. I could feel my head come to rest on his cock. It felt hard. He then began massaging the front and sides of my neck. His thumb worked my jaw, the TMJ area, while his fingers worked the area beneath. Oh man my cousin's fingers were performing magic. As far as I was concerned he could do what he was doing all day long.

Unbeknownst to me Danny's hands and fingers were slowly creeping down the front of my chest his fingers lightly rubbing and tracing around my pecs. I didn't really notice what he was doing at first as I was into the pleasure of the massage. His fingers must have brushed against one of my nipples, because before I knew it his forefinger and thumb began tenderly tweaking both my nipples. Within seconds my nipples were standing at attention beneath my T-shirt. My nipples are super sensitive and will become hard as steel within seconds of stimulation.

Without thinking I sighed, "I'll give you an hour to stop that."

"Only an hour," Danny replied with a snicker.

"I mean..."

"Just shut the fuck up and enjoy what I'm doing Cuz. If you're as sensitive as me you may cum before the hour is up," Danny said with a chuckle.

"Oh wow. I was just wondering, you know, is this part of all massages you do with other Dudes?"

"Depends on the Dude."

"What do you mean by that?" I opened my eyes looking up into my cousins smiling face.

He just smiled back at me saying, "Do you think I can make you cum just playing with your nipples?"

"Probably, others have," I replied, "By the way how'd you know that I'd be receptive to your sexual advances?"

"Same DNA Dude; besides, who said what I'm doing is sexual."

We both laughed. Damn, Danny's fingers felt so good stimulating my hard nipples. I'd had my nipples played with by others, both females and males, but Danny was the Prince of nipple play. Of course my cock was rock hard and I could feel that Danny's was too. Finally, Danny reached down and slipped the Pendleton off and then began rolling my T-shirt up pulling it over my head.

Once he had my chest bare he began playing with my hard little nubs again. I was breathing hard, my heart was racing and my cock was aching. Soon I felt my cousin's hot breath moving closer to my neck and then my ear. He began kissing my neck and ear in a lustful manner. Then his tongue began titillating my ear before he whispered, "Cuz you gonna let me fuck you?"

I shook with anticipation and desire. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I saw you lookin at me last night. I figured that you probably need a good fuckin to release all the pent up sexual energy after all those weeks in basic."

Surely I was dreaming. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from what I thought was my straight eight cousin. My lustful fantasies on the ride from Evansville to the farm were going to come true momentarily. The rubbing of his leg against mine was intentional. So, I ask the question back, "Are you gonna let me fuck you?"

"I thought you'd never ask. Hell, I was ready to get fucked last night but I knew you were tired. In fact, I was ready when I was fifteen the last time you were here and we slept in the same bed down stairs with Timmy."

"Damn, I didn't know you were gay Danny."

"Who said I'm gay. I just likes to suck and fuck guys. Timmy and I been playin around for `bout a year now."

"You're kidding me."

"Nope, he's gettin to be pretty good partner, but we have to be careful."

"Surprises, surprises," I said, "So, what about your folk's when will they be back?"

"Late tonight. They'll shop all day and then have dinner in St. Louis before they attend the pageant in the evening and then drive back."

"That's so cool," I replied.

"Yeah if we don't waste anytime we can probably get at least three good fucks in before they get back, maybe four. Depends on how quick you recover from each one," Danny said with a smile.

I couldn't believe my ears as Danny continued playing with my nipples. Damn, they'd grown and were hard as bullets sticking out of my chest. Suddenly Danny said, "Get up turn around and sit on my lap. We gotta lot of foreplays before I fucks you Cuz."

I stood up to disrobe, but Danny was unbuttoning the fly on the Levis. My pants dropped to the floor and I stepped out of them. Danny took off everything but his drawers as he sat on the couch, kicking his Levis free from his feet. I kneeled straddling my cousin positioning my legs on the outside of his legs. I sat in his lap facing him. I could feel the erection buried beneath Danny's underwear poking up into my butt crack. Danny leaned in without a word taking one of my nipples into his mouth whereby he began gently biting on it.

"Oh yes, suck on my nipples Cuz," I moaned as I held the back of his head.

He would bite and suck on one and then the other, sending waves of pleasure surging through my body. Danny's teeth would lightly grip a nub and then brush the tip of his tongue across it. His tongue circled the darker areola and then back to the pink nipple. Oh shit, he was driving me mad with desire; he had me on the verge of ejaculating more than once. However, sensing my edge he would release the nipple and began lightly kissing my pecs just before I would cum. He pulled my face close engaging my lips in a soulful kiss where our tongues dueled inside our mouths.

"Oh God, let's get upstairs so you can fuck me," was all I could whisper back as we broke our kiss.

"Not so fast we got all day and a lot more foreplay before I fucks you," Danny replied.

He then began whispering to me what he had planned. "I want to suck your dick and fuck you, but most of all I want to eat your ass out and then fuck your brains out Cuz. The first time you cum I want it to be like a high pressure fire hose discharging its load."

"Oh fuck yes," I replied breathless.

"Just sit back and enjoy the ride Cuz."

"Oh I plan to."

"Now, let's take a look at each other fully naked."

I backed off my cousin's lap and stood up. Danny sat in front of me with his fingers in the waistband of my skivvies. He leaned in kissing the bulge in the front of my drawers; he was tasting the wet spot. "Umm, mighty tasty," Danny murmured. He slowly pulled my skivvies down exposing my hard cock. Once free my stiff schlong slapped back against my stomach making a noise as it hit my abdomen.

Danny looked at it and said, "Very nice Cuz. I'm totally gonna enjoy this thing for the next two weeks."

He reached out to taking my cock in his hand. He tugged on it pulling my fire crotch closer to his face and then his warm wet mouth engulfed the pink cockhead and first couple inches. He teased my cockhead with his tongue. All I could do was stand there in front of him weak kneed moaning with pleasure as he licked my piss slit for more precum.

After some soulful teasing Danny began bobbing up and down on my cock as his hands gripped my ass cheeks. He was kneading them and sucking on my cock in earnest. I put my hands on Danny's beautiful black hair holding him into me. I wanted to cum and let my cousin eat it all. Danny pulled off looking up at me he said, "Not so fast Cuz."

He pushed me back a little so he could stand up. Once on his feet he dropped his drawers and out popped a beautiful prong slapping his belly.

"Wow!" I exclaimed that whopper is a beauty, whereby I dropped to my knees in front of him. I grabbed the shaft and began sucking the first few inches of his cock.

I felt his hands on my shaved head as I grasp his buns. Danny's black bush had a nice aroma to it; maybe it was the soap he used. As I sucked on his cock I fondled his balls. We both had hairless nut sacs. I wanted to take it all into my mouth but his cock was too long. I pulled my mouth off his cock and began kissing my way down the length of the shaft to his scrotum. I would take one nut and then the other into my mouth rolling it around and humming. Danny kept a grip on my head as he moaned with pleasure.

After much oral play we both fell back on the couch me on the bottom and Danny on top. Our bodies locked together we ground our cock's into each other. Both of us were sweating bullets. The smell of raw sex was in the air. We both could smell it. "I think we need to take this show on the road three floors up," Danny said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

We picked up our clothes and headed up the steps to Danny's third floor loft. Once we got into the room Danny said that we should each shower, paying special attention to making sure our assholes were super clean. The shower stall was only big enough for one adult, so I took my shower first. While I was in the stall Danny was in the bedroom laying out all the stuff in preparation for a great session of fucking and sucking.

[Readers, if you want me to continue this Christmas tale of two cousins give me some feedback. Let me know if you enjoy the story, what you think of the writing and development of characters thus far.]

Next: Chapter 2

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