Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Nov 7, 2009


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

Please note that I now have a second e-mail address. E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 26: Surprising Revelations

I'd suffered a fitful night trying to get some sleep in the same bed next to Mike. His manly scent kept wafting across my nose, making my horny mind lust for my bedmate. When I awoke just before dawn Mike was sprawled across the bed on his stomach, his face and head resting on my right arm and shoulder area. His arm was stretched across my chest. I looked down the length of his body, noticing his scrumptious buns. My cock was throbbing, wanting Mike to ease forward a couple of inches and begin suckling my nipple while his hand moved down my body finding my awaiting manhood.

Mike made no such moves he was fast asleep. I wanted Mike in the worst way, but I kept my hands to myself. I eased out from under Mike's grasp to get up and take a piss. I crept silently to the bathroom down the hall trying not to wake anyone in the house where I could blow off my morning woody. I splashed water in my face to wash the sleep out of my eyes before returning to the bedroom.

On the way back down the hall I smelled the aroma of fresh coffee brewing and thought I heard voices coming from downstairs. I stopped in my tracks, listening, I recognized the one voice as that of Mrs. Alvarez, but didn't recognize the other. Back in Mike's bedroom I gazed at Mike's beautiful body, especially his buns. I want to plant my face in between those mounds and give him a brumski. I thought better, slipping my pants, polo shirt and sneakers on before making my way downstairs.

Once I reached the main floor the lights in the kitchen and dinning room were on revealing two occupants. There were two women sitting at the table drinking coffee and talking, so I decided to enter and announce myself.

"Good morning. I hope I'm not disturbing you all, but I couldn't sleep and the coffee smelled so good and so inviting."

"No you're not disturbing us, Don. Come on in and have some coffee with us. We were just talking about you," Mrs. Alvarez said, "About you and Miguel that is."

I sat down across from the women introducing myself to the younger woman, "I'm Donny, Mike's friend from Fort Sam."

"Yes, Mamma told me you were here. That's why I came over this morning, to meet you. I'm his older sister Mary," The younger woman said taking my hand in acknowledgement.

Mrs. Alvarez got up to pour me a large mug of coffee asking, "What do you take?"

"Black is fine."

"So, how long have you known Mikey?" His sister asked staring straight at me with a prosecutorial look.

Here it came, the inquisition. The older sister would be the lead questioning me and momma would sit second chair. I guess I should have expected this from Mike's family at some point knowing that Mike was from a close-knit family, but these ladies were getting started early. Maybe it was because they had me all to themselves to begin questioning me early that Saturday morning.

"We met the first week of June after I graduated from AIT. Ah, very good coffee, Mrs. Alvarez. Where's Mr. Alvarez?" I asked.

Mrs. Alvarez replied, "He's out with a couple of the hands rounding up some strays. He'll be back in a while for breakfast."

"So, are you Mikey's boyfriend?" The sister asked pointedly.

"Yes, I consider him a close personal friend and brother in arms," I tried to reply in a nonchalant manner, trying to duck the question.

"That's not what I mean. Are you his boyfriend? You know, are you his lover, his domestic partner?"

Wow! Sis didn't wasted any time getting right to the point. Damn, did I project a homosexual aura? I was flabbergasted at the line of questioning.

"No, we're not lovers or sexual partners. Not that there is anything wrong with your brother. He's very charming, good-looking and I certainly enjoy him as a person, but I've not been in a sexual tryst with him, if that's what you're asking."

"I just wanted to know. I guess I'm rather protective of my little brother. As you are probably aware we almost lost him a few months ago, and I wouldn't want him hurt again, physically or emotionally by anyone," Mary said.

"We know that Miguel is gay," Momma Alvarez said, "We've known for some time. His boyfriend was killed in Iraq while Miguel was undergoing medical training at Fort Sam. Miho came home and cried the whole weekend after learning of Robby's death. It was then that he came out to his sister and me about his sexuality; however, his father doesn't know and we prefer to keep it that way."

"Wow!" I didn't know how else to reply, "Like I said I've only known Mike a little over two weeks. I guess I've got a lot to learn about him."

"Don, are you gay?" The sister asked.

Damn, I didn't know what to say. The sister was all about business. If I lied saying no and later developed a relationship with Mike they might hold it against me. I sat there across from the ladies probably looking much like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car, drinking my coffee in a hurried fashion.

"I would never do anything to hurt Mike. He's my friend."

"You didn't answer my question, Don."

Boy, this gal was really dogging me. What the fuck was she looking for a full blown confession about my past sex life? Oh well, what the hell, I'd give it a go.

"I have strong feelings for Mike. We have never engaged in any homosexual behavior, not that I haven't thought about it or wished for it. Our relationship thus far, as far as my actions has been purely platonic."

"I think you and Miguel need to spend some time this weekend talking and sorting through your feelings for each other. You see, he has confided in us that he has strong feelings for you, much like he had for Robby," Mrs. Alvarez informed me. I thought that I spotted a tear in her eye.

"Mikey hasn't been in a sexual relationship with anyone besides Robby in his life. They were both virgins when they got together. Although we were saddened by Robby's death we thought that maybe Mikey might go straight after Robby's death, start dating and give us a little Miguel, but then we heard about you. I just think you need to know this information we're sharing with you this morning," Mary said.

"You're right, Mike and I do have some things to talk about and workout, maybe that's why he invited me with him this weekend."

"We want you to know that we both think you two make a handsome couple, and have our blessings if you two decide to become involved with each other," Mrs. Alvarez said, "Whatever you decide, try to make Miguel happy and treat him right, he's a good boy."

I sat there finishing my coffee trying to digest all I heard in the past few minutes. I didn't know whether to go upstairs and get back in bed with Mike and make love to him or wait till later after we'd talked about things.

"Mrs. Alvarez when will breakfast be ready?"

"In about an hour, why?"

"I think I'll go up and take a shower and shave before breakfast. While I'm up there I'll wake Mike. You are right this weekend needs to be devoted to finding answers."

"I'll call when breakfast is ready," Mrs. Alvarez said.

I sat my empty cup on the table, got up, pushed my chair in and left the room. As I walked slowly up the stairs I was contemplating how I was going to approach Mike. How we were going to come to grips with our feelings for each other and was there a future for us?

Next: Chapter 18

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