Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Mar 26, 2010


Warning! This story is a work of erotic fiction written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail addresses making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas Cocks.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 33: Foreplay and Nipples

All alone in the room at the transient lodge at Fort Sam I decided to take a shower and play with my favorite toy. I'd been left in the dayroom far too long playing with my cock not letting it spit up. My balls were aching for release. So, left to my own devices it was time to rub one out while enjoying a warm shower. I stripped out of my Army uniform, letting my hard cock lead the way into the bathroom.

I discovered years ago that my hard cock was responsible for much joy in my life, but also was aware that it got me into trouble, especially as a kid. I believe there is an appropriate phrase for that, something about the little head taking control leading the big head into a blind hole. Once in the bathroom I stood in front of the mirror admiring my body.

My body began developing into the beautiful specimen it is today when I was about twelve. Standing in front of the mirror I could see my nipples were standing at attention. Nipples that stand out can be a blessing or a curse. As I was stroking my body I began recalling the first time I was aware that my nipples became erect and were sensitive to touch.

That first time was during my sophomore year in high school when I befriended a freshman. We initially met during physical education class, and when I saw his cock while taking our first shower together I knew that I had to pursue him and explore it. The slender freshman was hung!

I mean really hung for a fifteen year old kid. His cock fell towards the ground twice the length of mine flaccid. I was convinced the reason he didn't have any meat on his bones was that it was all in his cock. Later, when I measured his cock I discovered the mammoth member was over six inches flaccid and eight inches erect. That was the biggest cock I'd ever seen at that point in my young life as a cock watcher, and is still one of the biggest to my memory today.

At the time his cock wasn't all that thick, but we shared prominent cockheads. Maybe that's what drew me to him. God, thinking about him and our few times together had me ready to explode my creamy juices all over the place. I jumped in the shower where I began soaping up my body as I thought about Jason. That first night we spent together he turned me onto foreplay and frotting with some very sensually seductive techniques, including nipple play and digital diddling.

Before that the times with my cousins and other boy friends were all about getting boned up and quickly getting off. Once we got off we would pull on our clothing and it was off to other things. No lying in bed cuddling or kissing.

For a guy a year younger than me Jason was definitely well-educated in the techniques of foreplay and sexual seduction. Both of us had what might be called prominent nipples. That night he taught me the art of nipple play to the point of ejaculation. All he did was delicately rub and manipulate my hard nipples that were hidden but protruding from beneath my white T-shirt.

One we removed our T-shirts he began to lick and suckle my nipples in a most sensual manner. He began lightly biting on them moving his tongue across the top. My cock was hard and throbbing. Within a few minutes I squirted all over both of us. Jason laughed and told me he wasn't done with me.

We hadn't even taken our briefs off or touched each other's cocks yet. We lay there talking for a few minutes about sexual pleasure. I discovered that his older cousin had been teaching him all about sex with another man since he was twelve years old. My new friend had me repeat on him what he'd done to me.

He had an orgasm and once again we lay back in his bed talking about first one thing and then the other. I also had a powerful orgasm standing under the warm shower. So, it was time to step out of the shower and dry off. About an hour after the older MPs departed there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to find Specialist Fourth Class Corey Pender standing there smiling at me.

Corey was a young Military Policeman who was holding a stack of my belongings. As he stepped into my room he said, "Here ya go Don, where should I put these things?"

I motioned for him to put the items on the bed and saying, "Thanks Corey."

The young MP who I had befriended earlier had been part of the detail that had been assigned to me previously when I was taken into custody by CID police. He treated me fairly decent during the times he was detailed to watch over me. Unlike many of the others he was never accusatory or derogatory. He never called me any names using unflattering sexual slurs such as faggot, queer and others. I liked him as a person, but moreover I had a secret crush on him.

He was a very handsome biracial soldier. From what I could tell he appeared to be part Asian and part African heritage. Outwardly, Corey's appearance was that of a very light brown skin man with more distinguishing Asian features than attributes of his African heritage. Of course I'd never seen him in a state of undress. I assumed he was either married or had a girlfriend. If I knew for sure he was gay he would catch my eye and heart any day.

Needless to say if we weren't in the Army I would make a move on him. I'd fantasized many times about what he might look like naked.

"I really happy for you man," the SP/4 said cheerfully, "By the way if you haven't guessed I'm your babysitter for the evening. The two that brought you here will take charge of you again in the morning and then escort you to the Provost Marshall's office and then into San Antonio."

Again I replied, "Thanks," and then asked, "Corey, what the fuck is goin on?"

"I'm not supposed to say anything Don, but word is they caught the fucker that killed Sgt Alvarez. The cops are like 99.9 percent sure he is the killer."

"This is so unbelievable; my attorney kept telling me to keep my cool that the truth would prevail eventually setting me free."

"By this time tomorrow if all goes as expected you'll be a totally free man Don. Until then I'll be here for you. If there is anything I can get you, just tell me what you need."

"Why am I being held prisoner if I'm innocent and will be free tomorrow?"

"That's a joint decision the Army and your attorney reached from what I overheard. You're not really a prisoner. You're just being held incognito tonight for your own good. The Army and your attorney don't want you to do anything foolish or talk to anyone until tomorrow," Corey said.

"Okay, that sounds reasonable, especially with all the press snooping around," I replied, "I sure don't want to do anything to fuck things up. I'm too close to being free."

"Yep, and that's why all this security," the young MP said, "There are a lot of us that always believed in your innocence and never thought you were the killer."

"Thanks man," I replied, "but I've got a feeling I'm always going to be known as the faggot or queer that killed Sgt Alvarez, in or out of the Army. Hell, I'm known nationwide as the killer. Plus, I've embarrassed and cost my family a lot of money."

"Not by me," Corey said, "and believe me this will all blow over and be forgotten in time."


"By the way have you eaten yet?" Corey asked, "Cause Stone Cold and Mr. Mayhem said that they picked you up and brought you straight here right about chow time."

"Well, now that you speak of it I am hungry. I haven't had anything to eat since morning chow. So, how do we handle that?" I asked.

"So, what ya want to eat?" Corey asked, "cause I can send out for something, just about anything `cept beer, booze or broads."

I laughed at that and asked, "You had dinner yet Corey?"


"So, what're you havin for dinner?" I asked.

The Specialist replied, "You want to share a pizza?"


"What kind of toppings? We can order a couple if you want," Corey said.

"I'm partial to Pepperoni," I replied.

"Me too," the MP replied, "I'll order a large Pepperoni and a big bottle of soda to go with it."

"Sure, sounds cool to me."

The MP got busy making the call on his cell ordering our pizza while I hung my uniform up and laid my underwear and shaving kit out on the dresser. For some reason I felt comfortable around Corey. I also thought him to be very sexually appealing. In a few minutes there was a knock on the door. I looked up and saw it was almost seven in the evening. The pizza and soda had arrived. Corey took deliver and gave the guy a tip in the hallway not letting him see who was in the room.

Once back in the room Corey put the pizza box on one of the beds, got two plastic containers, put some ice in each and filled them with soda. I opened the flat box, inhaling the aroma of the fresh pizza remarking, "You know Corey I haven't had a pizza in a long time. Back around Christmas time was the last time."

"Hell, dig in we can order another one if you finish that one off," Corey said with a laugh.

"No, a couple maybe three pieces will be enough to fill me," I replied, "got to watch my waistline."

"Me too," Corey replied.

We sat eating slices of the pizza, drinking our sodas and making small talk between bites. By this time Corey had removed his ACU jacket, wearing a T-shirt. All the while we ate I was secretly checking my guardian out. God, he was cute and good-looking, about the same height and weight as me. It also appeared that we were the same age. I still didn't know if he was married or paired with someone.

Next: Chapter 25

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