Christmas Cocks

By R Ranger

Published on Feb 8, 2009


Warning! This story is a work of fiction and was written for the purpose of pure entertainment. The story contains sexually explicit behavior between consenting male cousins. If you are not of legal age to read such material or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste the following e-mail address making appropriate corrections:

E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Christmas 2008.

Christmas Cocks By The Rumpranger

Chapter 13: Memories and Surprises

For three families with ten siblings living together the family dynamics and interactions thereof would normally put major stress on the best of families, but for our tribe we'd managed to make it through the Christmas holiday period with minimal tensions. As the sun was setting on Christmas Day the festivities were waning as everyone was worn out from two days of merriment. Not to mention we were all experiencing exhaustion and soreness from the annual Christmas afternoon football game. The past forty-eight hours had been filled with several surprises to compliment the many pleasant memories generated: wonderful remembrances to carry me through the coming year.

One of the big surprises came from Cousin Chuck. Chuck supposedly had sworn off Christmas, but surprised everyone showing up for Christmas Eve dinner a changed person, well somewhat changed. Although still dressed in black gone were the leather studded collar and bracelets. The gaudy face paint was gone, but his hairdo remained unchanged. He had not removed any of his body piercing. However, considering his earlier appearance the new look was a hundred percent improvement over our initial meeting. He was welcomed by all to go with us to the parade even if he didn't want to attend Christmas Eve churches services.

The newly renovated Christmas wagon and parade downtown was a big hit with everyone; even Chuck eagerly participated and then surprised everyone by attending midnight church services with us. Of course he said the only reason he attended was to hear Timmy sing. After midnight services concluded we all boarded the colorful wagon for a somewhat subdued return trip to the farm.

Once back home, with the exception of Chuck, the rest of us raced upstairs where we fell onto our beds totally exhausted. There was no goofing around, we got undressed and into our night clothes without a word. Within minutes we were all asleep. I awoke earlier than most Christmas morning, part of my new Army indoctrination, to Brett snuggling close up behind me. Something I would surely miss when my leave was up in a few days and I returned to the rigors of Army life. As I lay next to my cousin under the warmth of the heavy comforter I could feel his arm draped across me and warm breath on my neck. Of course his morning wood was poking me in the backside.

I lay there in bed not relishing the idea of crawling out from under the warmth of the comforter to put my feet on the cold floor. There were faint sounds of the hustle and bustle downstairs where the women folk had been up and in the kitchen since before dawn on Christmas Day. They had to get an early start preparing the traditional country breakfast to greet the hungry crowd. The rest of us remained snuggled in our beds, or at least we were supposed to be snuggled in our beds with visions of sugar-plums dancing in our heads. Little did the women know what was about to take place on the third floor as they were preparing breakfast.

As the faint aroma of culinary delights was making its way up the stair case as I eased out of bed quietly carefully making my way to the bathroom where I peed silently. I closed the lid without flushing so as to not wake the others. When I returned to bed I couldn't resist the temptation that lay before me. My eyes gazed around the big bedroom where I saw all my other cousins remained fast asleep.

After a visual reconnaissance I slowly began pulling the comforter back exposing Brett's body clad in his pajamas. As he lay there smiling his morning hard on was clearly visible. I so wanted to taste the hidden fruit in Brett's flannel PJs as he had tasted me the day before. At that point I really didn't care if any of the others awoke to discover me sucking Brett's cock.

I couldn't resist the thought of gifting my cousin with a pre breakfast blowjob. I began working Brett's PJs down his legs to his ankles and off his body, exposing his marvelously erect manhood. A most beautifully sculpted piece of male masculinity lay before me. I spread his legs apart positioning my body between his legs before I lowered my head. Once in position I grasp the firm shaft of his manhood pulling it back down towards my drooling mouth.

My warm moist mouth began closing on his hard cock. The spongy head popped in between my lips and I cautiously closed my mouth over the crown, whereby I began bobbing up and down on it a few times. After a few pumps I released my oral grip. I began kissing and then licking the crown, letting my tongue circle around the full circumference of his crimson coronal ring before popping the gorgeous glans back in my mouth. Once I had Brett's cock back in my mouth I began pumping his man piston in and out of my mouth.

After a few more pumps I released the purplish knob again letting the shaft slapped back against Brett's abdomen. My cousin's schlong lay against his stomach throbbing just below the bellybutton. As it jumped with each heartbeat I began kissing and licking the full length of it. I took my time teasing the frenulum area with my tongue drawing light moans from my cousin.

My attention was diverted from the frenulum when I caught slightly offensive scent. My snout began snooping around his pubic forest inhaling the day old aroma of sweat. The odor wasn't repulsive. There was something about the stale scent of Brett's crotch that enticed me. His balls hung low and lose over the perineum area.

The pecan size nuts awaited my attention, whereby I began tenderly licking and kissing them. I would take each nut into my mouth rolling it around delicately in the hairless sac. Finally, I found his taint. I nudged Brett's legs further apart to gain better access the chode.

Once I had access to his perineum I began kissing and licking the ultra sensitive area below the balls which brought more moans of pleasure from my cousin. I began working my way down to his pucker, but the offensive scent pushed me back towards the scrotum. Brett pulled his legs back exposing more of his flawless ass crack and brown eye, but that would have to wait for another time.

I continued working the taint area hearing soft gasps and moans of pleasure coming from my cousin. I wondered if he was awake and aware of my actions, or were the actions and sounds an involuntary reflex. I decide to find out. After a few more attentive licks to the taint with my tongue I began moving up Brett's body.

Once we were face-to face I could see a big smile gracing his lips. I moved my head next to his ear whereby I began whispering, "Try to be as quite as possible so we won't wake up the others. I'm going to give you a Christmas gift you won't forget."

All I got in reply was a hushed, "Uh-huh."

Slithering back down Brett's body I grasp the shaft at the base with my left hand and began administering the Christmas blowjob I promised. I fondled his ball with my other hand. Brett was moaning softly as my mouth moved up and down on his prick paying particular attention to the knob and the two or three inches behind the glans where the majority of the sensitive nerve endings were located. Brett's hands found my head whereby he was gripping my ears guiding my rhythmic mouth over his cock.

As I continued orally pleasuring my cousin I could feel his cock begin to thicken and his balls drawing up tight in the nut sac. I knew it was time and was anticipating good load. I pulled back to just the knob whereby I worked the coronal ridge with my lips circling tip with my tongue for a few seconds. Suddenly, Brett exploded with great force into my mouth. I quickly pulled my mouth off his cock letting him shoot more spooge onto my face before I went back down on his knob. After three large ropes I continued licking around the head cleaning up the last of the oozing semen from the piss slit. Then I finished sucking his tube dry.

With Brett's blowjob complete I made my way back up his body to his face. Lying on top of him with our hot bodies pressed together he began licking his semen off my face. Once he had finished he said, "Thank you," before his tongue probed inside my mouth searching for more remnants of his semen.

"Did you enjoy that?" I asked softly.

"If he didn't we sure as hell did," came soft excited voices from across the room.

I recognized the voices and quickly jerked my head to the right looking across the room at Danny and Timmy. In the ambient light I could see the two wide awake brothers lying on their right sides staring at us intently. Their wide eyes looked like two sets of bright headlights blaring in the night. Brett and I had been caught in the beams, we we're busted.

"Now that you've taken care of Brett what about us?" Timmy asked eagerly licking his lips.

A little red faced I sat up on the bed across the room not knowing what to say. Brett sat up next to me saying, "Cuz, I guess now that we've been busted we owe them early Christmas presents."

Brett and I got up moving across the room to Danny's bed where I asked, "What about Brandon?"

"Hell, he'll sleep through a fuckin tornado," Brett replied, "but will anyone from downstairs walk in on us?"

"Go lock the door," Danny said looking at me.

After I turned the skeleton key in the door lock I returned to Danny's bed; in the meantime, my two cousins had gotten out of their PJs. I pulled my drawers off to join the crowd. The three were sitting naked on Danny's bed. Danny and Timmy propped up against the headboard as Brett faced them.

"Wow!" Brett exclaimed leaning in to get a closer look at Timmy's cock.

As I approached the bed I could see what the clamor was about. This was the first time either of us had seen Timmy fully erect, sporting a most magnificent morning wood. I crawled onto the bed by way of the foot to get a better view.

"Gawd! How big is that hog of yours?" I asked, "looks like a small fence post."

Everyone chuckled at my remark. Timmy was using his left hand pushing the super-sized schlong down to give all of us a better view. He cupped and fondled his balls with his right hand before he took hold of it with both hands. Not only was Timmy's cock long, but it was thick with a prominent glans and veins. He also appeared to have larger than average size balls. He was definitely the winner of the cock contest.

As I admired Timmy manhandling his huge cock with both hands I estimated it to be at least eight inches in length and two inches thick. The glans was broad across the tip reminding me of the nose on a bull shark. I wondered what a cock that big might be like to take up the ass, especially with the blunt cockhead. We began gathering in a semicircle around Timmy who was resting upright against the headboard. We were showing off our cocks, comparing them to Timmy.

"Boy, sure looks as though you and your brother inherited all the penis genes in the family," Brett remarked.

"Hell, you guys ain't no slackers from what I'm seeing," Timmy said looking at Brett and me, "Just remember guys a big dick is not all it's cracked up to be. Sometimes it can be a real pain in the ass."

We all chuckled at Timmy's confession fessing up to our sizes as we sat circling Timmy touching each other's cocks. Brett and I were about the same size in the six and half but not quite seven inch range. Danny appeared to be a tad longer with a full seven inches. We talked about our fantasies and fetishes before we decided it was time to get down to business of blowjobs.

"So, do we flip coins, draw straw or what?" I questioned.

"For what?" Danny asked.

"Who does who?" I shot back.

"No hurry we got another week together," Timmy said, "and I'm sure before the week's up we'll repeat this."

Brett motioned for me to go first with Timmy saying, "Age before beauty cuz."

I didn't hesitate. We all repositioned ourselves to get comfortable. Brett got between Danny's legs where he began fellating his cousin while I got to work on Timmy's large organ. I knew I wasn't going to be able to get the entirety of Timmy's oversize cock into my mouth, but I was going to give it one hella good try. Out of the corner of my eye I was watching Brett attack Danny's cock with gusto as I launched on Timmy. The head was about all I was able to fit into my mouth.

Timmy looked down at me sensing the difficulty I was experiencing saying, "Go slow and just take the head. That's about all Danny and the others can accommodate. No one's ever been able to deep throat me, so don't even try it."

I struggled with Timmy mammoth organ, just licking and kissing the crown. I began to notice ooze erupting from Timmy piss slit. I let my tongue go to work on the opening scooping out the rather bland slightly salty tasting precum from the oversize opening. My young cousin was one of those guys that produced copious amounts of precum. I continued trying to enjoy the super-size cock in front of me while looking over at Brett every once in a while.

He seemed content with his cock bobbing up and down on it at a faster pace than me working on my feast. I was sure he would get the older brother off before I got the younger brother to cum. The room was beginning to fill with the scent of sex and joyous moaning sounds. As we continued with the mission of administering Christmas blowjobs Timmy quietly mentioned that we should turn opposite each other so we could both enjoy each other.

The big bed was a little crowded with four naked adult bodies on it, but Timmy and I got turned around resuming our cock sucking. Timmy's head was at the foot of the bed while mine was at the head. Brett and Danny were on the other side at the head with Brett kneeling on the floor. My ass was jacked up in the air as I was on top of Timmy. I held onto the thick shaft of Timmy's cock with both hands. I was totally into sucking on the huge cockhead when suddenly I felt the warmth of a moist tongue hit my ass crack.

At first I thought maybe Timmy had repositioned to rim me, but I could feel he still had my cock in his mouth. Oh My God, who was licking my asshole? I looked over to see if Danny and Brett were done. They had moved around giving each other mutual oral pleasure. I pulled my mouth off Timmy's cock to look between my legs. Sure enough it wasn't my imagination there were two legs back there, but I couldn't make out who they belonged to. I was sure I'd locked the door, and Brett assured us that Brandon would sleep through a category IV hurricane.

I couldn't bring myself to stop performing on Timmy. As fast as the precum oozed out I was scarfing it up. Whoever it was licking my ass was doing a damn fine job of it and I wanted him to continue. All of a sudden I felt a pair of hands grip my ass cheeks spreading them apart. Once my buns were spread I felt a tongue launch a full blown assault on my brown eye, circling all around and then darting inside me.

What pleasure I was feeling and then my asshole felt the burn of entry. From what I was feeling I knew the cock penetrating my asshole was not a small one, so I could rule out Cousin Chuck. The only person left was Brandon. In a matter of a few seconds the Butthole bandit had gone from licking my asshole to gaining full entry and then plunging deep inside me. With hands on both my hips the phantom fucker began working his prong in and out of my saliva slick asshole like a piston in a high horsepower racing engine.

I could tell by the movement and sounds that Brett and Danny were close to reaching fruition. All of us were moaning, groaning and writhing around on the bed. The smell was full in the room. I could sense that Timmy was readying for an orgasm as well as the person penetrating my poop shoot. We all began cumming about the same time. Finally, after we all climaxed and were cleaning each other's cocks I heard a pop and felt the bandit's cock exit my ass followed by a long string of flatulence.

"Man you got one fine ass Donny," the bandit said standing at the foot of the bed.

We all collapsed on the bed totally exhausted after the early morning sexercise. I felt I'd gotten the greatest Christmas gift all. I'd gotten to suck my cousin's fat cock, got my cock sucked and cornholed at the same time. Something I would not forget for years to come. We all began making trips to the bathroom showering and dressing for morning breakfast. As we headed downstairs for breakfast we all had a glow of satisfaction about us.

Next: Chapter 9

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