Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jun 4, 2023


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Christopher Answers

Chapter 14

Tom lead Dave by the hand into his bedroom.

Earlier the two of them and Dave's mom drove to the police station from the stadium. The process didn't take very long and their fathers were released within an hour after arriving. Bob knew the desk sergeant and since he and Carlos had no priors, he expedited their paperwork. A hearing date would be set and they would be notified by registered mail. Bob, Tom and Carlos had a few bruises but otherwise felt fine. Tom drove all of them back to the stadium parking lot for their cars.

He asked Dave to come over to his house with the promise to drive him back to his parents house to spend his first night after his hospital stay. Tom, Carlos and Dave sat at the kitchen table and talked for about an hour, reliving the fight and everything that lead up to it. Tom's mother made herself busy with kitchen work but listened, often shaking her head at the word pictures they were painting in describing the rather ugly fight scene. That's when Tom excused himself saying that he and Dave needed to talk privately before he drove him home.

Tom noticed that things were a little awkward when they sat on the bed. He tried to break the tension and went into a non-stop monologue.

"So what did you think of Taylor West, that was some great throw he made for the tag at second. Did you see how he backed me up on that play! He was in perfect position, and what an arm on that kid. Man, he just rifled that in there like a big leaguer. That kid has a lot of potential, don't you think so, Dave? He's a good looking kid too. I like his little round buns, wonder if he's gay. He's a sophomore, Timmy would probably know. I'll have to ask him tomorrow at lunch."

Tom was feeding these lines to Dave in hopes of getting a reaction from him. As cute as Taylor is, Tom has no designs on the kid. Dave, to him, is all he ever wanted. Dave's reaction was exactly what he was looking to achieve. He stared at Tom with his big blue eyes framed against a lightly freckled face and red hair, Tom's heart melted. Dave knew that Tom was baiting him. It was a game that they had played with each other many times before.

The charade over, Tom leaned in and kissed Dave full on the lips. The tenderness of the moment left no doubt in either of their minds; they loved and respected each other too much to even consider a dalliance with someone else.

Dave's experience with suicide had changed him. He appeared more confident and actually took the lead in their lovemaking. He rolled Tom's shirt up and over his head. He kissed his chest and neck while unbuttoning Tom's pants. He stood up and finished undressing Tom by removing his sneakers, socks and pulling his pants and briefs down to his ankles where he dropped them to the floor. Tom was now completely naked and more than a little surprised at the development. Dave quickly stripped off his own clothes and pressed his body down on top of Tom. Now Tom was really confused. Dave was assuming the top position in a complete reversal of all their previous experience. He kind of liked it!

Dave moved between his legs and leaned down to taste the sweet pre-cum nectar that Tom had secreted. He thoroughly worked his tongue over the head and down the shaft to Tom's ball sacs. He leaned back on his haunches and hooked his elbows under Tom's knees. Dave lifted him up and then pressed forward, driving Tom's body into the bedspread.

Tom assisted by replacing Dave's arms with his own, then rolling back to expose his virgin chute. Dave's cock was at full mast as he directed the tip on to the tiny pink aperture. Tom was amazed at the feeling coursing through his body. He understood now what Dave felt in all of their previous couplings. Dave managed to slip the head of his penis inside the tight ring of muscles that had never been pierced before. Tom winced with the initial feeling of pain but knew that pleasure was not far behind. Dave stayed in that position for a few minutes, realizing that Tom needed to get used to the strange intrusion into his anal canal. He looked into Tom's eyes. There was a strange look of fear and pleasure that he hadn't seen before. Tom smiled as if to say, 'I'm ready now'. Dave pushed forward in one forceful move that drove the length of his cock fully into Tom. Again he held, giving Tom time to work through the pain before entering the realm of pleasure.

"Fuck me David!!", he heard Tom cry out. Dave pulled back and drove forward again and again in a controlled rhythm until he felt an urgency building inside him. Pure instinct took over as his hips pistoned faster and faster until his seed exploded inside. Dave held the last long stroke and had Tom pinned to the bed. He leaned down and they kissed. Both of their tongues fought for dominance until they relaxed into a shared exploration of each other's hot mouth. When they finally broke their passionate kiss, Tom looked into Dave's beautiful blue eyes and said, "That was awesome, Stud."

When the police had the situation under control and the announcement was made that the game was declared a forfeit, the crowd noisily made their way to the exits. Justin, Tom and Gary followed Coach Walters back down to the field, next to the dugout. They were expecting him to read the 'riot act'. Their actions had essentially forced the decision of the umpire to cancel the game and dashed any hopes they had at playing in the State Championships.

Coach looked at Justin and Tom and said that he could understand why they had to get involved. I stopped your friend Craig just in time, he was on his way up there too. I sure as hell didn't want the whole team leaving the field. Then he looked at Gary and asked him why he went into the stands to fight. "Hell, you're the one who didn't want anything to do with Justin and Christopher, what changed your mind?"

Gary looked sheepishly at the Coach and said, "I was wrong, Coach. I've been wrong about a lot of things. I'm only finding out now and I needed to set things right. My dad and I had a big fight last night. I told him that I'm gay and he ordered me out of the house. Mom told him that he should leave instead. He hit my mother and I wound up hitting him. He packed a few clothes and walked out, I heard he's living over at the church."

"Hoooleee Shit", Coach said in a low, surprised-sounding voice. "I know your Dad and how he feels about gays. That must have been very difficult, I admire your courage."

"Courage isn't the right word, Coach. When he told me that it would have been better if Dave died rather than to shame his family and go against the teachings of the bible, I finally understood how wrong he is and just kind of snapped."

"How could a person who claims to love God say something like that Coach? If that is what God wants then I don't want God! I've known Dave since grade school. I could never hope that he dies. I saw Dave and Tom kissing in the movie theater and told my dad all about it. He had me call their fathers and anonymously tell them that their sons were 'faggots'. I was responsible for Dave attempting suicide and I am so, so ashamed."

"I know I don't deserve it Tom, but I hope someday that you and Dave can forgive me."

"I did something yesterday Coach, that was even worse than that. I almost killed a boy that I care deeply about just to keep my secret from being revealed."

"No Coach, courage is not the right word to use. I've been a coward so long that I don't even know what courage is."

Justin looked at him and said, "Gary, I might just have to kick your ass again. Nobody talks bad about one of my friends, not even if they're the one doing the talking!"

Gary looked at Justin and managed a half-smile, tears welled up in his eyes, then he felt a small hand slip into his. Tim had been standing in the dugout and heard every word that was said.

Elder John was on the phone to one of his hand-picked members of the School Board sub-committee. "We got enough on Ed Jordan to convince the board that he should be fired. They had a riot at the game today and it was all because of Jordan's liberal policy about faggots. If he wasn't married with a daughter, I'd have to think that he is one of them. I was against hiring him in the first place. His credentials were all wrong. We don't need any New York City Blacks in our community. They all think the same way. The meeting is at 7 PM on Thursday, make sure you get there on time. God will bless you my friend!"

Tom and Dave sat in the car outside of Dave's house.

"I did a lot of thinking today about my personality and how it contributed to me attempting suicide. I've always had low self-esteem. I guess that's why I chose to be the 'bottom' in our lovemaking. Don't get me wrong, Tom, I love it when you take me. You make me feel so special and desirable. I guess what I'm trying to say is that after a year of playing it only one way, I need to move on to a more 'normal relationship'. A relationship where each of us is willing to give ourselves totally to the other. I liked being the 'top' tonight. Tomorrow I may want to be the 'bottom' but I need to have the choice in order to feel good about myself."

"Justin and Christopher I think are the exception. I can't see that either one would ever play a different role. The love they have for each other is so evident to everyone who knows them. They've already found the perfect balance. Justin is such a big, strong guy who has a heart of gold. I honestly think that he would choose to die before he hurt his little Christopher in any way. Christopher is so vulnerable that he needs someone like Justin to watch over and take care of him. He freely gives himself to Justin in that kind of submissive role."

"I feel that I don't need that anymore. I love you so much, Tom, that if we ever decided to go our separate ways, I would feel lost. I don't know how I'd be able to cope, but I would. At the same time, I want us to be together forever. I want to grow old with you, Tom Papson."

Tom looked at Dave and knew that a whole new person had emerged.

"Dave, If you remember back to our 'prom night', I offered to give myself to you but you refused and because I only wanted to make you happy, I never asked you again. Tonight I realized how much I wanted to feel you inside me. Don't ever worry about me leaving you. I can't imagine what my life would be without you in it."

No more words were spoken as they hugged each other and kissed passionately one more time until Dave reluctantly left to go inside his home. He found his parents sitting at the kitchen table and joined them. His interest sparked when his mother suggested that they call his Uncle Ray, the attorney, to help them with their legal problem.

Justin's Mom said good night to her boys as they sat next to each other on the sofa. They wanted to stay up to watch the film of the confrontation on the 11 o'clock local news.

Justin lifted Christopher up and placed him between his legs on the edge of the sofa cushion. Christopher helped as Justin went through the now familiar routine of undressing him. When he was naked, Justin pulled Chris against his chest and wrapped his strong arms around him. Chris settled back into the warm caress of his lover.

Justin cupped Chris' exposed penis and balls in his right hand to keep them warm and demonstrate his dominance. They sat that way until the show was over. Justin then carried the naked boy upstairs to his bed. He gently laid him down, unable to look away, as he removed his own clothes. Christopher seductively slipped a pillow under the small of his back, signaling how he wanted Justin to take him this night. Justin's eyes took in the vision of his beautiful little boy preparing himself for their lovemaking.

Justin's cock pressed against his abdomen as he positioned himself between the thin legs that were willingly splayed open for him. He placed his ankles on his shoulders and slowly complied with Christopher's unspoken plea to be gentle with him. Chris moaned softly as he felt Justin break through, filling him with his enormous manhood. He winced with the initial pain but soon was swept away in the throes of unbridled passion. The man/boy who penetrated his body and mind so deeply was making him so very, very happy.

end chapter 14

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Next: Chapter 9

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