Christy's Diary

By ChristyDancer

Published on Apr 7, 2023


Wednesday, October 2

Note to self - written Thursday morning before daybreak

OMG.... I couldn't sleep last night! So now I know what `2nd base' means.

Lemme start at the beginning. No diary entry for Tuesday. Tuesday was boring as shit. Saw the girls. Saw Carlos. Lots of small talk. Pop--quiz in CompSci. Nearly everyone got A's. Went to the vampire lab to get blood drawn for Dr. Strange after school. Ditto school day Wednesday cept Carlos and I confirmed he was coming over to study'.

Carlos came over right at 7:30, just like he said. It was weird to see him `dressed down' in just a Post Malone t-shirt and jeans. Mom did the whole nice Mom hostess thing and then asked if we needed anything and we said no and headed to the basement to study. Put on some music (Taylor Swift) and shared a sofa. I was trying to do my best girl pose -- legs up under me and turned to face him. He sat opposite me on the sofa and we actually went thru the motions of rehearing some random lines, although his character and mine don't really have much in the way of scenes together. However, we read the lines, and neither of us was really into the mood. I broke the ice and asked him if he wanted a soft drink, and grabbed us two from the fridge. When I came back, he'd shifted on the sofa, facing forward, and I sat next to him, legs tucked under, facing him, with my elbow resting on his shoulder.

Gawd, I wish I could draw a sketch. I'm trying to write all this down, because I want to remember it forever.

So, I put my drink down and got my face a lot closer to his and whispered, "So, you said you were going to explain the bases to me."

He took a swig of his drink, sat it on the end table, and said, "Yeah, well, these are things every girl needs to know. Although...." And he looked over his shoulder at the staircase going up to the main part of the house, "I'd hate to get caught explaining these to you AND your mother."

"No worries about her. She kinda announced herself when she comes down, and anyway, our dog, Princess, always runs down the staircase ahead of her. Princess isn't too good going up the stairs, but she's hell on wheels going down."

He laughs a bit, and said, "well, you realize this is my first time with..."

"... a transgendered girl?" I picked up and finished his sentence.

"Well, yeah. I mean, other girls..."

"The term of art is `cis-girls'," I told him.

"Oh yeah! Cis. Like cis-and-trans molecules from chemistry. I got it! Anyway, cis-girls... hey, I like that term... cis-girls... anyway, they're really kinda shy until they get going. Then, they can get uncontrollable. Gay guys, on the other hand, are pretty much always trying to hit a home run, or something close to it."

"You said you'd never been to `home base' with a guy."

"Yeah, but I've come close. You know Ricky in the drama club?"

"I know who he is. He's the senior who's Mac's assistant director, right?"

"Yeah, well, he and I have been to third base, and he made it clear he wanted to be my first, but I'm not really sure about him. He's maybe a little too freaky for even my tastes. Anyway, he's moved on to some guy he met over at the community college, and that's sowing oats a bit too wide for me. There's saying -- when you fuck someone, you're fucking everyone they've fucked."

"Ewwww... yeah. I hadn't thought that far along. Hey, off the subject... why aren't there more seniors in drama? Like only a couple. What's up with that."

"Two words -- A.P. Our school has a rep that every senior takes a huge load of Advanced Placement courses, and the colleges all love that and it's one of the reasons we all get into good schools. Plus, all the bene's that come from lots of extra curriculars kinda max out at the end of junior year, cuz all the college applications go in senior year. So everyone does play-play-play' in drama for three years then member' their senior year. It's all just a resume game."=p

"Shit. Thanks."

"So, you were asking about first base, like we did last Saturday."

"I thought you said that was `almost' first base."

"Yeah, well, I didn't want you to think I'd taken advantage of you or anything, but yeah, that's where we were, and I might add, you seem to be a natural at baseball."

I just giggled, and said, "Well, I'd like to practice some more, Coach, if you're up to it."

He just smiled, and I put my arms around his neck so he could close in for batting practice. Time stood still, and I'm not really sure how long that went on, but suddenly we were shaken from our reverie by Princess running down the stairs. That was our early warning for Mom yelling down the staircase, "Hey you kids, how are you doing?"

We were instantly at opposite ends of the sofa, with feet on the floor, and I grabbed Princess and pulled her up between us as an extra insurance policy.

"We're fine, Mom. This is my first time playing, you know, and Carlos is a wonderful coach."

"Well, that's great. Carlos, you're so very sweet to come over and help Christy. She's such a newbie at this."

Carlos spoke up, "well, thank you, Ms. Dancer. I was just telling Christy that she's a natural for this. You know she's tackling a girls part, and you could never tell she hadn't been playing girls parts all her life."

"Well, I was just going to see if you kids wanted some ice cream."

Carlos spoke up and said, "Thank you anyway, Ms. D, but I had a huge dinner before I came over here, plus I'm just a little bit lactose intolerant, so I try to avoid milk whenever I can. But, if your daughter wants some..."

"No, Mom, I'm fine. I don't think Carlos can stay much longer, and I know we've got a couple more bases to cover tonite."

"Well, that's fine. I'll just take Princess and leave you kids alone. Tell me if you need anything."

"Thanks, Mom. We'll be fine."

She headed back up stairs, and Carlos and I started uncontrollably giggling. He finally said, "Coach? That's rich."

"Well, you're the one who said I'm a natural."

"And you told her we have more bases to cover. Well..."

With that I slid a bit closer to him, and we started in on fist base again. Before I noticed it, his hands were sliding down my back, and grabbing my bottom. I didn't quite know how to react, but it felt wonderful, and the kissing was sending me into a different universe. Before long, he took his hand and reached up for one of my hands, and led me down to his t-shirt. I felt his firm chest, and it was better than I had imagined. He lifted his t-shirt, which hung lose around his jeans, and let me rub his bare chest. Before I knew it, I caught myself rubbing up against his leg.

While Taylor Swift serenaded us, He took my hand again, and led it down to his pants. There, beneath his jeans, was the first penis I'd ever touched, except, like, for my own. I had nothing to compare it to. My own little package wasn't even developed, but it was obvious that Carlos had already gone thru whatever changes I was trying to avoid. He backed off kissing me a bit, and said, "do you like this?" I just nodded, and continued massaging his cock thru his jeans. It was clear he liked that, and he said, "would you like me to show you how to steal third base?" I just nodded, rubbing him even harder. "Do you have any lotion or tissues around here?"

Again, I nodded, and I hated to break off holding him, but leaned down to grab my purse, and the handy little package of tissue and small bottle of lotion that Dr. Strange had advised me to carry.

Carlos said, "Now, unzip me." He wasn't wearing a belt, so unsnapping his jeans and pulling down his zipper took a half second. He was wearing boxers, so his cock (Member? Tool? What do boys want us to call those wonderful things?) just sprang out to full attention. "Ok, take some lotion in your right hand, and begin slowly massaging me, getting the lotion spread all around. Now, grip my cock like you're holding a stick and pump up and down very slowly. (OK -- `cock' is the word. Learning something new here.)

I could tell he was enjoying this, and truth be told, I was enjoying doing it to him. We started kissing again, and he became even more passionate with his kisses. He broke off and said, "hold the tissue on the head of my cock with your other hand. I'm about to cum."

I was way ahead of him, and held the tissue with my left hand while pumping him with my right. We began kissing again, and after just a few seconds, he broke it off and began breathing heavily. I kept pumping, and could feel his cock start quivering in my hand. Wow! Was I doing this! Wow!

Just then, the tissue started getting wet, and I could feel spurts hitting the palm of my hand thru the tissue. His cock was throbbing with each spurt. Before too long, the tissue was soaked, and he said, "just hold it there, and hold my cock." He lay back on the sofa, and I laid my head on his shoulder. After about a minute, he said, "Wow, you really are a natural at this." He reached down to zip himself up, and said, "you might want to go flush that before the ice cream lady comes back."

I couldn't help but smell the tissue on the way to the bathroom. It had a sweet/salty smell to it. I was tempted to taste it, but resisted the urge. Now, as I write this, I wish I had. I flushed the evidence, and as I looked in the mirror, I could tell my messy hair was also fairly incriminating. Fortunately, there was a little brush in the cabinet and I used it to get presentable again. Fortunately, I hadn't been wearing much makeup, or that would have to be re-done completely.

When I got back to the sofa, Carlos was sitting there with a huge grin on his face. I told him to quit, or Mom would know we'd been up to something. He said, "I'm an actor, remember? I'll be fine."

"So, that's the third base everyone's talking about?"

"Well, sorta two-and-a-half. Second base is over-the-clothes petting, and we got pretty close to that. Third base is usually below the waist' stuff, but lately everyone figures oral is third and all the way' is home plate.

"Oral... ahhh..."

"Look, don't take this the wrong way, but with guys, or I guess now girls with guys' plumbing, I pitch but don't catch, if you understand."

"I'm not sure, but I think I do."

"Ahhh... I've been to third base with one other guy, Ricky. He `went down' on me, but I didn't reciprocate. I think maybe that's the reason he didn't continue our relationship."

"OK, I got it. For what it's worth, I'm VERY sensitive about my... plumbing. I'd frankly rather you stayed away from there, if you know what I mean. I was very happy to do you' tonite. In fact, I really enjoyed that." I caught myself looking at the floor and blushing. "I hope we get to do that again. But, I don't want you to reciprocate. I'm actually glad to hear you pitch' but don't `catch'. If I understand all the implications, I'm more than happy to play catcher."

With that, Carlos leaned forward, took my face in his hands, and gave me the best kiss of the night.

We headed up stairs (well, he walked, and I floated) and he said his good-bye to Mom. I told mom all the studying had made me tired and I was ready for an early bed. She smiled and said, "don't forget to brush your teeth."

I wonder what she meant by that.

Anyway, I didn't have time for my diary last night. I peeled off my shorts, pulled off my bra, and with just panties and a t-shirt, tackled my pillow. My `O' wasn't nearly as voluminous as Carlos', but every bit as enjoyable, I'll bet.

Next: Chapter 21

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