Christy's Diary

By ChristyDancer

Published on Sep 20, 2023


Sunday, January 26

My birthday week! The week of my birthday! I can now officially and legally do... nothing different from what I did last week. Sigh... Next year I'll be able to get a drivers license. This year, I got a new pouch for my cell phone.

I'm not making that up. Oh yeah, my birthday party on Monday was great. All the sisterwives were there, plus Carlos plus Emma Brunette brought Eric. Maddy made all the sisterwives these cute little cell phone pouches which I'm not sure what we'll do with them but they were in my honor with a little "Ravenclaw" patch on one side and "Sisterwives" embroidered on the other. Apparently Maddy's family thinks every little girl needs to learn to sew, which makes the whole sisterwives thingie a lot more scary ironic. Eric got me a new set of tennis racket covers and extracted a promise I'd give him tennis lessons. Mom got me a set of golf clubs which is creepy given what Carlos and I do at his Dad's golf club. Apparently there was some collusion because most of the other gifts were either golf or tennis or snowboarding related.

Monday was a really busy day. I went to Dr. Strange that afternoon for my hourly "are you still a girl" session. I told him all about the church ski trip and Ms. VanderWater's line of questions and how I handled them, and he was cool with that. He up'd my dosage just a little bit, which I thought was odd because physically I was coming along just fine. He asked me a whole bunch of questions about any deviation from "girl-ness" and again I told him about the ski trip and how I was a snow-boarder and so ended up hanging with the 3 guys who were also snowboarders. He found that a bit curious and asked if I felt I was more "guy like" in my snowboarding and I said no. I explained to him that there were other girl snowboarders on the slopes that day, just none from my church group, and he seemed fine with that. I told him about the sleeping arrangements, and how it turned out to be no big deal. He seemed fine with all that.

I'd told Carlos that I wanted a special present from him and it "might" involve a trip to his father's golf club. He was excited and maybe a bit apprehensive, but I was sure I wanted to go thru with this. It was kinda a birthday present to myself but also I was really, really curious and had an itch that only he could scratch.

School was its normal self. Weather had gotten cold and windy and rainy and we were inside every day but everyone was dreary but busy and so it didn't matter. Carlos and I used lunch in the drama club to run lines so he could try out for the play next week. Occasionally the Sisterwives got together to plan or plot something. Randi and Brie apparently had some kind of tiff mid-week but it was calmed down by the end of the week, so no really good drama to report.

The weather promised to calm down by weekend, and in fact the reporter said we may see some sunshine, albeit cold on Saturday. That was fine. Perfect in fact for my little plan. I told Mom that Carlos and I were going to go to the driving range to break in my new clubs. Of course, regular golf clothes weren't going to work -- I wore yoga pants and under them some new tucking panties I bought that actually had the faintest outline of a camel-toe on the outside of the crotch pocket. I'm still tiny down there anyway, so from the outside, I looked 100% girl. I wore a cute pink golf shirt but under a sweater and even a windbreaker over that and a matching pink hat and pink shoes.

My idea was that we'd actually visit the driving range first and get good and sweaty so Mom wouldn't suspect anything when we got home. I remembered to eat light for a couple of days before (Mom wondered where my appetite had gone!) and quietly did two enemas that morning, being sure to stuff the evidence in my golf bag to dispose of later. In my purse I packed some extra tissue (just in case later I got any sort of leakage) and plenty of lube!

Carlos picked me up at 10am. He knew part of what was in store, although I don't think he knew everything I had planned. At first, he drove silently and with a big grin on his face. Then he got serious and said, "You sure you're ready for this?"

I replied, "I've been ready for a couple of months. Emotionally, physically, ready. I'm more than ready. I'm anxious." I then explained the whole plan to him, and he nodded in agreement.

We got to the golf course, and went thru the motions of hitting a couple of bags of balls. I had other balls in mind, so my mind wasn't really into it. I loved watching Carlos swing. He's pretty athletic, and I'm surprised he hasn't gone out for any sports.

Afterwards, we loaded our clubs back in his car, and wandered toward the clubhouse. I absentmindedly took his hand in mine, and he pulled me to him and put his arm around my shoulder. It felt wonderful, like it always belonged there. We went into the pro shop and grabbed a couple of bottles of water (and put them on Carlos' Dad's account!) and then headed down the hall to the semi-secret staircase that led up to the semi-secret lounges.

When we got up there, we could vaguely hear noise coming out of one of the rooms. Temptation to spy overcame us both, and we listened at the door. The voices were unmistakably an older man and younger woman. We couldn't make out what they were saying, but we both had to suppress a laugh.

We got into one of the private rooms and locked the door. Like before, it was outfitted with clean sheets, plenty of towels, and an adjacent bathroom and shower. There was a small dormer window looking out on the golf course, and very subdued lighting. I pulled off my jacket and laid it over the chair. Carlos turned to me, and pulled me to him, and we started kissing forever and ever and ever...

When we came up for air, I was shaking uncontrollably. Carlos took my head in his hands and said, "are you nervous? Scared?"

I nodded and said, "A little. Not really scared, just, this is a huge step, and I really, really, REALLY want to feel you inside me, but yeah, I'm a little scared." I just looked down at the floor, and he pulled me into his big arms with a long hug. I don't think I've ever squeezed anything as hard as I squeezed him.

He pulled back, and started slowly undressing me. The room wasn't hot, but wasn't cold either. When my bra popped off, my nipples popped up with it like big goose bumps. In fact, I had goose bumps all over, not so much from the cold but from the nervousness. I noticed I was shaking, and Carlos was taking his time, unwrapping me like a Christmas present.

He got my yoga pants off, and underneath saw my tucking panties with the camel-toe shaping. He smiled at that, and I nodded for him to take them off. I had another thong on underneath with its own cup so that I could be as naked as possible for him. Once he got down to that point, I turned to the bed, pulled back the covers, crawled in, lay on my side, and said, "Now, your turn."

He laughed, and began a slightly quicker strip tease, being sure to lay each item of clothing gently on the chair, and taking his time about everything. Finally, he was standing in front of me in his birthday suit! I flipped down the covers on the side of the bed next to him, and patted the bottom sheet for him to lay down. Once he was in the bed, I curled up in his arms, and we had a long, and very drawn out, foreplay session. He was both gentle and firm at the same time, just like I like it, and his fingertips did marvelous things all over me.

He broke away for a breather, and I used that opportunity to bend over under the covers and get a taste of his manhood. I hadn't had him in my mouth for a while, and he tasted yummy! Part of me though I could just keep this up and be happy, but I knew I needed more, and he was expecting more.

When I came up for air, I reached for a little makeup bag I had put on the end table next to my side of the bed. I pulled out some lube and poured a little bit on my hand. He was sweet enough to pull back the covers, guessing what I had in mind. I began massaging this into him and poured a bit more onto him just to make sure. After he was good and wet, I handed the vial to him, flipped over on my belly, and tucked a pillow under my hips to raise my bottom up a few inches. He began crawling over me, and I spread my legs a bit to make room for him. He pulled my thong to the side, and dripped a bit of lube on my puckered bottom. He used his finger to massage it in, and took his time, massaging one and then two fingers.

I'd been prepping for him with my toys, so his finger wasn't a surprise, but the FEEL of his finger (warm, throbbing a bit, bending, rotating) was VERY different. I buried my face in a pillow, closed my eyes, and just relaxed so I could enjoy the experience. Having someone else in control was completely different! I just lay there and felt the shivers in my body as he "had is way with me". I was letting him "have his way" and submitting to him. From this point forward, he would decide how long this would last, and I would be his until he came inside me.

Once he had me well lubricated, I was almost in an out-of-body experience. I felt myself reflexively lifting my bottom up in the air, wantonly inviting him in. He took his time, massaging my ass cheeks, and gently rubbing my back and legs, giving my whole body his attention. I could have just lay there and enjoyed that all day, but I knew he had other plans for me, and I wanted him. I actually wiggled my ass back and forth a bit to remind him of the goal. (Or, it was more like, I saw myself wiggling my ass, in my semi-out-of-body feeling.) My ass wiggling was almost an involuntary response -- a guttural mating call.

I felt his hands pull away, and then felt the tip of his cock rubbing between my cheeks. I'm not sure where he learned this, but rather than slide directly in me, he lay his cock along my ass crack and massaged my bottom with it. He slid it up and down, firmly but gently, which had the effect of relaxing my ass and at the same time working the lube into it. I had planned to just lay there and let him have his way, but the feeling was so wonderful, I couldn't help but rub up and down against him and encourage him along.

I was so into it, and it felt so wonderful, that I hardly noticed when the direction changed from up and down to "in and out". Yes! He was entering me! I was stretching to great him, and it felt so wonderful and right! I pushed my ass up against him. There was some internal stretching, but not anymore than I'd gotten used to with my toys, and anyway all of that went away in seconds. I again buried my face in the pillow, and I was breathing deep -- almost to the point of hyperventilating -- with every one of his thrusts.

Then the out-of-body experience was even more vivid. I could see him. I could see him on top of me. He lay down on me -- his chest to my back -- and I squirmed my ass against him. He was totally overpowering me, and totally in control, and I was giving him that control.

After a while -- or maybe a couple of days, I don't know -- I could feel his cock start to shiver and spasm, just the way I'd felt it in my mouth so many times. I clenched my ass around him, and as soon as I did, I could feel him pumping inside me. He thrust deep, and I welcomed him, and then he collapsed exhausted on top of me, and our deep breaths were in unison.

He and I both just lay there for a while. He shrank out of me, but not totally, his tip never quite leaving my bottom. Finally, he lifted up. I'd left a warm, damp washcloth on the nightstand (it's helpful to do some homework!) and he got the hint and cleaned himself and me. He took the hand towel that was also there, and gently dried me off. My thong had been pulled aside, and before he could move it back in place, I took a few tissues and lay them against my ass just to be on the safe side. I rolled over on my side, he lay by me, and we napped for a few minutes.

Before long, we wordlessly got out of bed and dressed, somewhat dressing each other. I'd worn very little makeup since we were headed for a golf course (I'm a freckle-faced monster without makeup!) but I did apply some fresh lotion and lipstick. We continued not to say a word, but once we were dressed, and tossed out any used tissue and the spent lotion container, he pulled me to him again and we just stood there hugging. I finally looked up at him, we kissed, and quietly headed to the car.

Once we drove off, he broke out in a grin, and said, "That was nice!"

I laughed and replied, "Yeah. Let's do it again. SOON!"

We just smiled and giggled and swapped jokes all the way back to my house.

That night, I slept the sleep of a well-spent girl. I dreamed of him. I dreamed silly dreams of marrying him and somehow we had a child and living in a little bungalow in a city neighborhood where I went out with the baby for coffee every morning and he came home and we fucked like rabbits.

Today, Mom and I went to church and I went to the youth group this evening but all I could think about was Carlos. Everyone tried to talk about the ski trip, but my mind was completely on Carlos. Everytime I closed my eyes, he was there. I was completely emotionally owned by him, and I could think of nothing more than being with him and touching him and having him hold me. I was his pet now, and knew it. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to handle tomorrow, but yeah...

Next: Chapter 47

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