Chubby Chum Becomes Buddys Cumdumpster

By Chubby Slut

Published on Oct 10, 2011


I arrived at Ricky's place at 5:00 for the game, as usual. This week it was the Packers and the Falcons. The Packers were Ricky's favorite team, had been for ages. I lurched my chubby body out of the car, straining against the door to get out. I've got to lose some weight, I thought, shutting the door behind me. I adjusted my package in my basketball shorts and walked toward the front door. Even in the chill of early October my balls were sweating, despite the shower I'd taken just before coming over.

Ricky lived in a shitty duplex, but it afforded him some privacy, and his landlady, who lived in the other unit, took $50 off his rent during the warmer months if he mowed the yard every week. Better than my own situation, living with two guys I'd graduated from high school with the year before. I went in without knocking, as always (Ricky never left his door locked during the day, and only rarely at night).

"Hey!" I called out, and heard noises coming from the kitchen. I could hear the pregame talking heads buzzing from the TV in the living room.

"In here," Ricky shouted back at me. I walked into the kitchen and saw Ricky bent over the refrigerator, rummaging around. Like usual, he was shirtless, his belly lurching just after his frame as he moved back and forth searching for whatever it was he wanted from the fridge. He came up and tossed a beer at me. "Catch."

I caught the beer in one hand and opened it. Coors Light, as usual. I preferred darker beers, usually, but Ricky never kept those around and beggars can't be choosers. "Thanks, man. Should be a good one today." I pulled back the beer and let the crisp taste of it wash over my tongue and down my throat.

"Yeah, we'd better get in there. The game's about to start."

We both plopped down on the couch, in front of Ricky's 42" LCD TV. His cable package came with HD for certain channels and the football game was on one of them. Ricky opened his own beer and put his hands down his shorts, adjusting his cock into a less squished position for the game.

"How was work this week?" I asked.

"Same old, same old," he said. "How's the job hunt?"

"The market sucks. I can't even get anyone to call me back. Fucking assholes."

"True story. At least you're not the only one."

"I guess there's some solace in that. Thanks."

"No prob, Nick."

Ricky and I had gone to different high schools due to district lines, but had stayed friends the whole time. Now that high school was over, though, we hung out more regularly, since we didn't have sports or other stuff to occupy our time as much. I took few classes at the local community college, one of the things I was certain was keeping me from finding work, but Ricky had got a job working for his dad's appliance store.

Suddenly, the picture on the screen went to snow. "Son of a bitch," I said. "Fuck."

"Hold on a sec. Sometimes the picture just cuts out for a few and then comes back." After about a minute passed, Ricky said, "Well, fuck."

"Oh well. Maybe it'll come back on in a bit. Wanna pop in a movie or something?"

"I guess. Dammit, I'm gonna send the cable company an email about this. Third time this month the cable's gone out without warning."

"That'll have to wait until the TV comes back on. You get your internet through the same cable as your TV."

"It can wait til tomorrow, I guess. Fuck, what you wanna watch?"

"I don't care. Whatever you've got handy."

"I just got a new porn. It's mostly anal, supposed to be pretty hot."

"Porn? Uhm..."

"C'mon man, we haven't watched porn together in years, not since middle school."

"Fine, whatever. Sounds hot anyway." I adjusted my package. My dick wasn't very big, but it was already hard at the thought of watching some sluts take it up the ass. Not a bad substitute for a missed football game either.

Ricky heaved himself up off the couch and adjusted him junk again. He walked over to the DVD stack and pulled out five or so movies and took another DVD that had been hiding behind the others.

Ricky popped the DVD in the player and changed the TV settings. "Want another beer?" he asked.


"Good. Get me one, too"

"Asshole," I said, and got up myself. I made sure to turn to the left and walk around the couch so Ricky didn't see my bulge. I got to the fridge and had to reach to the very back to get to the beer. I guess Ricky thinks they stay colder in the back of the fridge or something.

I walked back into the living room and the DVD was already going. The young girl in the video already had a guy's cock out and was sucking on it. "Here ya go," I said, handing Ricky the beer. I popped mine open and took a deep swallow, then sat down. "She doesn't waste any time, does she?" I said.

"Nah, she knows what she wants," Ricky replied, his hand drifting down to his shorts. I realized I'd last seen his cock hard when we were twelve or thirteen, but by the way he was stroking along the leg of his shorts, it was a whole lot bigger than it had been. Mine hadn't grown hardly at all since that time. Damn.

I tried to keep my eye on the girl on the TV, who didn't waste much more time before begging for the cock to be stuck up her "virgin" asshole, but it kept on drifting over to Ricky's crotch. As the movie progressed, he got bolder about his stroking. I didn't want to stroke my cock too much, cause I didn't want Ricky to see how little stroking I'd have to do.

"Fuck. I could use another beer," I said. "Want one?"

"Nah. Help yourself though."

I got up and walked to the kitchen again, grabbed another beer from the bottom shelf, and drank half of it before I returned to the living room. To my surprise, Ricky had taken my absence as leave to move closer to the middle of the couch and to shuck his shorts down. He was still wearing his boxers, but he had his cock out through the hole you're apparently supposed to piss through or something. It was giant compared to mine, at least 7" long, compared with my 4.3" (I'd measured many times and knew the exact length). "Man, she's really taking it great, isn't she?" he asked. "I love it when a bitch moans like that."

"Yeah, it's really hot," I said, taking another long drink from my beer can. I set it on the table and took my seat next to him. His elbow kept jostling me as he slowly stroked his cock.

Ricky looked over at me and met my eyes. "Hey man, take yours out," he said, looking down at my package. "I don't want to be alone here. He reached over and tugged at my shirt, pulling it partway up. It looked like there was no clear way out of this.

"Fine," I said. I pulled the shirt over my head, revealing my chubby torso. Ricky outweighed me by fifty pounds or so, but he was also about 5" taller and was a bit more muscular, so while his chest and belly extended a bit, my belly was larger and my tits looked almost like a girl's. My big nipples made it even more feminine, since they looked as it they were begging to be chewed on.

I stood up and pulled my shorts down, but kept my briefs on, hoping Ricky wouldn't press the issue of me having my cock on full display. I figured he was still technically wearing underwear, too, so it should be fine.

I sat back down on the couch and rubbed my small cock in my briefs while staring at the girl on the screen. Unconsciously, when the guy started biting her nipples, I brought my left hand up and started pinching my own. The guy's cock was plunging in and out of the girl's ass like a jackhammer, and she was screaming for him to keep fucking her ass while she fingered her cunt. I looked over at Ricky's dick again, and saw a small trail of precum had attached to belly. His hand wasn't moving, and I raised my gaze to meet his eyes. He was smiling.

"Take off the briefs, Nick," he said, his eyes hungry. I was motionless for a moment, and he got up off the couch. He pushed his boxers down and stepped out of them, then came to stand in front of me. He reached down and grabbed the waistband of my briefs and tried to pull them off, but couldn't. He grabbed both of my ankles and violently scooted my ass closer to the edge of the couch, then tried again. The briefs came off easily, sliding down my large thighs, and off first one ankle, then the other. I was totally exposed, with my best friend between my legs.

Ricky whistled. "Fuck, man, I figured you were small in the pants, but Jesus, that's hardly a dick at all. No wonder you didn't want to take off your undies. Couldn't keep your eyes off my dick, though, so I had to know."

"Come on, man. It's not that small, really."

"It's a kid's dick, Nickie!" he shouted, leaning closer and grabbing his own cock. "This is a cock!" he shouted, thrusting it closer to my face. "Say it!"

"Fine, yes. Yours is a real cock."


"And I have a kid's cock! Fine. Whatever."

I tried to stand up, but Ricky's body was in the way, and he pushed back on my chest, keeping me on the couch.

"Yeah, you have a kid's cock. Want to feel what a man's cock is like. Go ahead and touch it. I know you want to, the way you've been staring at it."

I tried to look aghast, but couldn't really manage it, and after a second, I put my hand out and wrapped it around Ricky's cock. Or at least I tried to, but it was so thick I couldn't touch my fingers together with my hand fully around it.

"It's nice. Really big, Ricky."

"Yeah it is. A really pussy pleaser." Ricky started moving his body back and forth, rocking so his cock slid in my hand. In and out, in and out. I started moving my fingers a little, sliding them around on the tip of his slippery cock. I moved my other hand down to my own cock, but Ricky slapped it away. "No," was all he said, and I didn't try to refuse him then.

I jerked on his cock for a few minutes, his belly occasionally bumping into my face, was starting to like the feel of it when he whispered, "Suck it." He didn't even have to say it twice. I just took his shaft and slid the tip of it into my mouth, along my tongue. I didn't know how to give a blowjob really, but had had a few from girls in the past (though the girls never wanted to do it again, always breaking it off, probably because of how small I was), so I tried to emulate their movements. I slid the cock against the side of my cheek and was careful not to let my teeth hit it.

"Oh fuck, buddy, that feels great," Ricky moaned, reaching his hand down and tweaking my left nipple. The nipple hardened in his fingers and my tiny cocklet started drooling precum all over my belly.

Ricky took hold of the back of my head, and guided me down onto the shaft of his cock, slowly but inexorably shoving the tip down my throat. I started to gag a bit, but Ricky let up for a second, and then started the assault again. After a few minutes of him attempting, more and more of his cock sliding down my throat each time, I finally felt his pubes against my face and chin. It had been hidden in his underwear before, but Ricky had an enormous bush of hair around his cock. My own pubes had never really grown in that much, hair under my arms and around my cock a bit, with a bit of a happy trail, but otherwise I was mostly smooth on my torso. Ricky was very hairy, and I loved the feel of his hairy balls as they rested against my chin.

Slowly again, almost gently, Ricky pulled his cock out of my throat, and then pushed it back in all the way. He'd let me get a breath, and then slide the cock right back in. He gradually built up speed, and my throat began to feel really raw, but his balls would bounce against my skin and it would feel great. Eventually he let up, slipping his cock out of my mouth, and I started coughing a bit. Spit streamed between his cock and my mouth, the thin strands breaking and falling down onto my chest. I used the back of my arm to wipe the saliva away.

"That felt great, didn't it, kid?" Ricky asked me, and I nodded. "I knew you'd like it. Come with me."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me up from the couch. I didn't know where we were going at first, but then I realized it had to be the bedroom. I could still hear the teenage girl squealing in the background, and it didn't take much of a leap to understand what Ricky intended for us to do in the bedroom.

Ricky pointed to the bed. "Sit down," he instructed. I didn't argue, I just did it. Was I ready for this? I asked myself. I guessed I must be, and that it didn't really matter, since Ricky was clearly in charge of this situation. Ricky sat down next to me, leaned in, and kissed me gently on the mouth. Then he got up and stood in front of me, meeting my eyes.

"As you've figured out, things are going to change now. It's alright, I don't care about your kidcock, it doesn't bother me, but you have to know you'll never satisfy a woman with that thing, right?"

I just nodded.

"And like I said, that's fine. You have a boy's cock. Hell, most freshmen in high school pack more than you in their jocks, but that's not your fault. What would be your fault is your pretending that you don't know what your place really is. And you know now, your place is serving the cocks of real men, cocks that might stand a chance of furthering the species some day. Cocks like this," he said, gripping his own thick member and waggling it in front of my face. I started to move in to suck it some more, but Ricky's hand reached out and pushed me back. "Exactly. Now you know, and we can move forward."

"You mean you want to fuck me," I said. It wasn't a question.

"Yeah, that's it. Your cock is useless to me, but a real man's got to bust a nut all the time, and women, they don't want to give it up that often, so 'guys' like you--not guys in the actual sense, but in the sense that you technically have a penis, no matter how inadequate--'guys' like you make up the difference. Does that make sense?"

"I guess it does, yeah," I said. My thighs were super hot, and I felt the need to spread them apart a little to let some cool air inside.

"Good. Then let's get started." Ricky moved over to the bedside table and pulled out a drawer. I grabbed a bottle of lube and said, "Lay back and hold your legs up for me." I did as he said, but then he added, "Knees apart."

The room's air felt great on my asshole, but that only lasted a second before I felt the lube hit it, and man, did that ever feel great. The lube was cool and soothing, and I didn't ever care when I felt Ricky's fingers meeting with my sphincter. I could tell he was using his middle finger first. "Relax" he said, and I tried to, but I didn't really know how. "Just pretend like you're taking a dump," he said. Whew. Good thing I didn't need to take one now, that I had gone just before coming over here. I pushed out a bit and his finger popped in.

"Oooooh!" I cried out.

"Good boy," Ricky said, working his finger inside me. It was weird, but it didn't feel bad at all. My ass ring stung a bit, but not too much. All in all, it felt pretty good. "Push out again," he said. "I'm gonna do another finger."

I braced a little and pushed a little and soon Ricky's index finger was up with his middle finger inside me. I felt stretched out, but in a good way. The stinging was worse, but not unbearable at all. Ricky spent several minutes with the two fingers inside me, moving them in and out, sometimes pulling them completely out of my hole and putting them back in. He was tender while he did this, but also violent in some of his movements, making room inside me, getting me comfortable. Soon he added a third finger into me and I began to moan a little. The stinging was getting really bad.

"Ricky, I don't know if I can do this," I said. Ricky kept his fingers inside me, but brought his chubby chest up so it was against my side.

"It's okay, Nickie, just relax. This is what you were meant for, remember?" His fingers still inside me, he pressed further up, chest met mine and he kissed me gently on the mouth, his tongue searching for my own, finding it, dancing with it. When he was kissing me, it was like the pain just left entirely.

"Okay, Ricky. I think I'm ready."

"Good," he said, pulling his fingers gently out. He got up off the bed and put himself between my legs. I felt the tip of his cock push slightly against my tender hole, and I breathed out and relaxed.

Ricky's cock was thicker than his fingers had been, and somehow blunter, but eventually, the tip of the cock popped in me and I gasped. Ricky just let it sit there for a few seconds, then pushed it in me and inch or so at a time, in quick, gentle thrusts. Within a minute, his whole length was inside me. "Oh Ricky," I moaned. "I feel so full of you."

"God you're tight, bitch," he said. "I love the way your pussy feels on my dick." It was odd the way he called my asshole a pussy, but then I thought about it for a second and realized that he was right. My cock was clearly not meant to go into a woman, wasn't meant for sex with a woman, which could only mean my ass was mean for pleasure for another man, a real man, and that made it a pussy, since it was for him.

"Fuck my pussy, baby," I said, panting a little. I knew Ricky like it when the girls in the videos moaned, so I played it up a little, and squealed a little as he slid his cock almost to the exit of my cunt, and then pounded it down again hard, his huge balls slapping against my ass with force. I moaned as he bottomed out. "God, you feel so good. I love your real man's cock, fuck me with it."

Ricky didn't need any more encouragement than that. He started pounding into my pussy with a vengeance, his chubby belly bumping up against my tiny kidcock occasionally, reminding me that it was there. I reached down and played with it a little, and he met my eyes. At first I was scared I had done something wrong, but then he smiled. "It's okay, baby, you can play with your clit if you like while Daddy is fucking you. You're doing so good for your first time."

"Oh, Ricky," I cried, tears streaming down my face a little, a I leaned back and started pulling on my clit with a thumb and two fingers, that being all that was required to stimulate my pitifully small member. I moaned more, squealing occasionally when Ricky's blunt cock pushed hard on what I was thinking of as my "button," something inside me that could barely imagine what it had felt like before a cock had made it whole.

After a few more minutes of fucking, I couldn't hold it anymore, and I started squirting my clit cum everywhere. Most of it landed on my tits, but some of it hit my face. Ricky reached up and smeared some of the juice on his finger, then brought it to my mouth, where I sucked it off of his fingers instinctually. A couple of seconds later, Ricky started grunting, his thrusts became more animalistic, and I felt his already thick cock expand even more within me. I knew he was pumping his man juices deep inside me, making me his. He collapsed on top of me and I stroked his hair for a bit, his belly and chest feeling so heavy on top of me.

Eventually, his cock deflated a bit and slipped out of my pussy. Barely moving, Ricky pushed his arm between his belly and my thighs and stuck first two, then three of his fingers inside my cunt. He brought his oozy hand to my face and I licked off all of the cum I could. He did this twice more, each time less cum on his fingers, much to my disappointment. He got up and pulled me off the bed, then pushed me to my knees. I knew what I was supposed to do. I gulped his cock down my throat, making sure my tongue bathed every inch of his shaft, then I moved on to licking his balls, which were covered with his own cum and lube. Eventually, he felt clean, and I stood up.

"That's a good bitch," he said, bringing me into a warm embrace. His fingers trailed around to my pussy again, which was already starting to tighten back up. "We're gonna need to get you a plug, so we can keep your pussy loose enough to fuck anytime."

"Yes, Ricky. That sounds great."

"Call me 'Rick" from now on. And I'll call you Nickie, since you're my pussy girl."

"Sure thing, Rick." His mouth met mine again, and I knew this was the beginning of a wonderful new chapter in our relationship.

The End

I hope all of you enjoyed the story. If you have any feedback, I'd love to hear it at I love thinking about all of the cocks I've made hard by writing this. I'd also love to see what your real men's cocks all look like, so send along a pic if you enjoyed the story. Also, if you're in Eastern Washington, I'd be open to meeting up with anyone that wanted to treat me like the chubby slut I am.

Next: Chapter 2

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