Chubby Chum Becomes Buddys Cumdumpster

By Chubby Slut

Published on Apr 30, 2012


Hey guys, sorry this installment took so long to get through. I had some personal shit going on in my life. It's been rough. Those of you who emailed me to say you liked the story and were looking forward to the next part of it, this installment is dedicated to you. I hope it meets with everyone's approval. This section is a little bit longer than the others. As always, I'm super happy to hear from people who like the story. I also love the nasty pictures you guys send of your sissyclits and real men's cocks. I love knowing that my words helped to get you off and I love seeing the evidence. Hope to write another section of this story soon. I've also got a couple other slutty stories in the works that might pop up here and there. Love you all, thanks a million.

Chapter 4

No one stopped us on our way out of the store, which was fortunate because I doubted Rick would want to explain why he was stealing panties. "Well, that was unexpected," I said as we made our way to the car.

"Yeah, but tons of fun. Two new cunts in a day. That's the kind of work I enjoy," Rick said, meeting my eye.

"Yeah, yeah," I said. "Whatever. Where to now?" I asked.

"Still gotta get you that plug, bitch," Rick said. He opened his car door and unlocked mine. We settled down into our seats, and then we were on the road again. I wondered what a plug would feel like inside me. I squirmed a little in my seat. If it felt anything like the panties currently occupying my pussy, then I wasn't sure I would like it. Then I remembered that it wasn't really up to me. I rolled down the window and let the breeze flow across me.

"Here," Rick said, pulling one of the pairs of panties from his pocket. They were thong-style and bright purple and had a small band of lace around the waist, which made them seem fancy, like they'd be for a special occasion. "Put these on." I slipped my shorts off and pulled the thong on. The thin band of fabric worked between my plumb ass cheeks and pushed against the tail of panties that was sticking out of my boycunt, which actually felt really good. After I got the panties on, I slid the basketball shorts back on over them. No reason for passing motorists to get a look at me in just panties sitting in the passenger seat of Rick's car.

The adult store was all the way across town from Wal-mart, and traffic wasn't the best, so it was taking us awhile to get there. I was pretty tired from getting fucked all day, so I leaned over and put my head on Rick's shoulder. To my surprise, he lifted his arm up and put it around my shoulders, letting me nuzzle against his chest. With his arm lifted, I could smell distinctly his scent on the air, a manly, sweaty aroma. The kind of odor that comes from opening up two virgin boycunts in one day, partly against the will of the fuckees. I pushed my mouth to the side and lapped for a minute at Rick's hairy armpit. Rick moaned a little and adjusted his package with one hand. He tasted salty and manly. I turned my head again and put my ear against his chest, listening to the sound of his breathing.

I think I dozed off listening to his breathing and his steady heartbeat, because Rick had to shake me awake when we arrived at the adult store. There were a few other cars in the parking lot, but not a ton. There were no windows to the store at all, just a couple of signs advertising the location and letting you know the types of things you might find inside, all with awkward euphemisms. Rick walked over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. He grabbed my hand and helped pull me up out of the car, into his chest. He lifted up my chin and kissed me, right there in the open. No one was around, but still. "Let's get you that plug," he said after he broke the kiss and headed into the store.

Of course I'd been in an adult store before. Hasn't everyone? The inside was harshly lit, with fluorescent bulbs flickering behind semi-opaque panels. It felt like someone had just boarded up the windows on a high school science lab and decided to open a sex shop. As we walked in, a middle-aged man and a woman left, obviously a couple trying to put the spark back into their sex lives. She had a brown paper bag she was trying to stuff into her purse, but the object in the bag was rigid and it wouldn't fit inside.

I looked around the store once my eyes adjusted to the fluorescent bulbs. There were a couple of clerks in the store, and one older guy with a mustache browsing the straight DVD section. I must have stopped while I was looking around, because Rick's hand grabbed mine and pulled me toward the back wall where all of the insertable sex toys were displayed. There were some laid out on a table, too. The range of sizes surprised me. I hadn't much looked at sex toys before.

We browsed around for a couple of minutes, Rick grabbing dildos off the racks and pushing on them through the "feel this!" holes provided. We worked out way down the wall and came to stand in front of the butt plugs. As Rick was considering which one he wanted for me, one of the clerks came up and said, "Can I help you find anything today?"

"Sure," Rick said. "I'm looking for a butt plug I can use on my bitch here to keep him loose for me. Something he can wear for long stretches of time. Do you have anything like that?"

"Oh absolutely," the clerk said. I looked at his shirt and saw it was embroidered with the name Dave. "We have several sizes that would work for that. What you need it something with a flared base so that it can rest up against the sphincter and the hole has to close around it. How loose do you want him to be?"

"Loose enough that I can sink this into her after taking it out," Rick said, gripping his meat through his shorts. The clerk stared at the obvious outline of Rick's thick cock and nodded. "But not so loose that it's not still great when I sink in."

"Absolutely," Dave said. "Then you'll want something like this." He grabbed a plug off the rack. It had a severely flared base and was approximately three inches wide at its widest. It looked almost like a cone. "This will keep him loose, more or less. He'll have to re-apply lube to it occasionally, but it should do that job."

"Do you have a floor model that we can test out?" Rick asked.

"Well, technically we're not supposed to do that sort of thing, but I think we can probably work something out." He turned around and called over his shoulder, "Hey, Ray! I'm going into the back for a bit. Can you handle the front of the store?"

Ray nodded his head and couldn't resist grinning. "Sure thing, buddy. No problem."

Dave jerked his head toward a door that said EMPLOYEES ONLY in big blocky letters. He grabbed a key ring from his pocket and opened the heavy metal door. I hadn't realized a sex shop would have a store room, but I guess I should have. There was a leather sling suspended from some chains and a moveable structure. It looked like it might collapse down and fit through the door. Maybe they used it for demonstrations of some kind. Other sex equipment was scattered about, too.

"Through here," Dave said, motioning for use to follow him. He led us to the left to an office with an old computer in it. The computer still used a CRT monitor, and I wasn't sure that it would even run windows. I had heard of hotel chains that still used DOS for their booking, but I hadn't thought other businesses would have failed to adapt, too. He opened a door in the desk and brought out a black bag, unzipped it, and pulled out two butt plugs from it. "The boss lets us keep our own stuff here in case we need it. Occasionally someone comes in and wants a little demonstration and he doesn't care if we oblige them, so long as they don't seem like cops."

"Thanks, man, I appreciate it. How should we do this?" Rick asked.

"Well, I suggest your bitch strip down and bend over, then we can try a few sizes and see which one works best for his hole."

"He's got a couple of loads up there right now. I hope that's okay."

"Sure, no problem. Means I won't have to use as much lube." Rick motioned for me to move in front of the desk and bend over, so I walked over, stripping off my shirt in the process. I got to the desk and bent over. Dave reached for my shorts and gripped them at the sides, pulling them down, revealing my panties beneath them. Dave let out what sounded like a sigh, but more wistful. "Nice panties," he said, running a finger along the sheer material. He pulled the silky strap of thong to the side and noticed the tail of panties sticking out of my boycunt. He shot Dave an inquiring look.

"Like I said, there's a few loads in the pussy already and I didn't want it leaking onto my seat."

"Very clever," Dave said, nodding. He gingerly grabbed the panties coming out of my ass and tugged at them, pulling them out slowly. They were pretty wet with Rick's and Earl's cum, so Dave set them onto the desk beside me. My little kidcock was hard as a rock in my panties, and Earl reached forward to feel my little nubbin of a cock. "He's quite excitable, isn't he?"

Rick just laughed, and pulled at his thick cock in his shorts. His erection was completely obvious, and he just decided to reach in and push the band of his shorts down below his balls, letting the sight and smell of his manhood fill the small back office.

Dave took Rick's exposed cock as a cue that it was okay to do a little more than demonstrate, so he removed his hand from my cocklet and brought it back to my wet cunthole. He pushed two fingers inside at once, and I moaned in pleasure at the intrusion. Without hesitation, he pushed a third finger inside to meet the others. "Oh yes," he said, "we won't need much lube at all.

Dave picked up the bigger of the two butt plugs from the desk and put it in front of my mouth. It wasn't as big as some of the ones outside had been, but those seemed like they were meant for the guys who wanted to be opened as wide as possible as a kind of challenge. This was a nice thick butt plug, but wouldn't leave me grotesquely agape.

"Get it wet," he said, and I put the rubbery material in my mouth without a second thought. It wasn't as giving as the dildos had been, was made of something more solid. It didn't taste very good, but I slobbered all over it, making sure to get it wet all the way around. I had to lap at the thickest part with my tongue since it was too wide to get into my mouth too well.

While I was slobbering on the butt plug, Dave walked over to Rick and felt his thick cock. "Yeah, with most guys this plug would probably leave a cunt too loose," he explained, rubbing his hand all around Rick's meat, letting Rick's precum slip onto his palm, then bringing it to his mouth and licking it. "But with your cock, I think this one will do just fine."

"Good. I like it to feel still tight around my rod," Rick said.

"Don't we all. Do you mind if I take a ride on your boy?" Dave asked.

"No, go ahead. That's what he's good at." I knew that the butt plug wouldn't be going in for awhile so I set it aside and focused all of my attention on my backdoor entrance, getting the sphincter to relax for Dave's entry.

Dave pulled at his belt and undid his pants button and zipper. He was wearing boxers and his cock was already sticking out of the hole in the middle. It was uncut and fairly thick. "I'm clean," he said to Rick. "Mind if I dump my cum in him, too? I've got rubbers..." he trailed off.

"Go for it, man." I got a thrill out of how Rick was taking control of the situation, out of how Dave didn't even think to ask for my permission, but only Rick's.

Dave shucked his boxers down, too, and then stepped out of his pants and underwear all at once. He kept his dress socks and work shoes on, though, and lifted up the polo shirt that was the store's uniform, pushing the front half over his head and around his neck, making it into a sort of bulky vest. His chest was hairy and well muscled. He obviously worked out. His cock was a good size, maybe 6.5 inches long and had a nice bend to the left at about the middle of its length. His cock was completely shaved, and so were his balls. I wondered if he were gay in the real world or if he just liked fucking the occasional hole. Some girls like that smooth look on a guy's cock, and the assurance they weren't going to get pubes stuck in their mouths while pleasuring their man. I knew I'd like the feel of that cock rubbing along the inner walls of my pussy.

He stepped forward and tested my cunt with his fingers again, then lined his uncut dick up with my still-tender hole. He pushed and sunk in with almost no resistance, and I gasped at the joy of having a man's cock inside me once again. I spread my legs wider and supported more of my weight by leaning against the surface of the table, desperate for him to get every inch of cock up inside me. Had it really been only an hour since Earl had pumped his teenage load into me? It felt like so much longer.

Dave kept pushing in, and the bend of his cock started to become apparent. There was more resistance and I breathed in slowly and then out slowly, relaxing my pussy more to let him get it all in. The uncut tip of his cock passed over my prostate and I nearly came right in my panties again. I cried out and I was sure the people in the main room of the sex shop could hear my pleasure. I tried to stop the moaning, but Dave kept pushing in until his smooth balls were nestled in between the mounds of my ass, and with each inch my pleasure intensified and I cried out louder.

While Dave was getting his cock inside me, Rick had moved closer to my body. When Dave's cock was finally all the way inside me, Rick leaned in and said, "There, there, baby. He's all the way in now. Now take it like the bitch we know you are." I nodded my approval, and Rick put his cock in front of my mouth. I sucked on the tip of his thick man cock like a pacifier.

Dave kept his cock fully inside me for a minute, then started pulling out, then pushing back up to the hilt in slow strokes. He seemed like he wanted to savor the pleasure of being inside a manpussy. Eventually, though, excitement got the better of him, and within a few minutes time he was railing away at my pussyhole like it would stand up to any kind of abuse. He'd pull his cock almost all the way out, then shove it back inside me in a single motion. Each time he'd do this, I'd cry out in pleasure and agony perfectly mixed. His smooth balls got covered in sweat and the cum loads that were leaking out of my ass, so they resisted pulling away from my ass cheeks when he'd pull back, coming off a second after the shaft was halfway out.

When Dave started fucking me in earnest, Rick took his cock out of my mouth and I was unable to stop my moaning. I'd been able to hold it together with Earl because his cock hadn't been so thick, and hadn't been bent like Dave's, but this fucking had me moaning like a whore trying for a fat tip, only the sounds coming out of me were authentic and couldn't be controlled.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the loudness of my moans was irresistible to the other two people left in the front of the shop. Dave's fellow employee and the man with the mustache came trundling into the room. Both of them had obvious boners, and were stroking them in their pants unselfconsciously. The worker was rubbing on the outside of his workpants, but he mustachioed guy had his hands down the front of his sweatpants and was obviously jerking off.

Dave looked over at them and gave them the thumbs up sign, smacking my chubby ass with one hand while he continued to piston in and out of my cunt. I tightened down on his cock with my ass muscles, knowing that would probably drive him over the edge, and sure enough, he started pumping even harder. "Oh, god!" he shouted, slamming his cock with full force into my pussy. I wondered if I'd have a Dave-shaped bruise on my ass in the morning. With one final, brutal thrust, the slammed his cock as deep into me as he could and unloaded his sperm into my grateful pussy. His cock twitched inside me with each spray of cum and I knew it would start leaking out almost as soon as Dave pulled his cock out of me.

Dave finally calmed down, bending over my back and rubbing his face on my smooth skin. His hands reached around to my still-erect clit-cock and rubbed on it for a second. "Thanks for that," he said, and stood up, pulling out of me, leaving me feeling empty and abandoned. I just lay there for a moment while Dave put on his clothes. "I've got the front of the store if you want a go, man," I heard him say.

Rick said, "Yeah, guys. Go for it. She's got two holes."

That was all the encouragement the two other men needed. The mustached guy stripped his shirt off revealing a smooth chubby chest and bulging belly. His pubes were gray and thick, matching his mustache, and he said gruffly, "Get on your back and take them panties off." He continued to stroke on his cock while he watched me. It was probably seven inches long and had a mushroom head on it that I could tell was going to sting each time it passed through my cunt opening.

I did as he requested, slipping the bright purple panties off and revealing my kidcock beneath. The other store employee laughed when he saw my pitiful little toy. "Easy to see why you're the bitch," he said. He'd removed his shirt fully, so I couldn't read his name off his shirt, and his pants, too, but kept on his boxers, letting his cock slide through the hole in them. He reached inside them while he was chucking at my clit and pulled his balls through the hole as well. They were lightly covered with blond hair, which also tufted up above the waistband of his boxers.

I didn't know where the guy meant for me to get on my back, but he came forward and kissed me on the mouth, rubbing his right hand across with tit. "Fuck," he said, "your tits are nicer than my wife's." I felt the metal of the ring on his right hand as he cradled my smooth balls, and then reached between my legs and slid his middle finger up my sloppy hole. He pushed me backward and sat me down on the desk, taking my ankles and pivoting me so my back was flat on the table and my head hung over the side. My ankles he placed on his shoulders, and he lined his cock up with my hole. I expected him to take it slow like Dave had done, but instead he just shoved the whole thing in at once. The thick head of his cock popped through my hole and ran screaming over my g-spot.

I cried out loudly, but then the other store employee stepped up and shoved his cock into my mouth. I don't know why he thought he could make fun of my cock, as his wasn't all that much bigger. Maybe 5" long or so. He wasn't fat like me, so more of his cock was exposed, but still it wasn't anything to brag about. It was a tasty cock, though. I could tell he'd showered that morning, but there was a musky manly taste to it, probably from the precum he'd generated hearing me moan while his coworker fucked me silly. He didn't waste any time, though, and grabbed hold of my head and started pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. He'd remove his cock fully, then push it back in past my lips. I think he liked the friction of it.

The guy who was inside my cunt wasn't wasting any time. He was fucking like a married man who just likes to get his rocks off and doesn't care much about his partner's pleasure. He'd occasionally run a rough hand over my large nipples, twisting them violently, or put his paw on my cocklet and balls. I was being used by him to fulfill a purpose, and I was completely turned on by it.

The mustached man didn't last very long, less than five minutes, before he lost it when I tensed up. The store employee had managed to hit my uvula, causing me to gag and my sphincter to tighten, and that was all it took. Rope after rope of his thick married man cum shot into my pussy. He pulled out almost instantly, grabbing his clothes. "Thanks a million, kid," he said, pulling on his sweats, and then he was gone.

I expected the store employee to move down to my cunt and start fucking, but maybe he thought my pussy would be too loose or something. His cock being smaller and visibly thinner than the other cocks he'd seen already in me, not to mention Rick's cock (which he was still stroking), I can understand the thought. Rick motioned to him that he could have my hole, but the kid just shook his head and kept pumping into me. Rick shrugged and stepped up in between my legs, which were dangling off the edge of the desk.

He picked up my ankles and instead of resting them on his shoulders, he pushed my knees forward to my chest. It was harder to breathe in this position, but Rick was in charge. Then I watched the employee's face as Rick lined his thick cock up with my hole and slowly eased his way into the cum-filled cunt. Rick's cock made me feel completely full, the walls of my anus hugging his cock as inch by inch he slid into me. The employee actually stopped fucking my face for a moment as he watched Rick slowly bottom out in my cunt. "Fuck," he said, and Rick nodded.

The store worker then started fucking my face with abandon, his fuzzy balls slapping into my forehead and eyes and nose as he sunk his cock into and pull it out of my mouth over and over and over again. Rick slowly fucked in and out of me while watching this kid fuck my face. The kid's frenetic assault eventually ended, though, and he pulled his cock out of my mouth completely and unloaded his sperm all over my face. I closed my eyes after the first geyser, but I felt three more streams distinctly hit me in the face. After he'd cum completely, he placed the tip of his cock at my mouth and I slowly licked the tip and shaft of his cock clean.

"Thanks," the guy said lamely, and then made a hasty exit, not bothering to pull his clothes on as he walked out the door. He'd probably put them on in the relative privacy of the storage room.

"I think I could have fucked that kid," Rick said, his cock still slowly pumping in and out of me.

"No doubt," I replied, laughing. "But three new pussies in a day is a lot of work. Plus you'll want to save him for later."

"Definitely. Ready for my load?"


Rick pumped a little faster into my hole and after ten or twelve thrusts his cock twitched inside me and I knew he'd cum. I'm not sure how much liquid he added to the supply already up there. It was his fourth or fifth orgasm of the day, and I usually didn't have energy for more than a couple. He kept his cock in my ass, though, and reached for my cock. Taking the shaft between his thumb and index finger, he fucked his softening cock in and out of my hole, jerking on my little clit. "Cum for me, baby," he said, and looked me right in the eyes. He pulled his cock almost all the way out, then pushed it back in an inch or so. His cockhead was rubbing right against my prostate and I moaned. He kept at it for a minute or so, and I couldn't resist anymore. My tiny cock spewed shot after shot of cum up onto my chubby belly.

After I came, I felt raw. Rick let his by now soft cock plop out of my hole, then reached over for the butt plug that was still setting on the desk. He pushed his fingers into my ass and scooped out some of the accumulated cum, flinging it in splotches onto the shitty industrial carpet, then using what was coating his hand to slick up the rubber of the plug. He then eased the thick object up into my ass. The flared base was at first perpendicular to the crease of my ass, so Rick gripped it and twisted it ninety degrees so it settled into my hole.

Rick tosses a fresh pair of panties at me—these ones were cotton and teal in color—and told me not to get dressed quite yet. He walked out into the store room and came back with a roll of paper towels. "I noticed these on our way in," he said, tearing off a handful of them and rubbing them on my chest, soaking up my cum. He tore off a few more and grabbed my ankles, gathering them into one hand and pushing my feet up, putting my knees akimbo and exposing my hole. I felt like a baby about to be diapered. He wiped off the cum that had gathered in my inner thighs and down my ass crack. He then pulled off a clean towel and wiped my face with it, picking in places where the store employee's cum had dried already.

"Get dressed now," Rick said, and I obeyed, pulling on first the panties, then my tee shirt and shorts. Rick pushed his big cock back into his shorts and we looked pretty presentable. It would be pretty obvious to anyone that smelled us that we'd just been fucking, but at least we looked pretty normal. Rick grabbed the unopened butt plug package from the desk and carried it as we left the back room.

Dave and the other employee (whose shirt said Ron) were waiting for us up front. The mustachioed guy had left and there were no other patrons browsing about. Rick held up the butt plug, as if to pay for it, and Dave just smiled and said, "No charge."

"He's got yours up him right now. Okay if we bring that back another day?"

"Sure," said Dave. "No problem. Here's my number." He scribbled his name and number down on a pad sitting at the desk. He offered it to Rick. "Call me anytime."

"Give me your number, too," Rick said to Ron. He met the guy's eyes and the guy looked away.

"Okay," Ron said weakly, taking the paper from Dave and writing his own name and number down in a neat hand. He offered the paper to Rick, who took it, folded it, and put it in his pocket.

"We'll be seeing you guys later," Rick said, taking my hand and leading me from the store.

"Come back anytime," Dave called after us as the door to the store closed.

We walked back to the car and Rick opened my door for me and I sat down. The butt plug didn't hurt, really, but just felt weird, especially sitting on it. "Back to your place?" I asked Rick.

"Yup," he said, climbing into his side of the car and starting it up. "Back home."

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