
By Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson

Published on Mar 6, 1997





This was my first meeting with Chuck, and I wanted for everything to be just perfect. He had given me an idea of when he would be able to meet me at the Super 8, in Watertown, NY. I made a point of getting there three hours earlier, so that I would have a lot of time. I know how much time it takes me to make myself pretty, and I wanted to have a cushion, just in case he showed up early.

I'd checked in around 9:30 a.m. I'd left home at 5:00 to make sure that I got here in plenty of time. I was pleased with the room. It was rather large, two double beds, a good sized television, a love seat, which I hoped would get a lot of use, with a coffee table in front of it, and a recliner chair. The room was clean. There was also a large mirror, beside the bath room door. There was also a small round table with two stuffed chairs. This would useful to me later on.

I'd lugged my three suitcases in. I had needed three suitcases, because I just could not decide what I should wear, so I brought nearly my entire wardrobe, postponing any decisions till later. I was looking forward to a great day, and a romantic evening.

Judging from Chuck's letters, I gathered that he was quite capable of being romantic, gentle, caring and very considerate. I hoped I had not judged him wrongly.

Once I had all my stuff moved into the room, I took a large piece of paper and wrote the room number on it. The plan was to put the note on my dashboard so that Chuck could avoid going through the routine of going to the front desk to get my room number. He would drive around the lot, find my car, which would be parked close to my room, and be able to avoid the front desk. I had forgotten that the side doors may be locked, but I was sure he would be able to figure out what to do. Chuck was not a dummy after all, not if the way he wrote his letters was any indication of is intelligence.

I went out to the lot, and placed the sign in the window of my car. I hoped that he would not have any trouble finding it. Then I went back into the room, and ran a hot bath. I poured too much scented bubble bath into it. My only regret was that I was not free to completely denude myself of hair.

I soaked in the tub for half an hour, luxuriating in how wonderful the hot oiled water felt. I loved the way my legs felt when I rubbed them against each other. It is no wonder that women loved to spend time in hot baths. This was sheer luxury. Once I was done, I dried off and then puffed a bit of delicately scented talc all over my body.

I applied my Soft & Dry deodorant, then went into the bed room to start getting dressed. This would give the time needed for the steam to disappear from the bath room mirror. I unpacked the suit cases and hung up everything that I finally decided that I was going to use, and stowed the rest of it away. I selected out three pairs of panties, and then I also added the pink sating bloomers with the tons of white lace on it. I also took out the padded panties that I had ordered from the Frederick's catalogue that Chuck had sent to me. With these panties, I pulled out the corset that I had also ordered from the same catalogue.

I chose the light grey two piece business suit that I planned on wearing most of the time, a blue dress that was covered in tiny pink and white flowers that I liked, two skirts and two blouses, four pairs of heels, and the pair of grey winter boots, three pairs of thigh high support hose, the sheer style, my wig and of course all of my makeup. I also set up the makeup mirror on the table.

I also chose to hang up the black satin French Maid's uniform to. I wondered if Chuck would want to see me in it, as I offered him the services of a "French" Maid. Just thinking back to the pictures that he had sent me of himself, masturbating made me start to get hard. I hoped that he would not be late.

I stored all of the lingerie in my drawers and neatly hung up every thing else. I had brought a steam iron with me, and I checked to see what needed pressing. Fortunately, not too much needed pressing. I was able to quickly dispose of that chore, using a towel on the bath room counter as an ironing board.

Then I went to work.

Half an hour later, I was satisfied with the way that my face and my glued on nails looked. My facial skin, with the right kind of makeup always looked so soft and smooth, I loved the effect. It was one of the things that Johnny, my regular boy friend, though I did not see him very often, liked the most about me. He loved touching my face with his finger tips, because it was so soft and smooth, or so he told me.

Then it was time to start the ritual of dressing. I laid the corset out on the bet, face down, and readjusted the laces. I used two laces, even though one was more than long enough for the corset. One was for the top half and one was for the bottom half. Once I felt that it was as tight as I would be able to get it, and still be able to do up the front busking, I slid my arms through the bra's shoulder straps and struggled to get the busking done up. It was a struggle to, but when I was finished, I was satisfied.

I sat down and worked all three pairs of hose up my legs. The three pairs did a very effective job of covering my leg hair. I was pleased with the results. I attached them to the garters of my corset, and hoped that the garter tabs would not let go. I was not sure how secure they would be, because of wearing three pairs.

I had a pair of soft rubber breasts. I put them into the bra cups, and readjusted the shoulder straps. I tugged the corset down as low as I could get it, Though, like all girls I supposed, I wished that my waist was tinier, at least I now had a feminine shape.

I stepped into the padded panties, and pulled them up my legs. They were a beige colour, and made of a very soft stretchy material. I liked them. I had cut a hole in the crotch so that my penis could stick out. I had done this so that Chuck, should he choose to, could get easy access to me without having to take the padded panties off me. I had also removed the front pads because I thought that they were just a wee bit too much padding. The stretchy panties covered the garters and the tops of my stocking nicely.

I reached down to free my private parts through the hole that I had cut in the crotch, and then pulled on a pair of white silk panties. I loved the feel of silk panties on my erection. I did not get real hard though, as I wanted to save it for Chuck.

I lowered the maroon coloured silk slip down over my head. I loved this slip. It was a long one, going to about an inch below my knees, and it was very silk feeling. The bodice and hem were festooned with delicate lace trimming. I had fallen in love with it when I had seen in on the hangar in the good will store. What I think that I loved the most about it was that a real woman had worn it before I had gotten it. It made me feel somehow more feminine, more connected with intimate femininity, in a way. I loved that feeling.

I decided to wear my white blouse, I like it. It had a V neck line, and the collar and the sleeves were trimmed in a three inch wide ruffle of white material. It was kind of conservative, but it folded itself nicely around my breasts. I liked the way that it looked. I put on the skirt of my suit. The skirt was long and loose fitting. It fell to about my mid calf with a large pleating in the front that went to about half way up my thighs. I liked it because even if I got a hard on, the skirt hid it nicely. Then I pulled on the jacket.

I sat at the table again to recheck my makeup. I retouched the lip stick. My lip stick was a pinkish red colour, as was my nail polish. I added some gloss to my lower lip. I had read somewhere that adding gloss to the lower lip made a girl's lips look more pouty, and very kissable. I hoped so. Personally, I thought that it made my lips look more like the kind of lips that enjoy sucking a cock. I hoped that Chuck would think so. I planned on spending a lot of time on my knees in front of him, and I wanted him to be ready for me at all times.

I then put on my neck lace, which was a nice silver chain of about 22 inches in length, my silver earrings which looked like silver flowers about an inch and a half wide, with a decorative black stone in the middle of the design, three thin sliver bracelets on my right wrist, which tinkled delightfully with my hand movements, and a delicate thin silver wrist watch on my left wrist. The only thing lest was to spray on my perfume, and add my wig.

Once my wig was on and brushed the way that I like it, with dainty bangs falling to my eye brows, I selected the grey three inch heeled pumps to wear with my suit. Dressed to meet my boy friend at long last, I went over to the big mirror to check myself. I knew that I thought that I looked good. I hoped that Chuck would think that I looked as good as I did. I wanted my looks to really turn him on.

I then set about to set up the camera tripod, and to open all the four ten packs of film that I had brought. I hoped that forty pictures would be enough. I wanted to get some pictures of me making love to Chuck. I hoped that he had worn his uniform, or at least brought it with him.

I checked my watch. Chuck should be arriving any minute now, if he had not had any problems. I took the male clothes that I had worn to the hotel, and I packed them away. I did not want to be reminded for the next twenty or so hours that I had been born as a male.

I sat on the love seat to watch some television, as I waited for my man lover to come, and to take care of me. Over the next half hour, I retouched my lip stick and gloss three times. I was beginning to wonder if he was all right. It was a long drive for him, and there were lots of crazies out on the highways. I was beginning to worry a bit about his safety.

The light rap on the door really startled me, as I was not expecting it. I knew, and hoped that it was going to come, but it still startled me when I heard it. I rose from the love seat, went over the big mirror again, smoothed out my skirt, touched my bangs lightly, and then turned to the door. I looked through the peep hole, but all I could see was a broad back in a dark blue jacket. I knew that this was the colour of Chuck's uniform.

The moment of truth had arrived. My heart fluttered in excitement. My fingers shook a little, as I reached for the door knob, and I turned it. I hoped all over again the he would really like me in person.

I pulled the door open. Chuck slowly turned around. He was far better looking in person that he had been in his pictures. He was broad chested, taller than I, with curly black hair. I felt small and dainty beside him, and I loved the way it felt.

His eyes looked me up and down slowly, taking in every detail. When his eyes got back to mine, I felt like I'd been examined by a connoisseur of women. He smiled at me. His smile spit his face, and made him look ever so handsome, at least I thought so. His smile also let me know in no uncertain terms, that he liked what he had beheld.

I stepped back to bid him to enter. He picked up his over night bag, and came into the room. I smelled his cologne. It was very nice. As he walked by me, I had to look up, even in my heels, to see into his eyes. I closed the door softly.

This was it. if things went well, for the first time in my life, I was going to wake up in a bed, with a naked man, who had made love to me all night long. As I watched him move about the room, I knew that I wanted very mush to see what this man looked like, naked. He certainly looked attractive to me, dressed in his uniform, as he was.

I watched as he placed the over night bag on the coffee table. He shrugged out of his jacket, and opened the bag. From it, he pulled out a bottle of Chardonay. I love Chardonay. I went into the bath room, and brought out the two plastic cups.

He just smiled at me, and opened the wine. He had also brought a cork screw to. I was impressed with how well prepared that he was. I walked over to him, wondering what he thought of his new girl friend. He took the cups, poured the wine, and toasted me.

"Debi, this is to a beautiful night of romance with a beautiful and sexy lady."

He certainly knew how to talk his way into my panties, I thought, as I held my cup for the refill. He noted the camera, and asked if I wanted to take some pictures of the two of us. I did. Chuck walked over to the area of the room that had the best light, and I checked in the viewer to see if I got all of him in the frame. I did, so I set the timer, and I walked over to stand next to him. Before the camera flashed, he put his arm around my waist and gently pulled my head down to rest on his shoulder.

We checked to see how the shot looked as we drank the second cup of wine, and liked it so much that we decided to take two more just like it. I loved how I looked, standing beside this handsome man in uniform. My cockette twitched excitedly in my panties. He was really turning me on.

We then decided to take a couple of pictures of us seated on the love seat. I liked that to. Then, he said we should take on more. I set the camera and hurried back to sit beside him. Just before the camera flashed again, He placed an arm around my shoulders and pulled me over so that the camera recorded me being kissed for the first time by this man.

I did not get up right away to check to see how the picture turned out. Chuck had decided that it was time to kiss the lady that he had been writing to for so long, and gawd alone knew how much I wanted him to kiss me. I lay back, head in the crook of his right arm, as he turned to me and smothered my face and neck in little love kisses.

This was the way that I wanted to be treated. I lay back and enjoyed being the lovee, rather than the lover. I was very pleased that he thought that I was the kind of woman that he wanted to spend a lot of time kissing. After about fifteen minutes, I decided to explore a bit. I reached up and put my arm around his neck, and I clung to him as his tongue entered my mouth, and I sucked on it really hard. I wanted him to be really turned on.

He continued to kiss me like that, and his hands began to explore me. I felt his hands all over my breasts for a long time. Then his hand went down to the front of my skirt. His hand stopped, right on top of my erection. It did not move for a long moment, then his fingers began to lightly explore the shape of it.

"It's a bit bigger than I thought it would be Debi."

I reached down and grasped the front of his pants. He was rock hard. I fondled it for a long moment, enjoying it. "So is yours Chuck. My, you are so hard... Do I really turn you on that much?"

"You got it honey. All the way up here, all I could think about was your letters, where you described how much you wanted to suck my cock for me. Do you still want to suck me honey?"

"You want me to take care of you right now, so it won't be in the way for a while?"


"Uhhh... Can I take some pictures of it?"

"I got a better idea. You take the camera off the tripod, and I'll take the pictures, okay?"

I rose and went over to the camera. I was so excited, that I was amazed that the front of my skirt was not sticking out half a foot. I unscrewed the camera. By the time that I got it off, I turned around and found that Chuck had taken his pants and under wear down, and was sitting there with his knees spread wide apart, and his right hand was gently caressing his cock.

I smiled to let him know that I really liked what I was seeing. I looked at his cock. It was as big as I had guessed it to be, which was a lot bigger than my little cockette. I wanted him to know that I liked what I saw. I licked my lips, that age old signal to a man from a woman, that she was ready for him.

Chuck liked it, and pointed to the floor in front of him. I went over, pulled the coffee table away, and I knelt down between his legs. I handed him the camera with my left hand, and my right hand grasped his cock. It was rock hard, and satiny smooth. I felt it pulsing in my fingers, and I knew that he was very close to ejaculating.

I smiled up at him to let him know that I approved, and I was blinded by the flash of the camera. He laughed and he apologised for his bad timing, but he thought that the picture would be great. I hoped so.

I bent down and began to kiss his cock head all over, leaving little faint traces of my lip stick all over it. Then I began to lick it, getting it ready to fit into my mouth.

"Oh Debi... You are such a fine foxy lady... And you know just exactly what to do to a guy to..."

I flicked at the glans under the head of his cock to show him that I really did know what to do, and I was rewarded with a loud sigh of pleasure. We decided that it would be better if he lay on the love seat, and had me kneel beside it. It only took seconds for him to move, and for me to get my first real taste of his cock.

I licked it all over, and lowered my head so that just the head of his cock was inside of me. I masturbated him like that for a few moments, as I licked and sucked at the head of his cock for him. Then I slowly moved my head down a bit till he was half way into my mouth. I couldn't take him any further in, because I was just starting to gag.

I loved the way that he felt in my mouth, and I lovingly licked the part of his cock that was inside of my mouth. It did not take him very long to start cumming, and he ejaculated into my mouth. I locked my mouth around him, trying not to lose any of his cum, but he had too much. It spurted out of the corners of my mouth, all over my hand. I hoped I did not get it on my blouse.

As I raised my head, when he had stopped cumming, he took another picture. This one showed his cum all over the lower half of my face. I knew that it was a picture that I would look at often, and maybe even scan to send to some friends of mine to look at to.

Awkwardly, he made his way over to the bath room to clean himself up. I went to the makeup mirror on the table and repaired my lip stick, which the cock sucking had completely destroyed. By the time I was finishing replacing the lip gloss, he came back out to the bed room.

"Well honey, you sure weren't kidding. You really know how to suck a cock dry."

"Did you really like it Chuck?"

"I loved it." He came over to where I was sitting, bent down and placed a little kiss on my lips. "Yeah, you can suck my cock anytime you want to honey. You are really good."

I smiled up at him. "Good, because I want to suck it every time you even think about getting a hard on for me, okay?"

"Now, let's go out and get a bite to eat..."

A smile split my face when I heard those words. This meant that he thought I was pretty enough that he wanted to be seen in public with me. I kissed him, and walked over to coat rack, and removed my three quarter length down filled pink coat. He came over behind me, and he held it for me, as I slipped my arms into it. I buttoned it up, lifted my purse to sling over my left shoulder, and I check it to make sure that I had the room key in it.

Chuck took my hand and led me out the door. He held my hand as we walked down the hall way, and out the side door. He said his car was parked beside mine. When we got there, I went in to my car to remove the sign from the dash board. Then Chuck opened the passenger door of his car for me, and I slid in. The cold air had started to work its way up under my skirt, and I felt the cool silk on my erection, and I nearly came right there and then.

We drove to the Salmon Run Mall that was about half a mile from the hotel. I waited in my seat for him to come around and open my door for me. I reached out to give him my hand to help me from the car. He pulled me up and into his strong arms, and gave me a long warm kiss. When he let me go, I looked around. Some women had seen him kissing me, and they were smiling at me, letting me know that they envied me in a good natured way. My feminine ego was almost as big now as the cockette in my panties.

He took my hand and led me into the main door of the mall. I did not care where we went. I just enjoyed being out in public with a man who treated me like a lady, a lady that he cared for. I slipped both of my hands up to his left forearm and he shrugged me off, so that he could put his left arm around my waist.

We walked through the mall, stopping every once in a while to look into a ladies clothing store. We came to a Victoria's Secret, and he insisted on taking me inside. I was so nervous. He promised me that he would do all of the talking for me. We went in, me trembling in my high heeled shoes, and he told the sales lady that he wanted to by me a matching set of lingerie. He told her that I was a size fourteen.

She flitted about, and came back with a set for me. It was all peach coloured, in soft satin and white lace. It had a bra, French cut panties, waist nipper with attached garters, camisole and a half slip. She left it with me, and she walked over to see another customer who had entered right after us. It was lovely, and I nearly swooned when I felt the soft material.

"Do you like this outfit, Debi?"

"I love it."

"Good, you can show me what it looks like later." He took the collection over to the cash register. I stood passively behind him, as I watched him sign the credit card purchase order. The saleslady smiled at me as she put the lingerie into a bag that was clearly advertising the store name, so that everyone who saw me would know that I had bought some lingerie.

I hugged Chuck. He had made me very happy. We walked around for another half hour or so, till me ended up in front of a store called Working Co-ordinates. It was a discount store that sold nice clothes for the working woman. He insisted that we go into it, just to see what kinds of things they sold here.

I went with him, still scared of being detected for being a man in women's clothes, but he kept telling me not to worry about it, because no one in their right mind would think that I was not a woman. I just had to be careful not to talk.

We came across a burgundy coloured four piece suit. It had a single breasted jacket that had brass buttons down the front with a darker coloured satin piping on the collar, a matching skirt with a brass chain that hung across the front of the high waisted skirt. The skirt would go down to the knee. There was a vest with three small brass buttons, and a pair of slacks. With the outfit, there was a pink long sleeved silk blouse with a burgundy man styled tie. The collar of the blouse had a lace trim on it. It was a very pretty suit.

Chuck asked me if I liked it. I had fallen in love with it. I looked at the price tag. It was nearly a hundred dollars, but I liked it so much that I decided to buy it. Chuck insisted that I let him buy it for me. I felt good in one way, but I also did not want him to spend a lot of money on me. But, he insisted that he buy it for me. I promised that I was going to give him a fine reward when we got back to the hotel room. He grinned foolishly, and said that was okay with him.

Then we made out way to a restaurant. Chuck ordered a club sandwich and a glass of white wine for me. That was good. He ordered ribs and chicken legs for himself, with two beers. We sat beside each other as we talked quietly. I kept telling him over and over again how nice he was making me feel, and how much I loved the clothes that he had bought for me.

He smiled, rubbed his hand over the front of my skirt, further exciting the very hard cockette, and told me that he would take it all out in trade. I smiled and assured him that it was very agreeable with me if he did that. When no one was around, I slipped my hand down to the front of his pants, and I was pleased to find that he had another raging hard on for me. I gently rubbed it through his pants, making him moan softly. In fact, I did not see the waitress coming back to our table, so I was startled when she spoke. I knew from the way she smiled, that she knew what I was doing to my man. I blushed. I loved being so associated with the feminine gender. I almost soiled my panties as Chuck told her that we were fine, that we did not need anything else, and he handed her enough money to take care of the bill.

I wanted to go back to the hotel room, and I let him know that. Chuck smiled, and decided not to argue with me.

We went back to the hotel room. He asked me if I wanted to change into my new clothes to see how they fit me, and he told me that he would go and look for a store to buy some more wine for us. I reached up to kiss him. I asked him to hurry back, because I was a lady who needed some attending to. His smack on the bum as he went out the door was a nice promise to me.

I changed into the new lingerie, absolutely delighted with it. It was luxurious, and I liked especially knowing the why and how of how I had gotten it. I hoped that he would like me in it. I then removed the tags and put on the suit, choosing to wear the skirt, so that he could get at me easier. I did try on the pants, and I found that they fit me very well. The suit was kind of a mannish cut, and I thought that I might even get away with wearing it as a man's suit, if it were not for the brass buttons. I loved it.

I dressed and redid my makeup. then I hurried up and waited for my lover to return, to make me his woman. The only shoes that I had that might look good with the suit was a pair of dark brown heels. I slipped my feet into them, and I was pleased with how good that they did look.

I did not wait a long time. When I opened the door, Chuck's eyes widened in a pleased expression as I pirouetted in front of him, to show off my new suit. I had even put baggies full of water inside of my rubber breasts, so that they would bounce and jiggle a bit more like real breasts would. I felt wonderfully womanly, and sexy. The skirt of the suit did not hide my erection as well as the grey skirt did, and Chuck's eyes lighted on the bulge. He licked his lips, and he smiled at me. He liked knowing that he turned me on.

We had a glass of wine on the love seat. Then, suddenly, before I even could guess at what he was thinking, he'd pulled me across his lap, pushed my skirt up, and started to spank my pantied bum. He did not want to hurt me, but he did spank me just hard enough to make it sting a bit. He smacked me about five times.

I asked him why he had spanked me, and he told me that it was because sometimes I was such a cock tease, like in all of the letters that I had sent him. He then told me that he wanted me to pose for some pictures, across his knees. I told him that it was okay. I got up, set the timer on the camera, and went back to lay across his knees. He wanted two pictures, so that he could take one home. While we were posing, he did spank me some more. I felt his cock pushing up into my belly, and I knew that he liked spanking me.

He let me up so that I could repair my lip stick again. When I was done, he turned on the stereo, found some easy listening music, and asked me to dance with him. I put my arms up around his neck, lay my head on his chest, and I felt his cock moving against my tummy as we danced. His hand went down to caress my bum, and up under my jacket to caress my back, covered in the pink silk of the blouse.

I knit my fingers behind his neck, and I enjoyed the feel of his strong masculine body moving close to me. I felt his erection as he gently rocked his hips up and down, over my belly. After a few long minutes of dancing like this, I looked up at him, and asked him if he wanted another blow job then.

He told me that what he wanted was to feel my nyloned feet on his cock. I smiled and told him that I could do that for him. We sat again on the love seat, one at each end. I watched as he undid his pants and pushed down his underwear, before he sat down. He sat, half turned to face me. I kicked my heels off and put my feet up on his lap. From the look on his face, he was in ecstasy. He gently caressed my feet in a loving fashion, as I ran my stocking feet over his erection. I did this for about twenty minutes, but it got to be too much temptation for me.

I sat up, and asked him to come and stand in front of me. He did, his legs spread apart so that my knees were together between his legs. His cock was lightly brushing my face, and I held it steady, to rub it over my cheeks. Then I planted some little loving kisses all over the head of it, and opened my mouth to receive him.

I was glad that he had kept his promise to not touch my head whenever I sucked his cock. I loved knowing that I was sucking it, for the pleasure of it, and that I was not being forced to suck it. I slowly drew my head back, then enjoyed the feel of his shaft as it moved over my lips again, as I drew him back into me.

I knew that this time it was going to take him longer to cum. That was okay with me. I wanted him to last, so that I could suck him for a long time. I loved the sense of womanliness that washed over me, as I sat there in my women's clothes, and made love to my man lover.

I sucked his cock like that for a good fifteen minutes, very slowly, enjoying every second of it. Chuck moaned and continually complimented me on how good a cock sucker I was, as I made love to his erection for him. I relished the sense of complete effemination that washed over me again and again. This was doing what real women do, and I was getting to do it to a man who treated me like I was his real woman.

I loved the way his cock moved into and out of my mouth, very slowly. I loved the feel of his hairy balls in my hand. I loved knowing that I was the woman. I was not wearing the pants in this couple. I was wearing the panties. At last, I could feel him begin to tense up. He grew bigger in my mouth. He moaned out about how much he loved me, and how he wanted to give me anything that I wanted. Then I sucked his orgasm out of him.

He did not cum nearly as much as he had before, and I was able to keep it all in my mouth, till he was done. I felt the thick hot salty stuff on my tongue. I liked it. I liked the taste. I liked knowing where it had come from. I liked knowing that I had used my lips and tongue to draw it out of him.

Chuck nearly collapsed when I finally let his cock pop out of my lips. He slowly, as though he were very tired, went over to the bed and undressed. When he had lain down, I went over and lay beside him, taken up in his strong arm in a gentle loving embrace.

We lay like two spent lovers for a long time, while he regained his energy level. Then he rolled over and lay on top of me. He lay there and kissed me for a long time. I loved the feel of the man's weight on top of me. Ever so slowly, he kissed his way down to my feet. He spent a very long time kissing my feet, sucking my toes through my nylons, and ever so slowly he worked his kisses up my legs, then up under my skirt. Soon I felt the cooler air as he pushed my skirt up.

I loved to lie there passively, while a man was exploring under my skirt. I felt his big strong fingers gently caress my thighs, and the front of my panties, driving me nearly crazy. Then me lowered my panties for me. I felt his fingers begin to explore between my legs, where my vagina would have been if I had one, and I bucked up into the air, loving the way his fingers were making me feel.

Chuck noted how much I loved having him touch me there. Then, while I felt his fingers pressing up into me between my legs, I also felt his hot moist mouth come down over my cockette. I went nearly ballistic, it felt so wonderful to have this man making love to me in this fashion.

He made me feel so small and feminine. I moaned, and he knew that I was not able to stop myself from cumming. He pushed harder with his fingers, and he sucked harder on me. I nearly screamed as I orgasmed. It was a wonderful orgasm, and seemed to go on for a long time.

When at last he was finished sucking me, he pulled my panties back up, lowered my skirt and lay down beside me. He started talking to me, as he kissed me and embraced me. I felt completely spent, totally emotionally drained, as though I were floating on a pink cloud, as I enjoyed the feel of his strong arms around me. He'd made me give him everything that I had.

I lovingly kissed him back. I was amazed to find that he was even getting hard again. I did not know where he got it all from, but I sort of felt a lot of flattery that it was with me that he was performing so well. I reached down and gently massaged his cock again. I knew he was not ready to cum again, but it felt so nice to just lay there, playing with his semi erect penis. I felt like a loving girl.

Chuck told me in soft words how much he loved me, and how much I had made him feel complete. He told me that it was the first time that he had ever sucked a cock, and even though he was sucking a cock, he had felt like he was making love to a woman. I kissed him and told him that he made me feel very much like a woman.

He then told me that all the women that he knew, got fucked by guys.

He knew that I was small, and that I was a sissy who was terrified of pain. He looked me into my eyes, and asked me if I wanted to become his woman, completely.

I kissed him, and I told him that if he wanted to fuck me, that I would like to get fucked by him, if he was very gentle with me.

He told me that he was going to treat me like a fragile flower, because in his mind, I was all woman to him. He went over to his over night bag, and pulled out a tube of KY lubricant. I had read about it of course, but I had never had it used on me.

He told me to roll over onto my tummy. I did as he told me to. I felt his puling my skirt up and piling it on the small of my back. Then I felt him lower my panties to about mid thigh. I liked the padded panties, but he insisted on lowering them as well.

Once I was nakedly exposed to him, his fingers gently explored my bum cheeks. I loved it. His fingers began to move between the bum cheeks, and he told me that I had a pretty bum. Then I felt something cold being applied to my anus. Very slowly, thought it hurt a bit at first, Chuck worked his finger inside of me, then moved it in and out slowly. I knew that I was getting finger fucked, and I liked it. I tried to relax. It was uncomfortable at first, but as he was so gentle, it become rather pleasurable.

After what seemed like a long time, I felt him inserting two fingers. He was so gentle that I hardly noticed the pain of being expanded so much more by the second finger. He fucked me like that for a while, till he felt I would be ready for the third finger. By this time, it seemed that all the senses of my effeminated body were focused in my bum.

After a few minutes, I found that I was relaxed enough that I started to push back at his fingers, whenever I felt them start to enter me. He laughed at me when he saw that, and told me that it was just so like a woman. Then, he lay on top of me. I felt him kissing my cheeks and the sides of my neck. I knew that he had opened me wide enough to receive him.

Then I felt the head of his cock as it pressed at my pussy lips. It hurt for a moment, then the head of it was inside of me. I had never felt so full before. I was tense. I had never been fucked before, and I felt like this man had somehow been able to invade my psyche, as he entered my body. I was vulnerable.

He was so very slow and gentle with me, as he repeated how nice and tight my pussy was, and how much he loved fucking me, making a real woman out of me. I lay there, every nerve ending aware that I was getting fucked like a woman, and that I was the woman the was getting herself fucked.

Slowly, I began to be able to relax. As I did so, Chuck began to move back and forth, very slowly, all the while telling me how nice my pussy felt on his cock. As he rocked, he would enter me just a wee bit more as he went forward. Then, surprising me, he would pull back a bit, which left me feeling empty. This really surprised me.

After a long gentle time, Chuck had his cock all the way into me, and I knew what it felt like to be impaled.

It was a wonderfully vulnerable unprotected feeling. I had a man's cock inside of me, and I was his lady. I felt it moving all the way in, then almost all the way back out. I hoped that he was not any where near ready to cum again. I liked being fucked, and I wanted to have him in me for a long time. I had never felt so completely womanly, and I wanted to feel it for a very long time. Chuck was my man lover, making a woman out of me for himself.

He did fuck me for a very long time. He said that I felt so good that he did not want to get out of me. I moaned and soon found that I was pushing up to take more of him into me. I moaned out that I loved the way he was fucking me, and asked him to fuck me harder.

Chuck obliged, and he was soon ready to cum. I felt him swell up inside of me, and then I felt his throbbing. As I felt his letting go of his cum, fucking me as he was, I came in my panties again. I felt such a wonderful feeling of release as I knew that my orgasm was because the man was cumming inside of me, the same way he had cum inside of other girls before me.

Yes, I knew that Chuck was going to be able to fuck me whenever he wanted to fuck me that night. I just hoped that he would stop long enough to take some more pictures of it happening to me.

Bye for now, Master Chuck.

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