
By Todd todd

Published on Feb 10, 2014


Cameras on rails attached to the frame came in from all directions and took pics or videos; I had no idea. Once in a while a few drops of liquid were put in my eyes, the room was bright white, it was so bright it hurt my eyes but I couldn't close my eyes or look away. How long could this torture last? I heard the Doc say "we'll be right back". I assumed it was x-rays again. Two hours of pictures and x-rays with me stretched and absolutely locked position in every direction; even my eyeballs couldn't move. I figured if I could find a way to move something, anything, that maybe they would stop, but nothing moved no matter how hard I tried. Finally after maybe three hours a voice came into my head. "We have everything set, sorry Sean, you are doing great.

It was crucial that we were able to lock onto every nerve, every muscle and bone to know we are putting these probes in just the right place.

This is going to hurt a lot I am afraid. The probes that were used on you before were thick compared to these. These are so fine you can't see them with the naked eye. These probes are less than 1 tenth of one thousandth of an inch in diameter, because they are so fine, they can't be pushed in. But because they are so thin they are very very flexible and can stay indefinitely without a chance of breakage." I was trying to say stop talking and start but my tongue and lips being pulled all out of place that all that resulted in garbled sounds. The Doc responded "I'm sorry we cant stop now, you're fully registered to the machine." Which wasn't what I was trying to say at all. The Doc went on, "so to get the probes in we use something like a hypodermic needle with the probe inside it. An x-Ray tells us where the probe is. We will also implant a remote box inside you that can send and receive data. All of the probes are already connected to the remote box and have been tested rigorously to make sure they are all working properly. The box is made of carbon fiber and an epoxy like material with a similar density to bone. We will chip away a bit of the inside of your pelvis and insert the box then put bone chips around it which should knit together and completely hide the box from X-rays. We cant grind the pocket because we need bone chips to fuse back together; so you will feel some hard blows to your pelvis. To do this undetectably we will be going in through the inside of your intestine where a scar cannot be noticed. After the box is in place we will then insert each probe using a needle from the box to the target nerve. For a lot of the probes, that go all the way into your brain, it takes long needle. Once the probe is in place we will test it and if it's communicating, and properly engaged with the nerve, then we will extract the needle leaving the probe in place. Each needle will hurt I'm afraid. Because the the needles are quite long, have fiber optics in them, and need to articulate they have to be strong. As a result they are rather large diameter needles - Sorry! We also need to remove your fillings and crowns. They cant be in there as you are regressed in age. We will start with probes. This will take a couple of days before we are done. To test the connection of the probe to the nerve you have to be awake, and have normal nerve reactions, so no anesthetic can be used. Sorry I am sure you were not expecting that. We are about to begin by opening up your anus. To do that we will give you some strong injections of muscle relaxant. We will then go in through your sphincter cut through your colon and begin."

I felt the injection. It pinched and burned but I couldn't budge only say "owwwwww" Then another injection and pinching. I then felt a lighting bolt of pain and knew it was a scalpel cutting me open. The pain was amazing and all I heard was my throat making a screaming sound still unable to move. I felt tears running down to the clamps holding my head in place then down to my chin. In a while I felt a little jack hammer hammering on my pelvis. It was a weird feeling as it didn't hurt so much as feel like my whole pelvis was vibrating. I heard one technician say to there other, "there is one grab that, good...You should be close to getting through his pelvis now be careful don't break out too big of a piece on the far side." The other technician said "I think thats good lets's do a fit check now... here is the fit check... nope.. need to chip a lot more from the proximal side... try it again... almost there are a few bits of bone are still sticking out a bit... you missed a chip, see it, do you need forceps? Can you suction the blood over here?

ah! ha! it fits! a glove, ok then lets put the real thing in!

Ok here it is, the real box... break the seal... open it up. There it is... thats what 100 Million dollars looks like. Ok we have practiced this 20 times before just for this moment, lets get it right gentlemen" the Doc said to the two technicians. I then heard the first technician say "I think I have it pinned in place... is it flush with the outside of the pelvis? ...looks like it... good lets shoot a CT then. Sean the box is properly fitted we are going to fill the gaps with your bone chips and put a compression mold over the chips to hold them in place, then we will start to put the probes in. We are 1 hour ahead of schedule." I felt some more things going in and out of my asshole. The Doc said ok we have about a few thousand probes to insert. We have to wait for the next crew to finish scrubbing in. We're a little ahead of schedule.

Some time passed I don't know how much, then I heard the Doc say "ok sean we're ready to start. This is a probe going in - get ready" Then came a searing pain as I felt the needle going up my back right beside my spine I felt it inching its way up my back. A 4 foot long needle! I felt it go up my neck then the pain stopped. The technician said "there give me 5 millivolts". The other technician responded "we have a gate." "Ok then lets do 10 1 second pulses at 5 millivolts with 1 second gap" said the first technician. "beginning 10 pulse 1 second sequence now" said the second technician. The first technician said "I have 10 clear distinct gates in the right coronary plexus" the second technician said "you mean the left" "ummm hang on no it is the right I am sure!" said the first.

Then I heard them laughing. They were kidding each other, at my expense knowing I could hear them, about about connecting electrical wires to my heart in my brain. Fucking bastards! "ok guys, enough of that, lets stay on course and stay focused, no more kidding" said the Doc. "Well sean, you made it the first probe is in place. Only 4,576 more to go. I am going to get a few hours of sleep I will be back to check on you later.

You are in good hands, or should I say good hands are in you?

I didn't want the Doc to leave, I wanted someone to watch these two fuckers, they were fucking with my body for fuck sake. But there was nothing I could do. The Doc said bye to the technicians and was gone. One technician said to the other, "I don't think he needs to hear this, at least not till we need him to respond, do you?" "nope" said the other and the technician said "bye bye sean" and the earbuds went silent. I felt the needle go in again, then I felt a mask go over my mouth. I assumed my screaming must have been annoying them so they put a muffler over my mouth. In went the next needle, and the next, and the next...

I dreamed I could pass out but I couldn't. I felt every needle. The pain went on for hours. I tried to pass time by counting each needle I figure it took about 10 minutes per needle. After a while the ear buds came on. I heard the Docs voice "Sean, we have finished connecting your heart. We want to run some tests. This is going to freak you out a bit.

I wanted you to know before we started first we will use the probes to stop your heart. We will do this a couple of times. The first time only for 5 seconds working up to 2 minutes. We will restart it. Don't worry you will not technically die. the long two minute one may case you to see stars and feel woozy but we need to know we have control and that your own nervous system wont override our probe system. Here we go... and ...Arrest... 4, 3 , 2, 1 and release." My chest pounded it was the weirdest feeling, I could tell my heart had stopped. But then I could tell it restarted. I heard the Doc say "we have an automatic natural restart and sinus rhythm. Ok ready 1 min and ...Arrest... 10, 20, half way," such a weird feeling I know I cant hear my heart normally when it does beat but I can now tell without a doubt that it is NOT beating I know something is deadly wrong "40, 50, and release, we have an automatic restart and sinus rhythm." I heard the doc say; as my chest started pounding like I had just ran a race. My heart was beating as hard as a kettle drum but as fast as a bees wings buzz. "Excellent exclaimed the doc, of 2 min, timer ready?' I was thinking no not yet I am not ready my heart is still trying to catch up NO!!!! "and arrest the Doc said 30, 60, I started to feel dizzy and my fingers and toes started to burn like they were on fire sounds started to be distorted, then nothing, followed by the docs voice. "O2 coming back up to 80, restart achieved at 25 millivolts after 2 min and 35 seconds. Can you hear me sean? You should be able to your pulseox is up to 90 you should be alert now. It was a success. Your heart and the parts of your brain that control your heart are all connected in and work better then we could have hoped.

Congratulations! There are still just over 4000 more probes to instal but your heart was a key victory. It will take a few days to put the remainder of them in. I am off for a bit but I leave you in good hands."

I count how long each probe takes to put in by counting 1-1000, 2- 1000.

I got to 60 about 8 times on a sort of average. So I figured each probe took about 10 min to put in. So I spent a little while trying to take my mind off of the pain to calculate how long 4000 times 10 min divided by 60 and then divided by 24. 30 FUCKING DAYS. This was going to take 30 more fucking days! NO!!!! 30 days? impossible!

They did my eyes next. When they were done they removed the needles that held them in place and had me move them. then the doc moved them then he moved them against my will. He refocused them where he wanted he could take complete control of my eyes. He couldn't see what I saw but he could make them look where he wanted. He had control of my eye lids as well. They proved to me, or maybe themselves, that they were in control my making me hold my eyes open as they would stick them with needles.

Next was my tongue, then lips and all my facial muscles. I couldn't believe it but after a few days I could actually sleep through the needles being inserted. Particularly painful ones would wake me but I could sleep between sticks.

Eventually they did my arms, hands and fingers which was the worst. each finger burned as each probe went into them. I pictured my skin raising as the needle went down the finger. they did my cock and balls which hurt like red hot pokers were inside my body. They did some internal organs then finally did my legs and feet.

It did take 30 days, actually more with all of the time where they stopped and had me wiggle, move, relax or tighten something. But one day the Doc cam on the earbuds and said "we are sewing you up, we are done.

We are going to let you sleep for a few days as you heal. good night sean" and the earbuds went silent and I fell asleep in less than a second. Then a second later the earbuds came back on and the Doc said "sean are you there? It's been 2 days are you up? We are going to relax most of the restraints and need you to move test our probes." they loosened things up and had me move my fingers and toes, the stopped my heart a bunch of times sometimes to 2 minutes. they moved things without my control and moved things against my control. they could give me a hardon or make it drop in seconds. Then the Doc said "a bit more rest" and I went out like turning off a light. I could hear a vice coming through my earbuds it was in Chinese but I understood it, it was weird.

It was advanced calculous and I was learning it in chinese. then on the earbuds I heard "we are ready to bring you around are you ready?"

I shook my head yes but realized I could speak and said yes and it sounded like someone else's voice, a little boy's voice.

I opened my eyes and raised my hands and they were tiny. My bed like contraption was vertical and I took a tentative step out. But i wasn't stiff or weak it was weird I felt strong, not I felt super strong. Then I looked down I had the body of a child. I had no hair anywhere. I was tiny maybe 5 feet tall and 80 pounds. My skin was smooth, and excuse the pun, baby soft. It felt like it would tear it was so soft. I said "what the fuck" staring at my hairless arms. I looked at the doc, then looked up and up till I could see his face. The doc had the biggest smile I had ever seen. he said "are you impressed... you are now actually physically about 12 years old.

Next: Chapter 12

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