
By Todd todd

Published on Jul 12, 2014


This is the lucky chapter for the boy - or should I say man - either way his training is complete

Please send a notation to Nifty and tell them it is because you like my story

Again, my master gets to decide who I will respond to so sorry if I am not allowed to respond to you

I think the Doc sensed my restlessness and asked "Want to see what you can do?" "Suuuurrrre..." I said hesitantly. "ok then show us a hand stand" the doc said. "I can't do a hand stand... I've never had that much balance" I retorted. "You do now!" the doc admonished me. So I leaned down put my hands on the floor and then realized how naked I was.

Now that I'm so small and bent over, all of the sudden, I felt way way more naked than I did when I was an adult; wait... I'm still an adult!

My cock, which seemed grotesquely large, flopped against my belly when I bent over with no hair to cushion and protect it. I could feel that my asshole was exposed to the air. All of these feelings caused me to stand back up, embarrassed at the picture of myself in my own mind, without trying to do the hand stand and asked "Can I have clothes now?"

"Ummm..., no, I'm sorry, no..., uhhhmmm we don't have time right now." the doc said. "Aw come on, by now I think I've earned a pair of shorts at least!" I pleaded. "We've watched you balls-naked for your entire life - there is nothing for you to be ashamed of, we have literally seen it all, so just do as I asked please; besides we wouldn't be able to see what we want to see you you have clothes on" the doc insisted. "you want to see my cock?" I sniped back at him. "No sean, we want to see the muscles and tendons as you stretch - please just do as I asked" the doc was clearly reprimanding me for implying that he wanted to see my cock.

So I bent over again and felt the rush of cold air over my gaping asshole and put my hands on the floor felt my cock flop up against my belly and I kicked my feet up into a perfect handstand. It was as easy as walking on my legs. "Spread your legs into side spits" I started to lower my feet to the floor so I could do the splits, as asked, but the doc stopped me before my feet touched the floor "no - no, no stay on your hands, just lower your feet out to the sides - into the side splits - while staying inverted." I stopped, in my twisted up hand stand and thought for a second, to figure out what the fuck it was that he wanted, then I figured out what he was asking for and without touching the floor I raised my legs back up into the air straight over my head as easily as you please. I then slowly let my legs split to the sides. My feet kept going lower and lower until they went down; even lower than my crotch.

My asshole was spread wide and my cock and balls were hanging down against my stomach and my taint was higher than any other part of my body - how weird. I was astounded that I could hold my balance while in the splits, upside-down. It blew my mind that I was so flexible that my legs could do a full spit, or more than a full split, with only their own weight pulling them down. "Now separate your arms a little. Good, now lower your body until your forehead touches the floor. - Nice!" the Doc said as my forehead just touched the floor. "Now then, push back up to the hand stand" the doc ordered. I did it with ease. "Ten more" the doc said, they were as easy as lifting a 5 pound bag of sugar. "Lift one arm and put it to your side" the doc went on. I did, and started to fall, so I quickly put my hand back down. Then I leaned my entire body to one side so all the weight was on just my left arm and then lifted the right arm, it was harder than the two handed handstand; but I could hold my balance by moving my feet a little to keep myself balanced. I decided, on my own, to see if I could do a one handed push up and started to lower my body. The supporting arm was quivering a bit but I got my head to touch the floor. I was still in the splits and I started to push myself back up, but my pushing arm started to shake violently and I collapsed to the floor. It was much harder than the two handed upside down push up. The doc and the assistants clapped and the doc said a one handed inverted push up is impossible without using a wall and at least one finger from the other hand to help you balance but great try. I could sense how pleased they were.

"Stand up and put this on" the doc said. The pile of cloth that the doc handed me was the weirdest thing. It was all soft, like silk, and black; and it was nicely folded. "Now I get clothes"?" I said with every bit of sarcasm I could muster. I grabbed the bit sticking up on the top of the folded pile and let the rest drop to the floor. I could see that it was a one piece black thing that had no holes in it anywhere. It was in the shape of a boy just my size. It was a very thin see-through cloth that was a stretchy leotard like thing. It was clearly intended to cover everything, from my feet to over my head without even a hole for my face.

The doc said "the entry hole is in the back... -". He showed me a vertical slit that was less than a 1 foot long, about where my ass was going to end up, ...naturally. "You wouldn't let me wear anything, I had to be stark assed naked before, and now I have to wear something that covers up everything, even my face but exposes my ass?" I said with as much incredulity as I could. The Doc ignored my complaints and said "Your ass wont be exposed. The slit in the back will close up when you are fully in it. Now stick your hands straight up into each arm and get your hands all the way to the end and get each finger into the fingers... good. Now pull it on over your arms" instructed the doc.. Once my hands were ensconced in the glove like part of the leotard the doc went on "now pull it over your head, don't worry you'll still be able to see. Good, now put your feet in... and... you're in. You don't remember any of this do you?" he asked while I was trying to find a way to get my feet through the one foot hole in the back with my arms already in the sleeves. "No", I said, "should I?" I asked puzzled. "You have been wearing this, or one like it, for more than three years now; every day. Good now that you have both feet in push your feet down to the end of each leg. Good, Good now push your foot into the footy and get your toes into each toe hole." the doc coached me. "It has fucking toe holes in the feet you must be kidding?" I exclaimed with the surprise you have when you see something that's crazy complicated when it doesn't need to be. "Great you are almost all in. You've gotten into and out of this hundreds of times. Good, now there is a pouch with a small hole you need to poke your cock and balls through to get them into the pouch..." A pouch for my cock that sticks out. Its not snug like a jock which keeps my cock tight against my body but this pouch stuck out so my cock and balls would be away from my body. I poked and prodded but my cock wasn't willing to be poked through a tiny hole much smaller than the size of a dime. But its not really a hole because it had a band of elastic about 3/4 of an inch wide I had to push through. "I know its difficult, the hole into the pouch is pretty small I know, but you have done it every day for years. You can do it, try putting your cock through the hole first then one ball at a time." I fumbled but, with some degree of pain, shoved my giant cock through that fucking hole into the sack on the other side of the hole. "There you go you're all in. Now stick your cock into that last bit of of cloth that sticks out from the sack." "What, you have a pocket for my cock separate from my balls?" I asked continuing my disbelief that a leotard could be made so complicated. "Yea, I know its snug." Snug? I said. "Its ok, I know that you're getting a hardon, its normal; and it will actually make it easier to get your cock into that sleeve." I thought my cock was large before but now that it was hard as stone it was defiantly too large. I never thought those words would ever come from my mouth, but the.. thing... is... very... large. I thought to myself maybe it's just that my small body and that I have little itty bitty hands but that thing is just too large. The doc snapped me back to getting into the leotard thing as I heard him say "There's a hole in the end of the sleeve; so you can pee." the doc said , which made me laugh, as I finished getting all the parts of me that stuck out into all the fucking holes and pockets pockets built into this black body bag. "As you can see its easy to see through the cloth; but others can't see your features." I looked down at my cock jutting upwards, nearly touching my belly, and then looked back up at the doc without saying a word. The doc laughed a bit and said "ok they cant see your facial features..." "I thought you weren't interested in my cock yet you've built this thing so that my cock sticks straight fucking out from my body". And its squeezing the base of my cock with the elastic down there which causes my cock to jut out away from my body and doesn't let my hardon go down. And, whats worse is the pouch my balls are in is pushing my balls apart, way apart, like each one is in its own pocket." I protested at the humiliation of it. It didn't cover or protect me but instead highlighted the most sensitive stuff for the world to gawk at. "I know, I know, and I am sorry but this is your training uniform. Everyone has seen you wearing this for years it wont shock anyone but you." But why do you want me to wear this thing now?" I asked "Well" the doc said in pretend sympathy "you said you wanted some clothes and I give you a brand new outfit and you complain even louder."

"This is-not clothes, this is-obscene and you're not-funny." I responded very bemused. "ok, ok sorry, you see while you were regressing, physical age..., a whole lot of people have been working on your body as well. Those people, who have helped you, were not cleared to see who you are. So you wore this while they worked with you. I guess I looked at the doc with what he perceived as a quizzical expression because he added: "you have no idea how classified you are sean." The doc only half guessed what I was thinking so I helped him to understand my concern.

"Doc, you say I have been wearing this with my cock sticking out for all to see right? Its fucking pornographic. Look at that thing... other people have seen me like this? Why is it so big? And this pouch with my balls in it is so tight, in the wrong places that its spreading my balls way apart, which they also seem large, especially spread apart like that. This is just profane! I cant get my hardon to go down because the fucking thing is squeezing the root of my cock. Its like a super tight cock ring. What the fuck is going on? I don't remember the boy in the pics you showed me having a cock anything as large as this - no fucking way!"

The Doc said "Well This is also somewhat complicated but do you remember when I said we sometimes improved the DNA before we spliced it into you?

Well this" the doc nodded his head downward implying my cock, "is one of those 'improvements'." We wanted you to, excuse the pun, stand out; and needless to say we were successful. Maybe a touch bigger than we were expecting but... you will turn heads." "fuck that - this is gross" I said

"lets unfix that DNA" The Doc said "and a german pun - well done" I looked at the doc and he couldn't see my face but he guessed I was confused about the 'German pun' comment " you said your cock was huge and said it was gross and German for large is gross that's all I meant"

"grosses and it is pronounced grow-sses" I said "is the german and not 'gross'." "ok ok, so I'm not funny but sean, we are where we are - we aren't going to fine tune your age or cock size or anything else. We are going with you just as you are, sorry, most guys would be pleased" I made it clear that I thought he was nuts "no one would want a cock this big!" I said. The Doc replied "Well sean you should be pleased.

Making improvements to your penis and testicles was the result of more that 100 people's work over 15 years. Let me tell you it was harder than it looked. Sorry bad pun again. Most really large cocks don't get hard; let alone stick up when hard but your points to the sky way past your belly button - its amazing. Trust me it's a masterpiece - really quite a masterpiece. The doc was clearly proud of MY cock. I asked "What else have you 'improved'?" Well a few things like your endurance, strength, slowed down your aging, gave you an IQ of over 250, improved your reaction time, gave you better sight in many ways, and also better hearing in many ways, and some very cool looking eyes. But we're late and people are waiting for your unveiling." The doc said trying to change the subject. I said "'unveiling' I thought I was a super-secret superhero - and that my identity was to be kept a triple dog super secret. The doc responded oh no-no-no we're not taking you out of the training suit, we're not unveiling you in that way, but unveiling you and your skills when controlled by you and not the computer. There are a lot of people who want to see you under your own power." I said "not with this hardon! No way! They aren't going to see me with this - no way." I said defiantly. The Doc used his -I'm ignoring your comment please do as I asked- approach and said "They're all waiting for you now - as we argue and waste they loose their short time to see the result of their years of work before they have to leave, so stop thinking of yourself and think of them ok? Now go out there and give them a look at their work." When I refused to go out the Doc expounded on what all of these people had 'done' for me.

"These are the people who worked with you, taught you languages, science, math, history, art, music, literature..., politics, economics, gymnastics, martial arts..., fighting, physical endurance, balance...,

flexibility, strength, sports and everything else" the doc said in a slow sort of staccato pace. The doc was looking into his own skull to try and remember all the things that people had been teaching me. "Many of them have dedicated years, and sometimes careers, developing and testing techniques to maximize the absorption and understanding of the material. You're about to come out and show some of them what you can do, and that their work with you has paid off, but they still can't know who you are. This privacy is for your safety, their safety and the success of the program. You'll also not get to know who they are so they will be behind one way mirrors or in dark areas so you cant see them. Most of them don't know each other, or me, or many of the other technicians and doctors. This way everyone is compartmentalized

and kept protected in case something were to go wrong. So, to keep our identities secret, we wont be going out with you. Since most of these people don't know each other they will also be wearing hoods and in some cases there are tarps between them so they wont see each other. So, please, don't approach any of them. Now go on out and walk towards that spot light in the next room. You'll hear a voice in once you are in there, that wont sound like mine, but it's mine. Its just been modified by a computer so that it isn't recognizable as my voice." the doc finished "What about my voice? Shouldn't it be scrambled too?" I complained "wont they hear my voice? Isn't it just as important, or maybe more important, to keep my voice secret" I complained. The doc responded "I am afraid everyone's heard your voice. There was no way around that.

I'm not going to ask you to speak. By the way no one is supposed to speak to you either, but in case they do, many people in the audience know you as Philip." the Doc's pep talk was interrupted when I said "I will go out there when my hardon has gone down." "nonsense, they're all waiting now, they have seen it many times before, and they have flights to catch. Now go, make us all proud" the doc finished and he gave me a hard, smooth, but firm push in the middle of my back towards the light in the middle of the room.

I walked out into the dark large room, with my cock bobbing out in front of me, leading me towards the spot light in the middle. What a sight that must be, me wearing my little black ninja outfit with a disgusting cock sticking way out and two balls pulled apart. I arrived in the spotlight and turned to the where the people were all sitting in chairs wearing ski masks with tarps between them and covered over my cock with both hands. There was a thunder of applause. I had no idea what to do so I bowed. The volume of the applause went even louder so I bowed again. "Philip show us a back flip" a voice said - coming out of everywhere as if it were the voice of god himself - which quieted the applause. I looked up to the spot where I thought the sound was coming from and responded to the ceiling in a very loud voice "I don't even know how!" "Try it" the ominous omnipresent voice commanded. I shrugged jumped and landed in the exact spot without without spinning or anything just up and then back to earth. "I'll break my neck" I yelled leaning my head back and scolding the voice emanating from all directions. "Just do it" the voice replied sternly. So I swung my arms and jumped, spun backwards, then whack both of my little feet, covered in black spandex, landed squarely on the ground. "Wow" I exclaimed! There was thunderous clapping and a few loudly expressed words of relief like "YES!" and "WOW" and a wolf whistle, like you hear at sporting events. I felt my cock whack me in the gut as it bounced from the landing so I covered it back up. "Quiet! You were all warned - no speaking please. Now a front flip" the voice said. Without thinking I jumped grabbed my ankles spinning around and landed in exactly the spot my feet were in before I jumped and landed standing straight up. I wiggled my toes all clad in little tiny pouches of black cloth sticking out from my feet.

There was some more clapping a few things said under their breath "Quite please! Well done Philip, now the spits" the voice directed. It was as easy as sitting. I heard some more applause; but it was much quieter. "Now lay on your stomach, hands behind your back and bend backwards and arch your back and bring your head up and touch your feet to your head" ordered this faux voice of god. It took a lot of strength but I touched my toes to the back of my head for about 10 or 15 seconds until I was exhausted and flopped back to the floor. "Have a seat on the floor. Now put both your ankles behind your head", commanded the voice. I did it with ease. Both my feet were behind my head with my arms just kind of dangling there keeping me from falling backwards or forwards in this weird awkward position sitting on my ass. "Now lift your body with your hands leaving your feet behind your head using your arms and walk around on your hands" commanded the voice. It was hard to move one hand fast enough not to fall but I quickly got the hang of it. I felt like a circus act. This went on for a while. I did tricks for them and other physical demonstrations of strength and flexibility.

Finally the doc said "With that I would like to thank you all for all of your hard work... Remember this demonstration, all of the algorithms, the software, the equipment, and the program itself will remain Top Secret - Intelligence - Special Access Required - UMBRA - Diamond - 49...G3 and your full scope polygraph clearances remain will in effect indefinitely." the voice said. It sounded like a football play to me but I could tell it was a top secret level mumbo jumbo of some sort. "Please stay seated until you hear your number called then proceed to the exit. Please drop off your badges in the slot on your way out before getting on your plane.

All of your codes and combinations have already been deactivated, except the combination to your personal lockers at your destination facilities, so please don't return to your offices. Your six months paid leave begins today. You'll also find that in each of your bank accounts a deposit has been made equal to a year's salary. Enjoy your leave, you've earned it! You will be contacted with your next assignment. Thank you all." the voice boomed." In a different voice came a staccato sounding voice "Code 241 go to hanger G, Code 320 go to waiting area G6..." the voice boomed and I saw silhouettes stand up one at a time and walk out of the room gloomy and quiet. This went on for 30 minuets. The doc walked in and said "that was hard... but it's done" The doc commanded "well let's get going we have a lot of work to do" talking to the technicians and me at the same time. The doc said "you've begun to remember some of what we have taught you I can see. But to get it all working with the conscious part of your mind we need to trigger some connections. At the same time we would like to perform a battery of tests and see if everything was set properly. Some are physical, some mental, some memory. Okay sean?" the doc asked but the tone was more of a command. "Sure, I guess" I replied.

The doc directed me to sit down in an egg like chair and the computer screen in front of me lit up. There were speakers in the sides of the egg chair near my ears and it started telling me to point to where sounds were coming from - clearly a hearing test. The sounds changed in volume and pitch and location. The computer screen came alive and the speakers in the egg asked me to say what things I saw - an eye test obviously.

Then there was a bunch of math questions, that I had no idea that I knew the answer to, until the question was asked. For example "What is the definition of curl" which was one of the 1000's of unending questions.

Curl like hair curl? Then I heard myself say "the curl, named by maxwell, for example a vector field F denoted by the del operator crossed by the vector F projected on a unit vector n, denoted by a dot product with n carrot is by definition equal to the limit as A approaches zero of the quantity of the reciprocal of the absolute value of A... and as I spoke the computer screen kept adding symbols until the following equation was strewn across the screen.

(\nabla \times \mathbf{F}) \cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} \

\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \lim_{A \to 0}\left(

\frac{1}{|A|}\oint_{C} \mathbf{F} \cdot d\mathbf{r}\right)

The weird part was I understood every symbol and what a curl was. In fact it was so fundamental, so simple, so common, how is it that I haven't always know this. Geez, it happens in every cup of coffee as I stir it. Its simply the Kelvin-Stokes Theorem for a rotational vector field. Many hours later the questions were still coming in physics, astronomy, biology. A few days later I am still taking tests in chemistry, economics, languages from all over the world, some no longer spoken, and other cerebral things, interspersed with physical tests. Periodically the Doc or an assistant would usher me out of the egg to do some jumping, running, swimming, basketball drills, stretches, and endless ballet jumps and moves. I hear in the other room the phone ring and the doc say "ok he's here... ok then... sure 3 minutes in the gym.

Next: Chapter 14

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