
By Todd todd

Published on Jan 26, 2023


Dont forget to send these nifty people some money if you like the story. $20 sounds right if you liked it.

When I got back to the locker room I waited by my locker for Coach Bates to return and unlock it with his key. Everyone else was undressing when he got there, but he refused to unlock my lock. Instead Coach Bates commanded "Strip down boy! Every boy is required to shower... now strip down, and go. I'll unlock your locker once you're back here, and clean" Coach Bates walked away from me, back towards his office, giving a nod and glance of approval to Coach Jensen who was headed in the opposite direction towards the towel room; but close enough to hear me being berated once again.

Although the entire locker room was super brightly lit, even to the point of being blindingly bright, the towel room glowed like the sun by comparison. I was drawn to follow Coach Jensen because the towel room seemed to be the epicenter of all activity. Although I remember the towel room from when I was issued those disgusting gym clothes before class, only an hour ago, it was now all just a blur. My mind was in a daze then, after the humiliating entrance, and after being watched by all those kids and coaches. What happened then, was now, slowly, coming back to me. One thing I didn't remember, was why the towel room was so abnormally bright, compared to the rest of the very brightly lit locker room.

I remembered that the towel room was situated between two large shower rooms on either side of it. At the back of the towel room was a set of double split doors behind which was the towel closet. But this time, Tommy wasn't in the towel closet pulling dirty used gym clothes out of a box for me to wear. Instead, standing beside the double doors to the towel closet, were two small, very young ,naked kids, both of which didn't look so good. Their bodies were bruised all over and each had two swollen red and purple black eyes. Both boys had just a few pubic hairs around their smallish cocks, not many but some, certainly more than I had. Funny, I thought, is it weird that I was jealous of these two scrawny twinks, who looked like they had just gone 10 rounds against a motorcycle gang.

There were already a bunch of kids in the showers and more were pouring in to get their required shower. The coach unlocked the towel closet's split double doors and the two beaten and buck naked boys went inside closing the lower half of the doors. Inside the towel closet there were shelves stacked to the ceiling with towels. On the floor were cloth rolling hampers that had a metal ring around the perimeter supporting the cloth hamper and were filled with dirty towels. There were two similar hampers sitting outside the towel room against the side walls only partially filled with dirty towels. The towel closets doors had little shelves built into the top of the lower half so that when the lower half of the door was closed there was a wide shelf on top. The boys' nudity was now hidden by the shelf but their upper torsos were ensconced in a room of etherial bright white light reflecting off of the bright white clean towels. From their position, inside the towel closet, they were able to watch every soaking wet, naked, boy as he came out of the showers and headed towards them to be handed a warm dry towel. One boy handed out towels to the boys coming out of the left set of showers and the other handed them out to the boys emerging from the right side. When the boys had finished drying off most threw their towels into the face of the boys in the towel closet, but a few just dropped then in the hampers on each side of the room.

I could now see why there was so much light in the towel room and the showers. Every inch of the lowered ceiling in the towel room, and shower rooms, were covered in extremely bright lights; literally from one wall to the other, butted one against the next. These lights seemed to be different than your standard florescent lights, because they were so much brighter. Also, although hard to explain, the light that they emitted was not like the light from a florescent fixture, but rather a very much whiter light. You also couldn't see any bulbs behind the glass in these lights. Then, to top it off, the ends of the rows of lockers that faced the towel room also had the same lights, attached vertically to the ends shining directly into the towel room. Now it was clear to me that these were not florescent lights at all; they were some sort of magical light that didn't need bulbs. They were only about 1/2 inch thick. The top of these light panels began over my head and went down to my knees; they were roughly 2 feet wide reaching from edge to edge of a bank of lockers and 4 foot tall. I was mesmerized by the sight of all the naked boys, the brightness of the room, the deafening din, and the smell of warm over-bleached towels juxtaposed against the deep scent of sweaty post pubescent boys.

The coach apparently had completed his duties while I was lost in a haze of wonderment, and my memories of being here only an hour ago, which now seemed like decades ago. Finally, Coach Jensen's screams aimed directly at me finally brought me back to reality. "For the third time KLINE! Are you home? I said no one is allowed in the towel room dressed! Go back to your locker, ...strip naked..., put your gym clothes in the little locker, ...get back here..., and shower - NOW!" It seemed like a long list of very detailed specific orders. I thought - I just hope I remember them all. I then realized, through my fear of forgetting his specific orders, what am I thinking. Jeezus, where is my mind, his list of orders wasn't hard to remember; fuck - focus. I noted to myself, Coach Jensen was fully dressed, standing in the towel room, why do the boys have to be naked?

I went back to my locker, quickly stripped, stood on the bench on my tippy toes, covered my cock and balls with the hand that held my borrowed nasty, and now sweaty gym clothes. I leaned forward so that my other arm was supporting my weight against the locker as my body was leaning at a 45 degree diagonal. I took the clothing shield away from my crotch letting my cock and balls drop free so that I could use that free hand to open the door to my little locker. I lamented that I still hadn't grown a single pubic hair. As an adult, I spent a lot of time contorting my body, looking in mirrors trying to shave away my ass and pubic hair. Now, I just wish I had some pubic hair once again. Because I had none, around this huge fucking cock, it made me feel more naked than I could have ever imagined.

I quickly threw the clump of sweaty clothes deep into the back of the small locker. I instantly thought to myself 'oh shit, how will I get those out from the very back of that locker next class'. I glanced at Coach Bates through the window into his office. He was sitting in his chair staring right back at me from behind his desk. I hope he enjoyed the show; what a fuckhead. I then noticed, on the sill of his window, there was a small box. I recognized the box from movie theaters, it was a "Good and Plenty" box. Why would a coach have a box of candy on his window sill? Although it seemed at home, sharing space with a lot of other clutter on the coach's window sill, I somehow knew that something wasn't quite right about it; so I studied the box carefully. From my vantage point, standing on the bench, I thought I could see a small hole in a dark area on the box where the "G" was located. I wasn't sure there was a hole, as the box was in a shadow, but as I studied it I became convinced there was a hole in the "G". I figured that his candy box was nothing more than a facade, hiding a cell phone inside. Shit, I'll bet you a million dollars that he just shot video of me, and my junk, struggling with the locker; fucking hell. I closed the little locker and jumped down and headed to the showers, buck naked. I trotted to the showers, with both of my hands over my rather large cock and balls. I still curse the Doc for concocting this huge set of cock and balls in his gene splicing CRISPR soup. It stuck out from this emaciated shinny little kid torso of mine; like an inappropriate adornment.

I went into the shower room on the right, because it had the youngest kids in it, which made me feel just a bit safer; away from the bigger bullies, I showered as quickly as I could, all the while facing the furthest corner, thinking how absurd it was putting such a large cock on this little body. Just as I left the showers, entering the towel room, Coach Jensen barked loudly "That was a short shower Kline!". He probably was just standing there the entire time watching me as I was in the showers waiting there for me to emerge from the shower room before he pounced on me like a cat guarding a mouse. The coach motioned with his curling finger for me to approach him. When I got near him he pointed to a spot on the floor where he wanted me to stand. I slowly ambled over, to more or less where he pointed, and stood; but I guess not close enough or fast enough. He reached out and grabbed me by the hair on top of my head and jerked me, forward towards him, and slightly to the right of my current position. I reached up to grab his arm with one hand while the other covered my junk. But, before I could touch him he admonished me, "ah ah ah hands to your sides". I instantly complied, except that my free hand joined the other hand that was coving my embarrassing manhood. He used my hair to push me back about 2 inches, turned me 90 degrees until I was facing the ends of the lockers directly into those bright lights. He then screamed as loud as a human man can scream, "I... fucking... said... hands... to your fucking... sides... you fuckhead!" I let go of my junk, which dropped for all to see, and put my hands to my sides. I was now not only facing the bright lights but also facing the direction where all the boys were; out in the locker room. They all stoped what they were doing, went dead silent, and looked in my direction. With the bight lights shinning into my eyes, standing alone in the box that was the towel room, with an audience of ogling teen boys staring back at me from directly in front of me, standing there stark naked, uncovered, with my hairless obscenely large cock and balls on display for all to see, I felt like I was on the most humiliating stage in the world. I felt so awkward. I thought that maybe I should do, or say, something. My mind told me - bow - do something, anything, so that the curtain would close and I could get out of here; I felt so alone. But, I knew that this play had just started, and that I was indeed the unwilling star for today's performance.

"Danny and Stevie, can you step out here!" Coach Jensen barked like a drill instructor. I felt some relief because I was no longer alone on the stage. The same gallery of boys that were staring at me then, nearly in unison, exclaimed "uh oh Danny and Steeeeeeeeevieeeeee". I thought, good, bring'm out, bring others out, just let me hide behind someone else. I hope the coach hates them more than me and shifts the focus from me to them. I then felt instantly terrible that I had that thought that I wished this humiliation on two poor, weak, young, boys that had recently been terribly beaten. The boys opened the door and stepped out. They came towards the coach who pointed at two different spots on the floor, on either side of me, where he wanted them to stand. Clearly the coach had this play of his all choreographed and blocked out. The coach stood off to the side (stage left), so he wouldn't block the view of the audience. He then asked the boys pointedly "Do you guys think he's clean?" The surrounding boys began closing in, murmuring various things like "I knew they were going to get it today" or "Uhhh ohhh you guys are in trouuuuuubllllle" and "you guys fuuuucked up". They both reluctantly shook their heads no; knowing that any other answer was unacceptable. I got my wish, the coach wanted to grind-in the humiliation for Danny and Stevie and I was no longer the focus. The two boys knew that they couldn't say, yes, that I was indeed clean, because it would publicly dispute the coach's implied assertion that I was still dirty. The coach was forcing the boys, by making them insist that I was still dirty and smelly, to seal their own fate; proving that they failed in their policing duties.

"Are you both sure?" Demanded the coach from the boys. In the mean time the other boys, who had already left, and were partially or fully dressed, were coming back to the shower room and grabbing towels from the dirty hamper and rolling them up. The coach admonished all of the boys returning "You know the rules, no one comes into the towel room in clothes. And stay back, out of the towel room, until you're invited in. Stayyyy back!" All of the onlookers backed out of the towel room but were cackling like hens. They all started stripping down themselves, on the spot, leaving their clothes behind on the benches so they could enter the towel room the get a towel out of the dirty hamper. Some boys would grab a bunch of towels and hand them out to their friends. They knew a show was brewing, and they knew they all had a part to play in it, but only if they were naked as well. Clearly this wasn't the first time something like this has happened.

The two boys shook their heads, yes, indicating that they were sure that I wasn't clean. Then the coach barked loudly "Are you absolutely positively sure? You should know for sure before you let this new boy get whipped. Whipped? I thought. Various boys added to the taunting by shouting "Make them smell him" or one yelled "stick Steeeeeevie's nose up his butthole". Another chimed in "make Danny smell his junk". The coach obligingly barked "I agree - smell his pits boys, you need to be sure" Both kids grabbed a different arm and lifted them above my head and smelled my arm pits. I sensed that they had done this before because they showed no hesitance or ambiguity about the directions they were given. They both drew back with pretend grimaces. The onlooking boys continued their taunting "make them lick his pits clean!" The coach admonished Danny and Stevie in a voice that was so loud that it reminded me of a drama or music class where we were told to project our voice from our diaphragm. Coach Jensen's voice sounded deeper and louder, as if he was reading a script, and striving to annunciate each syllable. He wanted the audience in the back row to clearly hear his every word; even through the terrible echo in the locker room reverberating every sound. Through all of that, the coach was successful in overcoming the din, his words came through loud and clear. "You two... were supposed to monitor the boys taking showers... Right? To make sure they take a good shower! ...Aren't you? The boys nearby were uttering "uh ohhhh" as if they knew that those words were the harbinger of some upcoming terrible fate for us. The coach went on "Yet you didn't say anything to the new boy here, what's your name?" Looking briefly at me he asked, "Kline is it?" Without a response from me he returned his gaze and questioning to Stevie and Danny; alternating looks and questions between the two boys, "Did you? No not one word! You twats were going to let this dirty, stinking boy go back and smell up some clean antiseptic classroom? The school district would have to waste a bunch of taxpayer money to buy boxes of air fresheners for each class that he went to; because of you." I'd never seen anyone do such a sophomoric job of showboating as the coach was doing right now; he reminded me of a carnival barker. "Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye, step right, up see the naked boys being taunted and tortured, step right up, watch them suffer "

His hyperbolic rhetoric was not unlike what you hear at public demonstrations, marches and rallies, that are used to trump up people's emotions. In this case he was clearly trying to stoke the pubescent flames of sadistic lust in the audience. Three naked, small, helpless, and defenseless boys alone, against a mob of 200 naked teenaged boys armed with whips made from rolled up towels. I could nearly taste the testosterone in the air. Danny and Stevie were doing every mea culpa they could invent to blunt the coach's wrath. "...Sorry Coach we'll do better... we were about to stop him..." etc. But, no, we were way past averting the inevitable beating that was going to be delivered by this blood thirsty, sadistically-sexually aroused mob; lead by the demagogic coach Jensen. I noticed that the perimeter of the throng of boys was ringed by every other coach. They were there not to quell the mob, but to watch 200 naked boys whip the crap out of three frail, helpless, scared, naked, boys. Past the bright lights that were perched on the ends of the lockers, I was able to easily make out coach Bigun because he was standing on top of a bench, above all the other boys to get a better view. Fuck he was a big man, I thought. He must have been 6-4 330 Lbs. Although he had a little bit of a gut it was clear that he was all muscle. I also noticed that he had a huge hardon tenting out his gym shorts. I noticed it because I could see him lightly stroking it through his gym shorts. I shook my head slightly, how can this spectacle make him so roaring hard.

Then the coach all of the sudden pivoted and took a conciliatory tone "or maybe you're right, maybe he is clean. You KNOW I don't want to have to punish you", his eyes darted back and forth between the two boys, "...and him ...", tipping his head upwards in my direction, "if he is indeed clean. I mean, ...I don't want you to feel like you have to go tell your parents, the principle and the police, that you felt that I was unfair to you - again. No... I don't want that. I mean, I feel bad that your little plan blew up in your face. That, no one believed you when you both claimed that a bunch of boys jumped you the day after you expressed your concerns to your parents, like two little tattle tails, that you were being piiiiiiicked on in gym class. I mean, I do think it was a little over the top that your parents felt the need to have a conference with the principle, and make a capital case out of you two taking your turn as towel boys and for getting your asses, ...and your balls..., whipped." There was a general chuckling throughout the room when the coach added the words "and your balls". The coach continued "After all, everyone agreed that it was you two that started the towel fight, and that you two, just lost the fight that YOU started. But the bigger shame, was that your parents decided to call the police causing your pathetic, shameful lie to come crashing down on your own heads. Don't you agree Tommy?"

A voice in the crowed loudly responded "The way I heard it coach was: the police don't think that I, or any of other kids beat them up, coach. In fact coach, you were there when they BOTH had to apologize to me, and a bunch of other kids, in front of their parents, and the police, while they were still in handcuffs, cause if they didn't, then they would be arrested for lying to the police, filing a false police report, and for stripping butt naked in public, scaring old ladies and children. They both had to admit to us, in front of the cops and their parents, that they colusioned together to do that to themselves and that they then stripped themselves naked on the street and ran home to mommy and daddy to get sympathy for their faggotyass selves!"

The coach smiled at the nearly perfectly delivered, overly rehearsed, public soliloquy from Tommy. But the coach corrected Tommy anyway, "colluded, not colusioned, Tommy". I couldn't see the person that was the voice of Tommy in the crowd, because he was behind me somewhere, but it sounded like the same Tommy that had helped me so much before class an hour ago giving me those awful used gym clothes. The coach asked the two boys "Is that right boys did you give yourselves black eyes and bruises then tear off your own clothes in public and lie about it to your mommy and daddy; and then lie to the police? Did you?" There was nothing but silence in the room, not even an echo, so the Coach went on "I understand the police interviewed a bunch of people from where you said you were beat up. I guess everyone they interviewed, who said that they were there at the time that it supposedly happened, testified that they didn't see any crowd of boys beating you up. I guess all they saw was your naked asses running home. "Except for a Jack and Fred coach! They did admit that they saw it Coach", Tommy chimed in. "Yes, that's right. You boys really blew that. Two people, two real eye witnesses, said they actually saw the two of you smashing each other. How could you bring yourselves to hit each other? What did you use? A miniature baseball bat maybe; you guys look a mess! My understanding is the police told your parents that they felt, from the beginning, that it was odd that it happened the way that you two said it did. My understanding from the principle was that, as the investigating officer explained to him, that you both felt like you were being picked on in gym class and that you invented this ruse to get out of gym. The police also confirmed that Tommy, and all the other boys that you both named, had iron clad alibis since they were here, at school, in football practice.

I heard the police told your parents that if this happened again, that they would arrest the two of you, for indecent exposure, filing false police reports, and perjury. Is that right? Yet here you both are; all naked and exposed. Maybe I should report your actions to the police. It's probably best for you if I keep my mouth shut and in turn you don't say ANYTHING to ANYONE from now on. Because if the cops do arrest you, you'll have a permanent record, as hoMOsexual, gay, sex offender and you'll get sent to the penitentiary. I guarantee that all kinds of bad men will hurt and use you, in some pretty bad ways, probably four or five times a day". In the background you could hear boys adding color to the coach's prediction. "They'll get butt fucked by every mean mother fucker in there", "they'll be bubba's bitch", "Their asses will bleed cum", "they'll never walk normal again", you'd better learn to suck some big cock, oh never mind you already know how, because you've sucked my big cock".

The two boys remained silent not knowing how to respond to the threat from the coach. I gathered that Tommy was the coach's chief enforcer. I figured I'd pretty much cracked the case at this point. Coach Jensen, Coach Bates and all of the other coaches were clearly sadists, of the first order, and Coach Jensen liked touching and hurting high school boys. Coach Bigun even had the audacity to jack his monster cock, in the boys locker room, through his gym shorts, while standing on top of a bench behind all of the boys while watching us get publicly humiliated. Clearly he thought that no one could see him, but I could, and I did. Case cracked on the first day! Ha, ha! But I knew that I was about to pay a tough price to learn that; but that's got to be it! Maybe I should yell "FBI, you're all under arrest!" and save myself and these two kids. No there's probably not enough iron clad evidence yet. I don't even know enough to prove who killed the boys nor do I know where the missing kids are yet. I guess I'll have to continue to position myself as bait and catch them in the act and then the case 'll be closed!

The coach returned to his original line of interrogation of Stevie and Danny. "Am I being fair this time Stevie? What about you Danny? Am I being completely fair with both of you boys this time? Letting you decide if this kid is clean or not?" Both boys looked at each other not knowing what to say. The coach filled the silence "Okay, you both have doubts it seems like... ...because neither of you could give me a clear answer, when I asked you for your opinions, based on smelling his armpits." Both boys started to stammer but the coach cut them short "then let's not be hasty, let's be completely fair. Let's check him out thoroughly, why don't we? Agreed? One sure test is to see if his ass or crotch smell, or if his feet smell, wouldn't you both agree?" Both boys turned as white as the towels that they wished were wrapped around them. The coach paused a second and then announced, "I take it that you both are in agreement. Well then, get to it".

There were catcalls coming from every direction. By now fully clothed boys were pouring in for the next class. They were all stripping down, grabbing towels and rolling them up on the floor. The coach motioned to Stevie and Danny with both hands, open palms up, pointing at my crotch and ass. Danny and Stevie bent over and took a sniff of the air near my butt and cock. The coach decried "Oh no, no, thats not fair! You have to smell deeply, a full breath from close range; to be sure. Kline spread your legs please. Stevie and Danny, you need to get down on your knees, to get in close." The boys dropped to their knees reluctantly, and yet in a way that feigned that they were willingly doing this, I assumed to prevent further provoking the coach.

The Coach screamed right in my ear "I said spread your fucking scrawny little legs you fucK or ...I'll make you sorry!" Two other boys came up out of nowhere from either side of me and grabbed my ankles yanking my legs far apart. I wasn't expecting to literally have my legs yanked out from under me, and as a result, I nearly fell forward but Coach Jensen grabbed my hair again and lifted my entire body weight by my hair with one hand. My toes weren't even touching the ground. My legs were now pulled wide apart; maybe 3 shoulder widths as the coach lowered me back down. He stared angrily into my eyes, looking up at my hands grasping his hand, that had just literally picked me up by my hair and lifted me completely off of the ground. I knew the message conveyed by that look, and as soon as my toes were back on Terra firma, I dropped my hands to my sides.

Coach Jensen ordered "Ok, you two switch sides. We want a second opinion, besides Stevie seemed to enjoy the smell of Kline's asshole just a bit too much for me; judging by how hard his little wiener is." Laughter erupted everywhere. When Stevie moved around to be in front of me I saw his dick wasn't hard at all. The coach aimed Stevie at my crotch this time and Danny at my ass. They put their noses close and started to take a loud inhale. There was laughter and applause from all around us. The coach barked, "Again, and longer this time, you have to be sure". The boys put their noses back close to me and started to inhale and as they inhaled the coach put his hands on the backs of their heads. The boys in turn put their hands on my legs, to hold themselves away from touching me, but the coach ordered, "hands to your sides boys, hands to your FuCKing sides!" They obeyed and then the coach shoved one boys nose right into my asshole and the other into my cock. All of the surrounding boys were ohhing and laughing at Stevie and Danny. "Make Stevie open his mouth" one boy hollered loudly. Another demanded "make Danny lick his butthole clean". The coach grabber their hair and twisted their heads left and right, up and down, saying, "I don't hear any sniffing!" I could feel Danny's nose go up into my asshole repeatedly and I dont mean touching it but inside it. My legs were spread so far that I couldn't keep my asshole clinched tight enough to preclude entry by Danny's nose as it was pressed so hard into my sphincter. It must have been hurting his nose immensely. Finally he let them both loose and asked "Well?" After a few gasps for air "He stinks coach" said Stevie pulling away from my cock. Danny replied, "His ass stinks coach". "And his feet" the coach asked? The coach grabbed the hair on Danny's head and literally drug him along the floor, right over the naked boy holding my leg out, until he was beside Stevie in front of me. The boys bent over with only a slight pause of resignation and sniffed. The coach shoved their heads once again; this time into my feet. He demanded that the boys answer, "Do they smell? Check each toe! I heard the boys muffled yes responses but the coach kept their heads there. They were pushing away a little to keep from crushing their noses into my feet and the coach demanded "ah, ah, ah, not till we are done! Hands behind your backs boys! Sniff between each toe. Maybe help this new kid out guys, help him get the toe jam out from between his toes. Come on help the poor new kid! Get your tongue in-between each toe and get them good and clean. DO IT! If you made sure he took a good shower and he was clean this should be no problem for you now should it?" the Coach explained. I instantly felt both Stevie and Danny's tongues probing between my toes. More applause and cat calls from every direction. It tickled but I didn't make a sound. The coach demanded that the boys get lower. "Spread your knees apart! Farther, farther, god damn it, noooo!, hands behind your head! Get your fucking knees spread! FARTHER!!!" The boys were on their elbows on the floor with their tongue wiggling between my toes and their ass in the air with their knees spread as far apart as a boy could possibly spread them.

Coach Bates spoke up from behind all the boys, "Were the bats they used on each other like these coach?" "Let's see" responded coach Jensen. In the intervening time Coach Bates had apparently gone back to the office and retrieved four miniature baseball bats and handed them to the boys in the back of the crowd. They were passed forward to coach Jensen who took one of the bats, the one painted pink. Yes, asked Coach Jensen, are these somewhat like the bats you used on each other" Were they similar to these, or maybe exactly, like these baseball bats? Tommy wasn't the bat used on Danny also Pink?" I could see from the abject fear in each boy's eyes that they had seen these bats before, not bats like these, but these very bats. "They were all used coach" Tommy responded "But mostly the pink one was used on Danny, ...from what I heard coach. Coach Jensen placed the pink bat up against Danny's flesh and pressed it successively into each bruise and added voice to the visual demonstration. Did you hit him right here Stevie? Right on his ribs? This bruise seems to fit the shape of the bat exactly." I think I see blood on this bat. Is this your blood Danny? I could see tears welling up in Danny's eyes. I wasn't sure if the tears were from the pain of the bat being pressed into his bruise, or from fear that he was going to be beaten again, or if it was from the memory of the beating, or maybe seeing the very bat that had been used on him, or maybe it was the humiliation of this situation causing him to cry. Maybe it was a combination of some or all of those or maybe it was how helpless he felt when he went to his parents, principle, and even the police, expecting protection, but only getting threatened with jail instead.

"Stand up boys" barked the coach ". Both boys popped up and stood at attention facing the class. Once Coach Jensen saw streams of tears running down Danny's face and hearing the sobs from his heaving chest that he moved on to Stevie. He exchanged the pink bat for the black one and placed it on a huge bruise on one of his legs, then to another bruise on the same leg, then one on the other leg, then another, pressing it in deep each time. "Shawn used the black bat and he mostly worked on Stevie coach" Tommy piped up on his own. The coach corrected him "you mean Danny used the black bat on Stevie right? "No, no, yea thats what I was meaning to say Coach" affirmed Tommy. Danny you must hate Stevie to beat him this hard, so many times, these are vicious bruises; was it a lover's quarrel? Coach Jensen pressed the bat deep into a bruise across Stevie's stomach. He must have pushed it four inches deep into his stomach. "Ouch, that looks like it hurts" was the comforting comment made by Coach Jensen as he poked it deep into his gut. Stevie wasn't about to cry so Coach Jensen tested Stevie's resolve. He tapped Stevie a few times with the bat on the multiple bruises on his ribs. You could hear a hollow thunk, thunk, thunk each time the wood hit a rib. He then slowly slid it up and down his chest going over each rib like stick over a washboard of ribs. He let it slide slowly pressing hard along his flesh over his peck, over his neck, up to his face, over his jaw stopping it right on one of his swollen eyes, pressing it hard into the puffy tissue. Coach Jensen broke the silence "You're a mess boy. Why does Danny hate you so much to beat you like this?" Stevie replied "he doesn't hate me coach". "oh" responded the coach "Do you like being beaten then? You like him beating your naked body?" Stevie was silent. "I guess you do. Are you two butthole buddies? Do you like beating each other; sadomasochists are you?" The room erupted in laughter.

I should give you a detention" the coach exclaimed. Stevie said nothing. "Ok boy, tell me why I shouldn't give you a detention?" Stevie responded "I have no reason to receive a detention coach". The coach ignored Stevie's response "I'll tell you what, you decide. Detention, for you or for cry baby Danny? Stevie looked over at Danny who was sobbing hard now, out loud and Stevie very quietly replied "Me Coach" The couch feigned that he couldn't hear by putting a hand to his ear. Stevie said in louder voice "I'll take the detention coach" "Louder" demanded the coach. Stevie screamed "I'll take the Detention coach"! Coach Jensen countered the offer with "three days of detention for you, in the wrestling room, or one for him doing calisthenics?" Stevie answered "Three for me in the wrestling room coach" The coach replied "Oh, you must love Danny if you agree to willingly take three detentions in the wrestling room, with me, and a few other boys, knowing you'll take quite a few of these in each detention" the coach held up the miniature baseball bat in front of Stevie's face touching his nose with it. Stevie very quietly and meekly replied "yes Coach" Coach Jensen intentionally misquoted Stevie "So yes you love Danny, you're fuck buddies then?" There were whoops, whistles and cat calls from every direction. Stevie, over the din, loudly yelled "No I meant I would take three days of detention Coach, not that we are lovers coach". Stevie's offer wasn't good enough for the coach who insisted, "What is it that you want BOY and spell it out, or it's three day of detention for danny, in the wrestling room" Stevie answered louder "I want three days of detention, in the wrestling room, with you and whatever other boys you want coach, and those bats can be used on me if you promise to leave him alone." The room went wild and 100s of hands shot up in the air with shouts of "me, me, me" The coach exclaimed "Oh, you must really love Danny! Do you love Danny? Is he your butt boy lover? Which one of you sticks his pathetic little dick up which ones dirty asshole? huhh?" Stevie was silent having no idea how to answer that. The coach replied "you have a deal. Any three days I choose, you have a detention in the wrestling room, and I wont give a detention to Danny. But both you and he have earned what's coming to you and him today. You both have also earned towel boy duty for two more weeks" Stevie spoke up "Coach no more days of towel boy duty for Danny Please! I'll do anything you asked just leave him alone" "Anything?" the coach repeated. "Anything?" "Yes coach", agreed Stevie, "anything". "Indefinite detentions, all in the wrestling room? Towel boy duty every day?" the coach bargained on. "Yes coach, detention in the wrestling room, every day if you want, and towel boy duty the rest of the year if you lay off of Danny" agreed Stevie. "With bats" the coach pushed on for a better deal. "Yes Coach, you can use the bats on me, do whatever you want, do your worst, I don't care, as long as you let Danny alone. "Ok, we have a deal but he stands for the whipping today, and is towel boy one time a week, every week, DEAL?" Stevie responded "No days coach. You have to let him be coach" Stevie countered back. "If you ever fail, then Danny takes your place" the coach clarified. Stevie bowed his head and agreed "Yes, ok, deal" The room exploded in cheers and clapping. The coach leaned in right next to Stevie's ear and whispered "your ass in mine, you know that, its' literally my ass. Do we have a deal boy? Stevie whispered back, "Yes coach if I have your word that you, all the other coaches, and kids will leave Danny fully alone from after today." The coach whispered back " I, and the other coaches, and anyone I want, is going to beat you and you're going to take it willingly. You're going to be willingly humiliated in every way that I can dream up. You know we're going to do other stuff to, and with, you as well? Agreed?" "Yes coach I know that." responded Stevie beginning to break up into tears. "You can do whatever as long as Danny is not touched." cried Stevie. "You are to go to the office and ask to be PE helper in your non-class time. You are to admit to the principle and go to the police and admit you faked the beatings to get out of PE because Danny is your lover" Are we clear? Do we have a fucking deal?" The coach extorted Stevie even further. Stevie whispered "Yes coach, all of that and anything else you want. We have a deal, if you give me your word that Danny is free of abuse after today" The coach concluded the negotiation with "ok you have a deal except Danny has to behave and gets the same treatment as the other boys. He also has to come in and watch any detention I want him to watch, tied up so that he can't help you. If you fail to satisfy everything we want then you have to bring Danny in to take your place. Do we have a deal? "Yes coach, we have a deal" said Stevie with a resigned tone. "OK" replied the coach "prove it back on the kids toes, knees spread, let's get today's stuff done then" "OK coach" Stevie and Danny concluded the negotiation dropping back to the ground facing away from the crowd tongue returning to between my toes, legs spread wide so both boys' balls dangled in front of the throng; armed with viscous rat tail towels targeting those defenseless balls.

Then I saw the coach signal to the surrounding boys, by curling the first two fingers on each of his upheld hands, in a come here motion. When the coach made that gesture clearly the onlookers knew exactly what to do. I now knew that the towels, taken out of the dirty hamper, are indeed going to be put to use on me and the other two boys. These were not just any towels the boys were wielding. The boys had been carefully folding and rolling them up on the floor into a special configuration; we used to call "Rat's Tails". They were 1000 times more effective in a towel fight than a loose towel. They are far more painful and much more accurate than a loose towel. By now there must have been nearly 300 boys all with rolled up towels in their hands closing in on us at the direction of the coach. They took their "Rat's Tails" and aimed for Stevie and Danny and cracked them as hard as they could. Everyone seemed to vying for their nuts which, because their legs were spread so wide, were dangling between their legs. Danny had removed their tongues from between my toes and screamed at each direct hit. I could feel Danny's warm tears dripping all over my feet. Stevie, good to his word, kept his tongue between my toes and was crying as well. Those not directly behind Stevie or Danny just aimed for the ribs, or his back, or their legs. After a couple of really fucking hard hits to Danny's balls he crumpled up into the fetal position. Stevie held still.

The coach raised his hands and shouted for everyone to stop and there was a huge chorus of moans from all around the room with lots of murmuring "I never even got one shot", "Ah come on", "no fair, you guys hogged the front row". The coach shouted "hold on, hold on, everyone will get their chance but we have to be more organized. Everyone gets one and just one shot at each boy's balls. You then have to step aside. If you take more than your one shot to the balls then it means you want to join them. Mike and Tony you're the judges if anyone takes more than one shot to the balls then call it out. If you miss, tough, you're done. Coach Jenson addressed us three targets directly "Ok new kid, and you two sorry fucks, let me explain things. If you hold still for your punishment it'll be over in a matter of minutes. If you protect yourself then you'll have towel duty for a week. Danny you knew that when you were down there cleaning his toes, yet you covered up anyway. Stevie responded no that's not our agreement coach. Danny this is your lucky last warning, do it again, and you will earn the privilege of being next week's towel boy, Stevie, that's our agreement he has to take today's punishment or else he has to become a towel boy again. Unless you think any of this is unfair, then on your way home, I'm sure some of these boys will want to have that debate with you again. Maybe the debate will be more spirited this time."

Is everything fair here... and to you comfort level. We don't want you to be uncomfortable again, now do we?" Stevie and Danny said "no" The coach wanted a more formal declaration from the boys "No? no what exactly?" The boys meekly responded "no, this is all fair" declared Danny through his sobs. Hearing that Stevie agreed "I'm fine with it..." The coach replied "I'm not sure everyone heard you." The boys screamed "I'm fine with this coach?" The coach decided to amp it up a bit "I had hoped that you both loved this. The boys parroted back "We love it coach" The coach couldn't let well enough go. "Love what exactly?" Danny was crying I could see his chest heaving but he didn't move. Stevie yelled loudly "I love licking his toes coach and having my balls whipped!" "What else?" asked the coach I liked smelling his dirty cock coach!" And you Danny, do you like it or love it? Between sobs Danny said "I love... huh huh ... smelling his dirty asshole" Oh poor cry baby, you need some toughening up boy, but go on. What else do you love? "I love licking his feet coach".

Ok then you both feel in your hearts, and your balls, that the punishment should continue? And that it's fair? And that you are comfortable with it?" The boys answered "Yes!" loudly. The coach responded ok then, by your consent, then we will finish this! But again, and if you don't hold still this time, you'll get a month as towel boys AND a detention IN the WRESTLING ROOM along with EIGHT other boys that I pick. Are we clear?" The boys shook their heads yes and the coach barked "What?" To which the boys responded "Yes" which wasn't good enough for the coach "Yes what?" "Yes Coach" they responded. The coach said exasperatedly, "No I mean what should I have the boys do?" Danny and Stevie said "keep going" Louder demanded the coach. Danny was sobbing again at this point. "Keep hitting us coach" the boys responded. "Harder or softer and ask the boys nice and loud" the coach amplified his demand for submission "Guys please hit me much harder" barked Stevie. "Ok then, by your request we will try to finish this. Oh and kid" as he addressed me " "lift your arms and put them in front of your face. The boys like to aim for ribs and your chest and you don't want to block a towel hit now do you? Besides, protecting your eyes with your arms might be a smart move anyway" I responded "ok coach" The coach wrapped up "By the way I don't give a fuck if you think this is fucking fair. If you dare to dream of telling a person on this planet, some of these boys will meet you after school, and all I have to say is good luck when you wake up in the hospital this time." I responded "I understand coach" Stevie spoke to Danny "come on little dude do it, it will be over soon. Be tough for me" The coach looked at Danny in the eye. Danny rolled over spread his legs and stuck his tongues between my toes. I lifted my arms and covered my face. The coach made his finger gesture and I began to feel towel pops all over my body. I could tell a lot were focused on my cock. They hurt a fair amount but it was tolerable, I had had so much worse during training. I also could tell Danny and Stevie weren't fairing as well I could hear both of them sobbing. After about 3 minuets the coach screamed "what's going on here? A towel fight? You know that's against the rules so stop it! Who started it? Everyone responded Stevie and Danny and a few said the new kid or Kline. The coach said "it's over as of now". The coach then chided them "ah grow up, you shouldn't cry if you get popped by a little towel. After all everyone said you started the towel fight. You actually should both get detention for starting the towel fight so Danny you should count yourself lucky.

Everything seemed to stop and the coach unlocked my locker. I got bumped and towel snapped as I got dressed all the while a couple of coaches joined coach bates at his desk and pointed at my marks while they watched through their widow. I put the lock on the nasty gym clothes the small locker and got dressed and went to math. Not much else happened the rest of the day except I was hip checked into the lockers or tripped once in a while. I knew I had been made a target for every kid in the school.

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