
By Todd todd

Published on Feb 3, 2013


"I could still hear them, as I would drift into consciousness periodically, nonchalantly chatting about me as I laid there, helpless, paralyzed, my ears ringing. I was sure they thought I couldn't hear them because I count believe what they were saying was so honest that I knew they would never say those things if I could have heard them. "Its amazing how you got those needles into his brain. He never seemed to feel them going in." Said Agent Jones. The technician is apparently not a technician at all I begane to realize. He is the CIA's version of Dr Mengele; who responded to Agent Jones. "they are very small kind of like acupuncture needles. They are only 2 thousandths of an inch in diameter; made of carbon fiber. Although you may not know it the brain has no pain receptors itself so the brain cant feel them as they pierce through it." "but they're fucking so long." said Agent Jones and the Dr said " "no they are only 3 or 4 inches long some shorter" Agent Jones responded "Not the first two". "you were paying attention Jones, no you are right those first two had to extend from the base of his neck all the way to the very top of his brain, they were pretty long, you're right. Each electrode is custom fabricated for him. In his case the longest was 14.71 cm." I tried to open my eyes, but couldn't. Agent Jones said "is he coming around?" "Yes", said the Dr. "Can he hear yet" asked the Agent? "maybe" said the Dr. "well" asked the agent as the dr was looking over the sheets that came from a printer. "We got 87% of all the data" Responded the Dr. "Does that mean going through all of that again at the higher setting?" Asked the agent. "If we do then it will probably put us past a flight tonight. I will need to le..." No the Dr interrupted. Anything over 65% is good enough. 75% would be a great sampling. 85% is about the best I have ever achieved, so we are more than good", clearly pleased with himself. Well is he a candidate then? As the Dr looked at page after page of data not responding periodically making soft moans and inaudible words. Can his body take it? pressed the agent in a rather expectant tone. I could feel myself slowing coming back together. I still couldn't move anything but I was hearing without as much ringing and their voices were sounding more normal. Ignoring the agent I felt the Dr touch my shoulder as he sort of spoke into one of my ears but much louder than a whisper, "I have good news for you Mr Hall you have passed, you are an excellent candidate. Congratulations!" I tried to move my mouth and say "thanks" but nothing would move, then I thought to myself, thank that fucker, what, after all of that? Am I crazy? "Let me remove the probes." take some more blood and urine and let the gas out and he is yours he said to the agent.

Now Mr Hall you are done, "I will take this out - if you promise to stop protesting - do we have a deal?" he asked touching the metal device that had my mouth clamped wide open. I opened my eyes and could move my head ever so slightly yes. He said "I cant hear you" what an ass is all I could think. How much of a dickish thing to say. He knew I couldn't talk or fucking move a muscle for that matter. He just tortured my body past exhaustion then he hold hostage the removal of that device from hell holding my jaw agape. My eyes went to agent Jones, and he just looked back at me. I tried to make a sound but all that would come was "ehhhh" through the mouth clamp. He said then "we have deal, one more protest and these go back in". click - and they were out. I looked at Agent Jones but my mouth wouldn't close. My look of fear and hopelessness must have stirred him because he said, dont worry Mr Hall, you weren't hurt, everything will come back. I felt the Dr pulling probes out of my brain. Actually I didn't feel the probes so much as the Dr grabbing things working all around my head. I assumed it was the fucking probes being removed. Then I could feel all the restraints being released all at once, and then my mouth being closed. The Dr then let the air out of my stomach, and pulled the hose out. I burped, over and over. My limbs were straightened out so I was lying flat. The Dr begins to manipulate my limbs trying to find out if anything was indeed damaged and I think to get them working. I was finally able to move my arm and touch my mouth trying to get it to work. After another 30 min I was finally able to move my other limbs and mouth.

Finally I said "I am not a piece of meat, I didn't agree to this". The Dr picked up the mouth holder open thingy, and then Agent Jones interrupted as the dr was acting like he was going to put that shit in my mouth again. "I am afraid you did Mr Hall, and it wont be getting any easier I am afraid. Although the had Dr released the restraints were still on my wrists and ankles and I couldn't get them off. The Dr said "they are locked on Mr Hall, ok now back to the bathroom with you before I let the air out of your intestines". I hobbled back to the bathroom and he released the air and I explosively shit out the enema head and farted and liquid gushed forth. The Dr said stand up Mr Hall and spread your legs as far apart as possible and put your arms straight up in the air palms towards me please. Then he took a pressure washer wand and began to spray my body down with high pressure water. It felt like it was cutting the skin right off of my body. I thought it would blow my balls right off of my body. The Dr said hold your eyes closed please. Finally the spray stopped. He said tun around and face the other direction" He then washed my back then said "grab your ankles" and washed out my ass. He turned the pressure down and did my face and head. I was shivering as he turned off the water. The restraints were dripping but no towel was offered "Please follow me" the Dr said. Shivering, dripping water behind me as I walked I obediently followed him to another room.

In the center of the room was a machine, that kind of looked like a CT or MRI, but it was different. "Please lay down if you would" Mr Hall. "what's this machine? I asked. "It has a variety of cameras that take IR, UV and visual light pictures. "Please relax this wont last long" he said. I obeyed and bright lights came on and the bed moved slowly through the machine a multiple number of times. Some times lights were on sometimes they were not. Thank you Mr Mr Hall a few more tests. "ok" was all I said. "Please follow me" he said. We went into another room and there were OTHER people in there in white lab coats. We went to the first station and they placed my fingers on a glass screen and rolled my fingers then my palms - fingerprints I assumed. Then to another machine where a cameras was rolled up next to my ears and pictures were taken. A technician had to look into this device that covered my eyes. The technician made me roll my eyes to follow moving dots - retina scan I assumed. I was then led to a position where I had to stand on glass panels and pictures were taken of the soles of my feet. Then came a weighing.

They then led me to a pool of water. They had me sit on the side of the pool and connected a cable which came out from the bottom of the pool and connected the cable to the two restraints on my ankles. He then clipped the cuffs on my wrists together which seemed to lock to each other behind my back. "What are you going to do?" I ask meekly. "This machine measures your internal organs with something like sonar pings. You'll have to be completely submerged, I am sorry. Each submersion will last about 1 minute. We will then bring you to the surface for a few seconds so you can catch your breath, and then go down again. If you hold still we should be able to complete this test in 15 submergences. If you wiggle too much we will lose the data and have to do it again. So do your best to hold still. Its in your interest to not have to do this more than you have to. He grabbed another cable that came from a pulley in the ceiling and connected it to my wrists. This cable will pull you back out of the water between submergences. "wait a minute" I said "I cant bend that way, my arms are locked behind my back you cant lift me by them, my shoulders will tear out." "No they wont Mr Hall, it will be uncomfortable, yes that's true, but it will also pull up on your arms while you are being pulled down by the cable attached to your ankles pulling your body taught. "But my hands are cuffed behind me" I pointed out. Yes sir we need your body kind of bent forward to expose your kidneys and other organs to the sensors. Besides if we cuffed your arms in front of you, you would wiggle way way too much. This is the only way to run these tests" finished the Dr. Sorry sir, I know its uncomfortable to be lifted by you hands cuffed behind you but it has to be done this way. Said the technician. Then the cable attached to my writs starting pulling up, pulling my wrists up until I my hands were sticking straight backwards from my body. Then they were pulled up more and I was barley touching the tub edge. It felt like my shoulders were being wrenched right out of their sockets. I said "something isn't right - this is killing me" I said as calmly as I could, as my toes were all the was left on the edge of the pool. " I know this is uncomfortable sir, I am sorry it will be over as quickly as possible" said the technician rather mechanically, in a rehearsed monotone voice, but clearly giving more of a fuck than the Dr did. As my toes left the ground and I swung over to the center of the pool. The lower cable began to be retracted until all the slack was gone and added to my own weight pulling on my shoulders. I was in agony! Again I was agony once again at this fucking torture chamber of a hospital or medical lab or whatever this testing place is. The technician said "top off the pool", and water began to flow in until it began to run over the edge. I was hanging like that for a very long time till the technician said. "That's got it, shut off the flow, good..., tare the the sensors..., good, all readings are green... Begin alpha 1" the technician barked." My body was lowered into the pool, and water poured over the edge. as my chest passed the surface the technician said "try to hold still sir, I will see you in 1 minute " as my chin touched the surface I gobbled as much air as I could and in a blink my head was under, I kept going down, I assumed until my hands were submerged. All of the sudden my wrists stopped being lowered but the cable on my ankles kept pulling. I was being torn in half underwater! STOP! STOP!! STOP!!! Then all of the sudden, while I was in horrible agony, the lower cable also stopped. I couldn't take this! But I couldn't stop it. Remember, I said to myself, he said this will only take 1 minute. I knew I could hold my breath for 1 minute so I started counting 1001, 1002, 1003... then I heard a ping, and another, and more pings. Then I felt a pulse, not a ping this time, but a very solid pulse, followed my more pulses of varying intensity and loud and soft pings. 1030... my shoulders are ripping apart, 1045... oh fuck I my brain is burning I have to breath, 1050... 10 more seconds, My shoulders are ripping! 1055 boom, boom, ping, boom, "FUCK" 1060... good fucking god... It was more than 60 seconds, why aren't they bringing me up??? 1065... 1070 fuck it, I cant go on 1075... BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, came the next three shocks and I exhaled, like an idiot and sucked in lungs full of water, coughing underwater; I'm still not moving up. Oh fuck, maybe this thing broke, this is it, I'm dead. Then a small jerk and the tension on my feet went away and I was being hauled up. When my head broke the surface I sputtered and gasped for air. I couldn't figure if I should sputter and cough or to try to breath in. They wernt pulling me to the side to see if I was ok I was just hanging there coughing and sputtering trying to get the water out of my lungs. I wasn't pulled all the way up just enough for my head to be above the water with my arms pointing straight to the ceiling. "I'm sorry Mr Jones, in the last 10 seconds you started to struggle and we lost the data; we will have to redo this test. I wanted to scream what, but I was too busy trying to catch my breath. "take me out" I said quickly still reserving every second to breath and cough. Please do try and hold still" said the technician. "Are you ready to try again? he said. I asid no I need a few more minutes. Thats fine we need to retear the equipment." the technician said and then made a gesture and the wench started pulling me up till my toes were out of the water. The searing pain in my shoulders was back. The water was flowing back into the pool topping it off. My shoulders were burning in agony! The technician said "let me know when you are ready Mr Hall" "FUCK MY SHOULDERS! I screamed." "I know Mr Hall does that mean you want to get started?" and the technician repeated the entire green, alphy one, lowering me back into the water and I said "wait, wait, I am not quite ready" and the technician said "i'm sorry the program has started" sid the technician in a either honestly caring tone or enjoying the catch 22 of a situation that I was in, I wasn't sure. "yes yes yes get me down, please," I was actually begging. As my chin hit the water the technician said "remember sir, try not to move, see you in a minute" then the sound of being underwater filled my ears and down I went. The lower cable stretched me to the breking point again. Pings and booms with an occasional BOOM proceeded as before. I tried to count slower this time, 1030..., I am ok I can do this dont move, dont think of breathing, 1045...I am ok except my shoulders, god this has to end, 1055... Then came the heavy three BOOMS, I was ok this time, the tension went off the lower cable and up I went. Sputtering as I broke the surface, I said "well?" to the technician who responded "well done, a good test, just a few more".

By the 14th dunking test I was exhausted, I had passed most of them the first time. The technician then said "the worst is the last test sir". Why wasn't I surprised. "This is a 2 min test sir" he continued I stared at him, as I was hanging there by my sore wrecked shoulders, I stared at him with eyes of incredulous horror as if he was speaking gibberish. "Two Minutes" I said as incredulous as I could, "two minutes isn't possible". The technician ignored my statement of fact and said "There are a couple of good aspects sir". "After about 90 seconds you are free to move it wont effect the test... Its the last test... The bad part is, wiggle at all before 92 seconds, and we have to do it again. Oh, and the pulses are a bit more intense throughout this test. Oh, also as a plus, we also dont have to refill the pool before we start... so thats a good thing isn't it?" the technician prattled on. "If you are ready sir?" "I am not" I said, "I will drown in 2 minutes" "No you wont sir, I promise" said the technician, "but you know this is going to happen right sir... Dont you want to get this over with sir?" I nodded yes. and the cables started to lower me for what I hoped was the last time. As my chin went under the technician modified the words I had heard probably 18 times before from "see you in 1 minute" to "see you in 2 minutes sir". I was down and the lower cable tugged me tighter than ever before and then boom, boom, boom in rapid succession, no pings this time. The booms quickly grew into BOOM, BOOM, BOOMs as he said they would. I quickly surmised what was coming, and boy was I right, the BOOMs were growing into a body beating pounding. They were like entire body punches! I lost my breath. I felt like I had made the 92 seconds, and the beatings got worse. It knocked the breath out of me I was sucking in water, again and again. I was really drowning. The next thing I remember was the technician pressing on my back. I was laying on a bench with a hole in in for my face like a skinny massage table but only inches above the floor. He was pressing with all of his weight. My wrist and ankle cuffs were locked to the corners of the bench. I coughed, and sputtered and the Dr said "I think he is back" Technician said "I'm sorry Mr Hall but you wiggled we are going to have to do it again" "The fuck we are! You mother fuckers drowned me, I almost died. Im going to kill you before I agree to let you do that to me again!, Fuck you all! I was screaming at the top of my lungs; between sputters and coughs. Everyone was laughing. Agent Jones said "no, no, no you did fine Mr Hall this is done your fine we dont have to do it again. I was instantly angry that they laughed at my outburst while happy as I could be that we weren't doing it again because I knew I had no way to stop them from doing it again .

The Dr. pushed a button and my restraints released from the bed I was locked face down on. They took me to another room and I could hear other protests from an adjoining room which I dont think I was ever in. "what the fuck is this" "who are you people", "let me go", "I'm going to call the police" I could hear then the door opened for an instant and closed and I could see a man strapped to a cross in the room as naked as I was. What's that I asked? "Another someone like me?" "No sir" said Agent Jones in a very somber tone, "it is you or will be you in another hour or so" I looked at Agent jones puzzled and said "what? your replacing me"? "Yes sir we told you in the beginning". The door swung open again and I saw him being worked on. they were cutting him, there was blood all over his body. Then I saw my bag filled with my clothes and my other stuff sitting on the table. "what's happening to him?" "who is he?" I rattled off 5 questions. The agent said, "I as I said he is soon to be you. I told you that you will be found in your home after a devastating fire. It's him they will find. I'm sorry but it has to be done. I honestly dont know who he is. I dont know where he is from. But its necessary sorry you had to see that. We are a bit rushed and we couldn't separate you from him", the agent said as sadly as I had ever seen the agent get. Why are you torturing him if your going to kill him? The agent looked at me perplexed and then said "we aren't torturing him, what do you mean? the agent honestly asked. "Why is he bleeding from the mouth and all over his chest then?" I asked "oh" said the agent "he has to match your body in every way. We have been keeping two doubles for you over your lifetime. I never knew who they were, but he must have been the unlucky one to get to be you tonight. Remember when you broke you arm when you were 14? Your two doubles were, drugged taken to that very room and using your x-rays, had the same break done in exactly the same place. That way when they healed they would have the same healed up injuries." the agent said. I looked at him with daggers. The agent said "it was done before me" I looked at the Dr. and he said "me as well, it was before me" "I dont know much about that" said the agent" "But they had a few other procedures dove to them over the years as well" said the Dr. We have been working on their teeth to match your teeth and vice-versa" said the Dr. You mean you fucked with my teeth to match his? I said aghast. Yes, but you had one of the best dentists in the world said the Dr. Why aren't you over there? I said to the Dr. "because this touch up work is all the plastic surgen's oh and the dentist's. Why dont you give him a sedative? why is he strapped to a cross" I kept asking so many questions. "Mr Hall we dont have time for this and you dont have a need to know" said the agent. The Dr intrupted he has to actually die in the fire. The blood is from some moles he has that you dont have that we removed, nothing too deep. Any sedative in his body would fuck up a tox screen. We dont take pleasure in this Mr Hall, its necessary for us to do this to him so that you can serve our country. I hope you honor his sacrifice by doing your job well. The door closed again and I never saw him again, although I could hear his blood curdling screams as they got him ready to take my place.

I was still soaking wet and shivering half from the cold half from the screams next door. They spent the next couple of hours measuring everything on my body, I assumed to make his match mine. My neck, wrists inseam, waist, finges, thighs and cock and balls. At each measurement pictures were snapped. Hours went by. 22.1mm. click, flash, 18.4 mm click flash, distal 12.2mm click flash, 10.0 click flash and then finally the Dr said. "we have everything we need, you're done here. the other Mr Hall was still screaming through the closed door. I was dry by now but I was still stark naked. The agent said "I think both I and the Dr will be transferred to support your new training, but I dont know. If not Mr Hall I or the Dr may end up not much different that the new Mr Hall, I dont know if we are loose ends. Just do right by us if you dont see us again. Good luck. Follow me please siad the agent. I had not heard a please from him in quite a while; this was actually getting kind of melancholy. Were these my abductors, torturers or were had they sacrificed their and other lives just for me? We walked out into the hanger. The agent said You will have to put this on over your head. I'm afraid you cant know where you are or where you will be going. If we never see each other again, I wish you well for you and for our country. I pulled the hood over my head. A strap was wrapped around my neck and buckled very tightly. My hands were pulled behind my back and something engaged them and they were locked solid. The Agent walked my up the ramp and fastened my feet spread apart and the restraints somehow were actuated and locked my ankles well apart to the aircraft. The engins started to spin up. I heard the agent say one final time "good bye and good luck Mr Hall" then I heard the door close. I was freezing, still naked on the plane with a hood over may head that made it almost impossible to breath. After a short while I felt the V-22 begin to roll forward. What's next I wondered.

Next: Chapter 6

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