
By Todd todd

Published on May 3, 2013


Does anyone read the crap I am writing? Is it hot?

By the way Nifty needs money. Send them a butt load if you like my work. And tell them why you gave them so much bank. maybe they will give me some :)

Chapter 9 Final education -

"Tell me honestly Doc, what things are you going to change in me?" I asked. "Change in you?" he repeated as I pressed for an honest answer. "Yes, be honest... in what ways will I be different" I pressed. He looked at me as if I was stupid and said "we're going to change everything! You will look like, and in every way be, that boy... in that pictur..." I interrupted, "no, no, no, I know all about the physical part, I mean... I was told... I'd be changed in other ways, something about being smarter and stronger, you know..., was that all true?" I asked and I continued "I'll know soon... why not tell me now?" "Sure Sean" the Doc said as he looked at me seriously "we have taken the DNA, from the boy who's picture that you saw, and we have um... altered it; in a number of ways. We have retarded a few things... and enhanced a few other things. For example, we will we be teaching you a lot, but to do that we had to enhance your learning capabilities. Your IQ will be around 200, maybe higher, and we think you will have near perfect recall. We have tweaked the capability of your eyes. We believe you will have 20/3 vision or better; or at least we think it will be. We also tripled the number of rods and cones in each direction. So you will be able to see at 1/10 the light level than most people need to see with. You will be able to see at a magnification of nearly 10. We have enhanced the range of light frequencies that you can see as well. In other words... you will be able to see a little bit into the infrared and ultraviolet range of light. We did an analogous improvement with your hearing, and sense of taste and smell. You wont be as able to smell as well as some dogs or pigs; but you wont be to far off of that level. We have increased your ability to feel and perspire. We have improved the your perfusion of blood. We accomplished most of these.. ummm... improvements... by encouraging the growth of more sweat glands, nerves, O-R(class I and Class II), taste buds and capillaries; almost 10 times the density of the nerves and capillaries" I interrupted "an O-R? what's that.

The Doc paused and responded "sorry for all the medical terminology... sometimes I forget who I am talking to. There are two kinds of ways animals smell one is volatile odors like say the smell of a banana or an orange. The other detect pheromones. Do you know what pheromones are?" I responded "sort of" The Doc said "they are smells animals make. You will be able to 'smell the fear' of other people. Anyway, a dog has 10 times as much area covered with 100 times as many receptors That's why dogs have such long noses - so they can small better. We have increased the density of receptors you will have by almost 10 times in each direction. That means you will smell maybe 100 times better than humans normally can... but dogs will still be able to smell 100 times better than you will." "What's an O-R?" I asked again. The Doc responded "oh sorry I never actually answered your question now did I, sorry. O-R stands for Olfactory Receptors. You will be able to tell who is near you, even when you are blindfolded. You will know who has recently been in the room you are you are in. You will know if they are friend or foe based on the pheromones they are producing. Your stereo small will even tell you where they are in relationship to you. You will also be able to tell if something is bad for you to ingest. You will taste, and smell things that no other human can. The down side of the additional nerves, and receptors is that everything will be 10 times as sensitive. That's good... and bad... in that for a while your skin will feel raw like the skin below a blister. Everything will hurt so much more than before. The good side is that if you touch a dime, laying flat on a table with your finger, you will be able to tell if it heads or tails." the Doc went on. The bad side of having more capillaries is that you will bleed more from smaller wounds, and your heart, and the rest of your circulatory system for that matter, will have to be improved a bit as well. The good side is that all of your injuries will heal very fast. Bright light will be painfully bright. Loud sound or bad smells will be even more disturbing."

"hmmm, what else" the Doc said as he went on. "We will also grow more connections between the hemispheres of your brain; but at the same time we will modify those connections so that YOU can switch all of the connections off; if you need to. I know this sounds weird but by doing that you will be able to have half of your brain sleep while the other is fully awake. That way if you choose to let one side of your brain sleep, the other side will still be able to consciously see out of one eye and hear out of one ear. This will help you be more aware of dangers. Alternatively you can switch off you whole brain at night, just like you normally do, and rest both sides of your brain simultaneously. You will also be able to drop into REM sleep within a couple of minutes. We have also tinkered with all of the 16 chromosomes related to your cells ability to process sugar and oxygen. The changes we engineered will do a few good things. You wont ever get diabetes, and your ability to process sugar and oxygen will keep your cells functioning 10 times longer... even under extreme exertion... than normal cells. Your fast twitch and slow twitch muscles will benefit from this as well. We also bumped up your adrenaline production capabilities so that you will have a lot of energy when you need it."

"During the training phase we will first break down and destroy your current muscle structure and then be layering your muscles back on... to be a super dense, compact, well perfused... umm... bundle. We will do that, first by attrition, followed by a very regimented rebuilding of muscle tissue. When we are done your muscles will be extremely dense almost twice as dense as most people's muscles; meaning there will be very little fat in your muscles. They will have the shortest fast twitch speed, be able to process oxygen, expel carbon dioxide and process nutrients from your new super rich blood supply 10 times better than that of any other person's. The result is they will have four to five times the capability of the same sized muscle in a non athlete, and maybe twice or three times that of even the best athlete. We will also hyper stress your bones to be able to properly support your new muscles. We couldn't give you noticeably larger bones without someone noticing, yet your bones will be 3 times the strength of normal human bones by eliminating porosity and inclusions. To achieve this increase in bone strength we do it by stressing your bones to close to their failure so that they grow to deal with he additional stress and as a result may be... will be, um... perhaps, maybe, 15% larger. That doesn't seem like much but since the additional growth is on the outside it will significantly improve their load and bending strength. Yet that increased diameter is small enough, and within the normal variability of bone diameters, as to not raise suspicion. It's like a pizza, if you add four inches to a ten inch pizza to make it a 14 inch pizza, you have doubled the size of your pizza even though the diameter of the pizza has only increased 40%. Your ligaments, tendons and other connective tissue will also be toughened and strengthened to compensate for the added stress as well. Couple the increased stamina, with a tougher body, perfect bone structure and tremendous muscle strength and you will be pretty hard to hurt. Also boxer's brains grow protective tissue around their brain to protect it from the constant battering. That's why boxers are not so easily hurt with a head punch yet non boxers can be hurt and knocked out easily. So, like the rest of the bone stressing, you will be getting a lot of head hits. They will start off light, so that we dont damage you, but we will increase the severity of the hits just as we do with the rest of your bone stressing. Your brain will adapt and you will be able to take quite a hit before its damaged. You will be pretty tough."

You will also learn how to take a lot of pain, live on minimal food and water and be rested on 2-4 hours of sleep a night" the Doc finished. "What about my cock and balls" I asked. The doc laughed and said "we will upgrade them as well, more testosterone, ...and to answer the real question you are asking indirectly... yes you will have a larger penis and testicles when compared to most kids your age and size. You will be in the 0.2% to 0.5% percentile when it comes, excuse the pun, to length. You will will also produce considerably more more sperm; maybe two to five times as much as most boys. I am afraid that we have chosen to inhibit pubic hair growth as much as possible. It makes you look younger longer. Even though the boy who's pictures you saw had very little hair on his body we have tried to suppress that even further. You will probably not grow much hair at all and that which does grow will be whisper fine. Sorry about suppressing your pubic hair growth, but on the whole considering you will have a much larger male member, does that make you happy?" he asked proudly. You could tell he had hoped I would ask that trite question. I responded nonchalantly as if I didn't care "I was just curious. But I have seen huge cocks before, that were so large they couldn't get hard, I dont want that" I complained. The Doc responded "we have made the appropriate modifications to the sphincters and chambers in the shaft as well as your other plumbing - you'll be able to hold up and anvil with your penis" the Doc finished beaming with pride! "but" said the Doc. "it wasn't for your benefit. Its like adding a big juicy worm to the hook. Again excuse the pun. Kim Jong Un likes big cocks. Let's just say Koreans kids are not known for having large cocks. Mr Un, as a result, likes what he cant get - big cocks. And, I am afraid, he likes to hurt them, a lot, as well.

"What do you mean my head will be beaten" I asked, knowing he probably thought that little comment had gone past me while we talked about cock size. "ah well you will be in situations, when you are in the field, where you will probably get hit in the head, and we dont want those hits to result in damage. So you will be hit, a lot, in the head while we are regenerating you; but you wont know it. Its ok", he tried to reassure me. I just stared at him trying to see if he would say more. which he did. "While you are being trained your body will undergo a lot of things happening to it. We need it to be toughened up." he finished and I wanted more specifics so I asked "Like what?" The Doc tried to explain "well you were into sadomasochism before we picked you up, and that ummm... skill... will serve you... and us well. That's how we plan on getting you close to KJU. He likes sadomasochism too, a lot... A whole lot... He loves white skinned boys, and has a very soft spot for red headed boys. He loves skinny boys. He loves boys with large testicles and a large penis. We will be turning you into his wet dream. But once he has you... he will be harsh. Probably not as harsh with you as he will be with other boys; because we think he will want to keep you. Anyway, we are training you so that, when he does, whatever he will be doing to you, that your body can take it; and you that you wont crack. We are going to toughen you up so he doesn't harm you." "How?" I ask as I insist on the details. I can tell the Doc has decided that he might as well spill all the beans at this point "We know he likes to do a lot of fighting. So we figure that you will get punched and kicked a lot everywhere, even your face, and that is something that will happen a lot. He also likes to use or sometimes watch the cane, whip, and rubber hose being used. He has a thing for feet, and beating them. He is into genital torture. He likes to do starvation and sleep depravation. He loves to do water boarding and drowning. He likes to do hanging, strapaddo, hanging by one or two ankles, or an arm or two, or by the genitals while torturing a boy. He is fond of crucifixion as well. We also know he likes to use needles. So we are going to train you, so that you can take those without causing permanent damage. Does that help?" he asked in the you shouldn't have asked if you didn't want to know tone. "fuck" was all I said in response. "I had no idea it was going to be that bad. Hanging by the neck? Wont I die... and be of no use... at all then?" I asked for obvious reasons and the Doc responded "No normally he just pulls a boy up in the air with a noose around his neck then after he passes out he drops him to the ground and releases the noose so he can breath again. Sometimes he does that a multiple number of times. Sometimes he leaves them there and they do die but we honestly dont think he will do that to you. You are his dream boy. I'm sorry Sean, I wish we didn't have to do this, but understand, we do. "It doesn't matter what I think... does it" I responded. "It does Sean, it does, but there is nothing either of us can do about it." the Doc said in a remorseful way in response.

"Will I remember what happens here? Will you brain wash who I was, and this place, out of my head" I asked. "Tell me the truth if this is potentially my death, at least level with me" I implored. "No Sean" the Doc responded assuredly "Memories are interwoven in the brain, they cant be washed out no matter how hard we would try, they are in there. If we tried to wipe them out you would just focus on the remnants of those memories and over time your focus would unravel everything. You have to know the entire story so you dont focus on figuring out your real history, and partially so that so you can know what you cant divulge. We really would not have gone through all of this trouble if we thought he was likely to kill you.

"Any other questions before we start" the Doc asked. "No, I guess not" I said quietly. "ok well step into your new 3 year long bedroom" We walked through a door and there was a room filled with equipment. Much of it looked like a combination of BDSM and workout equipment. Stocks, a cross, a cross bar attached to a hoist, a bathtub, and a weird stainless steel contraption kind of in the form of a cross, and treadmills stair masters, weight benches, a batters box, there was a boxing ring, archery targets, volley ball net, a basket ball court, a ping pong table, a golf tee and wrestling mats. "home sweet home for the next 3 years" the Doc said. The room was enormous. "You will be quite good at a lot of things" he said as he smiled back at me as he walked me through this warehouse of equipment, touching a few as we walked past them. When I say a warehouse that word understates how big this place was. Fuck it had a full sized football field in one corner of it. It was insanely huge. You will probably be a better golfer than Tiger Woods" he commented as we walked past the golf tee. This room was mad. We slowly strolled back to the stainless steel contraption and beside it was a panel with the silhouette of a man printed on it with restraints hanging at various locations and little holes drilled into the silhouette all over, like an irregular pegboard with very small peg holes. The Doc said. "And here is your bed" I know it doesn't look comfy but it will provide you the ultimate in support and it's made to fit your body exactly. It's made to shrink down as your body gets smaller through weight loss and regression. Every part of this bed is designed to fit your body and provide the protection from injury that is important.

Next: Chapter 10

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