
By CJ Abello

Published on Oct 9, 2015


CJ: Summer: Chapter 16: It's a Shame

This is a work of fiction set in the real world.

Certain living individuals make appearances in the story; all other characters and the events in which they all participate are the creation of the author. Any resemblance of the fictional characters to actual individuals is purely coincidental.

Saturday, 8 June 2013 - continued

About the same time Cesar was leaving Georgetown to pick up Doc in Crystal City, six men were slipping out of Rogo's. They walked through a door near the back of the bar and into the adjacent large building. This was the warehouse Danno had converted into his residential space; it also provided storage space for the small collection of American muscle cars he had restored. He was about to entertain for the first time since the workers had finished the improvements.

"Welcome to my new home, boys. I'll skip the Architectural Digest tour, but feel free to look around. The upstairs loft is the actual residential space while down here I have the car workshop, a large bathroom and the sling room. Please, if you fuck out in the open area make sure not to spill your spunk on the upholstery of any of the cars."

"Where do you want the party favors, stud?"

"On the workshop counter, Trip. The fridge is full of water bottles and Gatorade so that's gonna be the chill area. What have you got there?"

"A little G and some blow?no Tina and no pills. Is your weed already out?"

"Yeah. There's papers and a bong in the cabinet above the sink. Dragon, King: you already know Trip is to be trusted as much as I am. I'll vouch for Omar and Parker and if you agree we can forget the raincoats."

"Hell yeah! We're game. Point us in the right direction, give us a few minutes in the shower, and then we can get started."

"Around the glass block wall, Dragon--plenty of towels available and you should find anything else you might need in there. Trip, get over there and start stripping Omar. Parker, you can do the same for me. Since the two of you are the versatile boys, you get to service us tops."

"Danno, I'm guessing the big guy in the showers is a top, and the hot wiry fucker with him is a bottom? I hope? I'd love to get inside that tough little stud." Omar was playing with Trip's blondish hair as the Texan pulled the big man's t-shirt over his head before dropping to his knees to undo his shorts and pull out a piece of meat big enough to keep any size queen content.

"You got it, Omar. King is the one total bottom in the group tonight. If I know him, he'll be happy hanging out on the sling while we run a train on him. When I vouched for you two, Dragon agreed we could all fuck his partner raw and we could feel free to breed him."

"Hear that, Parker? You don't have to be the designated catcher all night, although at least one of us is gonna want to plant ourselves inside your tight hole."

"Tight for now, you mean. After you get done using me I'll be a lot looser, buddy. It's a shame your friend Cesar and his marine don't play around. I'd love to see either one in the sling getting hammered."

"Fuck! I can see why you'd be looser; Omar is hung like a horse." Dragon had walked back into the playroom toweling the remaining water off his body after a quick shower. "King will be back as soon as he finishes cleaning himself out; I'm gonna love seeing my sex monkey stuck on the end of all these big cocks. I get him last, guys. I love to fuck a sloppy ass. Oh, and forget about Cesar and Brett, those two are so into each other they barely notice other guys."

"I'm gonna join your man in the shower, Dragon." Trip was already walking towards the wet area as he spoke, "I need to clean out too, I want some of that big black cock of yours in me tonight."

Hours later, when the group called it a night, King had been fucked so much he wobbled while he walked, saying his ass was as sore as it had ever been. Trip had been nailed a few times also but nothing like what the Brit ex-boxer went through. This would not be the last time Danno had his fuck buddies over at his new place.

Sunday, 8 June 2013

Half-asleep, CJ opened the refrigerator, grabbed the container of orange juice, and took a big swig. He looked at his three housemates sitting at the kitchen counter, mugs of coffee in hand, and smiles on their faces. They were staring at the boy's morning boner tenting his boxers. "What? Like you guys don't get morning wood. Oh wait, the plumbing isn't as reliable when you get to be as old as the three of you."

"Asshole! I can't believe I helped create such a pain in the ass."

"Aww, dad, it ain't that big. Most guys get over the pain in their ass after a while."

Doc cracked up at the comedy act. "Is it like this every morning?" he asked. Not used to how the house functioned, he was wearing shorts and a t-shirt while the two fathers matched their son sitting on their stools in just their boxers.

"I think it's getting worse, Doc; Brett's a bad influence on the kid."

"Fuck you, Cesar! I'm a great influence on CJ."

"Enough of this shit, give me a break, guys. I'm not used to waking up to an X-rated Three Stooges routine. Let's get cleaned up; I'm buying brunch at Clyde's."

"Uncle Matt?"

"Yeah, CJ?"

"I'm sorry for what's going on, but I'm glad you're here."

"Thank you for making me feel welcome, CJ, and for thinking of me last night. Come here, give me a big hug, and let's go get ready."

The 800 pound gorilla following them around, Chip's infidelity, was avoided throughout the meal. Conversation revolved around Friday night's StandUp Foundation reception, tonight's second game of the NBA Finals, and what condition King and Dragon would be in this morning after what they all assumed was a late night partying.

After a short, private conversation with his Dad, CJ wanted the three adults to have a few hours alone together. He asked if he could head back to the Dupont Circle area. He wanted to spend more time wandering around the festival. His dads gave him permission to go by himself, asking he be back home early enough to get ready before going out to dinner.

It was getting quite warm by the time CJ exited the Metro station at Dupont Circle. Repeating the previous day's routine, he stripped off the forest green Jeep t-shirt--with the car company's grille and head lamps logo on it--he was wearing and stuck it into the side of his cargo shorts. He fit right in with the rest of the bare-chested boys walking around the festival. Most every guy was cruising the crowd to one degree or another; sometimes it was just a look, sometimes it was a bit more aggressive. Behind some of those looks, CJ could see hints of lust, there were obviously plenty of randy men looking to hook up. After the reactions his age had caused over the past few days, he could imagine some of those studs freaking out if they hit on him and found themselves going after a fifteen-year-old kid. He understood some men would find his youth appealing, and that some young guys would prefer to connect with an older daddy type. He realized how truly varied the gay community was. Those who tried to paint it with one brush stroke had no idea what they were doing.

This was his first solo outing in a completely gay environment and the teen enjoyed himself. He talked to and snapped selfies with well-known porn actors, bought rainbow trinkets, ogled the older muscular man wearing just a leather jockstrap, being led by a leash attached to his chain collar, and listened to musical performers.

"CJ! Come over here." Hearing his name called, the boy turned around and noticed Ben Cohen standing in front of the StandUp Foundation booth motioning him over. "It's good to see you again, mate. Are your dads around?"

"Hi, Ben, Dad and Papa are back home. We were here yesterday and they said one day was enough for them. This is my first pride celebration so I wanted to spend more time checking it out."

CJ felt like a million bucks when Ben introduced him to several people as one of the athlete's DC friends. He smiled when he thought how two weeks ago Rich had treated him like crap and today a world famous athlete was treating him as a big shot. He planned on sending the autographed ball Ben had given him on Friday night to his brother as a present.


"Are you sure?" asked the cop. Tommy and JP had joined Cesar, Brett and Matt at the Georgetown townhouse to discuss Doc's plans. This was the original group of friends at the core of the Elite Eight; Chip's absence was never questioned. His duplicity had cost him more than one relationship.

The banker phoned several times during the morning; his calls were ignored by Matt. CJ and his dads kept him smiling during brunch with their constant teasing of each other, improving his mood. Eventually, Doc sent a text message letting Chip know he would be over in the afternoon. Chip's replies, repeatedly asking Doc to come over as soon as possible were also ignored.

"Yes, I am," replied Doc. "He did the same thing to his wife while they were married. He had started to question his sexuality, his interest in his wife was disappearing, and he began to explore men. The story he told me then resembles what he's been doing over the past few months a lot. Late hours at work, which meant quick hook ups before going home for the night. This time though, it's not about his sexual orientation; it's about him not being content with just one man.

"It's a shame he didn't talk to me; maybe we could have found some sort of way to satisfy his needs and keep us together. If we reconciled now, I'd always have a nagging doubt concerning his fidelity in the back of my mind."

"How difficult will it be to separate yourselves? You have the condo here and the place in New York. Any other property?" asked Pope.

"Surprisingly, not hard at all. Because of his kids, and his family's net worth back in Argentina, our finances have been kept separate. He owns the condo here in Washington and I own the place in Manhattan. There's a joint account to which we both contribute on a monthly basis to cover household expenses. That's the closest we've come to mingling our money."

"Any idea where you want to live next?" asked Cesar.

"Yeah, I began thinking on it when my suspicions about Chip started. I'm hoping you and Brett will let me stay here for a few days. I'll move into one of those furnished executive apartments by next weekend. Then I'll start looking around for a place. I want to be in the District proper and the Georgetown area would be my first choice. Dupont Circle would be next, but here I'd be closer to the hospital and the office."

Cesar and Brett looked at each other, smiled and made their offer.

"We talked of this last night and came up with an idea we want to talk with you about," said the marine. "We own two units at The Flour Mill Condominium we rent out and one of them will be available at the end of the month. It's a two bedroom, three bathroom apartment on 33rd Street by the C&O Canal. We'd like you stay with us until the current tenant moves out. We'll do our regular moving out maintenance, and you take it over right after we finish. Pay utilities and maintenance fees, and we'll call it even. We're being selfish here, we'd love to have you within walking distance and so would your nephew, we're sure."

"We're hoping you like the place and will want to stay there permanently," Cesar said as he opened the refrigerator to get another round of beers. "If not, we have a handful of other units you can look at. Brett and I are interested in doing a swap with you?one of our places here in Washington for an interest in your place in New York."

"Why would you want to do that? You know you can use the place anytime you want to anyway."

"Doc, I hope you don't mind Cesar explaining to me the property ownership situation between you and Chip. Being your accountant, I guess he was the only one aware of the situation. With CJ living with us now, we suspect our trips to the Big Apple will be a bit more frequent. The kid hasn't traveled a lot and we want to expose him to the magic of New York. Sooner or later, we'll allow him to go up there by himself and if he has a friend or two with him, it wouldn't be fair to you. We love the place and its location. It would be hard to find something as nice."

"Think about it, buddy. No need to make any quick decisions. Go get yourself some clothes, and your car, come back, and join us for dinner and the HEAT game at Rogo's. Our boy's a diehard fan and has adopted Danno's place as his home away from home on game days."

"Okay, I can live with the arrangement for now. I'll see you at the bar later and thank you! It's nice to realize the people I feel so close to are indeed my friends in good and bad times."

"We all love you, Matt. We like you so much, if you get real horny, JP and I will let you watch!"

"Right, as if JP would ever agree to it. Thanks but Rosie will take care of me."


Chip spent the day cleaning and worrying. He knew he had royally fucked up, but was hoping to get a second chance. Quality men like Doc were not common; the banker was reluctant to simply throw in the towel. His damn dick had gotten him in trouble again and this time it was going to be difficult to save himself. He might even have to practice monogamy for the foreseeable future.

"Hello, Chip, I'm going to me pack some things to take with me; then I'll come talk to you."

"You know you belong here, Matt. I know I fucked up and I'll do anything you want to make it right. You don't have to go anywhere, please."

"Yes I do, Chip. Yes I do. Give me a little time to get my stuff and we'll talk; we're all meeting at Rogo's for dinner and to watch the Miami HEAT basketball game. I don't have a lot of extra time but most of what I have to say I said last night anyway."

"Rogo's could be fun, not the game but the gang getting together."

"Nope, not tonight. You're not invited, and you won't be welcome. Cesar, Brett and CJ will be there, since they're letting me stay at their place for now. I don't want your presence to make them uncomfortable?especially the kid. You're free to hang out with them any other time; they're your friends too, but not tonight."

Chip seemed to be at a loss for words, this was worse than he thought it would be. He knew he shouldn't have kept Ian around as long as he did. The redhead was a great fuck, but the price he was having to pay was a bit too high. He should have just done as before and replaced him after two or three weeks.

His suitcase and the two duffle bags CJ had lent him filled, Doc returned to the apartment's main room. "Chip I'll try to make this as painless and drama free as possible. You lied to me by cheating with however many men you have. They must have offered something you found missing in your life with me. It's a shame you didn't talk to me about why you felt the need to step out before you did. Maybe we could have found a solution."

"You're right, babe, you're very right. And I'm ready to talk, to work through any issues so we can put this behind us."

"Nope, sorry. But it ain't gonna happen. You shattered my trust into so many pieces, it'll never be whole again. If I stay, I'll always have doubts about you. I'm confused, I'm hurt, and I'm very sad. I'm also very sure this is the end." Doc stacked the duffels on top of the rolling case and walked out the door without looking back.

"I'll make sure everything of mine is out by the end of the week. Goodbye, Cristiano."

Copyright 2015 CJ Abello Edited by: Mann Ramblings

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Next: Chapter 17: Summer 17

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