Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Oct 10, 2007


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CJ in San Diego, Part 13

Shortly after Dave left for work, Chris and Andrew joined Justin and myself, and CJ popped in not too much later. The five of us then headed for dinner. I think I made it through dinner without anyone catching me staring at the four hunks I was with...LOL! Damn, with two gymnasts and two baseball players at the table, can you really fault me? After dinner, CJ left to go to his job and Justin, Chris, Andrew and I played pool until it was time to go out. Our first stop was at the Stingaree, a really cool nightclub downtown. We kinda relaxed at the bar, had some drinks, danced for a while and even lounged at the rooftop bar, which gives a great view of the San Diego downtown skyline. It was fun to be hanging out with 3 such hot guys, we easily attracted attention wherever we went. Plus, you never know your friends until you see them trying to hit on girls...and in at least one case fail miserably, LOL! But I won't name any names, to protect the guilty... At least it made my own lack of progress with the girls less obvious. I think they just put it down to my shyness and the fact that I'm kind of socially inept. But the girls that Chris, Andrew and Justin hung out with, also liked to talk to me, so I had a good time (for some reason, girls seem to like my shy personality. If I were straight, I dont think Id have too many problems finding Ms Right. On the other hand, gay guys usually look for a more outgoing and entertaining personality. But then, that`s life...).

After the Stingaree, we decided to go see Dave at the 4th & B club. At first, we were just going to say hi to Dave and then move on to another club, since the performances at 4th&B are usually sold out long in advance. But when we got there, Dave waved us over and whispered to us that that night's performance had been moved from another date, and he had some spare tickets because of some cancellations. So we ended up getting very reasonably priced tickets (discounted due to Dave working there) and found out that it was Amber playing that night (you might remember her song Sexual (Li da di)). We ended up having a great time dancing the night away, the four of us ended up shirtless surrounded by a whole bunch of good looking guys and girls (okay, I was looking at the guys a lot more, but anyway...LOL!). At the end of the evening I think Andrew (our designated driver) was the only one of us who wasn't drunk! As we piled in the car for the trip back, Andrew and Justin sat in the front while Chris and I were in the back. I think we had barely left the parking garage when Chris was asleep and he started falling over, leaning against me. I wrapped my arm around his broad shoulders to make sure he didn't slide down further onto the floor...well, and to get a feel of his nicely built body of course, LOL! Justin looked back, saw what had happened and gave me a big grin! So the rest of the trip back to SDSU, I sure enjoyed the feel of Chris's shirtless body next to mine. In fact, when we got there, Justin was smart enough to ask Andrew to drop us off at the door of our dorm before he went to park the car, which did two things: it reduced the distance Justin and me had to drag the sleeping Chris, and it allowed me to use Chris's body as a shield, preventing people from seeing the raging hard-on I had by then! After dropping Chris off at his room, Justin and I returned to our own rooms and I crawled into my bed. I think I'd barely fallen asleep when the door opened and CJ walked in. I pretended to be asleep since it had been such a fun night, and I didn't want CJ's attitude to mess it up. CJ must have been in one of his rare good moods that night though, because he went out of his way to be quiet and even left the light off, undressing using only the light that peered in around the blinds. If I had been less drunk, I would probably have jacked off after CJ fell asleep, but as it happened I fell asleep before the gymnast did.

The next morning I woke up because I heard some faint noises, and got the surprise of my life: CJ was not only up, but had obviously already showered, since he was just getting dressed. I blurted out: "What the... You're awake?!? I think that's the first time since I moved in here that I haven't had to wake your ass up!"

CJ responded: "Oh, yeah, I always wake up around nine or nine-thirty."

Wow, I guess we were opposites in that respect too: on weekdays I have no real problem waking up kinda early, but on weekends I like to sleep in late. I didn't get much of a chance that day though: as CJ left the room to go to breakfast, Chris (who was just walking by) stuck his head in, groaned and said: "Are you the one that ran a steamroller over my head last night?"

I chuckled and answered: "Having a bit of a backlash from last night's escapades, are you?"

Chris walked into the room, parked his towel-clad butt on my bed right next to me and nearly toppled over on top of me. To steady himself, he planted one hand square in the middle of my chest. "Whoa! Yeah, I'm having a slow morning. But then, so are you apparently: CJ is up and about, and you're still lying in bed?!"

"Yeah, we decided to trade places today." I was glad he was sitting with his back to my waist, because my dick was rising rapidly at this point, and the sheet wasn't hiding much.

"Well, it's time to wake up, Eric, breakfast will be closing soon." With that, he got up, grabbed my towel from the closet door and flung it toward me. "Time to hit the showers, buddy!"

I groaned, but realized I wasn't going to be able to sleep any longer. So I got out of bed, taking care to wrap the towel around my waist as I got up. I thought I had managed to hide my hard-on from Chris, but I was proven wrong when we headed out into the hallway and entered the showers and Chris bellowed from behind me: "Make room, morning wood coming through!". I turned bright red, as the other guys in the shower area chuckled at my embarrassment. One good thing though: I saw there was a full-on hunk-fest in progress! I guess most guys had slept in a bit, because it was pretty crowded, and given that this was the jock floor, that meant there was no shortage of naked or near-naked gorgeous bodies on display. YUM! Football players, gymnasts, baseball players, wrestlers and other hard-bodied guys all around, seemingly just for my viewing pleasure... And I learned something new about jocks: once someone makes fun of your boner in a joking way, the other guys will join in in a positive manner, not in a gay-bashing way as I had feared. Of course they didn't know I was gay, but I could easily deflect their jokes about my hard-on by claiming they were just jealous. Which, given that my dick is above average in size (about seven and a half inches) was probably true in some cases, LOL!

I made it through my shower without drooling precum all over the place, which was probably a good thing... After breakfast Justin and I headed for the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park, which is a little to the northeast of San Diego. Justin couldn't believe his eyes at first when he saw my little Fiat, but it did me proud and made the trip without a problem. The Wild Animal Park itself is definitely worth visiting if you ever make it to San Diego: the Zoological Society which also runs the Zoo in San Diego itself, originally bought a valley near Escondido to provide a good breeding ground for species that were heading for extinction. They soon found that the more spacious and natural surroundings for the animals not only increased the rate of reproduction, but made for a great area in which to show the public the animals in a more natural environment than the average zoo. Justin and I really enjoyed it: neither of us had ever seen hippo's, giraffes and other animals like that out of their cages, so to see them roam the valley was pretty amazing.

When we walked back to my tiny little car at the end of the day, Justin said: "Hey, for the camping trip next weekend, would you be able to give me a ride? Or do you think that wouldn't fit in your little clown car?"

I punched him in the shoulder and answered: "Actually, my limousine was designed to transport four Italians, so it will easily be able to transport me, my camping gear, your camping gear and your fat ass!"

In response, Justin grabbed me in a headlock and gave me a playful noogie: "My fat ass, huh? Well, I saw you looking longingly at my fat ass and body last night when I was shaking my booty in the downtown clubs". He was quiet for a second and then asked: "By the way, seeing how you spent your time with us breeders at the straight clubs last night, how about you and I hit a gay bar tonight so I can see how you gay boys live?"

I was blown away by that for a minute, then asked: "Are you sure you'd be okay with that? I mean, I would LOVE to show you around the gay bars and all, but in all seriousness, with those looks of yours you are DEFINITELY going to have some guys hitting on you. Are you certain you'd be alright with that?"

"Oh yeah, I've actually been to a gay bar with my cousin before. Remember I told you about him? I had a pretty good time. Weird, but good."

"Alright, you're on! God, you're so cool! Just remember that I warned you though, the boys in Hillcrest won't know what hit them when we walk into the bar!" I laughed.

When we got back to Chappy Hall, we went to hang out in Justin's room. We were still talking about that evening's plans when Dave walked in. The football player was in a very upbeat and energetic mood: "Hey guys, ready for tonight? I don't have to work today, so I can hang out with you guys and make up for losing out on last night!!"

Justin and I looked at each other. While Dave was still going on and on about how much he was going to enjoy the evening, Justin looked at me pleadingly while I wracked my brain looking for a way to let Dave down nicely. Dave suddenly went quiet and looked at us: "Uh, what's up with the stares, guys? Did you make other plans or something?" The joy seemed to have left his face all of a sudden. Oh shit, how were we gonna tell him not to come with us without revealing where we were going and yet without being rude?

Justin spoke up: "Uhm, actually, we were thinking of going to an ...ehh... alternative club and we weren't sure you would enjoy it."

"What kind of alternative club? I mean, how do you know I wouldn't enjoy it?"

Justin hesitated and then answered: "Well, we were actually thinking of going to a gay bar."

Dave looked at Justin and said: "So you're gay and you think your roomie is some kind of bigot who can't hang with you at a gay bar? I figured you would know me better than that by now".

I laughed at that and explained: "Uhm, actually, I'm the gay one, Dave. Justin is straight".

Dave turned to me and said: "Oh, cool. So, can I still hang out with you guys tonight?"

Justin and I agreed that we'd love to have the big guy with us. I did explain though that I didn't want anyone else at SDSU to know, because of my experience in high school (see chapter 4).

Next: Chapter 14

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