Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on May 4, 2006


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or it is illegal for you to read it, then leave now.

This story is entirely fictional. This story has been released to nifty.org by special permission. Please do not copy this story without the author's prior written permission. The author can be reached at drewscoach@cox.net Please refer to this story in the subject line, or your mail may be mistaken for spam

CJ in San Diego, Part 4

The first day of classes was fairly uneventful. Sure, there was plenty of eye candy (this was SDSU, after all), but I had quite a bit of that back at Chapultepec Hall's jock floor. I won't go into too much detail on the classes, since that's probably not the reason you guys read this story J, other than to mention I sat behind a hunk named Marc in my math class. Black hair, dark eyes, bushy eyebrows, a nice body and just a hint of black chest hair peeking out of the top of his T-shirt. Mmm, mmm, mmm! I would definitely have to spend some time getting to know him! But for the rest, it was basically dealing with the yikes-factor: They expect me to know WHAT?!? It was just like the first day in high school: it seems like they expect you to know far more than you do, but as time goes on you learn that everyone else is just as lost, and you slowly get up to speed.

Anyway, after the classes were over, I made my way back to my room at Chappy Hall. CJ arrived shortly afterwards, but he just grabbed his bag and headed over to the gym. Good thing too, since I started on my assignments right away, and he probably would have made some remarks about that. I know it's a little nerdy, but I've learned the assignments are much easier if the class is still fresh in your memory. Anyway, about an hour and a half later I was just finishing up when the door opened and a gorgeous blond head peeked into the room: "Hey Eric! How was your first day?"

"Hey Justin! It sucked, actually! I feel like I'm miles behind already!"

He returned my smile: "Yeah, same here. So how about a run to get rid of some of the frustration?"

"Hmm. A run? I'm usually not that athletic."

"Pleeeeeaaaaaaase, Eric! Come on, it'll be fun!"

Well, I sincerely doubted that, but how could I refuse his pleading blue eyes?

"Okay then." I closed my books.

"YES! Alright, let me get changed and I`ll be right back."

Damn, I would have loved to see that! But I put on some shorts and an old T-shirt, and I was just done when the door swung open again. I hope he didn't hear my gasp, because the Paul-Walker-with-muscle was wearing shorts that showed off the tight bronzed legs that had carried him to his baseball scholarship, and a sleeveless shirt that seemed molded to his body! Oh wow! And I was gonna be running with this stud? That idea went from something that I did to please Justin, to something that angry villagers with pitchforks would not be able to keep me away from! I just hoped I wouldn't trip over my tongue!

We started off heading east along Remington Road, then turned left to Aztec Circle Drive and over to Canyon Crest Drive. With the view across the valley to the left, and the view of Justin to my right (with his shorts slit almost to the waist, baring almost all of his leg with each stride) I was in heaven! He was holding a conversation, but I couldn't concentrate on it, being distracted by the sweat beading up on his baseball winning arms!

"Are you okay, Eric?"

Oh shoot! He must have asked me a question that I didn't respond to! "Sorry Justin! It's just been a while since the last time I went for a run."

"Do you want to slow down?"

"No, I'll be okay." Whew, he bought my excuse! And I DID actually surprise myself by keeping up. Of course, I had a bit of an incentive: every time I fell behind I could see that gorgeous blondie getting away from me, and I just HAD to speed up in order so I could keep looking over at him!

By this time we'd made our way along College Ave to Aztec Walk and then Hardy. On 55th, I finally couldn't run anymore and I had to stop for a second to catch my breath and I pulled off my shirt to cool off a bit. Justin stopped as well and jogged back to me. "Wow, you did well, Eric! That was quite a run for a fist time!" With that, he stripped off his sweat-soaked t-shirt and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Damn, that felt GREAT!

Just then, one of the other baseball guys from our floor walked out of the gym and, spotting us, laughed: "Two shirtless, sweaty guys hugging, that's about the gayest thing I've seen here so far!"

With that, Justin replied: "No, THIS is the gayest thing you've seen so far", and he licked my neck!

The other baseball guy looked astounded, then started laughing so hard he nearly fell down: "Damn, Justin, I should have known you would do something outrageous like that! Jeez, who's your poor victim?"

Meanwhile, I tried to think of dead puppies in order to keep from blowing my load right there! Glad to be distracted from the sensation on my neck (that I was sure I would replay over and over again for weeks to come), I stuck out my hand: "Hi, I'm Eric Holland."

"I'm Chris Bartram, one of Justin's teammates. And let me apologize on behalf of the team: not all baseball players are as out-there as he is! Are you okay? He looked like a vampire there. Do I need to get you some garlic?"

I laughed: "No, I think if he was a vampire, the sunlight would have got him by now. But thanks anyway!"

Justin just laughed, as Chris said: "Hm. You might believe he's not a vampire, but I'll walk next to you instead of next to him, just in case. I forgot to bring my wooden stake."

"I've got my wooden stake right here, buddy!", Justin replied, grabbing his crotch.

Oh god! I was so hard, I had to tuck my t-shirt in the front of the waistband of my shorts, otherwise the tent that was forming there would have been on full display!

Chris laughed: "Yeah, I've heard I have that effect on some guys. Sorry, bud, I don't go that way."

Justin cracked up, and responded: "It's your pretty little lips that cause it. They're just begging to taste my tube steak!"

"Yo mama! No thanks, I'm not interested in that little wiener of yours."

They kept that banter up, all the way back to Chappy Hall. It was torture for me! I had to tune them out and try and think of something else, or I would have creamed all over my shorts! But I kept wondering about whether this was normal straight jock talk, or if there was more going on?

When the three of us got back to the jock floor, I went to my room, grabbed my towel and some fresh clothes, and headed for the showers. With a bit of luck, there wouldn't be anybody there and I'd FINALLY be able to relieve my balls of their load! Well, it wasn't to be. Just after I'd made my way into my stall and started jerking, another guy entered and started his shower. Damn! I was about to give up and just deal with having blue balls, when I heard soft grunting coming from the other stall. THE GUY WAS JACKING OFF! I immediately grabbed my meat, and did the same. Less than a minute later, I splooged all over myself. I tried to stifle my grunts as I pumped out shot after shot. Fuck, that felt good! Afterwards, I quickly cleaned up, making sure not to leave any `evidence' behind, then dried off and walked out of the stall and got dressed. As I was getting ready to leave, the other stall opened and... Justin walked out! Seeing me, he grinned and said: "Damn, that feels a lot better, doesn't it, buddy? Sometimes you just HAVE to release the pressure!" Obviously I hadn't been as quiet as I thought!

"Uh, yeah, ..." Think, Eric, think! This is the perfect opportunity to find out if Justin might be gay or not! All you need is a smart remark to find out if there was something going on with all the hugging, neck licking and joking with Chris! But what could I say? "Yeah, uhm, sure feels good." Damnit, Eric, you idiot! Why do I always clam up at times like this? The same thing happens when I'm trying to hit on a gorgeous guy! Damn! Well, all I could do was leave the shower area and walk back to my room with a beet-red head!

After taking my towel back to my room, I decided to get a bite to eat. I was still beating myself up over my inability to talk to guys that I found attractive. I remembered back to high school, when one of the football jocks tapped me on the shoulder, asking me if I could help him with a science problem. When I turned around to answer him, I noticed he was wearing a muscle shirt, with his shoulders on full display. The next thing I knew, it was several minutes later, and everyone around was making fun of me. I guess I'd just completely zoned out, and just stood there staring at the guy, unable to say or do anything. Well, needless to say, word that I was a fag traveled throughout the entire school within minutes, and the rest of my time there was hell. I was determined not to have the same thing happen here at SDSU!

After dinner, I was still feeling down, so I decided to just undress, crawl in bed, and curl up with a good book. I had read about 2 chapters when CJ walked in. He grunted hello, but I ignored him. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk to a jock asshole like him! I kept reading, while CJ rooted around in the pile of crap on his side of the room. Then he stripped off his clothes (I just HAD to sneak a peek at that, but without being obvious of course!), then I heard him saying "Fucking bookworm", and... HE TURNED OFF THE LIGHT! Goddamnit! The little prick could clearly see me reading my book, and he didn't even ask if it was OK to turn off the light? I was absolutely fuming, and VERY tempted to get up and turn the light back on, just to piss him off. I sat in bed, book in my hands, stunned with CJ's total disregard for me, but eventually decided it wasn't worth fighting, since I doubted he would change anyway. So I fumbled around my night stand for my bookmark, and put down my book. Then I lay down and closed my eyes. I was starting to doze off about 5 minutes later, when I heard some rustling coming from CJ's bed. It was quiet for a while, then it came back. I opened my eyes just a tiny bit, and peered through the slits. CJ was tossing and turning in his bed, trying to get comfortable. I closed my eyes again. But then suddenly, there was a soft squishing sound. It started very slowly and quietly, but little by little it went faster and became louder. What the fuck? It sounded like someone jacking off! I opened my eyes a little bit again, and sure enough: by the rays of light coming in around the edge of the blinds, I could clearly see CJ had removed the covers, and was sliding his hand up and down his throbber! His chest bunched up with each stroke, and his arm muscles were pumping his hand up and down. Meanwhile, his other hand was roaming all over his abs and chest. I couldn't believe he would do this with me in the room! The self-centered prick!

"Could you fucking do that IN PRIVATE?!?"

"Fuck off!", CJ kept stroking, speeding up and completely ignoring me!

I got so angry, that I grabbed my pillow and threw it at him as hard as I could, hitting him in the face. Unfortunately, it didn't make any difference. Even with my pillow now covering his face, his hand sped up even more, he grunted, his body went rigid (popping all the muscles into full view), and then his load gushed out, spewing all over his 6pack abs! "Unh, unh, unnnnhhhhh...", he gasped. Slowly, his breathing returned to normal and his body started to relax again. Finally I'd get some peace and quiet again so that I could sleep!

Except that half an hour later, I was still wide awake! CJ was of course snoring away by now. But that wasn't what was keeping me awake. Instead, my tossing and turning was caused by images in my mind: images of Justin, running next to me, shirtless. Images of Justin in the shower room, wearing only a towel. Images of CJ, jacking off, his hand pumping away at his dick. The feeling of Justin licking my neck, his sweaty body hugging mine. Images of CJ doing pushups, shirtless. Meanwhile, I could smell CJ's body and the lingering scent of his cum. Needless to say, I had a raging hard-on! And the images kept coming: my mind recalled the conversation between Chris and Justin, and suddenly I pictured them on the baseball field, stripping off their uniforms, Chris sinking to his knees, and Justin sliding his hard cock between Chris's lips. I could picture Chris sucking away, his cheeks tightly wrapped around Justin's rod, his arm grabbing Justin's hips, puling him in harder. Then the picture changed, suddenly Chris's arm grew and sprouted a tattoo! It was CJ's arm, pulling at those hips. And... it wasn't Justin standing, it was me, plowing the little muscle boy gymnast's face! Oh god, that did it! I threw off the sheets and walked over to CJ's bed. I grabbed my throbbing boner, jacking off next to the little bronzed muscle god's sleeping body. But it still wasn't enough: with my right hand jerking my pole, my left hand started exploring the gymnast's awesome bod. I slid my hand up his powerful thighs, caressing them. Then I followed his body upward, sliding along the V that ran from his crotch to his hip. Then onto his hard abs. But then I went even beyond that: my right hand grabbed my dick, still jerking it, and I bent over CJ's sleeping body. This dropped my throbbing, dripping boner down, and it touched CJ's six pack. I rubbed my dickhead around and around, tracing the individual bricks that made up his abs. My breathing was ragged by now, as I slowly slid my dick higher along CJ's body. The whole length of my shaft was now grinding on the muscleman's body. I moved over a bit, sliding my cock over and then I grunted as my dickhead ran into the shelf-like underside of CJ's pecs. With my left hand feeling up his right pec, my right hand slid my dick along, tracing along the underside of those steel plated chest muscles. My hips pistoned my dick into the muscle again and again. The tip of my dick was now rubbing against CJ's nipple! Then it happened: my body went rigid, I slammed my dick into CJ's pec again, and suddenly my cum spewed out. Shot after shot coated those magnificent mounds of muscle that CJ had built so carefully. One shot even streaked up his body, reaching all the way to his neck. FUCK, it was intense! I was only just able to stop myself from completely collapsing into CJ's body. Slowly, I pulled myself together. Seeing the mess I'd made all over CJ's chest, I started at his neck. I reached out with my tongue, and slowly lapped my cum off his throat. I could feel the slight stubble there rasping along my tongue. Fuck, this felt good! Little by little, my tongue made its way onto that rock hard chest. I lapped down the crevice between the two pecs, sucking my spooge out of that canyon. Then I slurped my way all over the pecs themselves, vacuuming up my sperm, yet feeling the individual muscle strands under the skin. Damn, CJ had NO body fat whatsoever! Finally the pecs were clean, gleaming with my spit. I was tempted to bite into them, but didn't want to have to explain the bite marks to CJ the next morning! So I grabbed my pillow back from his bed, crept back to my bed, and rapidly fell into a deep slumber.

Next: Chapter 5

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