Cj in San Diego

By ten.xoc@hcaocswerd

Published on Dec 3, 2006


The following story contains graphic descriptions of male to male sex. If you are not into that or if it is illegal for you to read it, then leave now.

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CJ in San Diego, Part 8

Wednesday morning. Humpday, so to speak! I was woken up by my alarm, glad that I had been able to persuade CJ to leave his alarm off, since nothing seemed to wake him up anyway! By now, I had gotten used to my routine. Wake up, get out of bed, put on my briefs and jeans shorts (to hide the boner that I always got during the next step: waking up the gymnast). While getting ready to shake CJ's shoulder, I noticed the dried cum coating his chest and abs. Damn, I guess that the combination of him jacking off and then (after he fell asleep) me adding my load to the mess on his chest, added up to quite a bit of spunk! I traced a trail with my finger, starting on his rock hard abs, over the shelf created by his pecs (teasing his nipple a bit, just for fun) and finally grabbed his built shoulder. After some violent shaking, the sleepy He-Man seemed to come to life just enough to drag him out of bed. I grabbed our towels, and we headed down the hall to the showers. As I guided the sleepwalking tattooed athlete into the shower area, I found that Justin was already there, getting ready for a shower himself.

"Hey Eric! Good morning. Damn, buddy, looks like SOMEONE enjoyed himself last night!", he said as he pointed at CJ's torso. "He sure shoots a lot for a short dude. Wow!"

I could feel myself going red a bit, but I hoped Justin wouldn't notice or suspect I might have `contributed' to the white blotches on CJ.

"Yeah, I guess he had some sweet dreams, buddy!". With that, I started a shower going for CJ, pulled off his towel, and pushed the semi-sleeping gymnast under the stream of water. Then I moved into my own stall, whipped my jeans and briefs off, and started my own shower.

When I was done, I put my briefs and shorts on again, and left the stall. Justin was standing at the sinks, dressed in only his boxers while he was finishing up toweling off his upper body and hair. Yum! When he saw me, he turned to me and flexed his biceps. "Homeruns, baby!", he laughed. I laughed with him: "Tease!"

Just then, Chris (see part 4) walked in, dressed only in a towel. He took one look at Justin and me, and said: "Uh oh, it's the vampire and his victim. Don't worry, Eric, I'll protect you with my silver cross." He stepped behind me, protectively wrapped his arms around me, and brandished the cross he wore on a thin chain around his neck toward Justin. "Out, out, evil spirit!".

Justin laughed at him: "That only works if it's a holy cross, buddy, and any object that's been hanging around your neck that long can't be very holy anymore!". With those words, Justin walked over, grabbed me, wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a fake vampire bite on my throat. Chris retaliated by clutching me tight around the waist with one arm, while trying to push Justin away with the other. Damn, I was the meat in a baseball player sandwich, with the two hot and hunky guys play-fighting over me! I was glad I was wearing briefs and jeans, because having these two half-naked jocks rubbing up against my body was giving me the mother of all boners! Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any better, Justin slid one arm down my back, between Chris's body and mine, and ripped away the towel that Chris was wearing, leaving him stark naked! Chris let out a surprised "Hey!", and then he pushed me into Justin, while he reached around me with both arms and started trying to pull down Justin's boxers. Justin tried to pull away, but with Chris having a firm grasp on his shorts, that only caused the three of us to start staggering around until Justin got pinned against the shower stall doors. Chris pushed with all his might to make sure Justin couldn't escape, which of course meant his beefy naked body was pressing hard against my ass, while I was pushed into Justin's shirtless jock-body. Fuuuuuuck, I was horny! And I wasn't the only one apparently, because while my rock hard dick was pushed into Justin's body with every move the two baseball players made, I could feel an equally hard cock riding up against my ass whenever Chris mashed his bare body into mine! I didn't know if it was my body, the wrestling, or just a regular early morning piss hard-on that caused Chris's boner, but it sure felt hot!

Meanwhile, Chris was succeeding in slowly pulling Justin's shorts lower and lower, revealing more and more of the Paul Walker look-a-like's hot baseball body. Then, the shower stall door next to us opened, just as Chris suddenly slid down my body, sliding Justin's boxers down to his knees in one mighty pull. Unfortunately Chris's sudden move caused all of us to lose our balance, so we started to slide and would probably have fallen into the shower door opening if it hadn't been for two short, muscular arms that suddenly shot out of the stall and grabbed Justin and me around the shoulders.

"What the FUCK are you guys doing?", asked a naked and still damp gymnast.

"Sorry, CJ, we were just horsing around.", answered Chris. Oh, and did I forget to mention that with Chris's hands tangled in Justin's shorts, he was now hunched over with his face practically in my ass? DAMN, this was turning out to be a nice morning!

But Chris freed his hands and stood up, allowing Justin and myself to regain our footing and disentangle ourselves. This unfortunately meant that the little muscle gymnast pulled his steadying arm loose from around my body, but I guess all good things have to come to an end eventually! CJ stepped out of the stall, the by now almost traditional scowl on his face as he continued to towel off his 5'6", 165 pound muscle-body. He started to head for the exit, and I started to follow him, when Justin suddenly leaned over, slid a hand across the throbbing boner in my jeans and whispered in my ear: "I figured you would like that. Chris has a nice body, doesn`t he?". He smiled when I whispered back: "So do you, hot stuff!". Then Justin reached out, slapped the naked butt of Chris (who was just leaning over to pick his towel off the floor) and said: "You'd better get that ass in the shower, buddy, or you'll miss breakfast."

Chris answered: "Yes, mom!", as Justin, CJ and I made our way back to our rooms to get ready for class.

Mmmm. I love going to college in Southern California. It's nice and warm, so guys don't wear much to start with (t-shirts and jeans or even shorts are pretty much standard dress in classes), and then if you have an hour off between classes, a lot of these hunky, tanned guys either lay out on the grass shirtless, or go play ball somewhere on campus! And that was the case for me today. I had an hour off after math class, and decided to catch some rays. I had just sat down, whipped off my shirt, then laid down with my shirt as a pillow, when I heard someone say: "Hey Eric. Looks like you got the right idea, I think I'll join you.". I opened one eye, and saw Marc standing next to me. He'd been sitting next to me in math class (and driving me crazy with his habit of twirling the black chest hair that always peeks out of the neck opening of his polo shirt), and now he shucked that shirt, showing what I had only been dreaming of ever seeing in real life. Marc had a nice, defined body. I already knew about the thick, jet-black hair and bushy eyebrows, but now I found out that the chest hair curled all over his pecs, and then formed a V across the hint of a six pack that was his abs, narrowing almost to a point before the hair widened again ever so slightly as the treasure trail disappeared into his cargo shorts. Damn! I quickly opened my other eye, and invited him to lay down next to me: "Sure, Marc, plenty of space here." He graciously accepted my invitation, parked his sexy butt next to mine and lay down on the grass. I looked his yummy body over while trying to think of something to say. After all, if we were discussing something, it would only seem natural for me to be looking at him, but now it was rapidly getting to the point where it would be all to obvious that I was just perving over him. As usual for me in situations like this, my brain simply clammed up. I'm not that talkative anyway, but put a hot guy next to me that I don't know that well, and suddenly I become incapable of thinking of even the silliest bit of small talk. Damn, I hate being shy!

Fortunately, Marc spoke up: "Damn, gotta love the weather here. It sure is different than in Minnesota!"

Eric, you dufus, of course! Talk about the weather, or about where you're from! So, I replied: "Yeah, it's great isn't it? So you're from Minnesota?"

"Yeah, born and raised in Saint Paul. Great place, but the weather could be better. You're either sweltering in humidity, or freezing your butt off."

"Wow, I thought everybody in Minnesota was required by law to be blond haired and blue eyed?", I laughed.

Marc laughed along with me, then twirled his luscious black chest hair. "Oh, this? Yeah, I'm from Italian and native American stock, so not too much chance of blond hair or blue eyes". His hands started stroking the chest hair, a habit of his I guess. Damn, I wanted to start running my own hands through that thick pelt!

"So where are you from, Eric?"

"Eureka. It's still in California, but up north. Much rainier and cooler than here."

"But beautiful forests, from what I hear."

"Yeah, I love it up there. Hiking, camping, all that stuff is great. Must be about the same in Minnesota?"

"Yeah. Although I hear there's some good hiking in the forests in the mountains in east county here too. I'll have to try that out sometime."

"Yeah, that sounds great. We should get some guys together and go up there in a couple of weeks."

Marc turned his head to look at me. "Yeah, that sounds great. We could camp and make it a weekend. Take some brewskies along and enjoy the outdoors."

"Sounds great!"

I spent the rest of my hour off with one leg pulled up halfway, trying to hide the boner I got from imagining the possibilities of Marc and myself, camping in the Cleveland National Forest. Maybe I'd invite Justin and/or Chris along, just to make the fantasy complete...

Next: Chapter 9

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