Clay Takes Control

By Prups

Published on Feb 2, 2023


Clay Takes Control

Authoritarian, Dominance, Alpha- sub

Part 5

Happy to hear comments or feedback This is last part of the overall story arc that I'd originally written as a whole for Part 3, but I figured that 30 or so pages for one part seemed a bit much. More to come, but it'll be a while. Hope you enjoy. All rights reserved, including the typos.

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My pained expression turned to pleasure as he finger banged me. His long middle finger found my prostrate and he goosed me, causing a paroxysm of pleasure to explode throughout my entire body.

"Ok, I think you're nice and ready." Clay said as he withdrew his fingers. I felt abandoned and my face must have shown that because my alpha laughed, and reached down to palm my face with his massive hand and caressed the side of my face and lips with his thumb.

"Will, I'm going to fuck you harder than you've ever been fucked. You need to prepare yourself for this. You won't be the same after we're done here. This ass will be mine forever. Are you good with that? Can you handle that?" Clay could tell I was dumb with lust, so he lifted his right hand from its caress of my face and slapped me hard.

The slap jolted me out of my lust induced stupor. I looked up at Clay and registered what he'd just said. My hand moved to gently feel and stroke his powerful and massive hand still holding the side of my face.

"Fag, listen up- can you handle that your ass will be mine forever after tonight?" Clay asked, more forcefully this time. I could tell he wouldn't be asking me again.

"Yes, Daddy- Yes, Clay. I know that after tonight my ass will belong to you forever. It has to be this way and I know that. I was created to serve you mind, mouth, body- and ass. All for you, sir." It was easy to say because it was true. All of it. I was breathless and, I found, relieved after I'd said it.

As I finished telling him, I could feel that my words fed something in Clay. He grew bigger somehow, more virile. His commanding presence crew more potent. I don't know if it was hormonal or psychological or something else, but his alphaness expanded and it radiated off of him in a more concentrated way. It- he- completed filled the room.

My submission provided some kind of elemental sustenance to this apex alpha. We both knew something special had been exchanged between us. I'd surrendered my manhood and Clay had absorbed it completely. My head spun and my loins ached.

I nearly came just from the power exchange.

"My faggot, now." Clay growled and then he spat on his hand and jacked his massive cock.

And with that, he grabbed his big dick and pushed into my body. The fullness of his girth was painful in the best way possible. Thankfully his spit, my ass juice, and some remnant of throat slime helped ease the transition. My juices were also flowing to accommodate my massive invader. My back arched and my mouth flew open in pleasure as his fullness pushed past my prostrate. On and on he pushed. His heat radiated inside of me.

"Barely half-way. Still got a lot of dick to feed your hungry bottom faggot hole." Clay said as he grabbed my face so I was forced to look him in the eye as he invaded. He wasn't unkind and so at this point he stopped his invasion and started to slowly gyrate his hip to fuck me so I could better accept his massive hog. He also knew this was right at my hot button, so the pleasure rush flooded out any pain from accommodating him. When I started involuntarily meeting his small thrusts, Clay, expect cocksman, knew I was ready for a full dickdown.

And he gave it to me.

"My faggot, open up that ass, give it all to me. All of it." Clay said as he moved in to give me a deep and passionate kiss. As his cock reupped its march into my bowels, his tongue invaded my mouth. Of course, he was a fantastic kisser, too.

I felt like he was going to split me clean in two. The fullness and pressure from his cock was intense, but I was so hungry for him, my body kept accommodating all he had to offer. And then I felt him push against the place I hadn't know existed before he fucked me two days ago. And once again, with a strange and wonderful pleasure, I gave way to Clay again and felt him completely bottom me out. He'd stretched out both my first and second rings and I loved him for it.

"Fuck, I am deep in you Will. Claiming you completely and only for me. Say it"

I moaned/groaned/cried out: "Only and completely for you, Clay."

With that, Clay started a wild, primal rut. I'd heard about being power fucked and maybe I had been a time or two, but this was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. It was even different from the last time Clay had fucked me. The power behind the fucking was uncontainable. I felt like my skeletal system was going to be rattled apart. Clay fucked me with a force and a passion that was new to me. My mind and spirt followed my body, and completely gave way to Clay.

I moaned in extasy has he flipped me over- still completely impaled on his cock- and fucked me hard into the couch/bed. His massive hand palmed my head and pushed me deep into the supple leather. I was drooling and snot was coming out of my mouth. All my orifices were juicing for this alpha.

Clay leaned in and I felt his hot, broad chest cover my back. His hard nipples felt right pressed against my back. His chest hair was wonderfully scratchy. I was in ecstasy. I moaned in pleasure as he then moved to push his arms under my body and his powerful hands grabbed a vice grip on my shoulders. I tried to nip at this his fingers and settled for lapping at them with my tongue. He used his powerful upper body strength to pull my body towards his thrust, in effect doubling his efforts to fully and completely fuck me.

I'd never felt so full, so owned, so guarded, so protected, so impaled, so fucked. Waves of pleasure radiated through my body.

I tried to tell Clay- to thank him- to praise- to worship him. I probably just babbled incoherently. He knew, though. He knew.

"Goddam, if that isn't the best hole I've ever fucked in my entire damn life. Where the fuck have you been? This where my cock belongs. Fuck, I could cum this second," Clay panted, "but we both want this to last. Isn't that right, fag?"

"God, yes, please Daddy, please keep fucking me. You fuck me so good. So good, oh god. Please keep fucking me."

"Then let's get your faggot ass up in the sling and then I'll really be able to make your body bend to my cock." Clay panted as he withdrew completely from my ass with a wet plop.

I was devastated to be without him inside of me. A void was created that I knew only Clay could fill and I needed him back inside of me as soon as humanly possible.

Clay took a half step back from the couch and I rolled over. He was covered in a sheen of sweat. He was fully flushed and he looked damn hot. With a look, I understood that Clay expected me to suck my ass juices off of his huge cock, so I complied and slid off the couch onto the warm concrete floor.

I sat up and crossed my legs to hug onto his massive left leg, pushing my cock, still ensconced in those damn satin panties, against his warm, sweaty foot and shin. He flexed his foot and toes, again almost causing me to cum at his feet.

I knew if I remained in this spot, my greedy faggot needs to get-off would overwhelm my duty to serve and I'd cum in this position at the foot of my god.

So- somehow- I managed to force myself to raise up onto my knees so I could reach my man's cock and balls. Since Clay had worked up such a sweat with his power rut, I couldn't resist nuzzling into his crotch and lapping his balls and taint. Total ecstasy. His musk was potent and I again became drunk on it. I was inhaling so much that Clay finally asked if I was having an asthma attack or something.

I laughed and said, "No Daddy, just smelling and licking up your bomb-ass sweat. I could live down here, for real."

"Fuck, I know you could. Your faggot mouth is in the right neighborhood. Get on that cock and clean me up so I can fuck you again."

"Yessir." I said as I flung myself onto his cock. My throat was battered and stretched from use earlier, so after a few warm-up plunges, I was able to deep throat Clay until I'd cleaned him and his rod was newly covered in a thick coating of throat juice.

"Ok, fag. Let get you slinged up." Clay said as he gripped my harness, easily lifting me to my feet. He led me over to his apparently custom-made sex sling. Unexpectedly, Clay moved in and kissed me deeply. The force of his kiss pushed me backwards. I grabbed a hold of his massive arms and powerful back. I felt we must have looked like a hot man-on-man version of those WWII pictures of a sailor kissing his girl. He pulled up from his kiss, grabbed my harness and tossed me like a rag doll onto the sling, which rattled to life as the chains clanked with my sudden weight.

My alpha quickly and expertly helped me shift to the optimum position on my back as he slid first one the other of my feet up and into the ankle loops. I raised my head from the separate head sling and watched. I was clear he'd done this a number of times and it was also clear that this sling was perfectly situated to allow for the perfect range of entry for his god-like cock. As he finished, I felt his white-hot hog flop casually against my ass.

"There we go. All set. God, your ass was made for this." Clay said as he pressed the wall, revealing a hidden cabinet that was full of all kinds of lubes and poppers. He pulled out a bottle of poppers and tube of Swiss Navy. He squirted a palmful of lube and then slathered it all over his rod. Clay moved over still jacking his massive cock and then laid his cock over the front of my panties, pressing his dick into mine. My cock, straining under the satin, felt pitifully small with his amazing dick laid over top. He began to forcefully slide his cock over the panties- my panties. I looked up into his eyes and knew I couldn't cum yet. I desperately wanted to cum but I even more desperately wanted to serve his will.

Clay understood and smiled as he lessened the pressure down from his dick onto mine. He then leaned over with this bottle of poppers, twisted the cap, and moved into to place it under one nostril, as his thick finger closed the other.

He then switched to the other side, all the while saying, "Breath deep, faggot. Open up and get even looser for your Daddy. That's it deeper, in and out. Deep Breaths." I obeyed and felt my body go loose and limp and flushed and primed. I was beyond ready to be slinged fucked.

"Let's get my dick deep in you- where it belongs. Get ready for the ride of your life, whore!" Clay said as he moved back, placed the poppers to the side and then positioned himself for the perfect shot at my asshole.

My man grabbed hold of the sling and pulled me back towards him, impaling me on his cock. I yelped at the pleasure as it pulled me back, back, back- forever back- onto his dick. As my second ring once again opened for him, I felt his bush against my ass. I'd been completely bottomed out in one pull.

"Goddam that feels amazing!" Clay yelled out. I was moan-babbling in astonished pleasure.

He pushed me off and then slammed me back down. I yelled out.

"Fuck me, Daddy, fuck your cunt!" And fuck he did.

Clay used gravity and my own momentum to long dick me. The experience nearly caused me to black out- the full force of his mighty cock battering my guts was intense. The pleasure was off the charts. The pain was real, but somehow beautiful. Ever return trip brought an explosion of pleasure and terrific pain. The pleasure/pain combo was utterly overwhelming. Clay was right, he was bending my body around his needs, his pleasure was the sole focus. He was clearly loving everything about this set up by the loud, gruff roars each time my ass cheeks slapped his taut lower belly and each time he pushed me completely off his cock.

I was beyond this world in a sex haze when Clay finally pushed the sling one last time and then pulled the sling forcefully back toward him, slamming me deeply onto him. He gyrated up and down, side to side. Pushing and stretching me open in amazing new ways.

"My god, your body knows how to take a fuck." Clay said thickly.

"I've been deeper into your guts than any man ever has. You know that, right?" Clay asked, I nodded still in my sex haze. "I need you to taste how deep I've been. You're going to suck yourself off my cock."

With that, my alpha moved back and withdrew his cock from my body with a long slurping plop. I was bereft at his cock's absence. My asshole felt like it was dilated so much that I could birth a baby. A nursery of babies. I've never been this wide open.

Clay padded to the front of the sling and slipped my head from the strap holding up my head. "Now to long-dick you from the other end." Clay said with a huge smile as I lowered my head to open my throat fully to him.

I opened up and Clay slid his slime covered cock into my mouth as I widen my jaw and extended my tongue to accept him. The sour, raw, sharp tastes were overwhelming.

"Taste the deepest part of yourself, faggot. My cock fully reamed you out. Now, suck it all off." Clay commanded; I sucked. My singular focus was sucking his cock. Clay leaned down and palmed my throat, pressing my Adam's apple down on his dick as he pushed deeper and deeper. At this angle, his access was easy and he took full advantage of it.

"This will right here is how we're going to eventually completely cure you of that pesky gag reflex. Works like a charm." Clay said as he patted my throat with his massive paw. I looked up at my alpha and thanked him with my eyes and danced my tongue across the stem and root of his thick cock.

Clay then pushed the sling outward. I knew what was coming and I focused all my energy on opening wide and making sure my teeth were as covered as I could make them. His released the sling straps and his cock slammed into my mouth and throat with a violent and wet squelching sound. It felt like his cock was completely down my esophagus with his bell crown somewhere near my heart. Before I could really process what was going on, the sling was moving again his entire log was withdrawing from my mouth. I gasped and groped for air and then I was moving back towards that massive cock again.

My head was spinning. My throat was tingly and raw. My ass was still gaping open. I was being throat cunted. I ached to cum. Clay was deeply grunting and breathing raggedly as he used the sling to pummel my mouth and throat.

"Fuck. I cannot wait to cum in your ass, you greedy faggot. You take my seed like no other." Clay was close to cumming but he clearly had a plan to breed me fully. He'd already seeded my belly. Now, it was time to place his seed in my ass. I craved his cum, however he chose to give it to me.

Clay steadied the sling, leaving me fully impaled. I absolutely could not breath with his long, thick dick buried in my throat, but I had long since given my body- and breath- over to this apex alpha. Clay knew this and he let us both just be in this moment. My lungs screamed for air, but I forced myself to lay still. I could tell that he understood and appreciated.

"Completely my faggot."

With that, he moved back to pull out of my throat, as I gasped and sputtered.

"Jesus" was all I could rasp after I caught my breath.

Clay laughed as he palmed my head and pulled it up into the head strap. "I'm going to breed you long and hard until you've got my cum flowing from that ass."

As he padded back towards my ass I reached out as slapped his ass hard, causing the sling to start swinging.

"Fuck my raw ass, Daddy. Take what's yours!" I said hoarsely, laughing. Clay was smiling, but shocked that I'd slapped his ass. I'd hit him hard enough to clearly leave a handprint.

"A bossy bottom bitch! If you want it so bad, let me give it to you." Clay said as he grabbed the sling strap and with a quick, hard motion pulled the sling back, fully cunting me with one smooth stroke.

I let out a blood-curdling scream of agony and ecstasy. Clay ramped up to a powerful rhythm, expertly using the sling and his own rutting to pound my ass. My head thrashed from side to side. My legs bucked against the straps. I arched my back and wiggled my ass to meet Clay's cock. I'd never known a feeling like this. My mind whirred. Waves of electricity cascaded throughout my body. I lost myself in the fucking I was receiving.

Clay reached down with his long, powerful right arm and grabbed by face. "Look at me. Will..." he slapped me, hard, "Will, look at me." I came back to earth and consciousness. I looked deeply into his deep brown eyes. His face and body glistened from sweat. He moved his hand back to my neck and squeezed hard, then up to my face. I leaned into his palm and his thumb found my mouth. My lips parted, his thumb invaded my mouth, and I sucked his thick finger.

For whatever reason, this last act of wanton submission pushed Clay over the edge. He rocked his hips and let the sling lurch forwards and then back.

"Oh fuck, Will, of fuck, I'm cumming. I'm cumming in your sluttly faggot ass. Take my cum. Take your Daddy's cum." Clay roared as his cum flooded deep into my gut. Wave after wave, Clay seeded me fully and completely. A warmth radiated from my intestines. Clay's body vibrated and shivered from an intense orgasm until he collapsed on top of me. The chain jangled and strained. His heavy weight felt so right on me. I raised my arms and hugged him to me, his sweat-slicked broad back still heaving as his breath normalized.

"Daddy, goddam you fucked me good." I said as Clay licked and nipped at my neck. An alpha playing with his prey.

Clay reared up a little, breaking my hug. He looked down at me and smiled as he slowly fucked me. My ass slurped around his fat cock.

"Fuck, that was amazing!" Clay said as he moved in for a deep, wet kiss. He broke the kiss and worked his still hard cock right to my g-spot. I let a long moan in response. He reached down, freed my cock, and began to jack me off with his rough, powerful hand. I thrashed and moaned in the sling. I was very close and Clay knew it.

"You ready to cum for Daddy?" he asked in a husky voice. I whimper-moaned, "Yes, Daddy, please let me cum for you please, please."

Clay picked up his pace of thrusts. My ass sang with wet squishing, squashing, and slurping sounds.

"Then cum for me, cum for you Daddy. Now"

And I burst. My ears rang and my sight blanked. My head and ass thrashed. My body quivered and quaked. I evaporated and reconstituted in bliss.

When I regained my senses, I looked up to see Clay smiling down on me like a benevolent god.

"Thank you" I said softly. "My faggot, you are welcome. What a good boy you've been. A champ, really." Clay said in return. It was then I noticed he used his big old hand to catch all my cum. He was holding it expectantly. I liked my lips, ready.

Clay knew what I was thinking, but his wicked smile told me he had other ideas. He slid his now softening cock out of my sloppy hole. I ached to have him back inside me already- a feeling I knew I'd constantly live with from this moment on. Without his cock in me, I felt vacant, but also filled. Owned. He'd well and truly fucked me so hard I knew I'd never be the same.

Clay, still devilishly smiling, moved his cum filled hand to my ass. Now I knew what he wanted. And I wanted it too.

"You want to push my cum out now, so I can feed our combined seeds into your hungry mouth?" Clay already knew my answer. "Then do it and open your slut mouth."

I felt my asshole quiver as I felt his middle finger to outlined my extremely sensitive hole. I moaned in pleasure.

"Oh god, Daddy. Yes, oh god." I said as I pushed his cum out. Pure ecstasy undulated through my ass and across my body. I closed my eyes in pleasure.

"Faggot, open you eyes and watch me feed you the only thing you're fit to eat." Clay ordered, I obeyed. He brought his cupped hand to my open, waiting mouth. I drank in our combined cum. I devoured it like a mad man, taking hold of his hand to ensure I licked, lapped, and sucked every ounce of cum.

"That's my good boy. Get every single last bit of that seed. That's a good whore faggot. That's my Daddy's boy. Yeah, you deserve this. Yeah. There you go, lick it all up." Clay loved that I loved getting feed his cum from my ass.

As I lapped his fingers like a nutty buddy, Clay moved his left hand back down to my ass. "Push the rest out. Will, push it out." He ordered; I pushed. Somehow he knew my body better than I did. I was trying to hold some of him in my ass. I was surprised when even more of his cum bust out of my ass into his waiting hand.

"Now, let's get this from your dirty ass to your dirty mouth." Clay said as he once again tipped his cupped palm to my mouth. I drank it up, greedily, just as he knew I would.

"Thank you for giving me your cum, Daddy." I said as he turned his palm up for me to lap clean, which I gladly did.

Clay then slipped my feet out of the holsters and pulled me out of the sling. My legs were still wobbly as he reached down to jack my still rock hard cock several times. His powerful and rough hand grabbed my cock tight, and he jerked it several times. I nearly came again.

"You were such a good faggot that I'm going to give you an extra special treat. I'm going to let you cum again." Clay said as he kissed me. I let his tongue dominate my mouth. He tasted so damn good. I humped his hand, clearly ready to cum.

"Nope, you didn't think you could cum standing up, did you?" Clay said, laughing at me, breaking our kiss.

"Kneel." I knelt. He moved his leg and foot between my knees. I looked up at him expectantly- so hot and so ready to cum. He knew what I wanted- what I needed. To cum at his feet.

Clay looked down at me and began rocking his foot and I slid further down his calf, my hard cock pouring precum all the way. I leaned my body down so my balls and cock mashed on where his calf met his ankle and foot. Clay increased the rocking force of his big foot. On each upward rock, I could feel his toes pressing into my sloppy ass. I wrapped myself around his tree trunk leg and held on for dear life. Clay laughed at me again. I didn't care.

"You can still feel how deep my cock was in you, can't you boy? That's what a man feels like inside of you. A real man. You've never been fucked like this before, have you? You ready to cum again for your Daddy? You going to cum, right now? Yeah?" Clay was building me up to the point of explosion. He was fully fucking my mind, yet again.

I screamed, "Yes, Daddy, yes!" Clay yelled down at me, "Then do it fag, cum. Cum for Daddy, now."

It was a command from Clay, so I followed it.

I came hard as I rocked on his leg, my hand gasping his leg. I saw white and then explosions of stars. I melted from reality. As I began to come around from the most intense orgasm I'd ever had, Clay leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Good boy, that's my good little faggot. You came at the foot of your Daddy. Exactly as nature intended."

I knew he spoke the truth as my waves of orgasmic pleasure ebbed away. I was exactly where I was supposed to me. I was so grateful that Clay had shown me my place in the hierarchy.

"Now, one last job for my hungry and greedily little fag- lick up your pathetic cum off my foot." And with pleasure I crouched down and did as Clay ordered, lapping my own cum off his leg, ankle, and foot. After having tasted Clay's cum multiple times in the past several hours, I was struck how differently his cum tasted from my own. His was fully, richer, more powerful and potent than mine, which tasted watery and thin by comparison. Shouldn't have been a surprise, but I was in wonderment over it. Once again, raw, primal nature showing me the natural order of things.

I kissed Clay's powerful foot after I'd gobbled up all my cum and collapsed in utter exhaustion.

Clay let out a belly laugh and said, "Damn, I guess I fucked you good, huh." I mumbled my agreement from his foot.

"Damn right, I did." Clay said as I felt his warm foot on my back. From under his foot I said, "Thank you Daddy, goddam, you fucked me like I've never been fucked before. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Clay was suddenly still and silent.

"You want to thank me?" Clay asked as he applied weight onto my back with his foot.

"Daddy, yes, of course!" I replied as I craned my neck to look up at him.

"Ok, then, answer me honestly one question." I looked at my alpha expectantly, but he kept me pinned under his foot and was again silent. He looked down and I looked up. I wasn't sure what exactly was going on.

"Clay, whatever you ask, I will honestly answer." I said and with that, Clay lifted his massive foot from my back. I rolled over on my back and sat up, still not sure I could stand after my second earthquake of an organism.

He loomed over me. An icy determinedness clouded his face. I was awed by how powerful this alpha was.

After hours of being rutted by this bull of a man, my mouth, throat, and ass were raw and tender. My ass quivered even still as I remembered the feeling of his full length and girth cunting me.

Clay, ever the apex, wanted more than I'd offered up to him so far over the course of this night. He wasn't fully satisfied yet, even with loads shot down my throat and up my ass. Even as I'd came at his feet and licked it up. Even with a belly full of his piss, something was missing. He was on the hunt for something more. And I felt like the prey.

Clay leaned down and grabbed my harness. He lifted me up single handedly. He was one strong motherfucker.

I suddenly found my wobbly feet on the warm, smooth polished concrete floor.

Clay pointed to the leather couch fuck bed. I sat down, looking up at him. He towered above me, looking like a god come down from Olympus.

"What do you have to give me?" Clay asked.

My mind was blank. I'd just given this man all I had to give! No hole was left unfilled!

"My mouth, my ass, my holes" I answered.

"I already have those. What else faggot?" Clay said, icy cold in his voice.

"My worship for you, my devotion" I answered.

"I have that too you stupid bitch. What do you have to give me?" Clay repeated.

I looked up at him again and studied him for a beat or two. I was perplexed. He needed me to have the correct answer. I knew this had moved into something else. This was beyond simple flirtatious banter. Even a smart-ass like me knows when to button up the snide remarks.

Clay was absolutely serious and, my God, did he look hot. His brown hair was ruffled and swept back. His body gleamed with sweat. Even half hard, his dick looked like a weapon- the cock shaft still red, the bell head crown purple. His heavy balls hung low. Power radiated from him. I felt drunk with lust and awe.

"Will, what do you have to give me?"

This time there seemed to be a finality to his question. I looked up at Clay, meet his eyes and I knew.

"Me." I whispered.

Clay smiled and closed his eyes in victory. Then, like a gale of wind in thunderstorm, I yelled, "Me! I have my whole self -- body, soul to give to you. And I do. I give myself to you in total service! Only you."

I screamed out my answer to him in such a way that surprised both of us. It was a vow. A scared oath. I was giving myself freely to him now and forever.

This was my soul talking. Providing a direct and unquestionable answer to my alpha.

"I give myself to you, Clay." I said more calmly. "I am yours and I am for you and I will be in service to you. Always."

Clay's shoulders relaxed and a broad, crooked smile made its way across his face.

I'd been broken and remade and now I was possessed. I was owned.

A single tear rolled slowly down my face. Was it a tear of sorrow? Of deeply wounded -- no, not wounded- of extinguished pride? Of joy?

No, none of those quite fit. It wasn't a tear of relief either. But that was closer to true. It was my last way of acknowledging- of thanking- Clay for remaking me as he decided I needed to be. I looked up at him. He smiled down. And I wept.

More parts to come!

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