Claytons Acquisition

By CJDenton

Published on Jan 3, 2023


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Chapter 8: Tare gets trained properly...

Clay has a major sports fetish. For him, taking me to MegaSports, the sporting goods store, is like taking me to a lingerie shop. It might as well be called, "Tarrant's Secret." On one trip, he got me a pair of red cleats that I wear with white socks that go up to my knees when he's fucking me. I have team jerseys for every sport, in youth sizes so they hug my chest but stretch when he pulls them. I have baseball/football pants, tons of soccer/rugby shorts and all kinds of spandex under gear.

And he's pretty rough on them. He's ripped two pairs of soccer shorts and several tank tops that he just grabbed at the chest and ripped apart. He's also ruined a few expensive jocks from pulling on the straps too hard when he's slamming into me. I think he does that on purpose so we can head back to MegaSports and he can play dress up with his "little slugger." The trips usually ends with him wiggling a finger inside me behind a rack of uniforms when no one is looking or him tenting his pants when I come out of the dressing room and model things for him.

So today when he laid out a black jockstrap, white running shorts and a long-sleeved blue t-shirt, I thought maybe we were going to have some playtime. But no, he told me to put on the running shoes I use for the treadmill.

The sun was breaking through the cloudy day and the weather was in a rare warm-up mode as we got into his truck and headed down to the big park in the central business district.

"We're going to run outside?" I asked excitedly. He had always kept my workouts at home on the treadmill, weights and ellipse.

"Yep, My boy needs some fresh air," he said, keeping a hand on the back of my neck as he cruised around the park to find a spot to park. He unhooked my collar and put it in the glove box and then pulled out a little silver plastic watch. "This will keep our mileage," he secured it around my wrist and showed me how to set it to zero and start the timer for our run.

We started at the lake and quickly rounded it to the main running trail. Running on a treadmill was totally different from running the trails up and down the hills in Centre Park. Clay was used to it, but I was gasping and working up a heavy sweat keeping up with his longer legs.

"You need me to slow down, baby boy?" he asked, eyeing me sympathetically. But I shook my head and pressed on, eager to show him that with at least one thing in life I could keep pace with daddy.

After the third mile marker, Clay started to get uncomfortable. It seemed like every third guy we passed, he glared at and to one he even yelled, "Hey!" He finally stopped running and pulled me to a little grove behind the bushes. "Ahh Shit," he said and pointed at my shorts.

They were already pretty light, white material, but with sweat they'd gone see through and the black jock brought even more attention to the little show I was giving the runners. He petted my ass and got a little excited, "There's my sweet little boy hole." He sighed.

"It's ok, I'll take off my shirt and wrap it around," I offered and started wiggling out of my shirt.

"No, I don't want my boy showing off his body in public. That's for me," he said. I didn't get it, he seemed to like showing me off at parties, but I guess that was with his friends.

Clay slipped his shirt off put it over my head. It was pretty loose on me and covered to my thighs.

"I don't think anyone cares, daddy, This looks dumb..." I squirmed, feeling overly covered and really hot wearing two shirts.

Clay crouched in front of me and put his hands on my face, bringing my eyes to his, "A boy doesn't get to make that choice. A boy doesn't question what his daddy tells him to do." There wasn't an ounce of joking in his tone or eyes.

"Now they'll be looking at your chest," I said with a smile, swiping a finger over his sweatty pecs.

Clay smiled and kissed me softly, adding, "Nah, they'll still try their best to catch my boy's ass." Clay rubbed a hand over my butt and squeezed it roughly, bringing me to a semi-tent.

We ran another two miles before turning to head back. The watch beeped every half mile we hit. The struggle of keeping pace with Clay kept my erection at bay for awhile. We stopped at the water fountain/stretching area halfway back.

Clay went in to pee and parked me at a bench away from the stretchers. I lifted my shirts to wipe the sweat from my face. A cool breeze hit my tummy and made me realize how overheated I was getting. I pulled the shirts up and over my head, securing them behind my neck. I laid back and stared up at the trees, enjoying the shade and fresh air.

"Hey there," a tall, muscle daddy with three days of facial hair was blocking my sun as he stretched against the bench. He put one leg up, showing off his bulge as he pretended to stretch and loosen his muscles.

"Hi," I blushed.

"What's with the double shirts? It's a bit warm for that," he grinned, "You need a running buddy? There's some great off road trails near here. Not many people use them. It's a steep run, but the view at the top is worth it." The stranger daddy leaned forward, his small shorts riding up a bit, exposing a bit of his nuts. I was transfixed. He noticed me looking.

"Oh um, I'm... not supposed to talk to strangers, my daddy's in the bathroom." I said, trying to be a good boy.

"Oh," he sounded a bit disappointed, "Maybe we could leave him a note?"

"I.. um... I," I sputtered for a minute, staring wide-eyed up at the stranger daddy.

"What the fuck?" Clay appeared behind stranger daddy. "Put your shirt down!" Clay pushed past the man and pulled my shirt over my head.

"Chill dude," Stranger daddy started, "Was just keeping an eye on your boy, Clay."

"I bet you were, fuck off, Leo " Clay growled at him. Damnit, Clay knew every gay in town.

"Afraid I'll take something else that belongs to you?" Leo said with a sneer. He gave his bulge a light squeeze and winked at me.

Clay grabbed Leo's arm and twisted it sharply behind his back. "How should you address your superiors? I can do this all day you weak little pussy." He pushed Leo's arm into an angle that looked painful. I'd never seen daddy like this. His strength and dominance brought my cock to attention.

"Ow fuck, sorry, sorry dude," Leo whimpered.

"What do you say?" Clay pushed harder.

"I'm sorry, sir," Leo whined in a defeated fag voice.

"Yeah you are, you little bitch," Clay growled deeply and not in the sexy way he used with me. Reluctantly, he released him, then pushed him to start running. Leo took off, rubbing his elbow and looking wounded.

We'd attracted a few looks from the guys stretching, most were looking lustfully at Clay. I was totally fucking turned on as Clay turned to me with and exhaled his tension.

"You fuck me, daddy?" I bit my lip, wanting to be mounted by my protector.

"The minute we pull in the garage that hole is owned," he nodded his head. He offered a hand to help me up and we ran past a group of stares and a few guys rubbing their bulges.

We got back to the car and Clay slid off my two shirts. I was a hot, sweaty mess, but so was he. He pulled a beach towel from the backseat of the truck and wiped me down then wrapped it around me. He took another towel and spread it over the front seat. He pushed me into the passenger side, buckled me in then climbed in the drivers seat and sped home.

He barely got to our exit off the freeway before digging two sweaty fingers into the back of my shorts. I squirmed and started to bounce on his fingers as my cock pushed hard against the sweaty running shorts. I reached in and popped my cock out as it flailed with my bouncing. It hit against my tummy as I pushed farther onto his fingers probing my sweaty hole. He started to wiggle them around, spreading me open and ready for his daddy cock.

"Fuck, baby," he groaned as he got caught by the stoplight on Andersen. I was so fucking ready for him. I needed my daddy deep inside me. I pushed my shorts down and past my shoes.

"Fuck me, daddy," I begged as the light turned green and he started the climb up to home.

"Yeah boy, work that hole on daddy's fingers. Open my beautiful boy hole," he growled.

By the time Clay glided into the garage, he threw the car in park and fumbled with my seatbelt. He pulled me into his lap and freed his cock from his shorts. I threw my arms around his neck as he lined his cock up with my hole and shoved towards ecstasy.

"Fuck yeah boy," he bucked his hips under me, shoving his daddy probe deep inside me. I laid my head against his chest, inhaling his sharp man scent, daddy sweat. I rubbed my cheek against his bare chest.

"Yeah, oh, fuck, yeah, daddy," I bounced on his pole as it dug deeper into my pleasure spots. My cock bounced and glided along his stomach as he fucked into me. His hands steadied me as he held on to my waist, guiding me onto him.

Clay leaned down and bit into the side of my neck softly. He sucked and pinched my skin between his teeth. I cocked my head to the side to give him access to my sensitive points.

"Im... ahhhh," he breathed into me as his cock tensed up inside my hole and began to deposit daddy juice deep inside me.

"Ahhh daddy," he filled me as he slammed into my hole and caused my cock to start shooting as well.

"Ffuuuufck... meeeee," I whined into his shoulder as I came all over his stomach.

"Fuck yeah baby, cum for daddy," he growled into my ear as he bit softly near my newly pierced lobe.

I bounced a few more strokes as my hole milked the last of his juice, our sweaty bodies melded together in rhythm. "Fuck yeah," I whimpered and collapsed against him.

"That's my good boy," he praised as he held me tightly to his chest. We laid there in the truck for a good half hour, in and out of nap mode interrupted by soft kisses on each other. I closed my eyes and awoke to the garage door shutting behind us. He'd been to horned up to remember to close it. I lifted my head, swallowing a bit of the drool trail I'd left down his back as I'd napped against his shoulder.

Clay pushed open the truck's door and steadied me against his chest as he climbed out of the truck. We were both naked except for running shoes and socks and my sweat/cum drenched jock secured under my nuts.

He carried me into the house and we took a quick shower before passing out, clean and exhausted in the warm bed. He kissed the top of my head as I fell asleep again, against my daddy's heartbeat. Clay wrapped his arms around me and pulled the covers up over my head.

The sun had set when I finally stirred atop Mt. Clay. He was holding me tightly as I lifted my head. His eyes were closed and he snored lightly. I wiggled out of his arms and he rolled onto his side as I got up to go pee. I came back and slid in to his chest. Without waking, he pulled me into him and sighed.

I napped a little longer but woke to clay shaking me gently, "Baby, we have dinner plans, cmon get up." He stretched and yawned then slipped out of the covers and went to the closet. He came back a few minutes later in jeans and a tight black sweater that dipped down to expose a bit of his chest. He kissed my forehead but insisted I get up.

Clay led me into the closet and handed me a clean pair of white boxer briefs with a black angel wing on each cheek, a pair of jeans and a small red shirt with a picture of elmo on it that said, "Daddy's boy" on the chest. We got our coats on and took the range rover since the truck would need some cleaning up. He stopped at the truck to get my collar out and fastened it around my neck, tugging on the ring in the back until I coughed.

"Don't think you won't be punished for your behavior at the park," Clay started as we pulled out of our neighborhood. "When I give instructions, you follow them."

"But, I was hot," I rebutted.

"No excuses," Clay interrupted, "A boy doesn't choose which orders to follow. When daddy tells you something, you do it."

"Yes sir," I gave up and put my head against his shoulder.

"No, no cute boying your way out of this, baby. It's going to be awhile before I let you cum again. I hope you enjoyed it this afternoon." Clay slid his arm around me, "but my boy has to learn."

"That's not fair, daddy! For how long?" I whined.

"Until I tell you to cum. And none of this begging you do. Each time you ask, I'll add another day to your punishment. You should get used to not cumming without my permission anyways. I've been too easy on my boy. That little boy cock belongs to me and I'll tell you when you get to use it," Clay reached down and gave my cock a rough squeeze through my jeans.

"Yes sir... I'm sorry daddy," I conceded.

"You will be sorry and you'll learn your place. What if I hadn't come out when I did and Leo grabbed you? You don't know what you do to men with that little body," Clay massaged my shoulder gently. "You could get seriously hurt showing off like that."

"I'm sorry... I didn't... think, daddy," I nuzzled into his chest.

"I know, boy. It's not your job to think. That's why I tell you what to do. Your little boy brain doesn't think things through." Clay finished as we pulled up to the front of Marshall's expansive estate.

He came around and unbuckled my belt and I followed him up to the door. Slavetoy greeted us and took our coats as Marshall came into the entry room with hugs for us. He lifted me up into his chest and kissed my cheek and then sandwiched me into a hug with Clay before handing me back to my daddy.

"Oh, looks like you marked you boy up real good," Marshall laughed, pointing to the passion marks Clay had left on my neck and ear. I blushed and lowered my head. Marshall leaned down and tickled me gently. "Oh Clay, he's beautiful," Marshall finished, sliding his thumb across my cheek.

"He is, but he's becoming a handful," Clay said and told him about my misadventure at the park.

"Oh," Marshall sighed disappointedly, "Well, maybe some time in the basement will help him get his priorities back on track. You can't be too gentle with these boys or they'll grow to disrespect you."

Slavetoy, wearing a pair of tight leather shorts and a small black tank top that said, "punished" in red letters. He was always dressed for the occasion so it had me raise an eyebrow. Marshall pulled him in front of him and put an arm across his chest, tweaked a nipple and kissed slavetoy atop his gelled hair.

"This one spent many a day with my marks across his ass before he learned his place properly, Isn't that right, boy?" Marshall asked.

Slavetoy nodded with a smile, "Yes sir, I treasure your lessons."

"You can't be afraid to leave a bruise of reminders every time they sit down that a boy belongs completely to his owner," Marshall said and reached down to twist slavetoy's bulge painfully. Slavetoy gave a soft whimper but kissed Marshall's arm and said, "Thank you sir."

Clay sighed, "I know. I'm starting to figure that out. I give in too easily to his big green eyes. He doesn't handle much punishment without falling apart."

"Well you've got to know his limits, but he'll build up a tolerance. This little fucker came from tougher soil so he easily took to higher levels of punishment," Marshall said and slid a hand up slavetoy's chest to twist a nipple at an unnatural angle. Slavetoy smiled and thanked his owner.

"Well," Clay swallowed, "Let's see what he'll take, shall we?"

Marshall laughed and pushed slavetoy toward a hallway on the right. Clay lifted me up into his chest and followed behind them.

I got nervous when I heard Marshall unlock a door and lead us down a wooden stairway.

"Where we go, daddy?" I whispered into his ear sounding scared and small.

Clay ignored my question but patted my back and finally set me down on my feet in a dimly lit windowless room with plastered walls and a cold black concrete floor.

Slavetoy bounced over to a corner and turned on a ring of lights in the center of the room. I looked around and gulped as I saw all sorts of weird leather and chain contraptions. One side of the room had a rack of leather sticks and sex toys. There were rings screwed into the wall at various levels. Slavetoy wiggled out of his clothes, folded them and set them in a basket near the bottom of the stairs.

Clay slid my Elmo shirt off of me and then unbuttoned my jeans. "Strip," he said coldly, looking over at Marshall with resolve. I looked at Marshall who nodded firmly.

I slid off my jeans and folded them and my t-shirt just like slavetoy had. I put them in the basket and stood there in my white boxer briefs. I looked uneasily up at Clay. He shook his head with disappointment. "What did I tell you to do, boy?" he growled.

"But..." I started, then saw his eyes widen angrily, "Sorry sir," I backed off and slid my boxer briefs to the floor and then folded them into the basket with my other clothes. I covered my cock when I noticed Marshall checking it out. I looked over at slavetoy who was watching my cock. He gave his lips a quick lick.

"I'm sorry, daddy, please don't..." I lowered my head and walked to his side, grabbing at his sweater, hoping he'd take pity on me.

"On your knees, boy," he said and I dropped at his side. I stared down at Clay's shoes, hoping he didn't really plan on putting me through this... slavetoy treatment... or whatever the owners had planned.

Clay ran his hand over my hair and then grabbed a chunk of it and lifted my head up to look at his face.

"You want to show off my boy body to strangers and disobey what daddy tells you to do?" he asked.

"No sir, I'm sorry sir. I promise I'll do better. I..." I whimpered sad-eyed and feeling tears coming on.

"Get to your feet," he said and pulled on my hair as I scrambled to get my feet under me. He let go of my hair and reached down to grab my cock and yanked me over towards the rings screwed into the wall. Slavetoy came over and offered him a plastic container of leather strips. He took out a black leather cuff and secured it around my right wrist and then snapped it into a ring above my head. He took another cuff and did the same to my left, securing it on the other side of my right wrist so that I was facing the wall.

My ass was exposed to the room and I looked around to see slavetoy and Marshall's eyes glued to it. Clay told slavetoy to secure my legs in the same manner. Slavetoy cuffed my ankles and secured them to rings that were a few feet apart so my legs were spread, exposing my hole to the room.

Clay's footsteps walked away from me but returned a few seconds later. I felt him rub something cold, thin and leather against my cheeks. "This is going to hurt, boy," Clay said as he put his lips to my ear, "But my boy will learn his place."

"Please daddy," I begged, "Please sir, I promise I'll do better."

Clay put a hand over my mouth and growled, "Shut it, boy. You've talked a lot, but daddy needs to teach you how to back those words up with action."

Clay told slavetoy to bring my t-shirt from the basket over. A few seconds later, he had folded it into a long red strip. He put it over my mouth and tied it in the back. "You talk too much, you've been warned before about that," Clay said and rubbed a hand over my back to let me know he was being mean to teach me, not from hate.

He kissed the back of my neck and whispered, "I love you, but you need to learn." I nodded and sniffled into the t-shirt.

Clay took a step back and patted my ass lightly with the leather stick. It had a flat end with a few leather strands that tickled as he brushed it lightly across my cheeks a few times. And then I heard it whoosh back against the air and then back towards me and felt the little leather straps swipe across my bare skin. It didn't tickle anymore.

"Count for him, slavetoy," Clay said and slavetoy replied, "Yes sir, one sir."

Clay brought the whip down in four quick successions and slavetoy stumbled to keep up. My body tensed up as I felt my ass turn red and hot. It burned and stung as he brought the leather stick against my cheeks with fury. He wasn't playing or holding back this time. It was ten times worse than when he spanked me with his bare hand.

I whimpered and sobbed into the t-shirt, muffled begging for him to stop. I couldn't escape or shield my ass as I hung there cuffed to the wall. I turned my head as tears rolled down my cheek and saw Marshall watching me. He wasn't looking at the flogging my ass was receiving; he was looking at my eyes. I blinked back tears but kept my eyes focused on him. He nodded, eyeing me with interest and a slight hint of pity.

I tried pleading with him using my eyes. He gave a soft smile to show he got the message but wasn't about to help. Slavetoy's counting had gotten up to fifteen. I was jumping with every swat but not going anywhere.

At twenty swats, Clay took a break and crouched down behind me, rubbing my cheeks lightly with his hands. It didn't comfort in the least. Each time he grazed a stripe with his hand it sent fresh pain through me. I squirmed and pleaded muffled cries through my gag. He began kneading my cheeks with his hands and then kissed them.

"They're so red," Clay said in amazement.

"Yeah, it'll be a while before he sleeps anywhere but his stomach," Marshall laughed, "My slaves have spent many nights sleeping asses to the sky without a blanket."

"It won't leave any permanent marks?" Clay questioned as he rubbed his scruffy cheek against my red, bare ass.

"Oh no, that's mild. He could take three more of those and nothing's damaged but his insolent boypride," Marshall assured. He snapped his fingers at slaveboy who scrambled to get a small white tub. "This will help him with the healing."

Slavetoy knelt at my side and looked up at me while he started to smear this cool gel on my cheeks. He mouthed, "Ok?" towards me. I sniffled but realized it would be useless to solicit his sympathy. I nodded as a line of snot dripped down over my lips, sopping the t-shirt gag with tears and snot.

Clay had stepped back to allow slavetoy to put the stuff on me. He rubbed my back gently, but I didn't look back at him. The gel stuff was starting to sting as it seeped into the small cuts the leather stick had left across my cheeks.

"Now, how about we go have dinner and give him some time to think?" Marshall said.

And they left! They turned off the lights except for a small red bulb coming from under the stairs. They went upstairs and closed the door, leaving me naked, hurt and cold in the dark room. Time to think? What the fuck was I supposed to think about? And why didn't I get to go up for dinner? I hadn't eaten since this morning before we went to the park. Why was he being such a dick about this? Time to think?

Time to think... I started. I thought about how different my life was just a few months ago. I was alone, in a cold house in a dangerous neighborhood. Old third-hand clothes, eating only what I could find or what the school served. Ignored or bullied at school. Beaten in the hallway or on my way home. No one knew my name other than fag or cocksucker... Clay had changed all that.

Clay had come in and saved me, given me a life I could never have dreamed of. It hit me how much I owed him. He'd created this life. It was his. I was his. I loved him. I wanted to do better. I wanted to be a boy worthy of him. I wanted him. I wanted to make daddy happy.

I calmed down and tried to get comfortable against the cuffs. I'd gotten myself into this situation. I stopped to realize my cock was rock hard and poking against the wall. I wondered how long it had been hard. I hadn't had a chance to notice with all the craziness happening to my ass.

An hour passed, well maybe an hour, there was no way to tell. My arms hurt, my ass was stinging and now I realized I really had to piss.

"He-o?" I called lightly to the dark room, muffled by the t-shirt gag. No one answered. I twisted a little and considered pissing on the concrete floor, but I was also against the wall and that would have probably brought on another round of leather stick. I couldn't even close my legs to help hold it. Plus now I was thinking about it which made me have to pee even worse.

Finally, I heard the door open and steps coming down the stairs. The light turned on and I caught sight of Clay's shoes padding down the wooden steps. Slavetoy followed him with bowed head. I lowered my head and sniffled. He walked slowly over to me and undid the tie on the t-shirt gag and used it to patiently wipe my face. I started to say I had to pee, but something inside me reminded me that I didn't have permission to talk. I whimpered and looked up at him with pleading eyes. He told slavetoy to uncuff my ankles.

Clay uncuffed my wrists and brought my arms down to my side. They felt numb and sore at the joints. He turned me towards him and rubbed my arms to bring the circulation back. I nuzzled my head into his chest and he slid his arms around me and hugged me to him.

"You ok?" he whispered.

"Yes sir, but... I have to pee," I said. Clay laughed and took a leather strap out of his pocket. He clipped it to the ring in my collar and started walking. He led me up the steps and through a long hallway that led out to a small patio lined with bushes against a metal fence. The cool air had returned with the sunset and I gave a shiver, only intensifying the need for release. He pulled me to a bush in the corner of the patio and said, "Go."

I looked at him, but remembered it wasn't my place to question his orders. I nodded, "Thank you sir," and aimed my cock at the bush, letting loose a solid stream. I'd had only water today, so it wasn't especially gross. I finished up, wagged the last few drops out and then looked up at him without my normal need to speak or ask what next.

Clay patted my head and then pulled me back into the house. He led me to a sink in the bathroom and told me to wash my hands and then took me into the kitchen where Marshall was sipping a cup of coffee as slavetoy was wiping down the counters.

"Boy," Clay said to slavetoy, "I think he's ready to eat."

"Yes sir," slavetoy said and took two dog bowls out of the refrigerator. He set them on the floor next to the table where Marshall sat and he knelt down, looking up at his owner, waiting for Marshall to let him eat. I did the same. Marshall nodded and slavetoy bowed down and began to slurp at the cold soup. I looked over at Clay who nodded with a smile and sat joined Marshall at the table.

It was probably good when it was served hot to the owners, but the vegetables and steak were cold and gelled from the fridge. I noticed slavetoy with his hands folded behind his back and I did the same as I slurped up a mouthful. It wasn't as bad as it looked. Slavetoy was an excellent cook. I slurped up a few carrot slices and chewed.

"He'll learn, this one has potential," Marshall said to Clay, "You set expectations and enforce them. He wants to please you. It's more than just a desire to serve. It's a desire to serve you."

"I want to get it right with him, I just don't want to break his boy spirit. He had a rough little life before this," Clay said. He always spoke much more openly and with less bravado with Marshall. It was obvious the deep respect my owner had for this man. I knew Marshall's presence was definitely one place to be on my top behavior with my owner.

"You want a boy, not a slave. I get that and respect that. All the more reason for a firm hand with him. You have 16 years of shaky foundation to make up for. You're a daddy first and the boy's got to learn his place. It was the same rough start with this little fucker," Marshall smiled and pointed to slavetoy who was finishing up his dinner. Slavetoy raised his head and smiled proudly. Marshall told him to clean his bowl and put it away then wash his face.

"Finish it," Clay said to me. I nodded, "Yes sir," and did as told.

As we got ready to leave, my dirty t-shirt in a plastic bag, Clay zipped up my coat and kissed my forehead, "You learned your lesson?"

"Yes sir, I'm sorry sir," I said and pressed my nose into his chest. He slid an arm around me and pushed me towards the door.

Marshall gave Clay a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He came towards me next and lifted me up for a hug. I kissed his neck softly as I did when Clay lifted me.

"Thank you sir for helping me learn," I said to him as he kissed my cheek.

"Your daddy loves you very much to go through all this for you. He could have easily gotten a trained boy but he chose you. Never forget that," Marshall said and set me on my feet.

"I won't sir," I took Clay's hand. "I promise."

Clay pulled me into him and grabbed at my sore bottom through my jeans, adding, "I know you wont, baby boy." He kissed the top of my head and then attached the leash again to my collar and led me off to the car. Slavetoy gave me a hopeful smile as we left.

We got home and Clay had me strip at the door. He tugged at the leash I'd worn on the way home and pulled me down to my knees. He pulled me along the floor on all fours through to the living room and then he sat down on the couch and undid the button on his jeans. He tugged me towards his lap and I fished out his cock from his boxers and nursed it to full erection.

"Eyes on me," he ordered and I kept staring up at him.

He held me by the ears and pushed me down hard on his cock; quickly building up a rhythm of forcing me down and up on his pole. Daddy pushed into me until I coughed and choked on him. I felt my eyes redden and my tear ducts react to the assault on my throat. He sped up, quickly sliding his shaft over my tongue and soon he tensed up and pushed me all the way down as his juice fired down my throat.

"Ahhhhhh fucckkk," he growled in deep daddy lust as he filled my throat with his cock and seed. A few tears rolled down over my cheeks as I tried to catch my breath through my nose, swallowing as much as I could of his offering.

He finished and collapsed back into the cushions as he finally released my head but held on to my leash. I sat back on my heels, coughing and gasping for air. My heart raced as he petted my hair, recovered his breath and said, "Good baby... swallow daddy's cum."

"Yes daddy thank you sir," I massaged my sore throat but tried to smile.

Clay carried me off to bed. I slept with only a t-shirt on. I cuddled into Clay's chest with my ass to the sky and no blanket. It still burned but not as bad since slavetoy had added the gel. He kissed my hair and told me he loved me as I nodded off. He tucked my stuffed monkey into my arms and I slept soundly on my owner's chest as he held me and rubbed my back.

I felt a change that night. I'd needed his punishment, as I'm sure I'll need more in the future, to grow into the boy he can be proud of. The boy that deserves his love.

-CJ :)

Next: Chapter 9

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