Close Encounters

Published on Sep 7, 2014


Close Encounters 16-18

The following story is a complete work of fiction.

Any similarity to actual persons living or dead is completely unintentional...

not to mention I will also be so incredibly jealous too.

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Close Encounters

by Danny

~ Sixteenth Encounter ~

On the way home we stopped at the drug store to get my prescription filled. I decided I would rather just stay in the car because walking made the insides of my legs itch. While I was setting waiting on my mom, one of those cool new Toyota Rav4's pulled up next to our car. It had slightly tinted windows and was painted in a beautiful pearl white finish. I was checking out the fine car when I realized I had seen the man before that was getting out of the car but I couldn't place where I'd seen him. I was sure that I knew him from somewhere.

I watched as he walked in front of our car and then into the store. It was bugging me that I couldn't figure out where I knew that large man from, then I heard someone call my name. I turned to look and there was Sean with his head sticking out the driver's window of the Rav4. I couldn't believe it was Sean from Radio Shack and I honestly never thought I would see him again.

He was obviously older but he still looked the same as he did before.

I rolled down the window and said, "Hey Sean! Wow I can't believe we have run into each other again!"

"Yea my dad had to get me some . . ." he paused only for half a second, ". . . stuff."

I smiled knowingly at him and we were able to talk for a few minutes. I asked him if he ever got that faster radio controlled car. It was no surprise that he hadn't. I told him about my poison ivy or oak or whatever it is I have and how I got it. He said that they just bought a house not too far from the store. I told him that we lived pretty close too. Just before my mom came out, we agreed to meet at the park this coming weekend after my rash was cleared up.

Mom started up the car and pulled out of the parking space. Sean and I gave each other one last wave and a smile as mom pulled away, however, just as we were pulling out of the parking lot I happened to look over and saw Sean's dad walking out of the store with a shopping bag in his left hand and a package of GoodNites in his other. Their car was parked just out of my view so I know that Sean didn't see me looking at his dad. I can't wait until this weekend to meet Sean at the park.

So I am sitting here at my desk in my room, writing all of this down and wanting so badly to be able to scratch, but I can't because it makes me itch more. I know when this rash is gone, I'm going to be very busy hanging out with Mark and Sean, my two diaper wearing friends.

-< PART TWO >-

~ Seventeenth Encounter ~

Nearly a year had passed since I recorded my previous close encounters with older boys who wear and use diapers. Quite a lot has happened since the day that Sean and I unexpectedly met in the parking lot of the drugstore a few blocks from my house. So much has happened over the past year that I thought it was about time that I started recording what's been going on since that day.

I should begin with the few days leading up to the weekend that Sean and I had planned to meet at the park near both of our houses. I had been at home, lying around, watching TV and playing video games while I waited for my rash to clear up. My new best friend Mark, had come over to our house every day to keep me company and to help take my mind off the constant itching. When Friday finally rolled around, mom suggested that I ask Mark to spend the night. It took a little sweet talking to get his parents too agree because Mark's parents thought that he'd been spending too much time at our house as it was. Once I told them that it was my mom's idea, they gave us the green light.

We decided to have a movie night where we would watch two or three movies back to back. We have done this before and to be fair, we both pick at least one of the movies, but since I had been feeling so crummy all week, Mark let me choose all the movies this time. Mark tried to hide it, but I knew he was thrilled when I chose all three of the Indiana Jones Movies. Mom tossed a couple bags of popcorn into the microwave while Mark queued up the first movie and I unrolled our sleeping bags on the living-room floor.

By the middle of the second film, everyone else had given up and gone to bed, leaving Mark and I alone. Mark took a look around the room, saw that everyone was gone and exclaimed, "It's about time!"

"For what?" I asked, but he didn't reply.

He unzipped his sleeping bag, pulled off his shirt and pants to reveal that he wasn't wearing a GoodNite as he'd done for so long now. Instead of his usual GoodNite, he was wearing a real, honest to goodness disposable diaper. It was white, with white tapes and it looked to be slightly too big for his scrawny physique.

"What the heck is that?" the words were out of my mouth before I knew it.

"What's what?" he was playing dumb, except his goofy grin gave him away.

"Don't even play dumb with me! What the bleep is that!" I was pointing right at the diaper and I really said bleep, it was something I had picked up from him and when I saw that it irked my parents, it stuck.

He stretched himself out on top of his sleeping bag causing his diaper to crinkle and he smirked, "I've gotten too big for GoodNites, they leak too much now."

"How long have you been wearing those?" I asked.

"What?" he teased.

I grunted with frustration and shook a fist at him, "If you start that again, the headline in tomorrow's paper is going to read, `Teen boy found dead wearing diaper!'"

Mark chuckled, "I can't believe you haven't noticed before now. I've been wearing these for over a week now."

My jaw fell on the floor as I said, "How long?" and it came out so high-pitched that I sounded like Mickey Mouse after being kicked in the balls several times.

"It has been driving me nuts not to tell you." Mark confessed.

"You're lying!" I was still dumbfounded, "Two weeks?"

I slapped myself for being so blind, "Are you for real?"

"Remember that day you came over to see the new poster I had on my wall?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, I still agree with your mom, it's gross," I said.

"Whatever man!" he said brushing away my comment, "Anyway, I was sure you saw the package in the bottom of my closet." His evil grin spread wider across his face, "I purposefully left the closet door about half open, because I knew it would turn you on when you saw it."

"WHAT?" my voice cracked when I said it.

Mark took his pillow by the corner, swung it through the air and swatted me over the head.

I didn't even try to block the pillow. I was too shocked, too amazed and frankly, too turned on to care.

"Shut up and watch the rest of the movie," he snickered.

I tried to do just that, but I couldn't stop looking at Mark, lying on his purple sleeping bag wearing nothing but a big white diaper and his dingy white tube socks.

When the credits started rolling across the screen, Mark looked at me with that look he gives me whenever he catches me looking at the diaper commercials on TV or lingering on the diaper ads in magazines a bit too long.

"What?" I said when he didn't say anything.

I was lying on my side, propped up on one elbow and had my pillow tucked between my knees. I had on a yellow and white hockey jersey with my blue sweatpants because both were extra soft against my skin and didn't make me itch.

"You want to touch it don't you?" he asked mischievously.

"Uh, no!" I lied.

Mark made a disbelieving murmur and accused me of lying like a dog.

"Am not!" I argued with my eyes still pasted to his diapered butt.

"Then why are you sporting a tent pole in your sweatpants?" he asked and managed to embarrass me enough that I finally was able to overt my eyes.

I rolled onto my stomach and whimpered when my dick was forced down.

"Ouchy! Bet that hurt!" Mark cackled.

I buried my face in my pillow and hissed, "Shut-up and go put the other tape in the VCR."

Mark made it a point to squat in front of the TV as he rewound the second movie and got the third movie ready to put in once the other was done. The plastic crinkled loudly as he squatted only a foot from my face and the smell of baby powder was extremely prevalent. By the time he was putting in the third movie, my head was swimming and I couldn't see anything but his pure white diaper.

As he stood up, he purposefully did it in a way that his diapered butt came within inches of my face and that's when it happened.

"Oh-oh-oh man!" I moaned and ended with a small whimper.

Mark turned around and looked at me with mild disgust, "Did you just do what I think you just did?" he asked.

"Uh," was all I was able to say.

"Oh man, you just did what I think you did!" he answered for me.

My face dropped to the floor, "Kill me now!" I moaned again.

I started to get up while Mark was lying down again, "Where you going?" he asked sarcastically.

"If you must know, to change my pants and get some more anti-itch cream!" I answered just as sarcastically.

"Maybe you should get in my backpack and grab yourself one of these." He continued talking as I walked away from him, "Sure would cut down on the laundry."

I went to my bedroom to change into a different pair of sweatpants, but when I flicked on the light switch, the first thing I saw was his blue and gold backpack lying on my bed. I swallowed hard, went to my bedside and pulled open the top of his pack. Sure enough, Mark had brought more than just the one diaper, which he was currently wearing. Actually, it looked like he'd gotten in the habit of carrying several with him because I found four more diapers and they were still inside the original package. I pulled them out and read the outside of the plastic packaging. It said, `Tena® Super Briefs', and they were size medium. It also said `Maximum absorbency for nighttime or extended protection' and in the upper left corner was a yellow oval with the words, `With InstaDri Skin-Caring System™'. I put my nose into the package and inhaled deeply. The scent was heavenly and enough to get me aroused again.

"Oh shit, that itches!" I complained to myself, "oh I got to stop, think about grandma naked; grandma naked, grandma naked..."

It wasn't working, but thankfully, I heard a noise out in the hallway and feared being caught so I quickly stuffed the diapers back into his backpack and then pushed my door closed. I made sure that it didn't latch because I knew if it did, it might make enough noise to wake one or more of my family.

I applied the anti-itch cream to my legs, butt cheeks and stomach; taking extra care when applying it to my nuts and penis because I didn't want to run the risk of disturbing the beast again. With a quick change of pants, I made my way back to the living room and somehow made it through the third Indiana Jones movie, which has always been my favorite of the three Indy films. However, to be honest, I didn't get to see very much of it. Mark kept shifting positions and causing his diaper to crinkle, which as I'm sure you guessed, would send my mind and emotions reeling. Once the movie ended, Mark climbed back into his sleeping bag and was sound asleep within minutes. It took me over an hour to fall asleep and when I did, I started to dream. My dream was about Mark and Sean and some girl I have never met, I think. We were chasing after some kind of animal, but that wasn't the weird part of my dream. The weirdest part was that all three of us guys, Sean, Mark and me were outside wearing nothing but a diaper as we ran after that animal. The girl in my dream wasn't wearing a diaper; she was wearing a pair of orange bibbed overalls and bright pink sandals. She was running after us, shouting that we had to catch it and get a diaper on it before it went on the carpet. I don't know why she was worried about the carpet because we, including the animal, were already outside. Boy, I sure do love when I have dreams like that; I wish I had those sorts of dreams more often.

~ Eighteenth Encounter ~

The following day, which was Saturday, I had met up with Sean at the park as we had planned. My rash hadn't totally cleared up yet but I was well enough that I was able to talk my mom into letting me go outside for a while.

When I arrived at the park, Sean was already there. He confessed that he'd been there since first light. He was flying a remote controlled blimp, and when he saw me coming, he let loose the controls to wave and nearly sent the thing floating into a tree.

We hung out at the park for over an hour and never once did the subject of diapers or wetting come up, even though I was thinking about them the entire time. Much to my anguish, and despite my best efforts, I couldn't figure out if he was wearing anything more than underwear under his pants.

When all of the battery packs for the blimp were drained, Sean asked if I would like to come to his house. I tried not to seem too eager, so I looked at my watch and acted like I was checking the time before I agreed.

Sean handed me a red plastic tank with a futuristic looking brass valve at the top and a sticker on the side that read, `HELIUM'. It was heavier than it looked and I guessed it had to be heavy to keep from floating away when full of helium. I also carried the remote control while he lugged the blimp. It wasn't until we reached his house and he let the blimp go that I noticed it didn't weigh anything at all. Now, if Mark had pulled something like that on me, I would have pounced on him, pinned him to the floor and tickled him until he cried uncle, or until he wet himself, whichever came second.

I must have appeared to be mildly disgusted because Sean said to me, "Hey you are bigger than me, and besides, I carried that thing all the way to the park when it was still full!"

"Still full?" I smiled and continued, "But it wouldn't have weighted hardly anything when full of helium!"

Sean smiled, shrugged his shoulders and laughed, "What can I say?"

I laughed as I said, "Uhuh, I see how you are now!" and let it pass with no further comment, but I made a mental note not to fall for something like that again.

"Want to see my room?" he asked, "I have my own TV and computer."

"Wow, you lucky dog!" I commented.

Sean laughed more than I thought he should just then, but then he explained why, "I have a dog named Lucky."

"No way!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes way!" He assured me, "He's out back; I'll show you."

There was a door inside the garage that led into the house, just the same as at my home. Sean stopped halfway into the house. I hadn't been paying attention and walked right into the back of him.

"Watch it!" he laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean..." I started to say.

"Sokay," he said blending his words into one. I think he meant to say "It's okay".

"Need to kick off your shoes;" He said, "not allow shoes on the carpet." For a brief instant my brain flashed back to my dream last night and I giggled to myself.

Beside the door that led from the garage to the inside of the house was a tall, narrow set of metal wire shelves with several pairs of assorted shoes. Sean and I added our shoes to the collection and then went into the house.

His house was spotless and sparsely decorated. I could tell right off the bat that at least one or maybe even both of his parents were neat freaks. He led me through the dining room, which looked as though it had never been used before. Without opening the sliding glass door, Sean pulled back the white shear fabric curtain and tapped on the glass with his knuckle.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw his dog. Big doesn't come close to describing it! "I'm sorry, that's not a dog! That's a fat horse!"

Not missing a beat Sean replied, "Would you believe he's just a puppy?"

"No!" I answered.

"Good, `cause he's older than me!" Sean laughed.

Then, I asked the dumbest question, "Is he allowed in the house?"

Sean laughed again, "Yeah, but then my dad would use my head for batting practice."

"What kind of dog is that?" I asked.

"Good old American mutt," Sean said with an odd sense of pride.

I chuckled, "Must have some horse, or buffalo, or maybe both in him."

"Is there a reason you named him Lucky?" I asked.

Sean closed the curtains again and was careful to make sure each pleat was perfect, "I didn't name him that. He was my real dad's dog before I was born."

It suddenly dawned on me how quiet it was inside the house, "Is anyone else home?"

"Nope, mom's working again this weekend and my step-dad is in Detroit for a convention."

I wasn't really interested, but to keep the conversation going, I asked him, "What kind of convention?"

Sean was leading me further into the house as he answered, "Don't know. Something to do with work, I think."

Just as expected, the living room furnishings were sparse and totally dust free.

Sometimes, things get said that in retrospect would have been better if they never were said and my next comment was one of those times, "How does your mom keep this place so clean?"

"She doesn't, my step-dad does." And I knew instantly by the tone of his voice that I'd just stepped on a landmine. I didn't pursue it any further but the mood in the air had become noticeably strained.

He led me down an L-shaped hallway to a closed door with a red stop sign on the outside. It was smaller than a real stop sign and below the word `STOP', it read...




I received the second shock for the day when he opened the door and said, "And this is my room!"

When I saw his room, I could hear my mother's voice in my head as if she were standing right behind me. "Would you look at this mess? This is the worst looking pigsty I have ever seen! How someone could live in this filth is beyond me?"

"Whhhhooooaaaa!" I gasped.

As though it were not completely obvious, Sean turned and looked at me, "What?"

"Look at your room?" I exclaimed.

"What's wrong with it?" he asked.

I couldn't stop myself from asking, "Your mom and dad don't mind your room being this messy?"

"I like it like this," He said climbing over his bed to the other side of the room.

"My mother would slaughter me if my room ever got this bad." I commented and then the smell hit me. It was as through someone had taken the hose of a vacuum, held it against my face, flipped the switch to ON and sucked the air right out of me. The space reeked of stale urine. Exactly what you would expect from a bed-wetter. So, why was I caught off guard? I coughed, gagged and threw-up a little in the back of my throat. I had to turn away to catch my breath and I was back down the hallway before I could breathe again.

"Come in, I want to show you something." Sean called out.

"He must not have seen me nearly blow chunks," I thought to myself.

I turned and started back toward his room, but when I caught a second whiff of the ammonia laced air, I stopped moving and breathing.

There was a clatter from inside his room, "What did I do with that?" and something crashed, "Nope not there!"

Several things were going through my mind at the same time. Even though he is younger than me, I wanted so much to be friends with Sean and I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I didn't think I could go into his room without puking. I turned my back to his room, took a deep breath, held it and went into his bedroom.

The first thing I noticed was the large, yellow and brown pee stain on his sheet less mattress. The second thing I noticed was the pile of used GoodNites that nearly buried an odd looking green pail. With a closer look, I saw that on the outside of the pail, in raised letters were two words, Diaper Genie.

Sean was nowhere in sight but I could hear him, "Where is it?" his voice came from under the bed, "I know it's here somewhere!" he continued mumbling as random objects would be flung from under the bed and land on a pile somewhere else in the room.

With a triumphant cry, he announced, "Ah-ha! Found the little bugger! Eeeew, it has spider boogers all over it!"

When something touched my foot, I leapt up and squealed, "Yikes! What was that?"

"It's just me!" Sean laughed and I looked down to see his head and a single arm sticking out from under the bed.

"Man, you scared the crap out of me!" I shot back without thinking and expended what little oxygen my lungs still contained.

"Take my hand and pull me out!" Sean said.

I did the best I could to breath as little as possible while reaching down to try to extract him from under his bed.

"What happened to your shirt?" I asked when I saw that he was now naked from the waist up. Without his shirt, he looked even younger. His chest and arms were completely undeveloped and void of any outward signs of puberty. And then I saw it sticking out of the waistband of his pants, he was wearing a GoodNite! It was unmistakable and if there had been any untainted oxygen in the room I probably would have started hyperventilating on the spot.

"Got caught on something under there so I slipped out of it." He said plopping down on his bed.

A stuffed bear had been resting on the other side of the mattress, but when Sean plopped down, the bear went sailing into the ammonia laced air and then disappeared into the pile of clothes and toys that littered the floor.

I was breathing very shallowly through my mouth, but was feeling like I needed to get out of there fast and get some fresh air. In the end, I couldn't take it anymore and asked, "Mind if I open the window?"

"You hot?" he asked, "Then just take off your shirt."

That put a kink into my feeble attempt to get some fresh air without hurting his feelings, but then I said, "I better not, my rash isn't totally gone yet."

"Oh yeah, I forgot!" he said while fumbling with some little mechanical device. "Sure, go ahead, but it might stink a bit, Lucky poops mountains out there."

I nearly said something back but I decided I'd risk it and stepped over several scattered items to get to the window.

He was right, the air coming in the window didn't smell like roses but it was a far cry better than the stench inside. With semi-fresh air spilling in, I was able to think clearly again.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked while making my way over to where he sat on the bed.

"It's a robot I invented." He answered and laid it on the edge of the nightstand. Then he pressed a blue button on top of it.

The robot sprang to life, BEEP, CLICK, BEEP, CLICK, BEEP, CLICK. "Ah man, I never can get it to walk right." He groaned.

"What's it supposed to do?" I asked stepping over a Tonka truck to get a closer look.

"That clicking sound is the gears skipping," he said.

"Well it's still pretty cool." I said honestly.

"Yeah! Real cool, but thanks anyway. Oh well, I'll figure it out one day." Sean swept up the little robot and tossed it over his shoulder before adding, "Hey, want to play a board game? I have loads of them!" He sprang from the bed and leapt past me, nearly knocking me into the pile of used GoodNites.

He pulled open his closet door, which was a chore, given all the crap that was piled in front of it, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Sitting on a shelf, about four feet above the floor, were three unopened packages of GoodNites and one partially full package along with a large white tub with a blue lid and large blue lettering, `DIAPER BUTTER'.

Sean also had his back to me and I could see the GoodNite he was wearing was sticking up about an inch or more from the back of his pants. If there had been any doubts before, when I saw the small red rectangle tag with the small red stars, I was absolutely curtain that he was wearing a GoodNite.

"He must wet during the daytime too, just like Mark!" I thought to myself.

"You ok?" Sean asked holding out a stack of board games.

"Uh, huh?" I answered.

"You look like you've just seen `Nearly Headless Nick!'" Sean commented, and the reference to one of my favorite Harry Potter characters was enough to snap me out of it.

"What?" Oh sorry... Uh, hey you like Harry Potter too?" I asked trying to make believe I hadn't just been standing there gawking at his anti-bedwetting supplies.

He dropped the board games at my feet, "Are you kidding? I have read every one of the books and I even have the English versions too. Come on, I'll show you!" Before I had a chance to respond, he grabbed my hand and lead me out of his room.

I still can't believe the condition of his room; even after he lead me to their den and showed me his collection of hardback Harry Potter books. I could still smell the pee. It had permeated my nostrils, my clothes and much to my personal disbelief; I was more than a little aroused.

"See, I even have the special school books, look!" he pulled the two books, "Quidditch Through The Ages is so cool, but I like Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them soooooo muuuch beeeeettttterrrrr." He said drawing out his words to show his enthusiasm.

"Wow, I didn't know they had the school books in hard cover." I said.

"Want to see the one I made for school?" he asked with even more excitement, "Wait right here!"

I was glad when he told me to wait in the den, when he'd started moving for the door, I was momentarily concerned that he was going to make me go back to his room again.

I was pleasantly shocked when he returned with the coolest looking book I'd ever seen, "Sean! This looks exactly like the Monster Book of Monsters from the movie!"

"I know! My mom helped me make it!" he said with pride.

"No, I mean it Sean! This is great!" I said turning the book carefully to examine every detail.

"Thanks! Hey, would you like to have it?" he asked.

Stunned would be a good word to describe my state of mind at that moment.

"Oh wow, no way Sean! I couldn't even think of taking something like this. It must have taken you and your mom ages to make it."

"Really, I want you to have it!" he said with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.

I tried several times to make him understand that I couldn't take it, but in the end, he made me take it. "Ok, but only on one condition... It is still yours. I'm just going to keep it at my house for you."

From that moment on, the two of us were the best of friends. We spent the rest of the day together playing board games, thankfully not in his room. Sean had let me use the phone to call home twice during the day to check in. Later that day he and I were in his room, strange as it might seem, I was getting use to the smell, we were watching videos on his computer that he had downloaded from the internet. His mother came home around six in the evening and neither one of us knew it had gotten so late.

At first, she didn't seem to like the idea that Sean had a friend my age, but she soon warmed up to me. She invited me to stay for supper, which I accepted. We had homemade pork chops, baked potatoes and roasted corn on the cob. As if that wasn't enough to eat, after supper, the two of us had Coconut Cream pie while his mom put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and cleaned up the kitchen. After we had woofed down the pie, Sean had left me alone in the kitchen with his mother for a few minute. I suspected he had gone to change into a dry GoodNite. At least that was what I imagined he was doing.

Sean's mom told me that since they moved here, Sean was having a hard time making new friends and she also said that she hoped that Sean and I would become good friends. Little did she know that it would take an act of God to keep me away from Sean and his wetting problem?

The following day, I introduced Sean to Mark, and in time, their parents eventually met each other. Though I never slept over at Sean's house, he has slept at mine many, many times and on several occasions, the three of us have spent the night together either at Marks home or my own.

If you are enjoying this story, please send me a short (or even a long) email to let me know at You're kind words are like fuel to my creative self!

Next: Chapter 4: Close Encounters 19 21

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