Clothing Optional - - Introduction

By moc.liamnotorp@nosredneh.nilloc

Published on Apr 2, 2020


Clothing Optional - Chapter 07 - Three

Clothing Optional - Chapter 07 - Three

About this series

This is a series set in an alternate society where clothing is optional, in basically all places, and it is somewhat expected for no clothing to be worn in certain places/activities such as swimming and sports. This series follows a gay teenager (named Collin because that's my name), who has friends of both genders, and various sexualities, living in a Northern California Coastal town. Even with its non-sexual base, this series is still very sexual, and very inappropriate; and is therefore only for mature audiences.

At the end of the story there will be a link to a Strawpoll or two, which contains a question that will decide something small in the next chapter.

I happily take any feedback and suggestions at


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Strawpoll Results

Boy Preference

After 48 hours of voting time, Justin won with 39 votes (51.32%), Trevor got 31 votes (48.68%). The gap is starting to close. I will give neither precidence.

Should Collin go Naked Every Day?

After 48 hours of voting time, there were 72 votes for yes (87.80%), and 10 votes for no (12.20%). Of a random roll from 1 to 82, I rolled a 65 meaning the decided answer is yes. The decision for whether Collin will be caught or not has already been rolled and finalized. The result will not be revealed until the next story.

Quick Notes

Either people who like Justin more didn't vote, or people are turning to Trevor. I'm going for the latter considering that the total count of both votes is near the same.

Start of Chapter

"Hey, Collin?" Justin asked from the driver's seat. "Yeah?" Collin asked. "I don't want you to think that what we did back there is that normal." Justin continued.

"Okay. I don't?" Collin said.

"Okay, I just don't want you thinking the world is just sex. You're new to nudity I don't want you conflating the two." Justin said.

"I don't" Collin said.

"Okay cool." Justin said.

"Where are we going?" Collin forgot to ask.

"My house." Justin answered.

"Ah, cool" Collin said.

Justin drove for ten seconds in silence.

"Hey did you like that?" Justin asked.

"Like what?"

"The bathhouse."

"Oh," Collin started to answer, "yeah I loved it."

"Okay good. It cost $250 for the both of us."

"Wait really?" Collin asked. "We were there for like two hours."

"Yeah really, those places are expensive to run. Security, cleaning, maintenance."

"Oh." Collin said.

"Did you like me?" Collin asked.

"Yeah," Justin said, "The second time was the best."

The two rode in silence for another ten seconds.

"Do you like people watching you?" Collin asked.

"I love it." Collin answered, "This sounds stupid but I always make sure to make it visible when I have an erection when I'm there or having sex. There's just some kind of feeling that comes with strangers looking at you.

"That's not stupid, that's arousing." Collin negotiated.

"Really?" Justin asked.

"Really." Collin said again. "I get that feeling too."

"Wanna stay the night?" Justin asked.

"Sure. Collin said. "Why not?"

"Your parents would question what you're wearing at night and during the day.

"Oh, yeah." Collin said. "We gotta stop by my house to pick up toiletries and stuff so I'll just get clothes" too Collin said.

"Oh, yeah, people need stuff to sleep over" Justin said.

"Hey I can invite Trevor." Justin said.


"We could mess around with each other tonight."

Collin stumbled without making a noise.

"C'mon. I know you're out with him, you can't just disappear for twenty five minutes to the quiet side of the beach and expect me to not believe you hooked up."

Collin silently stumbled again. "How the fuck do I get read so easily?"

"You don't," Justin said, "you just don't get some of the stuff most people do.

Collin thought about Justin's proposition for a second. "Yeah, invite him."

Collin was sitting on a comfortable leather chair at a desk in Justin's room. He was playing on his phone, Justin looked up for no particular reason to see Trevor, on his phone, laying on the closer side of Justin's bed - butt up as always - Collin didn't know if Trevor did that on pourpose to show off his perfect butt or something; he thought that was stupid. Justin was laying on his back with his legs in a triangle.

"Do you guys want to do something?" Justin asked, still looking up at his phone.

"Yes." Trevor said. "Sure." Collin said after. There were still 20 minutes left in the 30 minutes until dinner Justin's parents had outlined.

"I wanna try something if you wanna." Collin said, "I wanna see what it's like to be able to choose between you two.

Collin looked slightly confused, then he got what Justin meant; but Justin jumped in, "I wanna choose which one of you to fuck." "Yeah I got that, just..." Collin said, nonsensically motioning his hand at the end.

Justin still miraculously read into it, "Okay, I don't have sex this often, I just really like the dynamic of you and Trevor." he explained. Justin paused for a second, "Do you wanna do it?" Justin asked.

"Yeah." Collin said, who proceeded to take off his clothes.

Trevor was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting to continue. He knew what he was doing - he'd done this before exactly twice. Once he had realized Collin and Justin had stopped talking, he got into position; he stood up facing the bed, towards the top side, and then bent down to rest his upper body on his arms, which were resting the bed. Collin copied him about three feet to Trevor's left once he had undressed.

Justin walked kind of in between the two a couple feet behind. Spread your legs a little, Collin." Justin said. Collin shuffled his feet out about six inches on each side.

Collin turned his head over at Trevor, who caught his eye and briefly looked over at Collin before returning his eyes down. "You guys ready?" Justin asked. Both the boys said "Yes".

Justin started with Collin, for no reason than he was on the left. Justin put his right hand on Collin's butt, and started to play with it. Justin grabbed Collin's right Butt Cheek in his hand and started to squish it. Justin then quickly felt Collin's back before moving onto Trevor.

Justin aligned himself behind Trevor, and started to feel him up as well. The room was dead quiet - Collin looked off into space with his head down into the bed, hearing the sounds of Justin get comfortable with Trevor's body, that turned him on slightly.

Justin moved back to Collin, this time going a bit further by running his hand down Collin's crack, and then putting his index finger up Collin's butt. This caused Collin to get a full-on erection which was stuck between him and the bed. Collin felt around for a bit before moving back to Trevor, felling him, and briefly sticking the same finger up Trevor's butt.

Justin chose Trevor. Even though the whole thing was that Justin had complete discretion, the decision was slightly difficult for him because he worried about disappointing Collin for some reason. But nonetheless he continued.

He gave no warning who he chose - it was better that he didn't. Both Trevor and Collin had no idea what Justin was going to do next. Trevor quickly found that Justin's dick was pushing into him. Again, he had no idea if Justin was still deciding, only using him to get started, or was committed - Trevor loved that. Justin knew Trevor had a high tolerance; so he started out pushing about three and a half inches inside him, Trevor still moaned. Justin started to go in and out. Trevor was quite loud; he let out consistent moans of pleasure and pain; it didn't matter how loud he was: all the walls were almost entirely soundproof. Collin kept staring down, completely motionless. His mind drifted off into the sounds of Collin and Trevor. This continued for about two minutes.

And a long two minutes that was for Collin; he kept occupied by imagining what Justin and Trevor were doing, and getting interrupted by other thoughts of Justin doing that to him. The noises became background noise at a point.

Justin orgasmed at some point, and then came into Trevor. After, he kept on going for a few seconds before stopping and pulling out. Trevor and Collin remained motionless - it was completely up to Justin if he wanted to keep going.

Justin grabbed a pillow at the top of the bed, sat crisscross where it once was, leaning against the headboard, "Do something together." Justin said, "And whatever it is, do it perpendicular to me."

Trevor looked up, and so did Collin, "Anything?" Trevor asked. "Anything sex." Justin repeated.

"Okay." Trevor said slightly questionably. Trevor took the lead, and climbed up on the bed and got in the doggy position. Collin read into this and swiftly positioned himself behind Trevor.

Trevor was beautiful to Collin - a perfect twink butt and body, complemented with an appetizing hole that had Justin's cum running out of it. Collin quickly got to work, and slowly pushed his way into Trevor. Pleasure enveloped Collin and Trevor. Collin was not to slow to finish, especially when he was so aroused. It only took thirty-six seconds to get him to orgasm. Trevor orgasmed a second and a half later. Collin pulled himself out of Trevor and came on his back Trevor let his load go on Justin's bed. Collin looked over to Justin cumming a second time over his chest.

When Justin was done he looked into Collin's eyes and chucked due to his enjoyment.

Collin started laughing a bit too, and then Trevor. The three boys loved the experience.


Srawpoll (boy preference):

Strawpoll 2:

The decision in the second poll will be calculated like a weighted lottery. If choice A has 80% of the votes and choice B has 20%, choice A has an 80% chance of winning and B has a 20% chance.

Next: Chapter 8

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