CM Project

By Jay J

Published on Feb 18, 2011



Warning: The usual disclaimers apply here. If you don't like any of the following, leave now: gay sex, vulgar or harsh language or underage wherever you are reading this.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased. Please do not copy without my consent.

This is my first story. I've read stories on here for awhile and finally decided I should write something that would appeal to me. So please tell me what you think. Thanks in advance!

Class Project

I was a communications media major at a small university in Pennsylvania. It was a small school, but had a good program. The only problem being that the sports jocks always ended up as CM majors because they thought it was easy and they wouldn't have to do much work! There always seemed to be one of these dumb jock types on some class project you would get stuck doing!

One of these 'dumb' jocks was Steve. He was far from dumb, but still was a CM major because he thought it would be easy while he was playing basketball for the college team. He was a nice enough guy, but DAMN was he HOT! He was 6'3" to 6'4" I would guess. lean, dark hair, and stunning blue eyes! And he had those oh so cute dimples that just make a gay guy swoon!

I say gay guy, because that's what I am! And in college, no one knew that about me! To say I was closeted was an understatement! I was 5'10", brown hair and eyes. Average build, nothing special. I was well read and well spoken, not a brainiac, but not too dumb either! My name by the way is Justin!

So, as I said, I had worked on a few projects with Steve. He was OK on them, not a whole lot of help, but he stayed out of our way and helped where he could and when he could. I'd passed him in the halls of the CM building and he would say "Hi!" which I always thought was nice, because as a jock, he could have passed me silently like all of the rest of them did!

One day, I was working in an edit bay working on a class project, when I heard a small knock at the door and as it opened, there were those cute dimples! Normally I'd be mad at someone disturbing me, but for a hottie like Steve, I guess I could make an exception! Steve said a casual "Hi" to which I responded. Then he said, "I'd like to ask a favor." "OK, shoot." "Do you think you could help me with something for my girlfriend?" "What do you want me to do?" He went on to explain that they had had a fight and he wanted to do something special to make up to her. I figured it was some sort of apology tape, maybe dump some cheesy love song on there for him, and he'd be back in the good graces of his bitchy girlfriend, and maybe I'd get a few minutes alone with this hottie for a fantasy for me later! So, I agreed to go to his off campus apartment later that afternoon, bring one of the cameras, and shoot his little apology!

He gave me his address and number, and I arrived at the appropriate time that we agreed upon. He was wearing some of those damn sexy basketball shorts that the team wore when they practiced. His lean slightly hairy legs loose on the shorts and his tall frame blocking the door. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and his smooth chest with only a little happy trail drove me crazy upon seeing it! He also had those nice little pink nipples that stood out from his slightly tanned skin! My dick responded to this sight as soon as he opened the door! He helped me carry my equipment into the little apartment, and then lead me back to the bedroom. I didn't think much about that, figuring he wanted to do the apology in familiar surroundings.

After getting the gear out and set up, Steve was noticeably quiet throughout the whole process. I just figured it was him not knowing how to help as usual and waiting for some sign from me. When everything was all set, and I asked Steve, "So, how do you want to do this?" His face got really red, and he started looking at the floor. Very sheepishly, he said,"I was too embarrassed to explain this earlier, but I was hoping maybe we could make, kind of a, you know.... Adult kinda thing for her?" I was dumbfounded! I think I started blushing at that point!

He explained that what I assumed was an apology tape was actually a bet that he had lost some time ago, and his girlfriend finally had had enough, and wanted him to pony up with the tape of him jacking off! He said he understood if I wanted nothing to do with it, and would appreciate a little discretion on my part to keep this to myself. I didn't know what to say, or where to look. The thought that I might get to see this stud naked, hard, jacking off, AND get to film it... It was almost too much for me. I know I was sporting major wood, and was starting to feel how uncomfortable it was in my jeans. I also was hoping it wasn't starting to show!

After a long awkward period of silence Steve said,"I'll understand if you want to leave right now!" "No, I'll do it. But why me?" I said. "Well, you have always been so nice. You are one of the most talented people in the class. And I thought you wouldn't judge me, or rat me out to anyone about this. So you are sure, you'll do it," was Steve's reply. "Yeah, I guess. But I do have to ask one question, do you think I'm gay? Is that why you asked me?" "NO! Of course not! It's just you seem like such a nice guy and I thought you wouldn't make fun of me or judge me for this!" "OK, so how do you want to do this?" I asked.

Steve got on the bed. I got the camera and lights set up, and said,"ACTION!" Quietly thinking to myself that I couldn't wait to get to the good stuff!

Steve starting rubbing his smooth chest with both of hands. I had never noticed before how long and slender his fingers were. He gently caressed his chest, up and down. Occasionally stopping at his nipples to give them a little tweak. I was in absolute heaven! He closed his eyes, and moaned softly! My boner was now officially uncomfortable in my jeans, so while his eyes were closed, I took a moment to readjust things!

Steve worked his hands up and down, and slowly let one of his hands sneak down his shorts. At this point, he paused, opened his eyes, and looked at me. Our eyes met, and while I'm not sure, I think he was looking to see my reaction. "Sure you are OK with this?" "I'm fine, you can keep going", was my reply.

Steve pushed the top of his shorts down a little, just exposing the beginning of his bush! I was about to cream my shorts! I couldn't believe this was happening! I knew he must be about to take off those shorts and expose his cock. I was beginning to get very curious about what was under that loose fabric!

But at this point, Steve stopped. He looked at me, and said,"I'm sorry, I'm just not getting hard." "It's OK. I'm sure you have to be nervous about this too. Take your time. Think of your girlfriend. That should help. Pretend I'm not here."

Steve want back to caressing his naked chest. His shorts were still pushed down to the top of his bush. He was SO hot! He went ahead, and lifted his ass off the bed, and I realized I was about to get to see the prize I had been waiting for! He pushed his shorts down in one swift movement. Either he wasn't wearing underwear, or he had taken them off with the shorts, but I didn't care. He was now totally naked!

Steve had a nice set of balls I could tell. Just a little bit of hair on them, but nice low hangers. His dick wasn't hard, starting to chub up a bit, but by no means hard. I was busting out of my jeans, and I wasn't pleasuring myself the way Steve was. Because Steve was starting to chub up, I couldn't tell how big he was soft, and had no idea how big he would get hard, but I couldn't wait to find out! It did look like a perfect dick though.

Steve continued to gently rub up and down his dick, as he had been doing with this chest. He was softly moaning, his eyes closed. He was so hot! What I wouldn't have given at that moment to just crawl up between his legs and taste that cock, allow it to grow in my mouth! Steve was softly playing with his balls, tweaking a nipple, and tugging on his cock. After a few minutes of this, he stopped and looked at me again. "I don't think this is working", he said. "Want to put on some porn or something, would that help?" I replied. "No. I don't have any. Any chance you would consider taking off your shirt? Might make me feel less self conscious about laying here like this." "Um... I guess not." So, I rather sheepishly took my shirt off. I figured it was the least I could do for the show he was putting on for me, or his girlfriend. But, I liked my way better!

After a few minutes, Steve still wasn't getting very hard. Something that wasn't lost on me as I was watching him through the viewfinder of the camera. After a few minutes of his soft moaning with his eyes closed, he locked eyes on me. I was trying to ignore it, as I was looking through the camera anyway, but after a few minutes, it was getting uncomfortable. So, I finally made eye contact with him. He was burning a hole through me! And I was imagining laying naked on top of him feeling the heat rising and flowing between us! After what seemed like hours of our eyes locked on each other (I'm sure it was only a minute or two), he finally said,"I hate to ask, but any chance you might be able to give me a hand with this?" "Ex-Ex-Ex-Excuse me?" I stuttered. "I think I could use a fluffer to move this along, I don't suppose you could help me with that?" I was DYING inside. This was like a dream coming true! Although, I was skeptical, and wondered if there were a bunch of his jock friends who were waiting to beat me up or something.

"I'm not sure I could...." "I understand, I just thought it would help me get in a better mood. Speed up the process here," Steve responded. This just had to be a setup. I weighed my options. Continue to watch the show or at the very least, get to touch and maybe taste the cock of one of the hottest jocks on campus before his friends jumped out of the closet and beat me up! And who knew if I would ever get another chance like this one!

So, I opted for the chance to touch that perfect dick attached to one of the most perfect specimens of mansex I had ever seen in person! "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"Well, maybe stroke it a little, or if you are willing, maybe blow me a little?"

I left the camera running, I figured, who would ever believe this, and besides that, I could keep this part of the tape for my fantasies! I casually walked over to the edge of the bed, which wasn't easy with my dick straining at the denim of my jeans! "Looks like we should switch places! I think you are about to bust those jeans up with that monster," Steve said as I got closer to the bed. "You can't be very comfortable, why don't you at least take off your pants."

In the interests of comfort, I obliged. Here I was, standing in front of perhaps the sexiest man on campus, in just my tighty whities, with my hardon straining through the fabric! I sat down on the edge of the bed. I caressed Steve's thigh from the knee, to his scrotum, and up the length of the shaft. Steve was already starting to get harder!

I stroked a couple of times on the shaft. The skin was so hot and so soft. I could smell the muskiness of his crotch even from a few feet away. It was intoxicating and all I could think of was how I would love to get a closer look and smell! Steve had his eyes closed mostly, but every once in awhile, he would look at me, like he did before I took off my shirt or my pants. Almost looking through me, but it was a look of desire that I had never experienced before.

I guess at this point I should point out that I was a virgin! I had many fantasies about having sex with another man, had even seen a little bit of porn, but I was a virgin! Not to say I didn't know a thing or two about my own body. I was a masturbator from as soon as my cock got hard! I remember humping my mattress the first few times I had a hardon, before I could even cum. Oh how good it felt. The first time I came, I didn't know what to do, or what it meant! I thought I had done something so taboo and so bad, I didn't know what to do! But, I learned quickly, and began masturbating at every opportunity I had! So, I knew a little of what I liked, and what felt good to me, although I had never done or recieved oral, so I was only guessing at how good that would be!

So, needless to say, although I was terrified of what was about to happen, I had to know what Steve tasted like. He looked longingly at me, his eyes almost pleading with me to give him oral. As I said, although I thought I was about to be tricked by his friends, I figured at least I would get to feel his cock in my mouth! So, I leaned over, buried my nose at the base of his cock, took a deep wiff, and slowly licked and nibbled up his cock until I was at the head! Steve still wasn't completely hard, but he was darn close! But I hadn't come this far to turn back now! So, I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, and when I started to feel the precum leaking out and onto my tongue, I stuck my tongue in that slit and dug out all that I could!

After a little while of this, I began to go down on Steve's dick. It was hard, and smooth, and hot, and still growing! I slowly worked my way down the length of it! My guess was it had to have been about 8 inches, and as I said, it was still going! It was hard to get my mouth around it as I went, but I continued to work on it. When it hit the back of my throat, I gagged a little, and knew this was as far as I could go for now. I stayed there, with as much of his cock impaling my mouth as I could, and then slowly worked my way back up the length, using one of my hands to stroke the rest of his cock that I wasn't able to service with my mouth!

My head was spinning, and I was in heaven! I kept thinking to myself, I must be dreaming! I was still sitting on the bed, and Steve began at this point to play with my cock through my underwear. When he first touched me, I just about jumped off the bed! It's a good thing I was at the top of his dick, because I think I would have bitten down hard from the surprise of Steve touching me like that! With one hand, he was playing with my dick, and the other, he was working on my chest, one nipple at a time!

My back was killing me from sitting on the edge of the bed as I was, but luckily, Steve started to pull me up onto the bed. Once we were sort of in a 69 position, he started to pull my underwear down! My cock felt so good to be free of it's confines! I looked down at it briefly, and I knew how aroused I was. My dick gets bigger and thicker the more turned on I am! So, for the first time, I was sucking a cock, and naked with another man! And then I felt the most wonderful feeling ever!

It was warm, wet, and wonderful! Steve was blowing me! I could hardly believe it! I figured he was just trying to keep me going a little to keep me sucking his cock! But when he put my dick in his mouth, I didn't know what all of this was about! But I was going to enjoy it as long as it lasted!

This went on for a few minutes. Steve was very hard by now, but I wasn't about to mention this in case he wanted me to stop. The only sound in the room was of the two of us slurping each others cocks and the silent whir of the camera. All of a sudden, steve stopped working on my cock. I thought the fun we were having was about to stop. Boy way I wrong!

All of a sudden, I I felt something warm and wet at my asshole. It was a very strange sensation, but it was very hot! I was beginning to enjoy it, when I realized what Steve was doing. I looked down and sure enough, his head was between my legs, my dick was resting on his chest, and he was licking and tonguing my ass! And it felt SO good!

I was enjoying this so much I wasn't paying Steve's cock too much attention, it was in my mouth, and I was swirling my tongue around it, but mostly I was moaning and enjoying the tongue in my ass. After maybe 5 or ten minutes of this, Steve stopped. I thought for sure he was going to hit me or something and my fantasy would be over!

The silence was broken by Steve. "Can I fuck you?"

This caught me totally off guard! Now, as I said, I was gay. But I was a virgin. And while I had fantasized many times about a guy fucking me, this was the real deal. I was a little experienced, as I used to like to fuck myself with a green banana! I know, people always laugh when I tell them that, but it was curved just right, I could put the whole thin but the stem in, and still be able to get it out! But while I had played around back there, and enjoyed it greatly, actually letting someone do that to me that I wasn't in a relationship with seemed cheap and tawdry! But, at the same time, when would I get a chance with a basketball jock like this again...

So sheepishly I said,"YES!"

Steve reached into a drawer and pulled out a condom and lube. I was beginning to wonder if he was just prepared for his girlfriend or if he had planned this whole thing out in the first place!

I also was beginning to wonder if I should switch off the camera! I was very afraid that the tape might fall into unfriendly hands, or that Steve might take the tape from me and I would never be able to watch it again myself! But, I was too caught up in the moment to think too clearly, and decided I would leave the camera running. So, not only was I losing my virginity, but I was also filming the whole thing!

Steve was putting the condom on, and I was watching quietly and nervously. I didn't know what to do with myself. He handed me the bottle of lube, and I instictively rubbed some in my ass, knowing that Steve's monster cock was going to probably hurt worse than those bananas I had used!

He asked me,"How do you want it?" I had no idea. I had read somewhere that is can be easier doggie style, so I suggested that to begin with. I put my head on the pillow, my ass in the air, and Steve took his place behind me.

He fingered my ass a bit, then placed his cock head at the entrance. I knew from experience that I needed to push out a little to help ease things along. Steve was able to get the tip of his cock in me with out too much pain. I was surprised, but as soon as he started to push further into me, that's when the pain started. I was trying to relax, and push out a bit, but I was still in pain. Once he had all of his cock in me, he asked if I was alright.

"I'm fine, just go slow."

With that, he slowly began to pull out, and then push in. He was very tender! I would have expected someone in his postition to just use me like a bitch and not care about my feelings! But Steve wasn't like that at all! He went slow, and kept asking if I was OK. Which, of course I was! After a few minutes of this tender lovemaking, I asked Steve to go faster, and he readily obliged.

He picked up the pace slowly at first, but soon he was fucking me with wild abandon! I was in heaven! After a getting used to this, I asked him if we could switch positions! He said sure. So I got on my back, lifted my legs in the air, and put my ass up for his use. He crawled between my legs, and began fucking me again. It was even better than before. He was able to get so deep, and I could wrap my legs around him, and look into his eyes. He was again staring at me with wild sex eyes. It was so hot. I was enjoying my view of him in my ass and his face!

What happened next startled me even more than anything to this point. Steve leaned into me, and looking into my eyes, kisses me on the lips! It was soft and unexpected, and SO hot! Then I felt his mouth open, and he started to tongue kiss me! I could die at this moment the happiest man in the universe! The best part, his eyes were open, he was watching me for my reaction. It was too much for me, once he started kissing me, I started to cum! I shot a load like I had never shot one before! The first three shots his us in the face, or more appropriately on the chin since Steve was on top of me! The next couple just shot on my chest.

I was afraid Steve was going to freak out, but instead, he positioned himself above me, still fucking my ass, and began to fill the condom. It was so hot. I was twisting Steve's nipples, and hearing him moan! It was SO hot! After Steve was done cumming, he collapsed on top of me and kissed me again! It was such a passion filled kiss I never wanted it to end!

We layed there for a few minutes. My cum sticking us together in a not too sexy way, but I wasn't complaining! Finally, Steve's dick popped out of me, and he proceeded to roll off of me and to my side. He left one leg on me and one arm draped over, and softly kissed my ear and neck. I could have stayed like this forever!

Finally, he broke the silence by saying,"Well, I guess we'll need to finish this up next time. It'll take awhile before I'm ready for another round."

I took this as my cue to leave. I asked if I could have a towel to clean up a little. Got dressed, and starting packing up my gear. I was feeling kinda low, a little embarrassed, and slightly used, when Steve said,"So, can we finish this up tomorrow? Same time?"

I wasn't sure how to feel, but I hoped it might lead to more fun for me in the process. Before I took the last of the gear out to my car, Steve grabbed me, he was still naked, and gave me a big hug and a nice sweet kiss! Again, I was slightly confused. But, hopefully next time I will get a better idea of what he is expecting...

To be continued...

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