Coach Bru - Gay Male Athletics

By tjcoach

Published on Aug 11, 2024



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I'd had my eye on assistant coach Bruce...Coach Bru the guys call him...sorta the good cop to head Coach Myers' bad cop. The nastier Coach M got at practice, the quicker Coach Bru was with an `attaboy' for you when you got it right. Most of the guys knew he'd gotten divorced over the summer from that nasty bitch wife of his, but if he was down about that, it never showed on the field, as he was always his pleasant, positive, pat-on-the-back kinda guy...especially for us receivers who were his main responsibility. Still, it might have explained why he was always the first one in the locker room every morning, and the last one to leave the film room every night.

It wasn't easy being the rookie tight end on the team, but Coach Bru took me under his wing...made me feel like I belonged in the starting lineup and always lifted my spirits after a long, tough practice. To be honest, that wasn't all he lifted. I knew I was attracted to guys somewhat...ok...a hella lot...but I was a straight arrow in high school. I even dated a popular cheerleader til she dumped me right before senior prom for my former best friend Brett...just because he was a QB and the big man on campus. But I'd seen him in the locker room and figured she was missing my thick eight inch baby maker after she'd gotten a taste of his admittedly handsome, but average size pecker. Don't get me wrong...I'd be the first to throw wood watching him in our frequent shower circle jerks, and the guys gave me a hard time about it, but they nicknamed me "Jake the snake" and were more than a little envious of the loads I'd unleash. I even creamed Brett once after he stole my girl...payback of sorts. He laughed it off and got me back soon after, not realizing how many times I would jack off remembering how HOT I thought it was when he smacked my ass with his limp dick after he'd creamed me.

Anyway, it was a couple weeks into summer workouts when I noticed Coach Bru eyeing my package a few times during "crunchtime" when he'd hold my feet flat on the floor and give my abs a little pat when I was done.

"Attaboy, rookie," he'd smile as he extended a hand to help me up off the mat before patting my ass and telling me to "hit the showers." I'm pretty sure he was the only coach who knew my name was Jake, but mostly it was just "hey, rookie" or "way to go, 88."

He'd hang out in the locker room til we were all showered and dressed too...talking game with each guy as we sauntered in and out of the showers and took our time drying off and getting dressed...telling us what studs we were turning into what a great season we were going to have. Seemed to me that I got special attention from him...maybe just my imagination running wild...but the shoulder rubs he gave me while I sat on the bench in just my jock, or the way he'd yank my towel off and remind me that "men don't wear towel skirts" (hell, I did it just to get his attention, not because I was bashful or anything) all made me wonder...if maybe...

So I decided get to practice early, and sure enough, Coach Bru was there in the locker room in those damn hot butt-hugging shorts of his. He greeted me with a bear hug...told me he was impressed with my work ethic, and if there was anything he could do to help he out, "just ask, champ." So I asked...if maybe I could go over films with him, you get a better feel for our game plan, and our opponents. Well that seemed to impress the hell out of him and he enthusiastically agreed. We spent an hour after practice each day, reviewing films...sitting side by side in the dark media room...his leg brushing up against mine, and me trying my HARDEST to focus on what he was telling me and showing me...and not the warmth of his thigh next to mine...or the way his hairy calf would rub along mine when he got excited about a particular play...or how damned jumpy my cock was...looking to bust outta my precum soaked jock.

I don't know how I made it to Friday. Coach M was riding us hard, and swore up and down we were the saddest sack-of-shit players he'd ever had the displeasure of coaching. He threw his clipboard halfway across the field when Coach Bru reminded him that we only had a half day of practice since it was a holiday weekend and most of the guys were heading home for the break. I thought he would bust a vessel in his head when he dismissed us to the locker room saying we were "a bunch of pansy ass babies going home to hug our mommies."

Coach Bru told us not to worry about it though, and to rest up and enjoy the break since we were coming back to double sessions. I washed up and tossed the wet towel over my shoulder as I left the showers. Coach Bru was waiting there as usual and gave me an "attaboy" as he smacked my bare ass. "That's how a player wears a towel," he grinned. I sat naked on the towel as I fished around for some underwear and found just another clean jockstrap in my gym bag. I slipped it around my ankles and was just about to stand up when I felt his big paws on my shoulders...kneading them roughly. felt so good; I barely stifled the moan that caught in my throat.

"You got plans for the weekend, champ?" he asked as he continued to massage me. I let my head roll down and across my chest as his hands worked up the side of my neck.

"Nah, coach. It's an eight hour drive home, and I'd really rather rest up and work out the kinks before we get back at it next week. You wanna go over that last game film, sir? Or you have plans, yourself? I replied. His hands drifted down from my shoulders to my biceps, giving them a little squeeze as I raised my forearms to show them off for him.

"Getting big, champ. Gonna have a great rookie season...I just know it! Hell, I got nothing to get home to, so meet me in the media room after you're dressed and we'll finish up, awright?" He tousled my damp hair and went on his way. I sat there on the bench for a minute with my wet towel covering my semihard dick, before quickly tugging my jock and a pair of gym shorts on. I was just slipping on my tank top when another tight end, Clarence...a big, lean black dude walked up to me...still dripping wet from the shower...holding his towel low in front of his cock, so just a glimpse of his curly black bush was visible.

"How's the extra time with Coach Bru going, rookie?" he asked me. "You gettin anywhere with that?" he smiled...rubbing the towel up and down slightly over his cock. It was difficult not to stare straight ahead at the impressive bulge behind that towel, but I made a point of looking up at his infectious grin and smiled back broadly.

"I'm learning a thing or two, bro...hope to give you a run for your money or at least line up alongside ya this year." I warned him.

"Hah...yeah man...good luck with that. I mean it. And you do whatever Coach Bru tells ya. He's a pro at breaking in rookies. You follow me? Made a man outta me," he added...winking. I nodded in agreement, unsure exactly what he meant by it, but grateful he was still smiling after my boast. I was even more grateful for the view of his hot as fuck muscular ass when he turned and sauntered back to his locker...still holding the towel in front of him...his big black cock swaying between his equally muscular thighs as he walked away.

"Geezus H Chrrriiiist!" I muttered to myself. "Just when you think a guy can't possibly get any hornier!" Most of the guys had bolted pretty quickly, anxious to get on the road to wherever home was...leaving me, Clarence and a few other guys as the last to gather up our stuff. I wished the stragglers a good weekend and headed off to meet Coach Bru.

"You too, rookie...don't do anything I wouldn't do," Clarence shouted after me...still grinning as I walked out and gave him a lame thumbs up...thinking of what I'd like to do with him in my dreams. Coach Bru was already running through some film in the darkened media room, sitting in the back row like always, and patted the seat next to him when I entered. We ran thru the remaining film in about 40 minutes and I stretched out my six foot, five inch frame to give my sore muscles some relief. Coach noticed and asked if I was alright.

"Nothing a good soak in the hot tub wouldn't take care of, coach," I replied lazily. "Unfortunately, the one at my apartment complex is under repair, so the regular ol apartment tub will have to do." I stood up and watched him as he typed a few more notes on his laptop and shuffled through his papers. Even in the old team hoodie, he looked handsome as hell...his scruffy, chiseled features lit up by the soft light of the screen. He snapped the screen closed and stuffed everything in his duffel bag, then stood up next to me His compact, muscular five foot ten inch frame brought him up to just shy of my chin...but he was an imposing figure nonetheless.

"Well that won't do now, will it, Jake?" he suggested, coming back to our conversation. "I've got a helluva nice pool and hot tub back at the house...the ex didn't want the upkeep, so it's one of the few things I got in the divorce...for a price, of course. Why don't us bachelors head back to my place to soak these tired bones and grab a bite to eat?" he offered. Before I could respond, he had his big paw on my shoulder and was ushering me out the door.

I tossed my bike in the back of his pickup and we headed to his place with me stealing glances at his hairy arms and legs while trying my best not to throw wood right there in the truck with him. After a quick stop at his favorite joint, we arrived home with a couple of Philly steak sandwiches.

"Nice place you got here, coach," I offered, as he led me through the kitchen, out back to the lanai and fired up the hot tub. It was a sweet setup with a hot tub spilling over into the pool, surrounded by lush landscaping. I watched as coach tugged his hoodie up over his head, his t-shirt riding up his furry belly as he did. "Gotta be cool," I reminded myself...feeling my dick surge in the tight confines of my jock. He walked behind the built in bar/grill area and pulled a couple cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer from a small fridge. "Wow!" I exclaimed in mock surprise, "breaking out the good stuff, eh coach?"

"Been drinking this shit since I was 16, sport...just like my ol man. You rather have a glass of milk?" he teased back.

"I'd rather have a glass of warm piss," I shot back a little too quickly...regretting my temerity almost instantly, and hoping I hadn't gone too far.

"That can be arranged, sport," he replied with a grin, cracking open his beer and taking a healthy swig. "ahhhhh...taste more like cold piss, actually, Jake...cheers!" He clinked his can to mine and took another drink. I cracked mine open and held my nose in mock terror as I chugged half the can.

"I hear it tastes better if you drink it faster," I joked, downing the rest and crunching the can on the countertop.

"Maybe after three or four, champ" he grinned, handing me another can. We broke out the sandwiches and I started wolfing mine down...hungrier than I'd realized before I started eating it. Maybe it's my near constant state of horniness, but there's something sexy to me about watching a guy eat a juicy steak sandwich...nothing ladylike about biting into it...juice running down his chin...wiping it off with a finger and licking it for good rolling around in his mouth while he carries on a conversation...chasing down each bite with a swallow of beer. I mean, fuck...I'm getting a boner just watching the guy eat for chrissake!

Coach wadded up his sandwich wrap, grabbed his beer and headed towards the hot tub, stripping his t-shirt off as he went and tossing it onto a nearby lounge chair...then bent over to test the water with his hand...stretching those gaddamn shorts of his to the limit before declaring it hot enough. Then he proceeded to peel the shorts right off, giving me an eye popping view of his jockstrapped ass. He turned to look back over his shoulder, giving me a knowing wink, before peeling the jock off too and putting one foot up on the ledge...flexing his strong thigh and glutes in the process...and climbing down into the hot tub.

"C'mon in, sport...the water's fine," he sighed, leaning back and watching my slack-jawed expression with amusement. There was no way I could hide my, I figured, "what the fuck," and tugged off my tank top as I walked over toward him. I slowly slid down my baggy gym shorts, hoping my cock would settle down a bit. But like an excited pup, it just bounded in my jockstrap, anxious to be let out to play. Coach let out a low whistle as I slipped the strap down my thighs and my semi sprung up. I tossed my jock on the ground, on top of his, and that visual danced in my brain as I stepped up on the ledge and climbed in, standing directly in front of Coach Bru...shivering as the warm, bubbly water lapped at my nuts.

"How did you know, coach?" I grinned sheepishly.

"Well, for starters, Jake...this," he growled...wrapping his fingers around my rock hard cock and pulling me in close between his legs. "You aren't exactly good at hiding it, champ." He gave my dick another tug, pulled me down between his outstretched thighs, and wrapped his strong arms around my back in a tight bear hug. "And you're not the first rookie, I've coached, so I've sorta gotten pretty good at reading the signs," he added, pulling my head down alongside his, and tousling my hair in an affectionate, protective way that made me feel safe and comfortable in his arms.

He kissed my cheek, and placed a hand on each side of my face, turning me toward his...smiling as he looked me straight in the eye. "And don't think for a goddamn second that this is going to make it any easier for you on the team, sport," he warned me. "I'm very discreet...and you sure as hell better be too, Jake, if you want to survive in football at this level...or the next...capish?" I nodded silently. "Attaboy," he winked as he pulled my face to his, and for the first time in my life, I kissed another guy...and it felt...right.

I was a rookie at this too...tentative, gentle, and tight lipped. But not him. His hand slipped around my neck and held me tight...his lips pressed hard against mine...mashing mine...his thick tongue prying its way into my mouth hungrily...probing and swirling around mine...drawing me out, til we were grunting and swapping spit like porn stars. His hands slid down my back and gripped my muscled jock ass...pulling me into him...grinding my hard dick against his. Fuck, I knew I was gonna cum any second...tried to warn him...but all I could do was moan and grunt into his mouth as my dick ground into his hip and spewed thick ropes of cum against his belly. He knew it instantly...pulled my ass tighter as I humped into him, grunting as he fed me his tongue and sucked my labored moans into his mouth.

"FUCK!" he exclaimed as we broke our kiss. "I guess you were really pent up there, eh buddy? Oh well, it's not the first time this tub's floated a load of jock cum," he laughed. "And now that we took the edge off you, we can take our time with the rest of your training." He pulled me in for another aggressive round of spit-swapping, tongue-dueling kissing, as he stroked my back with his strong hands. My cock sprung back to life (not that it had really died down much) when coach started pawing my ass...pulling my ass cheeks open and letting the warm bubbly water lap at my sensitive pucker.

"mmmm...shit that feels good, coach," I purred into his ear. He'd slid down under me a little...gnawing on my tit and rubbing his fingertip roughly up and down my hairy trench, paying special attention to my jock hole as he worked a fingertip in and out. "awwww...fuck yeah, coach," I groaned appreciatively...pushing my horny ass back on his finger til he was knuckle deep in my hole. "FUCK ME," I growled uncontrollably. "Please, coach...please fuck me!"

He stood up, pulling me up with him into another tight hand behind my neck, mashing my lips to his...the other hand kneading my asscheek and pulling me in, dick to dick with him.

"You ever been rimmed before, sport?" he gasped as we parted lips.

"No sir...never done anything with a dude before this." I replied.

" honest to god damn fuckin rookie!" he beamed excitedly, spinning me around and pressing his big paw into my back. I bent over, bracing my hands on the ledge of the hot tub and jutting my ass back at him as he knelt behind me. "Gaa damn, what a meaty fuckin ass!" he sputtered, spreading my cheeks wide and admiring my cherry pink rosebud. He kissed each asscheek before sliding his scruffy cheeks into my buns and curling his tongue in circles around my sensitive pucker.

"OOOOOHHH....FUUUUUCK!" I yelped as his tongue lapped at my hole and his teeth nipped playfully at my ass. I groaned like a fuckin teenage gurl when he jabbed his tongue deeper into me...tongue fucking my pussy with quick short jabs before pulling back and spitting on it...working his fingertip in and out...then plunging it deep into my ass and holding it there as I writhed and pushed my big ol jock butt back against his thick finger and clamped down hard as he slowly pulled it out. I looked back over my shoulder at him licking two fingers now...then smiled and groaned with pleasure when he worked them both slowly in and out of my tight ass.

" were built for fucking, you horny sonofabitch! You're lucky I precum like a mutherfucker, sport," he growled as he stood behind me and spit once again onto my quivering hole. I groaned as he pressed the slick mushroom head of his cock into me and held it there for a moment...before stretching me open as he slowly sank deeper into me. He leaned over my back and pulled my face to his, feeding me his tongue again, and sucking the breath from me as he bottomed out in my ass. I closed my eyes and nearly passed out when he started slowly fucking me...all the way out...and all the way back in again...jabbing that sweet spot as he picked up speed...fucking me harder and deeper til my nuts crawled up into my groin, and my ass clamped down on his thick cock spurting another thick load of cum into the swirling hot water...without ever being touched. And still, he kept fucking me...and I kept grinding back against him...wanting it more and more.

"Turn around, sport!" coach panted breathlessly. I turned and reached back behind me to grab hold of the hot tub ledge. Coach lifted my ass up to the surface of the water and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his ass...felt his dick finding its way back into my now gaping hole, and sinking into me...happy to be filled up again. He leaned down over me, and kissed me hungrily again as he slowly started fucking my hungry ass. My arms burned, struggling to hold me up as he pulled my ass up out of the water and began fucking me harder...and deeper. My still hard cock slapped my belly, oozing precum as he slammed his hips into me. When I couldn't hold myself up any longer, I lunged forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. We sank into the tub, clutching and kissing and fucking...felt so good...surrounded by hot bubbling water as I bounced gently on his thick, hard cock...hitting that spot deep in my ass.

"awwww, fuck, coach...gonna...unnnhhh...cum...uh-uh-uh-gain," I grunted. My dick was pressed between us, lubing our bellies with my third creamy load.

"Right behind ya, champ," coach groaned with a final deep thrust deep into my guts...filling me with his splooge. I gripped my ass muscles tight, milking him for all he was worth, before he softened and slipped out...leaving us rocking softly in the water...kissing. He slid me off his thighs and we stood up, still making out like teenagers for a few minutes before he suggested we hop in the pool to cool off. It was bracingly cold so we only stayed in a minute or two before climbing out and drying off.

"I guess I don't have to ask how your first time was, huh Jake?" he said as we headed back to the bar for another beer. "Three fuckin loads your first time in the game!" he snickered incredulously.

"Fuck yeah, coach," I grinned. "And ready to go again when you are, man...can't get enough of that big dick now that I've had a taste."

"Geezus, champ! I'm gonna have to call in the reserves." He grabbed his shorts and fished out his cellphone, grinning as he made the call. "Clarence? It's coach. I got a rookie in training here that could use a little of your game? Attaboy...yeah, he's a natural...and fuckin insatiable, so hurry!"

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