Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 5, 2023


Hey all. I hope you're all enjoying the story of billy and I. When I was re-reading the chapters, I realized that there are things you readers might be curious about, but haven't asked. So, I'm gonna go over some of them before I get to the REALLY good stuff.

You've all read the "pundits" about gay sex life. What is it that one of them said "it goes without saying that the partner with the larger organ takes the active position," or some shit like that. I'm sure you read similar stuff. I have an answer to that. HUH? I mean, REALLY? REALLY REALLY REALLY? You know, our Creator was not unkind to me in that department, but if I told you the number of guys who have bottomed for me who had "larger organs" (and I'm not talking musical instruments), well... Yes. It would include billy. I never thought about his endowment when I decided to go after him: his arms and his ass were just too tempting. But having him in bed, and seeing that "organ" or "member" or whatever you wanna call it just hanging there... No, I never had any thoughts about flipping (I think he would faint if I did), or of sucking him off (well, ok, I did have those thoughts and I DID do it a couple of times, but... you'll hear about that. To spoil the story, he liked it but his total reaction was "is there a man alive who doesn't like his cock sucked. I like it fine. I like sucking it more." ). It came up because, well, one of "The Tribe" became a bit of a problem.

One night, after dinner, I was sitting there with billy. I was, in fact, in the mood for a little oral action, and I was just about to get him on his knees, when he said to me: "Boss, I think I gotta show you a note that one of your buds left for me. It was in my gym mailbox." It was from Phil. You know: Phil from the first brunch? Well, sometimes I think of Phil as the puppy who fell on his head when he was born: absolutely adorable, totally sweet, and clueless. He wrote billy thus: "Hey Coach Burke. I know you're dating Leo, but I also know what he likes. I noticed that you've got a nice bulge in your jock, and if you ever want a little variety in your life, gimme a call. Phil" I started to laugh. "Well, what do you think?" I thought billy was gonna laugh. I was wrong. "I think I want you to tell him to keep off your lawn, Boss." OH, did THAT get me hard. "Are you saying that there's no interest on your part, billy boy?" "Well, DUH Boss." He put his hand on my crotch. "I am perfectly happy with this here and I am NOT interested in big girl Phyllis." I started to laugh some more. "Big girl Phyllis? Where did you hear that?" "DANG. All the coaches call him that. There isn't a one of us he hasn't invited to fuck him." "Well, HAS anyone?" Now billy started laughing. "I mean, there are other gay coaches there, Boss, but no one is really interested. He's a little too, well, forward. " "Yup. That's Phil." "I mean, not everyone wants to be taken the way I do, but a little more class is usually what they want. " He sighed. "Why do people think we're available just because of what we do?" "Well, most of you are," I said. He shook his head. "Yeah, that's true. " Then he looked at me. "HOLD ON. ARE YOU TELLING ME I'M NOT YOUR FIRST IN THAT DEPARTMENT?"

Now I smiled. "Every heard of 'don't ask don't tell?" "Ever hear of 'oh sorry Boss, my teeth just slipped during that blowjob?" "Ever hear of three hours of tickling on Saturday afternoon, stud?" He sighed. "DAMN. Now I'm gonna be wondering who the hell it was." "THEY were," I smiled. "Now, about that blow job. Get on your knees. It'll help me sleep." "Yes Boss" he said, and then... billy was now trained in getting my zipper opened without my help, and with my cock sticking out and ready, he got to work. DAMN that blow job was good. Which leads me to my second point: of course, billy had said: I conquered him, I was in charge, and he did what "the BOSS" said. And that was fine on one level. But on another level, I began to realize something: billy didn't just like the sex we were having: he liked ME. (I promise, I'm not gonna go Sally Field on you, but if you top, you know the situation where your bottom is in love with your cock, but won't remember your name the next day. ) Yeah, I know, we tops are like that too, but still: this was a new thing for me. billy didn't have to give me that note, he didn't have to say what he did. And there were other things he'd do that just made me think: it was becoming more than the sex. I would have to figure out what to do.

So, ok, now let's get to why you're here: the HARNESS. The time I wore mine billy's cock was about as stiff as I ever saw it. I didn't wear it EVERY time we had sex after that, but I knew he liked it, and I tried to wear it to spice things up. I'd see his eyes get really, REALLY big, and it usually took FAR less time to get him to start begging for cock. The reaction to the one I got him was... less than as enthusiastic. billy came home one day, and of course, as he always did, stripped down almost immediately to the smallest pair of clean shorts he could find. When he came into the living room, sniffing to try to figure out what I was making for dinner, he saw the harness on the sofa. "Boss, that doesn't look like the one you wear. Did you get a new one?" "It's not and yes. It's for you." I saw the look on his face. "For me? You want me to wear that thing?" "Damn right I do. And you're gonna." "I'm.. " I knew he was about to say "not gonna wear it," but he saw me turn off the stove, and fold my arms. "Try it on," I said, in the most commanding voice I could muster. He respected that voice . It turned him on . I heard the "Yes boss" come out of him as he sighed and picked it up. "I'm gonna need help getting this on Boss. Feels like I just picked up my mom's corset." He wasn't wrong, as you'll know if you've worn them. I was more than glad to oblige: I had a chance to get my hands on my coach, and fit him into something leather? Let's just say I took my time. Now of course, I was jealous: it fit him like a porn star. On one level, I hated him, but on another level: "he's mine" I thought. I took him to the mirror to show him how good he looked. "Hmmmm. This ain't bad." he said. My mouth covered his ear as I whispered "It's fucking hot." Then I bumped up against his butt. "It's MORE than fucking hot. I LOVE fucking leather men. Get on the bed. This time, face up." "Yes boss, can you let go of my wrists?" That's when I realized I was holding him that way. I hadn't thought about tying him down, but... leather man, muscles, harness, horny.... Dinner was late that night. He got put on the bed, and since he was dressed but exposed, after I tied him down, I got to work doing something he hated, and loved: I started sliding my 5 o'clock shadow over his torso. It tickled, but it also got him aroused. I saw the bulge in his crotch grow. When I had passed my scruff over every single corner of his body, I began kissing him. And I learned something. Remember when I told you that his nipples weren't sensitive? Well, I hadn't tried licking them. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK" came out of his mouth. "Boss, you found it." I stopped. I don't think he knew what he had just given me a chance to do, but billy's crafty . Maybe he did. "You mean you held out on me with your sensitive spots." billy laughed. "Hey, a guy has to have SOME secrets. " "NOT if he's as ticklish as you are." Tied down and aroused, he was in trouble as my fingers found his ribs. "OH SHIT OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NO MORE SECRETS. NO MORE SECRETS. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " I was NOT having any of it. He was paying for not telling me that. I tickled the shit out of him for about fifteen minutes. He tried the "Please Boss, I gotta pee " trick and it didn't work. I just went right ahead. And when he didn't pee: I went right for the pits. "OH YOU BASTARD. YOU FUCKING BASTARD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." He got ten more minutes of pit tickle. Then I stopped. I ran my finger over his lips. "Who's ass is gonna get fucked?" "Mine Boss." "And you want it fucked don't you?" "Yes Boss" "By whom" "By my Boss man. You " I got those shorts off and I smiled. "Next time, billy, I'm gonna get your feet too." "There's not gonna be a next time Boss. I promise. " I know I keep saying it, but guys, you GOTTA get yourself a gymnast bottom. I stretched his legs apart and there was NO problem. They just kept on going, and it made getting inside of him so freakin easy. "OH YEAH BOOTY BOSS. OH YEAH. MY BOOTY BELONGS TO YOU. TAKE IT. TAKE WHAT'S YOURS. MAKE ME KNOW. MAKE ME PAY FOR LYIN TO YA. FUCK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" DAMN is sex with billy great. When I was done, and I had shot a BIG load into him. I saw his eyes take on their "puppy dog" look. "You want something billy. I know it." "Yes Boss. My balls are hurting. I need relief. " "Well, I shouldn't because I found out about your fib, but ok. You wanna do it yourself, or you want me to?" "You Boss. Nice and slow. Please. Let me know you're not just booty boss. You're pinga boss." The torment of my little muscle boy continued. I didn't know I could do it for that long, but I edged him for nearly an hour. I have never been so glad I remembered to turn down the stove: not my billy stove, my kitchen stove. When he had screamed in pleasure and shot all over himself, I got more puppy dog eyes. "Kiss me Boss. Please?" Well that wasn't a problem. And when he whispered "thank you for protecting me." I didn't know what I had done besides promise to talk to Phil, but hey: I'd take it.

Now, you've probably noticed that coach used "Boss" a lot, and that was ok. I preferred SIR. I had told him that, and he stuck with Sir. I let it pass, until one day, I saw: He called me Boss , saw my face crinkle a bit, and he smiled "The bitch is baiting me," I thought. "He knows what that means. Or he should by now. Maybe time to revisit the first time, up in the cabin. " I had almost completely given up jerking off by that time: any time I needed release, there was billy: I could deposit in his mouth, or his ass, and the pig took it all. He never said no. I thought that a PERFECT time to get things in order in our house, was after he came back from church that Sunday. I've talked about billy's wardrobe. Well selected, and small. It bothered me that it was so small, so when he wasn't around, I got all his sizes, and then I went off to one of those stores that specializes in athletic ware. The sales clerk, who's biceps were bigger than his IQ, gave me a look. "I don't think we have anything in your size Sir. We cater to fit men." If you're a veteran of bar culture, you know the type. I hope you know how to cut them down. He got cut down. "Oh, I'm not buying for myself young man. My lover has a birthday coming up (he didn't), and he needs new clothes. Here. Let me show you his photo. ( Even though it was a headless photo, billy would have been pissed, but he didn't have to know, and he never did.). I saw Mr. Jumbotron's jaw drop. "GOD. His symmetry is... it's off the charts." He looked at me and I could tell: he was thinking "he's YOUR boyfriend?" Then, Mr Brainiac asked "What's his name?", as if he were my new BFF. "Don't worry," I smiled. "He hates monographing so.. just let's see what I can find for about a grand. " Brainiac's adam's apple bobbed as he gulped. "You said a thou, right? You're looking to spend a thousand bucks?" I gave him the girly eyes. "Yeah, I'm really into him." His look said what everyone thought "Yeah right. More like HE's in YOU. Every night." We went through the store and I came out with a shitload of new clothes for my boy, including my favorite item: a dark blue button down shirt, that he could easily wear to church. Turned out to be his favorite too. billy wasn't used to getting gifts, and when he did, he was always surprised. "You bought this for ME?" This time when I brought the clothes home and he said that, I answered "Well, I sure as shit won't fit into em". He grinned. "More time at the gym and less mac and cheese boss, and you could." "Well, one of us should wear them. Try em on. Fashion show. I almost couldn't get him out of that blue shirt. He LOVED it. He was wearing it to church the day I said to him "billy boy, when you get back, I wanna talk to you about something." "Sure Boss, what's up, can I ask?" "Well, two things. One... we gotta look at schedules because, billy boy, it's time you and I started going out together, and number two: this Boss shit. I hate it. He smiled. "Ok Boss. Right after I get home. ha ha ha." He ran out the door before I could get out of bed and get him. I'm sure he knew though.... he was in for it.

I had gotten him four new neckties at Jumbotron's shop, so I had no problem using the one billy was wearing to tie his wrists. It was part of the surprise: he came home didn't see the bondage gear on the bed, and thought I had forgotten. BOY was he mistaken. It was a cliche' but... I was in the closet, behind him. I grabbed him from behind and wrestled him to the bed. "Listen up billy boy. I am TIRED of being called Boss. I'm Sir from now on." "Yes Boss," he answered, laughing. He laughed harder when I dug into his ribs again. He tried to squirm out. This time he had anticipated what I was going to do: at least part of it. Getting out from under me wasn't happening though. Pinned down under me. "What's my name?" "Boss man. booty boss. Pinga boss." "One more try billy bitch. What's my name?" "BOSS. billy's boss." "HOOKIE DOKIE ," I had his shirt opened, and I flipped him over and roped his wrists with his necktie. Then I got his shoes off and slipped off his pants. I could see: he was already hard. I used another one of his old neckties to bind his ankles and then: hogtied. Just like the cabin "Remember this billy?" I asked as I began running a brush over his left sole. "Yes Boss. The cabin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. The cabin where I became your boy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "That's right, and boy is gonna get PUNISHED today. Understand that?" "Yes Boss. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA. " Now I was doing each foot with a different brush. And I was just getting started. I put down the brushes, and moved up to where his face was. "Remember these little guys?" I showed him the vibrators I had used on the back of his knees. "You're gonna use them again? They'll be dead in an hour." "You're right. That's why it's a good thing I have six. And.... this great big gag. Open up." "No Boss. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." he reacted to the attack on his pits. Now his mouth was an easy target. "So, yes, we'll wait until the first set is done, then we'll replace them, and then we'll replace the again. Maybe by then...." I attached the first set, and walked off to the living room. GOD his struggling sounded sexy I wanted to maybe fuck him every hour, but... I'd wait. I had something else in mind to remind him who was in charge: who was SIR. At the end of the hour, as the vibrators died, I saw him trying to tell me something. It wasn't happening. "Time for round two sexy boy." This time, I gently scratched the back of his knees with my fingers before I attached the second set. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmphahammmmmmpppha" Then I left. I buried my nose in this thick novel I was reading. As the second hour ended, billy was absolutely drenched in sweat. He had the blue shirt on, and it was soaked. I think he came in his jock: maybe more than once. I REALLY didn't want to use the third set of vibrators. "You have something to say, billy?" He shook his head meekly. "Ok. I'm gonna take off the gag and listen, but billy, just so you know... I have a fourth set of these... " I took off the gag. What I heard was music to my ears. "Thank you Sir. Thank you. I wanted to tell you Sir, you're right. Sir is better. You're in charge. You want Sir, it's sir. End of discussion. But a question.." "Ok, I can take a question" I stood there looking as fearsome as I could (and failing at it miserably). "Will you fuck your boy Sir? Please. I'm so... I'm so turned on. " Now, my plan was to deny him cock and to instead jerk all over his chest. But DAMN . That ASS. "I think.... that could be arranged " I undid the hogtie, but I kept his wrists tied. I was ready to spit into his ass for lube, but he had "perspired" so much, lube wasn't an issue. As I took him he murmured. "OH YES SIR. THANK YOU SIR. PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME DEEP." And I did. I was wrong about him having cum already, because in the middle of me fucking him, he arched his back and shot out a load. I grabbed most of it. "Tastes nearly as good as you billy. Have some." I put it in front of his mouth. He knew he had no choice. Then I untied him and rolled him over. "You up for a Sunday afternoon nap billy boy?" "With you Sir? Yes sir." I got naked and got his shirt off. It would go to the wash the next day (and it came back even tighter. YUM). He pushed into me. "Hold me tight Sir. Let me know... I'm yours." He was out like a light. So was I. And three hours later, eating a late lunch/early dinner, billy and I began planning our first visit to a leather bar as a couple


Next: Chapter 11

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