Coach Burke

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 5, 2023


OH WHAT AN ASS THAT MAN HAS! And this was my first time with it! How many times did I take him that weekend? It was at least five. I have a normal sex drive but... DAMN, his skin, his smell, the way he moaned., the way he struggled when I tied him up or played with him.. I was in a constant state of arousal, which meant, well... My purpose behind tying him the way I had was more to get him to understand: he wasn't in charge. I was. He was beginning to get that when I tied him up. When I looked at him and said "I'm gonna release the pig tie, but your wrists and ankles are gonna stay tied. You're gonna have to manage that for sleep. There are no other options, bill" "Fucking let me go. PLEASE!!!" he begged. I laughed, and took one of his earlobes between my fingers and rubbed it. "Not for the weekend. That's for sure. MAYBE if you learn to behave and learn your place, you'll get to go back to work next week. For now though... better get used to either following orders, or suffering. For example..." Tied the way he was, coach wasn't going anywhere. I could see the resignation come over him. He twitched, and he squirmed, but if I know how to do one thing, I know how to tie a good knot. I've been called "Rigger" for years, and with good reason. I could see the grimacing: he was putting he full strength behind trying to break the wrist restraints. And not succeeding. I could see him tiring, but... because I can be a mean bastard, I pulled out a vibrator - not a big one, just an average sized one (four inches? five inches?). I showed it to him. "Know what your lady friends use when you're not around, stud? They use this. Ever wonder why?" I saw him lick his lips and his eyes get wider. "You're about to find out." I rolled him face down and put the vibrator on it's lowest setting. Then I ran it very slowly, back and forth along each of his ass cheeks: right where the met before that beautiful dark rose was waiting for me. And it wouldn't wait long: I was getting hard again. "OH GOD PLEASE. PLEASE STOP THAT... " His sounds were turning into whimpers. I bent down and whispered in his ear. "Just wanted you to feel it and to know.... if you don't behave, it can go IN you, not around you, and then... " I laughed. "Won't it be funny when you shoot from something going up your ass?" "You win Sir. You win. I'll calm down." From the way he turned away, I could tell how hard that "Sir" had been to say, but he said it. I didn't even ask for it! "Try to get some sleep. Eventually, I'll let you sleep untied. Not this weekend." I trundled him into the bed with me, wrapped an arm around him and I started drifting off. I might have heard him sniffling or weeping a little. I didn't care. Coach Burke snored. It was kind of funny. I had had boyfriends, and subs, who had snored. Problem is, gagging them when they sleep isn't recommended. It's dangerous. So I just laughed when the snoring woke me up. I saw my beautiful man of color bound, and sleeping. His sweat had almost completely dried, but I was wondering.. hmmmm. How good must his salt taste. I found that out the next morning. I should have guessed that a physical fitness guy like coach burke was an early riser, and he was. I think that he hadn't realized completely what had happened to him the night before, because he began to buck, wildly. Of course, inexperienced as he was, he didn't realize that every time he bucked backwards, he bumped into my cock, and just got it more and more stimulated. "Easy there billy boy." I covered his mouth with one hand, and I grabbed his cock with my other one. I pressed on his balls. "You're not gonna be needing this for much in the future." Then I squeezed hard. "BUT I BET YOU WANNA KEEP IT." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he tried to scream through my hand. No luck. I hold a real tight hand gag. And I just kept up the pressure. "You're gonna roll over on your back, like a good boy, and then... heh heh. You'll see. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he began squirming again. He remembered how I had taken his ass the night before and he had surmised that I was gonna take it again. The squirming was just getting me hotter. Finally, I pressed a thumb right at the spot where his cock met his balls. THAT calmed him down good. He stopped squirming and I whispered "Roll on your back." When he did, I released the hand gag. He moaned. "Why are you doing this to me?" I smiled as I untied his wrists, and spread them to the restraints at the corner of the bed. "Because this is where you belong, billy burke. You belong underneath another man: one who appreciates just how FINE a specimen you are, and is willing to take the time to train YOU - but not in the way you've trained other people." "Please, please.. you fucked me last night. I remember." "I did. And I'm gonna fuck you again this morning. " I saw him getting ready to scream, and I covered his mouth. "It's gonna be easy, or hard, but I AM gonna fuck you. You wanna be gagged? " He looked at me and shook his head no. "Then no more screaming, ok? " He shook his head yes. "EXCELLENT." I moved my hand away and he looked like he was tensing up for my dick. But I wasn't doing that quite yet. "MMMM. I love the taste and smell, of a real man.. " He resisted a little, but again, a hand to his balls got him to move his head to the side and my tongue moved in. I was right: he tasted... DELICIOUS. Salty. Manly. I began to think how good his mouth was gonna taste when I started frenching him, but one thing at a time. As my tongue moved along his shoulder, and then his neck and up to his ear, I heard moans of pleasure. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH. I think we found a hotspot for coach burke, did we billy?" His answer gave me a little bit of a surprise. It was a moan followed by a soft "yes sir." I couldn't think of anything to do other than start nibbling that sweet neck. My beard comes in fast, and I had no plans for shaving that morning, especially when I heard what that scruff was doing to my sweet bottom. While I was working on his neck, I moved a hand down to his nipples. I got SOME reaction, but not as much as I might have wanted, BUT... then I moved my hand over to his armpit. "NO. NO PLEASE. NOT THAT. NO. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHA." "AH. So coach burke is a tickle bitch. " I dug in deeper. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. PLEASE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. PLEASE SIR. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT IF YOU STOP." I paused, but didn't move my hands. "Anything?" "YES SIR. ANYTHING. " "Okay, billy. You're gonna answer a question and then you're gonna do something for me. First: am I the first man in your ass?" The question clearly made him uncomfortable, and he didn't answer. I began to gently scratch at his pits again. "OK OK. NO. NO. I'll answer. You're not. You're the third. Just the third. " "Hmmm. I thought there were others. Your ass reacted like it knew what to expect. We'll have to explore that more. Now coach, show me some of that leg strength, and get your legs in the air. " He sighed. This is what he knew was coming. OH WAS IT SWEET. The first time was rough and a conqueror's fuck. This time, though, it was a victory fuck. And I took my sweet time. I moved in at a good pace, and I slid around, made him FEEL that someone was topping him. I paid attention to his moans, so I knew when I found a particularly sensitive spot. I have a good memory and I would use that. Meanwhile, I was paying attention to what I liked too. I like just letting my cock sit in a bottom's ass. Looking at his face, seeing how he reacts. Coach billy's big smile wasn't apparent, but his mouth opened, shut, his head twisted to the left and to the right. It was GORGEOUS. HE was GORGEOUS. I slid my hands up his torso, and he moaned "fuck yeah," as he closed his eyes. "So he likes touch. Good to know. " I slid down on top of him and went for his neck again. "OH GOD. OH...." It took all of my will not to mark him. That would come later. For now though... I just started speeding up my thrusts. I wanted to fill that hot chocolate man bitch as fast as I could because.. I only had my parents' cabin for the weekend, and we had to get up there. I began thinking about what I had planned for him when we got there. THAT brought me off. I filled his sweet ass for the second time in twelve hours. It was even better than the first time. When I was done, I looked at his body. "You're hard billy. You need relief?" I saw him almost in pain from the question. He didnt' want to admit he had enjoyed what I did to him. When he didn't answer, I just ran a finger down his balls. "YES. YES I DO. I WANT TO. I NEED TO. PLEASE. LET ME CUM. LET ME CUM." "No trouble from you, coach? Got it?" "YES SIR YES SIR. I GOT IT." I kept an eye on him as I untied his wrists. I told him "I wanna hear everything you're thinking as you take care of yourself. If I don't... you can forget about relief. "I understand Sir. I understand.." He closed his eyes, and covered his cock with his left hand. "A southpaw. Hmmm." I stuck that in my head. He stroked a few times and then he began speaking. "OH YEAH. My neck. GOD THAT FELT GOOD. OH.. Cock. Just like.. Just like Professor Simms. But bigger. OH GOD. SO MUCH BIGGER. Bigger than... bigger than Calvin. DAMN. OH DAMN. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT.... FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK" Clearly I had tapped into SOMETHING because the manly Coach burke shot a load that was probably bigger than mine (Granted, he hadn't cum the night before, but it was still huge." "Ha ha. Sort of like one of your cardio workouts, huh coach? " That's when he looked at me. "WAIT. You're in one of my classes. You're...." "That's right, coach. I'm Doug. Douglas now. Douglas Fitts. And as of now, I'm your topman." He laughed. "I don't know abou that." That's when I dug my fingers into his ribs. "OK. OK. YOU'RE RIGHT. YOU'RE MY TOPMAN. " Your topman says: we're gonna do a few things now. First, I'm gonna get cleaned up. Don't try to escape. The door locks from the inside, and you don't know where the key is. Then you're getting cleaned up. Then, we're stopping by your place to get a few changes of clothes. Finally, we're heading north for the weekend." I snickered. "Country air will do you good." He didn't seem happy with any of this, but I didn't care. When I was in the shower, I heard him: he DID try to open the door. No luck. "Ok. He needs to be broken. EXCELLENT" I thought. When I came out, I sent him in. And while he was cleaning up, I texted "the pack." "Coach Burke is no longer a free man. I got him. More to follow." It didn't take long. I had three texts back along the line of "HOLY FUCK. I WANT PICTURES OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN," and they'd get them. And more. For now, though, that beautiful muscled slab was standing in my apartment, drying off. "You tried to get out, didn't you, billy?" He hesitated. "Yes sir, I did. " "Well, we'll have to decide what to do about that when we get to our destination. " He dressed in the clothes he was wearing the night I took him. All he had were those, and some smelly gym clothes from teaching (Believe me, we used them that weekend, but that's coming up). He looked SO FUCKING HOT . My apartment building was kind of crappy, so there wasn't a doorman. I didn't have to worry about that. I just wanted to make sure that none of my neighbors saw US, in case... So we took the stairs. I made him walk in front of me. It was NOT my intent to watch his ass, but the way it moved. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it, and I kept on thinking "It's MINE . It's MINE." I decided I wasn't sharing it. There was no one in the stairwell and my car wasn't too far from the building. "If you misbehave, I'll tie you up and put you in the backseat. If you keep misbehaving, you'll go in the trunk. Understand?" "Yes sir, I do. " "Your address Sir," I laughed, and we took off. It didn't take long for me to pick a few things for him to wear that weekend. My trunk was actually filled with "toys" that I used when I visited my folks' cabin. I couldn't keep them there, because, well, while they knew that their son, the high level university administrator, was gay, they didn't know about the "inclinations" as I had heard one person call them. We would use most of them that weekend. Coach Burk hadn't seen them. He didn't know. He did after that weekend, as he found out how much his life had changed.


Next: Chapter 3

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