Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Apr 3, 2001


Hi there you all,

Well you had to wait for a long time for this to continue, but I had a hard time figuring out which way the story had to develop. I have made an outline for the next chapters so I hope it will speed up now.

I know my english is not good and can be improved so I am looking for an editor for my stories. So if you are interesting please let me know.

Offcause are all reaction very welcome, ideas and all, so if you want to contact me: e-mail: or by ICQ: 36967366.

I would like to make special thanks for the writer of Brian and me, I read his story during the last week or so and started to get a few new ideas where to go with the story. Thank you for you're writing and I am sorry you ended the story last week.

Ok, if you don't like these kind of stories well stop now, don't go on. Otherwise enjoy.

Chapter 11 of Coaches assistant

On Thursday morning I woke up after a very short moment of sleep. It couldn't been more that two or three hours. On one side I was quite happy about what had happened but on the other hand I just could not believe what had happened. I quickly got out of the bed and walked towards the shower for a quicky.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was quite happy about what I saw. I knew I had to go to mikes that afternoon so I packed all the stuff I needed. I got my gymnastic suit and the bottle in which I had saved my cum. I knew I had not enough but I tried and did my best so I just had to convince Mike of that.

But this morning nothing could end the good feeling I had. My spirit was up 200% after what had happened between Francis and me. Only in my dreams I imagined that something like that would happen and even then some part in me new that it could not be for real.

I walked out of the bathroom back to my room to get dressed. I walked downstairs just in seven heaven and saw that David and my farther where already at the breakfast table.

`Goodmorning, All well with you? I missed you last night?' .

'I was out with my friends Nick and was back late but what is that to you'

'O, just taking in interest in what you do David nothing more'

' Well you never asked me that before, and what is that smile doing on your face. You are never in such a good mood when you are just out of bed'

`Well, sorry if you have a problem with it. But I just looking forward to today'

'Well, Nick that is no problem. Has it anything to do with the meet we have on Saturday Son'

'No dad I am just in a good mood this morning, just feeling ok'

'Ok that is fine by me, see you tonight after your practice round at Mike's'

With that, Dad left the kitchen and also David got of and walked away. I just sat their finishing my breakfast and thinking about school and seeing Francis again.

It was very strange but when I arrived at school I felt that there was something wrong. On the normal place were Francis and his friends were standing was an empty spot where normal Francis was. I started to look around to see if he was somewhere else but I just could not spot him. Well I thought I could better go to class straight away he would be there in a moment anyway

And when the next class started there was still no Francis around. I was not sure what had happened with him. I just would go to the secretary office to see if he was called in sick.

The rest of the Thursday went by without anything special. At the end of the day when I was ready to go to Mike's house I walked over to the secretary office and found out that Francis indeed called in sick with a small flew. I just hopped he would be better by Saturday for the meet. I also hoped that our kiss was not the reason for this all.

I arrived at mikes house almost 10 minutes later than normal so I knew already that I would be punished for it so I decided to play it cool.

At the top of the stairs there were no special cloths lying around so I decided to walk downstairs with my clothes I was wearing.

`So there you are Nick. You know you are almost 10 minutes late?

`'Yea I know Mark, I am sorry but I had to check to see what was wrong with Francis

`'Ah was that the reason and what is wrong with him

`'Well I am not sure but he is called in Sick so I hope nothing serious is wrong with him because otherwise I have to fall in form him on Saturday'

"Well you better hope is better otherwise I have to think of something else to punish you"

`Now let us see how many sperm you collected over the past time"

I handed him the container with the sperm. I knew it was all green/white and smelly. Mark opened the container and looked into it.

`This looks like it is hardly enough Nick. I don't have to weight it. I can see it already that this is not enough? Do you agree that with me'

`Yes Mark, I think you are right. I have done my best but I start to cum more and more with less liquid'

"I know I have to punish you for this but I think I will leave this for after Saturday, this gives me time to think of something special"

He put the lit back on the container and gave it back to me `Just go on with collecting you're sperm. I t may come in handy later on. Ok because my Mom will be home early today I am not going to give you any assignment this evening but I still want to give you some pointers on how you can stay in your singlet next Saturday as long as possible'

`The first thing to do is when you change make sure you have to change your shoes or bandages after you have pulled down or even got ride of you're trousers. You can put on bandages on your knees, elbow and wrist'

` The second thing to do is when you change make sure that you have to look for the next thing you have to get on for as long as possible'"

` Is that clear for you Nick''

`I guess so Mark, but I hope nobody will notice it and say something of it'

` Well that is your problem to solve Nick. Now we get some work done and than get out of here'

We worked for an hour or so, with little thing said during the exercise. I knew I was getting stronger after every session because I more and more could keep up with the pass of Mark.

When I got home I looked for my farther agenda to find the telephone number of Francis. I knew that calling him with the excuse to find out if he would be fit enough to be on the team on Saturday.

` Hi Francis, this is Nick. How are you I missed you at school today. They said you were ill'

Yea I didn't feel to good Nick, but it is getting better already'

`So you are going to be fit enough to start on Saturday'

`"h you are afraid you have to perform on Saturday'

Yea Partly Francis and I also wanted to know what was going on''

` Well I am going to be there on Saturday. I will stay home tomorrow though but you can tell your farther that I will be there on Saturday'

`"k I will Francis, goodnight now'

`Goodnight Nick'

Well Francis had his answer ready very quick. I still didn't feel good; He didn't sound sick so I just didn't know what to think of it. It just seemed as if Francis didn't wanted to see or speak with me after what had happened last Friday. Was he going to be afraid that I would tell anybody?

I went to sleep after I had masturbated again. The Friday went by without many problems I didn't see much of Mark and Francis were still sick. I had told my dad at the beginning of practice that he would be there for the game on Saturday. Mark and I did our routine again and I knew for sure that I was improving a lot. The evening went by without anything special happened. I had a good sleep rest and the next morning I had to be early at the gym to make sure that everything was ready for the game of that day. I was still the coach's assistant.

Mark was there also very early and he came straight to me.

`I have something for you.' he said. I want you to put this around the base of your dick'

I knew what it was and what it would do. He wanted me to get a hard one and that it would stay.'

`Ok Mark, I will do so but I am not sure if I will get a hardon'

`Oh Yes you will, you better make sure you will get one some time during the game'

` Please mark don't make me do this'

`Begging is not going to help you so get on with our work.'

He turned around and walked away.

Before we went out on into the hall my farther had our normal team speech.

` Ok today is something special guys. Our quest coach who we applied for is going to be in the hall today. I had a telephone call from the international federation that he would meet us after the game. They didn't want to tell me who it is because he wants to see us perform, as we would do normal. SO get on and do your best'

I went outside and when I entered the hall. I started to look around to see how much audience was in the hall. It was already filled with more than ¾ quarters. I saw a lot of girls and some guys of our class and a lot of parents. I walked towards the first apparatus our group had to start on the horse. I was already wearing my shorts so I didn't have to chance yet that was going to have to wait for the turn to the second round. If you look good you could see my stiff dick outline through my shorts but it was not too obvious now. If I had to put on my long trousers it would be, because they were a lot tighter then my shorts.

We started to warm up for the first round. I hadn't see Francis yet; he was late and would start in the second group, at least 20 minutes later than we. So he was only just on time when the coach started with his peptalk and we had to leave right away afterwards. I tried to look at his face to see if there was anything going on but he made sure that he would look the otherside.

The first round went very well for out team but I also noticed that we were getting close to the end of the first round. There were still three gymnast to go so I new I started to chance otherwise Mark would not be happy with me. I looked around to see if any one was noticing and I decide to start. I put down my shorts and while I stood bent I check to see what the outline in the singlet was. It didn't look good it was hard and tight, but I knew I had to go through with this. I stood right up trying to be as normal as possible. I grabbed my bag and sat down slowly on the chair. I started to bind my wrist with bandages very slowly. I made sure that it came of the first and second time but when the last gymnast started his exercise I made sure that the bandages were OK. Then I stood up again looked around and grabbed my bag and started to look for my pants. All the time making sure that my front side was there for all to see. I also felt a little embarrassed and turning red. When the last gymnast finished his exercise and was rated I made sure to put on my long trousers slowly. When I had them on I just looked very carefully to check how the sight was. When I looked up I saw that Mark was looking and smiling very happy.

When I walked to the second apparatus the rings I saw a few special looks going to my groins but I just tried to act as normal. When Mark waked past me he gave me a special look and sad slowly ` Ok just go on with it, start one gymnast earlier to change and you do ok. Make sure when we are at the bars, the last apparatus to stay as long as possible in your singlet. Also turn around over there as many times as possible.'

With that he slowly walked further on to make sure to make sure that nobody would notice that he had special attention to me. I did as ordered during the rest of the game I already was noticed by most of the other team players and also some of my own team looked a bit trouble by it.

When we came to the last apparatus I special looked around at the audience to see why I had to walk and turn around here longer than anywhere else. But then I saw them, the doctor and his assistant were sitting down there on the first row. When they saw me they started to smile at me. I didn't know what they wanted but I felt how my face turned very red. I quickly looked in an other direction still checking the audience to make sure that there was nobody else I knew on this side of the audience. But it seemed that most of them were on the other side so I was going to be lucky.

Just before I turned my face to my chair I thought I saw somebody familiar a face that I had seen before. I turned my head back to have a better look and yea there he was, not some one I knew but the face was known. Was he going to be our quest coach I could hardly believe that this was going to be through? My hero, I didn't miss one competition of him during the last years. But it just couldn't be because he was no American. I felt how my dick started to itch and got a little harder for as far as that was still possible. I turned around and sat down on my chair, still lost in my thoughts. When I came back to my self again I saw that only a few gymnast had to do their exercise. I looked around and saw that Mark was looking my way and with a face as if he would like to say, come on start with it.

I quickly stood up and started to get ride of my long trousers knowing that I was very hard at that moment. I just started to look around and when I had put them aside on my chair. Mark called my name and I had to look to see what he wanted he knot with his head in the direction of the doctors. I turned around a little bit and looked at them. The assistant had a very small camera in his hand and was making pictures. I knew already then that they were of me. My smile disappeared of my face. Again I looked down the audience a little further to see if my hero wasn't looking at me but he seemed to be very focussed on the exercise that was performed.

I stayed for almost another 5 minutes in my singlet getting a lot of looks from some of the guys but I just would let go of it.

The last gymnast finished the exercise and we started to walk back to the lockers I looked to see were Francis and his group where but he needed still to perform one more round so he would not be in for another 20 minutes or so. I also looked again at the audience to see of he was still there but he left his place and I just couldn't see him any where else at the moment.

When we entered the lockers Mark just sat down beside me and while the others were all in they're thought he complimented me with my achievement. He was satisfied now hopefully the doctors where too.

`You better get changed Nick'

`Ok Mark I will, but .'

`No buts Nick, go on and one more thing. My parents will not be home tomorrow afternoon so I aspect you to come around. Make sure you are there at 1 o'clock.'

` Ok I will Mark, now get changed and shower before any one else is in there'

I quickly looked around the others where still talking and I was sure to go in the shower as quickly as I could. I had to get ride of the cockring. I was almost finished before the others came in. I quickly finished up and walked back to the lockers. The other half of the team was not yet returned so I just got on my clothes quickly and walked towards the office of the coach. I wanted to check if I could find out of the guy I saw in the audience was really our quest coach of next week. But I didn't find anything on the desk of my farther and I knew that everything else was locked. I just walked back to the room and waited for the others to finish up.

While the others were all talking I just wondered if I saw it correct and that was going to be our guest coach I started to glow a little and for sure to smile when images of him performing and changing started to form in my head. I came back to the real world when my farther walked in and looked at me.

` You are ok Son, you looked quite of while you didn't have to perform. Or was you worried that something would happen with Francis and that you still had to go on'

` No Dad I am ok but I just am tired of looking at the others and hoping that they would perform well'

`That last thing happened today Nick, because we finished first today with a big lead for the number two. I don't believe we had performed any better this season'

I knew this was a chance so I asked. `'So our quest coach was happy with our performance?'

`Yea he was, and no I am not going to tell who he is'. He added after he saw the question mark on my face.

I started to look around to see where Francis was. He was sitting down at the Fareast otherside of the room like he tried to stay as far from me as possible. Maybe I was imagining things but I was not sure.

When every one was back from the shower the coach started to give a little feet back on the competition as he usual did. He congratulated us with the performance and that we if we could continue with this level we would qualify for the nationals.

`Well this is all for now I see you on the training again on Monday. Nick and Francis will help with putting everything back and cleaning everything up. SO have a nice weekend and see you on Monday'

I quickly looked at Francis and saw that he looked my direction and was not happy with this all, but when I thought of it was his turn to help me, the coaches' assistant.

When we walked back into the hall, every one had left I tried to start to talk with Francis but he didn't answer any question I asked him. I started to become mad at him. Just before we were finished I sat down on the ground instead of picking up the apparatus and looked at Francis.

`Listen Francis I am not sure if I did anything wrong but are you mad with me. You didn't answer one of my questions properly'

He turned red and started to look around. ` No I am not mad Nick but I just don't have anything to say to you at this moment'

` Are you sure Francis, I thought that what happened last time made you mad at me while it was you who started there'

` I don't want to talk about it Nick, just leave it. Come on let us get this thing out of the way and leave'

` SO why don't you talk normal with me then Francis'

` Stop with this Nick, I am not in the mood' With that he turned around and walked away. Clearly not happy with something.

Next: Chapter 12

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