Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Mar 3, 2002


Well this is kind of an important chapter so far. You might think it will stop after this but there is more to come with Nick and Francis. If you have any idea's on what would need to be happening with the story let me know. I have some great idea's myself and I got some from a few readers but I am on a part of the story where I can fit in new idea's easily within the next 2 or 3 chapters. So don't be shy and let me know what you want to happen to Francis, Nick, Mike, James, Alexei, Dave and Kathy. (e-mail:, ICQ 36967366)

Ok enjoy reading it and let me know if you liked it.

You can also take a look at my website at:

Where we left of in chapter 22

We stayed like that for a few more minutes waiting for our cocks to get a little limp. I turned my head and looked at Francis. We didn't say too much, but just kissed each other. That was all there was. No words needed to tell each other how we felt.

He just smiled then and wanted to get off the bed.

"No, stay" I said slowly, "I want you here this night".

So now go on with Chapter 23

I slowly became aware of the fact that I was waking up. I opened one eyelid and saw that the sun was well into the sky already. I wanted to turn to look at the clock but, there he was, the man of my life. I just looked at him. He was beautiful, just lying there beside me. I was having fun. I could see that he had a big smile on his face. I watched him lying there and I had no intention of waking him up yet.

I watched him for a while. Then I knew I wasn't going to wake him; I just wanted to see him waking up by himself. So I waited a few more minutes and then, suddenly, I saw the rhythm of his breathing change. I looked more careful and saw how he licked his lips with his tongue. Then he started to turn slightly and I saw that his hand went down towards his crotch. I grinned because I know what he wanted to do. I looked back at his face and saw him open first one eye and then the other. He withdrew his hand and stretched them both above his head.

Then I saw that he really was awake. He looked at me and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Just enjoying the view," I said softly.

"Ahhh, how long have you been awake, Nick?"

"Fifteen minutes or so, I guess, Francis."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I love just looking at you, Francis, seeing you wake up was really nice, something that ended a perfect last 12 hours."

"I can think of something else to make it last even longer, Nick"

"I know you can, sweetie, but we have to get up now."

"Oh, we do, do we, Nick?"

"Yes, we do, Francis, so get your butt up."

"Oh, no, Nick, not before I've kissed you good morning."

He pulled me towards him and he started to kiss me full on the mouth. We stayed like that for quite a while.

"Thank you, Nick," Francis said when he at last was able to let my lips go.

"For what, Francis?"

"For the surprise here last night. I had a lovely time."

I blushed a little.

"I'm glad you liked it, Francis. That was just what I wanted. I knew you had some special thing organised for me, too, so I just wanted to make sure we'd have just as much fun when we got back here."

"You liked dinner, Nick?"

"Liked it, Francis? I loved it, just as I love you."

He looked kind of surprised at me, then smiled and kissed me again.

"Not as much as I love you."

"Oh, no, we're not going to play that game, Francis. Let's get out of here and see if there's any breakfast left."

I got into the shower first and let Francis enjoy the bed a little while longer. Then I got dressed and walked down to the kitchen.

When I entered, I saw that David and dad where both sitting there. They looked up at me and I was kind of embarrassed because I knew what they wanted to know. So I sat down and started to have breakfast, not wanting to say anything.

"So how was your date, son?"

Oh, no. If the question had come from David, I could have answered it. But chatting about dates with my dad was something I was not prepared for.

"Fine," I said.

"So, just fine?"

"Yea, just fine."

"So, that is why you stayed in bed until this time and I heard some music late last night?"

I was shocked. I didn't want to look at his face, but I had to. I was afraid he was mad or something, but when I saw him smile, I knew I wasn't in trouble."

"Sorry if we kept you awake, dad. I didn't intend to do that."

"Oh, no, you didn't, as long as you had fun."

"We did."

"Did he like the surprise you got him, Nick?" David asked.

He already knew how the dinner had gone, but not the rest of the story.

"Yes, thanks, David, for making it possible."

I saw a question on my dad's face.

"David lit some candles and put on some music before we came home."

"Ah, that was a nice thing to do, Nick, and where did Francis take you?"

"We went to a small restaurant just outside the city near a pond and we had dinner on a private terrace overlooking the water. It was a little cold, but still very nice and romantic. It was just perfect, the lake, the moon, Francis ...." Suddenly I realised I was still talking out loud and I stopped in embarrassment.

"Oh, that sounds really nice," my father said, not wanting me to feel embarrassed.

"I think it's great, the way you spend time together, Nick," David said. "Don't worry about what you just said, as long as you enjoyed it."

"Enjoyed what?" said Francis as he entered the kitchen.

Oh, no, I thought. What had he heard? I sounded so corny just before he came in.

"Oh, nothing special, Francis. Nick was just telling us about your date last night and how much you enjoyed yourself," David answered.

"Oh, did he say that?"

"Yes, he did."

I looked at Francis to see a big smile on his face.

"Oh, stop teasing him, Francis," my dad said.

We all finished breakfast and spent the rest of the day quietly, doing not too much at all.

During the rest of the week, we prepared very hard for the last tournament on Saturday and the city championship just after that. I wanted to do well there. Alexei had sent a new training schedule for me and he said he would talk with me about it when he came over on Saturday.

On Sunday evening we had a short telephone call from Mike. He told us that the doctors had accepted the punishment we'd come up with and that they looked forward to giving it to me.

On Monday evening my dad came up to my room and asked if I would come with him to the guest room where Francis was.

I did as he wanted and followed him into the guest room. Francis looked at us curiously as we entered.

"You wanted to talk about something, Nick?"

"No, Francis, it's my dad who wants to do the talking, I think."

"Yes, I do, Francis. I've already told Nick last week that there would be a time when I'd need to talk with your parents. I have to tell them that you are here."

I saw Francis turn pale as he heard those words. I walked towards him and sat down beside him on the bed.

"Do you really have to do that, dad? I don't think they are interested in where he is or if he is all right."

"I know you don't want this to happen, Francis. I talked again to our school principal about it, to see if she knew if I could avoid it. She made it clear that I needed to tell them that he is staying at our place. I could get in trouble if they ever wanted to find him again."

"Does Francis have to be there when you talk to them?" Or are you going to phone them?"

"I'm not sure, Nick. I think I'd rather go to their house than to phone them, but it isn't necessary that Francis be there. I only want him to know that I'm going. I don't want to do anything without his knowledge."

"So are you OK with this, Francis?"

He hadn't said a word, he just looked at my dad.

"Francis," I said softly to him with all the passion and concern I could find. "Are you OK with this?"

"I guess so," he said.

His voice was so soft I could hardly hear him. I pulled him towards him and hugged him.

"It's OK Dad, I'll stay here. When do you want to go visit them?"

"I was thinking about tomorrow night."

"OK, I'll talk with Francis about it, but go ahead and make the arrangements. He can give you a definite answer by tomorrow."

"Yes, that's fine. I'm sorry, Francis, but I really have to do this. I don't want to hurt you."

He only nodded. I looked at my dad to let him know I would make sure that Francis would be fine. He left the room. I looked at Francis again.

He didn't say much, but he just held me even tighter. I wanted to say something, but I knew that being there for him was enough.

I felt him start to cry a little bit, a silent cry, but I felt the teardrops falling on my shoulder.

"You don't have to be scared or frightened, Francis. They can't hurt you," I said, trying to comfort him.

He let go of me and looked at me.

"I know, Nick, but I almost forgot about this. With our date and all the stuff with the doctors, I was almost able to forget about it."

"Don't worry, Francis. We're strong enough together to deal with this together."

He just smiled a little bit and then said, "Do you know what the worse part is? I don't give a shit what they think or do, at least as far as my dad is concerned, but it still hurts when I think back at the way my mother got my bag and threw me out."

"Well, my dad is only going to tell them; it's not as if they'll come and get you."

"I know, but they'll know then where I am. I can't even think about bumping into them. I still look around when I'm outside, to make sure that I don't see them or, even more important, that they don't see me. It's a really strange feeling, you know."

"I understand, but if my dad could somehow avoid this, he would. He just wants to be sure that we don't get into any legal trouble."

"I know, but still ..."

"Well, don't worry about it. Just relax now and you'll have time until tomorrow to think about it."

He smiled at me and then he leaned his face forward and we were caught in a passionate kiss.

We kissed some more and held each other tightly. I knew I had to go back to my own room; it would be better if he slept alone so he could think about what was going to happen.

"I'm going back to my room, Francis. I think it's better that you sleep alone tonight, but if you want to talk, just come around."

"Don't you think I want to be close by you, especially now?"

"I know, but you need to think and you'd better do that alone."

"OK, if you think so."

"Yes, I do. It isn't that I want to leave you, but you need time alone now."

We kissed again and I reluctantly stopped and went back to my own room. I tried to go to sleep, but I just couldn't, knowing that Francis probably wasn't sleeping either.

After an hour or so, I though I'd better check on Francis and see how he was doing. But I decided not to, because if I did, I wouldn't be agreeing with my own logic, that he needed some time alone. I'm not sure how long it took me before I finally fell asleep, but I did.

When I woke up, I saw it was still dark outside. I looked at what time it was. It was still early, around 5 a.m. It was too early to get up, but I didn't feel like sleeping any more. As my eyes got more and more used to the light, I looked around my room. Suddenly I was aware of the fact that there was someone sitting on the chair beside my desk. Francis, I thought, what was he doing here? I looked again and, yes, it was Francis. I shifted my position on the bed, trying not to make any sounds, but still I did. Then I saw Francis open his eyes. "Oh, you're awake! I didn't wake you, did I, Nick?"

"I don't know, Francis but, as I said before, I'd have no problem with it if you did."

He came towards the bed and sat down beside me.

"I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful while you where sleeping."

"How long have you been here?"

He looked at the clock and said, "About an hour, I guess. I woke up and couldn't sleep any more." I saw him shiver a bit.

"You're cold. Come to bed and get warm."

He slowly got in beside me and we lay like that for quite some time.

"You want to talk about it, Francis?"

"No, I just wanted to feel you beside me, to make sure this wasn't just a dream."

"Did you decide what you're going to tell my dad in the morning?"

"Yes, I did, Nick. He can tell them. I have nothing to fear from them and I know where I want to be and that is beside you. So could we just hold each other?"

"OK, that is fine by me."

I was still worried about him, but it felt great to have him by my side, feeling the warmth of his skin and the smell of his body. We fell asleep again because the next time I woke up it was much later.

Somehow, we both got through the next day. I tried to be as calm as I could just for Francis's sake. I could sense that he was nervous enough for the both of us. We organised an extra training session for just the two of us after the others left. My dad agreed with this idea. I told him we needed to do something to keep Francis occupied while he was going to see Francis's parents.

So we worked our butts off and I knew it worked, at least a little bit, to keep Francis's mind off of what was happening elsewhere at that time. We showered and went home. David would prepare dinner tonight, so when we came into the kitchen, there was a smell of a real good lamb stew. I appreciated that David had made that because I knew it was one of Francis's favourites.

Dad didn't seem to be home yet, so that meant that he'd already been away an hour more than we'd expected him to be.

Just a little before dinner was ready and needed to be served, we heard the front door open. I felt the tension in the room increase. I turned to look at Francis. I wanted him to know I was there for him.

"Can I go upstairs to freshen up, David, or is dinner ready?"

"No, dinner is ready, dad, and I don't want to wait much longer, otherwise it will not taste quite so good."

"OK, I can fresh up after dinner. Let's eat."

"Dad," I said, "haven't you forgotten something?"

"No, I haven't, son, but I wanted to wait until after dinner, if that's OK with you and Francis?"

"I don't think I can eat one little bit, sir, so you'd better tell me now."

Dad looked at me and then back to Francis again. "I'm sorry, Francis. There are lots of ways to say this, but they haven't changed their minds."

I'm not sure what I saw on Francis's face at that moment. There was some relief but also maybe some pain, better hidden. Somehow he had hoped that something good might come of all this. I knew it was way too early for that.

"I talked only about ten minutes or so with them and, as soon as they heard why I was there, they didn't want to talk anymore."

Suddenly Francis bolted out of the room. I though I heard him start to cry, but I was not sure. I was prepared for almost any reaction, but the sadness I saw when he rushed away was not the one I expected.

"May I be excused?"

"No, Nick. Stay here and leave him alone for a bit. Eat first and then you can go to him."

"But dad, he needs me."

"No, he didn't leave for no reason. Leave him for a short while. You can finish dinner quickly, I'm sure, and then you can go up."

"So they didn't want to speak with him or know how he was doing, dad?"

"Well, let's just say that their interest was limited."

I looked at him and he quickly turned his gaze towards his plate and continued to eat.

"You're not telling me everything, are you, dad?"

"Am I that obvious?"

"Yes, you are, dad. What really happened?"

"Sorry, Nick, but I don't think it's a good idea for you or Francis to know all the details. I pretty much summed it up with what I just said and that is enough."

"OK. I'll go and see Francis now."

"Yes, I think that's a good idea, son. He needs to feel that he is needed."

I turned around and walked upstairs. I wanted to open the door of his room, but decided to knock instead. I didn't hear an answer, so I knocked again, this time quite hard. Still no answer.

"Francis, it's me. Can I come in?"

I did my best to listen for an answer, but there was none.

"Francis, please, let me come in."

Then the door opened and Francis fell into my arms. He was still crying, heaving with his sobs.

"Come, let's sit down on your bed."

We sat down and stayed there for a long while. Each time I tried to let him go, he just hugged me more. I could feel his pain, pain I could do nothing to cure, pain I knew was his alone and I hated it. We just held each other for quite a long time and he cried and cried even more until suddenly I felt him start to ease up. I tried to let go, but he held me very tightly. Then I felt he had fallen asleep. I looked at the clock and saw I had been in his room for at least an hour and a half. I didn't want to wake him now so I tried with one arm to put his pillow against the back of the bed and slowly I tried to put us in a position so we could lay against it. There was no chance of letting Francis go. I felt he needed me beside him, so I just kept him against me.

While I sat there, holding him, I had time to think of next weekend. I felt the tension inside me grow. I considered almost every scenario possible. I knew I'd have to cope with just about anything before we could bring this to an end. I knew I could handle it, but I wasn't sure if Francis would have the self-control to let it all happen, especially after these two last days.

I had talked about the plan a few times with Mike and David. They both knew their rolls very well. Now all I could do was wait and see how it would turn out. We would set everything up on Friday night before picking Alexei up from the airport. Then we'd fill him in and make sure that he knew what to do if his intervention became necessary. We'd come up with a nice disguise for him to make sure that they wouldn't recognise him.

I heard dad go to the bathroom. It was probably bedtime by now. I was still holding Francis in my arms when there was a knock at the door.

"Come on in," I said softly. I was afraid whoever was at the door wouldn't hear me, but the door opened slightly and my dad's head poked in.

"Is he OK, Nick?" he whispered.

I just give him a little smile to reassure him.

"Do you need anything?"

This time I shook his head to say no.

"Good night, then." He closed the door and again I was alone with Francis and my thoughts.

I wasn't too comfortable at the moment, but I knew it would be all right for now. Just like the night before, I slept holding Francis in my arms. Waking up was not as good though as the night before. The position I fell asleep in wasn't very comfortable, so when I woke up and started to move, I felt every muscle protesting.

Francis was still asleep. He'd arranged himself almost on top of me, still holding me tightly against him. I knew I had a morning hardon and I just hoped he wouldn't notice when he woke up.

I slowly started to shift positions so I could take a look at the clock. I saw it was almost 7 a.m., just about time to get up. When I laid back again, I felt Francis start to wake up. Just like the day before, it was great to feel how his body would awake just before he was aware of the world himself.

"Where am I?" was the first thing he said.

But before I could answer, a smile lit on his face and he continued, "No, don't tell me. I am lying on a hard wooden surface in the garage." I heard the teasing undertone in his voice.

"So that is all the compliment I'm going to hear for having spent a night in this uncomfortable position?"

"I'm sorry, Nick, but it feels really hard."

He must have been more awake at that moment than I was, because I still didn't get what he meant by all this.

"I though I'd been a pretty nice, soft cushion for you."

"Hmm, the cushion part is not bad, quite soft, as you say, but there are some hard parts." He couldn't take it any more and he started to laugh at that moment. I caught on to his joke and started to laugh with him.

"Well, what do you think my reaction would be to you lying on top of me, my and not being able to move myself?"

"Hmm, well, it feels nice." In the meantime, he'd put his hands into my jeans.

"Uh, hmm, you'd better not do that, Francis, or I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself too much longer."

"I think that's just what I want this morning, a good workout for my boyfriend."

I knew he would continue until I started to relax so I just laid my head down and let him work on it. He bent and flexed it a little while he straddled and tugged it through my pants. I didn't need too much manipulation before big spurts of cum were shot in my underwear. It was a good thing that I had underwear on; otherwise my green trousers would have been in a real mess.

I just stayed like that for a short while when I suddenly felt Francis getting off me.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I do need to go to the bathroom and I think you need to clean up after that. I don't think you'll want going to school like that."

"Hmm, maybe I will," I said

He turned around and looked at me, trying to see if I was serious or just making a joke.

"I'll get you back for this," he said when he saw I couldn't control my laughter any longer.

Wednesday went by without anything much happening. We didn't talk about his parents any more. I felt he'd bring the subject up on his own. There was no need for me to push things. He knew that if he wanted to talk, I would be there.

I got more nervous as Friday arrived. When we finished practice, we went back to the lockers. Just behind, there was a small room where, in the old days, the guys could keep their uniforms. It was used for all the different sports that were played and it had a door to all the four locker rooms. But since they started to cut costs, there was no one around any more to make sure the room and the uniforms were kept clean, so we now took all our stuff home.

The room was perfect. Almost no one had a key to it, and it was still pretty much as it had always been, with the benches in the middle, some cupboards at the side to put stuff in, and a washing fountain at the other end.

Because I had keys for the lockers, I also had one for that room. We walked into it to see if it needed to be cleaned or anything, but it was pretty neat. Together with David and Francis, I took the camera in and made sure it was placed at the exact right spot. Francis would be recording it and would be able to aim the camera from one of the four lockers. There was a very tiny window from that side, the side we wouldn't be using. Mike just had to make sure that the doctors would be placed with their faces to the camera, otherwise this plan was not going to work.

We put all the necessary materials in a cupboard. A tape recorder was placed in one of the other cupboards, in such a way that Mike could easily turn it on whenever he got anything. We wanted to make sure that, if the video wasn't right, we would have their voices on tape.

OK, I said, lets just check the doors and then we can get out of here. I made sure that the other doors were locked and we left.

"OK, David and I are going to get Alexei. I think it best if you go home to make sure that my dad isn't worried that we're not home yet."

"OK, Nick. You'll call when you're heading home?"

"Yes, we will. Now, we have to hurry, otherwise we'll be too late at the airport."

We quickly got in the car and rushed off to the airport. Indeed, Alexei was already waiting there. We got his bags and went to a hotel room. We didn't want my dad to know that he was in town, so we'd booked a hotel room for him close to the school.

A little bit later Kathy arrived and we worked on Alexei's disguise. I would have liked to talk with him alone, but I just didn't have a chance. I wanted to ask him about Francis and his parents but ... well ... I would try tomorrow while we were bringing him back to the airport. (If I'd known what was going to happen, I would have taken the opportunity then, but well we can't foresee the future.)

The disguise worked pretty well and Kathy had done a good job. We coloured his hair a little bit and she got a moustache and beard for him to put on. Facial makeup made him look much older than he really was.

We came home around 8 and had a quick dinner before we watched some TV in the living room. We didn't talk about what was about to happen, but we felt the tension level rise. I didn't like what was happening. We talked a lot about what had happened between Francis and me since that first time he found me with the pills in my hand. After our date and the thing with his parents, he just shut down, as if he was too afraid to say or do anything to hurt me. On the other hand, I didn't want to trouble him with my worries and pain because I knew he had enough of his own to deal with. I only hoped that after tomorrow, we could get back to normal again. It was such a strange feeling after the great date we'd had.

So now it was only one more night to the big finale. We'd be out from under the cloud of blackmail at last. I tried to sleep, but that was almost impossible. Somehow I think I slept a little bit, but it wasn't too much.

I woke up, went to the bathroom and went down to prepare breakfast. It was only 7 a.m. and I was correct in thinking that I was the first one down. We didn't have to leave until 9 a.m. so we were in no hurry.

I used the time to prepare a nice breakfast. I knew that both Francis and David could use it before today's events, and my Dad ... well ... he probably wouldn't eat too much because of his nerves. As for me, well, I wasn't hungry at all so I knew how much food to prepare in total.

Francis was the first to come down. He walked towards me and kissed me.

"Today's the big day, Nick. Are you ready for it?"

I looked at him. "Are you?" I asked.

"You didn't sleep too well, did you? You look like you could have used a few more hours."

"You didn't answer my question, Francis." With that I managed to slip out of his grasp.

"No, I'm not sure I'm ready, Nick, but I know we have to get this behind us to move on."

"Why are we doing this, Francis?"

"Doing what, Nick?"

"Avoiding each other, Francis. I need you. I need you to talk with me."

"Wasn't that what I was doing?"

"A little bit, but ... well ... you know what I mean."

"You mean, about my parents?"

"Yes, for example."

"I'm not ready to do so, Nick. Please let me work this out first for myself."

"I have no problem with that, Francis, but please tell me where we stand. During these last few days I've had the sense we've been growing further apart then we ever have been."

"Oh, I didn't know you felt that way, Nick."

"I'm sorry. Maybe I should have said something much earlier instead of leaving this hanging."

"So, did you sleep Nick?"

"No, not at all, Francis. I know in my heart I have to go through with this, but then I just don't know if I can do it. There are so many ifs to consider."

"I think, Nick, that you've thought of everything. Thanks to you, we all know exactly what we need to do, so don't worry too much. It'll all work out alright."

He came to me and we hugged and kissed some more.

"You promise you'll talk more with me, Francis, if something is bothering you?"

"Yes. I will, as long as you'll do the same."

I let out a gasp of relief, knowing that we understood each other again. We hugged and kissed some more and the kisses really meant something again. I guess they were the most passionate ones we'd had since last Saturday evening. It gave me strength to go on with the ordeal we had planned for today.

Dad was down next, followed by David. He looked at me to see if I was all right, but he couldn't say anything as long as dad was around.

We went, the four of us, to the school and we started to change into our gear. I nudged Mike a few times to see if he was ready for it all. I got up and took the bags of Mike, David and Francis to take them into the arena. There were a lot of people already in the stands to cheer us on and some of the visiting team were there as well. I looked around to see if I could find the doctor, but he wasn't on the floor yet. I left the bags and walked back to the lockers for my dad's usual pep talk before the meet would start. As I passed the toilet area just before the lockers, I saw the doctor coming out of the men's room.

"Hi, Nick. How are you?"

He really caught me by surprise. I was nervous, I could feel that, and there he was, pretending as if nothing unusual was going on.

"I'm fine, thank you," I answered, not knowing exactly what else I could say.

"OK, I'll see you later, I guess," he said with a little devilish tone in his voice.

I started to tremble and I stood back against the wall, not able to move an inch. I tried to collect myself before going into the locker room. I was still trembling, but I felt my strength coming back slowly. I walked further along and opened the door of the locker room. I'm not sure if there was still something visible on my face, but the way Francis responded to the way I looked, there had to be evidence of what had just transpired.

"Nick, are you alright?" he asked.

I walked towards him and sat down beside him, knowing that I had to whisper the answer.

"I just ran into the doctor," I said softly.

"Oh, are you OK? Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Yes, we need to, Francis, and you know it. He just caught me by surprise."

Dad started his pep talk and there was not much time to talk any more about what had happened. I saw the concerned looks on both Mike's and David's face when I looked around the team.

We went out into the arena again. I would be doing both rounds on the floor and we had agreed that, in between round 1 and round 2 of the competition, it would take place. As usual, in the first round Francis, Mike and David would be part of the team and the others would be in round 2.

Somehow I felt myself getting more nervous as the moment of truth approached. I could sense by the performance of all three of them that they were not really thinking about their routines. I only hoped that dad wouldn't notice how distracted they were.

Just before the last round started, I at last found Alexei in the stands cheering us on. I'd already wondered where he might be and I was glad I found him. I also saw the Doctor talking with my dad for quite a long time. I had no idea about what, but it did worry me.

At last the guys did there last routine so we could get out of here. I wanted this to be over. I had been worrying about it long enough.

So when we came towards our locker I saw that the doctor was standing outside the visitors' locker room. He smiled at us and then suddenly Mike was standing beside him and said, a little louder than necessary, "It's time for your punishment now, Nick. Come along."

"Now, Sir? But we only have about 15 minutes before I have to go back."

"I know, but you knew you had it coming and this is the time you are going to pay for not listening."

He pushed me into one of the empty locker rooms. I had given him the key to this so he would have access to them. I saw that the doctor was following us.

"Does he have to be part of this, Mike?"

"It's for him that I do this. I thought you knew that by now."

He pushed me into the back room while he said, "Yes, he has to be part of this. His assistant will follow shortly."

I looked at the doctor who had a big smile on his face.

"I said I would see you later, Nick, didn't I?"

I just looked at the floor, trying to play this part of my role as well as I could.

"So, sit down on the bench in the middle, Nick."

I did as I was told and sat down on the bench. "Now, get out of those shorts, but leave your jersey on."

Again I did as I was told and put the shorts on the ground beside me.

"Do we wait for the other one, Doctor, or shall we start?"

"We can start, Mike. We don't have much time to do this."

"Nick, get the materials out of the cupboard and came back to the bench."

After I'd done this, Mike said, "OK, lie down on your back."

I lay down and he started to bind my wrists to the bench. He also wanted to tie my feet down, but the doctor said, "No, I think we'd better leave those free."

This had been one of my worries: there was always a chance that they'd come up with changes to the original arrangement, and we couldn't do anything to plan for alternatives.

"OK, do you want to start first?"

"No, I'll leave the first part up to you. I'll hold his legs in the air."

"Put your legs in the air and show us you ass, Nick."

I did as I was told. I put my legs in the air and the doctor who stood beside the bench took them in his hands, making sure I couldn't drop them. He was positioned nicely; I knew he'd be in the perfect spot.

"So, Nick, this is to make sure you'll do as you're told in the future," Mike said. "I'm not doing this because I like it, but because you need to be punished for disobeying me."

"Yes, and for disobeying me and my friend also," the Doctor added.

"You should have known better than to pull something like you did last Friday. We spent a lot of time and effort in recruiting you two and, if we say something, you'd better obey. You understand, Nick?"

The only thing I understood was that he'd just spoken the words we needed on tape without us even having to trick him into saying them.

The door opened and his assistant walked in. I hated him. He always seemed to have a persistent look of superiority on his face. He was someone who really enjoyed the pain of others.

Before I even knew it, Mike started to hit my ass, not gently but quite hard. He knew he had to play his part in this, too, so he did his best to make sure the doctors wouldn't be aware of our deception.

I could take the first 15 or so, but then the pain became too much and I started to cry. I knew I couldn't make too much noise because there were other people in two out of the four locker rooms. So I needed to be as quiet as I could.

After another ten or so whacks, Mike turned towards the doctor. "Do you want to continue? If so, I'll grab his legs." In the meantime, the assistant had pulled his pants down and was playing with his dick, which had become quite large.

"I think I'm going to feed you something in the meantime, Nick."

Before I could scream from the doctor's attack on my ass, I had a dick in my mouth and I knew better then to bite it.

At a slow pace I got some 25 more whacks on my bum. I was crying but I couldn't scream with the dick which was plunging in and out of my mouth. I almost gagged a few times, but I could keep that under control.

"OK, let's change. I have more that he can swallow."

The doctor and his assistant changed positions. I now had the doctor's much larger dick in my mouth. I felt that the assistant was really doing his best when he slapped my butt for the first time. He'd give it his all and it was already very painful.

He kept on hitting me, and I cried even more. Once I looked at Mike, who appeared sorry, but he had to keep my legs together so he couldn't do anything to help.

"So shall we finish it off now?" Mike said. "We only have a minute or two."

"I know, Mike, but I think Nick needs one more lesson he'll not forget too soon. Just one more before we finish as we agreed."

Oh, no, I thought. There we go, something unexpected! I only hoped that Francis ... oh my god, Francis was looking at this!!! I only hoped that he could keep himself under control. He had to wait until almost the end, we agreed, or until they tried to fuck me. Either of those two scenarios would end the first part of this scene.

"You may lower his legs, Mike, and tie them down to the bench. We want to make sure he can't move while we finish up."

Mike did as he was told. He really had no choice. I only felt that he could have tied me faster but he did leave me some room to move, although it wasn't much.

"OK, Nick, to make sure you'll never disobey us again, we've agreed on five more whacks, but these are not going to be on your ass but on your dick and balls. If you scream we will not count it and give you another one so you'd better keep quiet."

I hadn't even thought about this and there was nothing for me to say or do before I felt the first whack hit my crotch. Fortunately, it ended more on my dick then on my balls, but still my dick exploded in pain and a new flow of tears started right away. The second, third and fourth blows also landed more on my dick than my balls, but they really started to hurt now. I want to protect them with my hands, but I couldn't because they were tied down.

I looked at Mike who did look unhappy. I saw him turn away as the assistant dealt the last blow. This one landed right on my balls and, as it did, I heard the laughs of the assistant and the doctor. I couldn't keep quiet this time. As you can imagine, this was way too much for me. I couldn't take it and I screamed as unbelievable pain drove through my balls and I thought I was going to faint.

I'm not sure what happened next, but when I opened my eyes, I saw through a blur of tears that Mike, the doctor and his assistant were pulling there dicks, just as we planned. One person, Mike, stood near my face and the other two were standing beside my crotch, one on each side.

We had planned something humiliating in the punishment because we knew that was what the doctor would have wanted. So they'd cum on my jersey and Mike in my hair; that was the way I had to go back into the arena and do the second round.

They came fast and hard. I felt splashes of cum landing on my forehead and in my hair. When I looked down I saw the other two directing their cum towards my crotch, which received quite a shower of jizz.

This was about the time that Mike would get me loose and David and Francis would come in.

When Mike wanted to do so the doctor said, "Wait one second, Mike. I have one more thing to do. I think after all that crying, Nick needs something to drink."

With that he came towards my head and said, "You'd better swallow as much of this as you can. You don't want to smell like a piss boy when you go back in there, too."

He started to pee quite strongly. At that moment I heard voices just outside the door and I knew I was to be saved. I looked towards the door and, when it opened, David came in, but he was not alone. I looked at Mike and the doctor who couldn't stop what he was doing without wetting himself. Perfect, I thought, well almost.

"Didn't you lock the doors, Mike?" the doctor asked.

"I seemed to have forgotten that."

Behind David and Francis was a third person. I had heard his voice, but due to my ordeal I didn't know who it was.

"Let me by, David. I know you're trying to hide something in there."

And then it struck me! I could see it on the face of both David and Francis. My dad!!! Oh, no, dad had found me.

"What is going on here?" he said before he realised that it was me that was lying on the bench.

He looked at me and then at Mike who was standing beside my head.

"Untie him, Mike," I heard him saying. He looked at David and Francis and then to the doctors.

"I am not sure what is going on here, but I intend to find out before anyone leaves this room."

Most of this I learned later from Francis because I was totally shocked and embarrassed and I knew he was talking, but I didn't hear a word he said.

"Who has the keys to this room?" he asked.

"I do, sir," Mike said.

"Give them to me. I'll have to make sure the others are going to start round 2 and then I'll be back. No one is to leave before I return."

"Get him loose, Mike," he repeated before he turned away and closed the door behind him.

I felt my wrists and ankles untied and I saw Francis inching towards me.

"Oops," David said. "This didn't go quite as we had planned. What will we do now?" he asked to no one in particular.

" I think that depends on what Nick wants, but I'm not sure if he is going to tell us that soon. Can you help him Francis? The other stuff is in the last cupboard."

"Yes, I know, Mike, thanks." Francis took me in his arms and led me to the back of the room. I wasn't able to say anything.

"So what is going on here, Mike?" the doctor said trying to regain his position. "You'd better make sure that we're left out of anything you or the others say."

"I think that might be a little difficult this time, Doc. Nick's farther has seen you peeing in his son's mouth. I don't think he'll just ignore that, do you?"

"Oh my god, that's right. Nick is the coach's son," the doctor said, realising suddenly the trouble he was in.

He looked up at David and said, "But what are you and Francis doing here?"

"You still don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?"

"I think we'd better explain the situation before my dad comes back, Mike. Do you want to tell them or shall I?"

"No, I'll leave it up to you."

David walked towards the camera on the top of the cupboard and took it down.

"You two are busted. We set this up and everything is on tape."

The doctor sat down on the bench, not knowing what to say after he heard this.

Then finally he looked at Mike and said, "Why, Mike?"

"I think you can figure that out for yourself, you bastard," David said.

"We were fed up with the blackmail, Doc. We just couldn't go on with this. Nick wanted out and I think you made things go too fast into something we both didn't want to do."

"Oh," was his only response.

In the meantime Francis made sure I changed into other clothes and my face was washed. Now he was just holding me. I could feel that, but that was the only thing I felt.

He took me back to the bench and we sat down together, making the doctor stand up.

"Do you have any idea what your dad is going to say or do, David?"

"No, I have no idea and I just hope Nick comes back to reality before he comes back. We need to know what he wants us to say."

He came towards me and sat down on the other side.

"Nick, can you hear me?"

I just nodded.

"What do you want us to say to dad?"

I just shrugged my shoulders to let them know I had no idea.

"Would you mind if we just tell him the truth?"

That got my attention. I looked at him and I looked at Francis.

"I think we need to do that, Nick. I'm not sure how else we can get out of this," Francis said.

I stared right ahead of me. Could I do that? Could I really let dad know everything? I wasn't sure, but could we keep it from him? He'd want convincing answers after what he saw.

I didn't say anything. I wasn't yet able to speak, but I made sure they knew it was fine by me ... well, fine? I had no other choice. This whole trap had backfired on us.

Francis kept holding me and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, Nick. It will all be fine now."

I wasn't so sure about that, but I just stayed beside him, not knowing what happened and why it had all gone so wrong.

I heard the door open and then my father walked in again.

"So now we'll have to take a look at what is going on in here."

He looked around and when he saw me clinging to Francis, he waited for a second, not sure what to say. Then he turned towards David.

"Dad, do we need to keep Nick here? I think we'd better let him go to your office to calm down."

"Hmm, that might be a good idea, at least if the others will tell me what has been going on in here. I want to know it all before anyone leaves."

"We will, dad. We know as much as Nick does, so you can let him go."

He turned to where Nick and Francis were sitting.

"You can go into my office and wait there. If you need anything, just get it. Mike, can you go with him?"

"Sir, I would rather go with him," interjected Francis.

"I know you would, Francis, but I need to talk with you. I had faith in you, son, and now you let something like this happen to Nick. Sorry, but I need you here."

"No, please. Dad. Francis can do more good if he goes. We need Mike here. He knows more about this than we do."

My dad looked at Francis again. "Well, go then, Francis, but I'm not finished with you yet."

I almost hung onto Francis as we walked slowly out of the room, but as we passed David, he said, "Don't worry, Francis. Mike and I will clear this all up for father."

When Francis opened the door, Alexei was standing in front of it.

"Is everything OK? I saw your dad walking in here."

"No, he found us."

"He did what???"

"Who is that with you, Francis?" my dad asked.

"I think I'd better go in there."

"I'm not sure you want to be getting into this all, Alexei."

"Yes, I do. Maybe I shouldn't have let this happen at all."

Alexei stepped into the room and looked around to see who was there.

"And who are you and what do you have to do with all this?"

Alexei started to get his disguise off.

"Alexei, is that you? Why are you wearing that disguise?"

He pointed at the doctor and his assistant and replied, "I just didn't want them to find out who I am. I'd only have interfered if the kids couldn't handle things any more."

"Handle things? I though they were doing a very good job of hurting Nick. I think it's time you explained it all to me, David, before this gets even more confusing. So talk, David."

So David started to explain that we'd devised a trap for the doctors and that, if he hadn't walked in, everything would have gone as planned.

"Why did you want to trap the doctors, David? They didn't do anything to hurt you."

"Oh, yes, they did. Not me, but to Mike and Nick, dad. I think you'd better ask Mike to continue now."

"Mike, can you tell me what's happening here and especially why? Until now I saw only a few guys taking advantage of Nick."

"No, sir. Well, I know it looked like that, but perhaps we could watch something first before we talk any more? I think it will tell you more than I can tell."

"You want to show him the tape, Mike?" David asked.

"Yes, there's nothing better to show him than that."

"OK, I think that might work. Dad, just be patient with us. We didn't want you to find out, but now I hope you can go along with this, just for Nick's sake."

"I'm not sure, David. But if that is what you want, we'd better get out of here and get into one of the classrooms with a VCR in it. What do we do with the doctor and his assistant?"

"We can leave them here and lock the room. I don't think you want them out of here yet."

"Oh, is that so? But I still can't understand why you were trying to trap them. If you did, then you have made a mistake and I think we'd better let them go."

"Yes, coach, I think you'd better let us go," blustered the doctor. "If you do, we might not make a complaint over what happened here."

"Hmm, would you do that?" my dad asked.

"Oh, no, you're not going to get away with that deception," Alexei intervened.

"Why not?" my dad asked. "Do you want charges brought against my son?"

"No, coach not at all. But I don't think they're really going to do that, are you, guys?"


"You heard me loud and clear, you two scumbags. I know all about you, so you'd better stay here and don't try to get out. Otherwise we'll only make it worse for you."

"Come, coach, lock them up and let's get out of here."

"Are you sure, Alexei? I really don't understand any of this."

"Just let's get out of here and I'll help the others to explain."

They left the locker room with the doctors safely inside and went to a classroom. From David I learned that dad was shocked when he saw the video. When it was finished, he looked at Mike and said, "Talk. I won't interrupt."

So Mike told him what happened between the physical check up and the point when the blackmail started. He left out most of the things we had done together and I was glad he did. I didn't want either David or dad to find out what we'd been up to.

"Oh, my god! Have I been blind? David, is this why Nick was sick a few weeks ago?"

"Yes, part of it was because of this."

"Dear god! How could you let this happen to him, David?"

"Sorry, dad, but I only found out last week when they told me because they needed my help to get those two."

"And you, Alexei! Why didn't you tell me? Did you know any of this before you left?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, sir, but yes, I did. Nick confided in me after we went to Mike's place to train. You wanted him to go along with me, do you remember?"

"Yes. Oh my god, what did I do to him?"

"Nothing, coach, but there was no way I could tell you without losing Nick's trust. I tried to convince him to tell others and he was just doing that when I left so I decided to wait and see if he would tell you or not."

"Hmm. OK, so what do we do now? I think we'd better call the police and let them handle those two. I don't think I can see them now. I'd make them pay badly for everything that has happened."

"Dad, wait a second. Do you really want to get the cops involved in this? Do you think Nick can deal with all of this? You know it'll become very public when the cops are involved and the doctors are charged."

"Oh, no! I didn't think of that. Thanks, David. I'm so angry and I just don't know what to do."

"As long, sir, as you don't make Nick or Francis pay for this. They are having trouble enough at the moment."

"Yes, what is Francis's role in all this? I though he loved Nick and still he let this happen to him!"

"Francis only found out a few days before I did, dad," David said. "I don't think that Nick could be convinced to let us try to help him. I know I tried and I'm sure Francis tried too."

"Yes, he did, coach. He tried very hard, but Nick wanted this to be solved in his own way. He thought he could stand it, knowing that it would be the last time."

"OK, so have you any ideas what we should do?"

"I don't know, sir," Alexei said. "I think it's important for everyone involved to use their heads instead of their emotions, so you might leave this alone for the moment and try to solve this tomorrow. You need to talk with Nick before you can do anything and I don't think he is in any condition to talk at the moment."

"Good point, Alexei, but what are we going to do with the doctor in the meantime?"

"I think, dad, with this tape in our possession, we can be sure he'll do anything we want. So maybe he could stay in a hotel in town and we could meet them tomorrow."

"Hmm, that sounds like a plan. Let's go then. Mike, are you going to be fine getting home."

"I think so, sir, although I would like to speak with Nick before I go."

"You can always call him tonight, Mike. Just let him be for now. I think that would be better."

"OK, I'll call later."

"Yes, and I expect you to come around our house tomorrow. I'll call to tell you the time. I have more questions about all this."

"I was sure you would, sir. OK, I'll go then."

"And you, Alexei, are you coming with us? I think you might be of some help to Nick."

"No, I'm sorry, I can't. I need a ride to the airport to go back. If there was a way that I could stay, I would, but I'll be back shortly and you can tell Nick that he can call me any time he wants."

"OK, maybe you can give him a ride, Mike?"

Mike and Alexei left and David and my dad went back to the office where Francis and I had been staying in the meantime.

(In the meantime, downstairs the following happened between Francis and Nick)

"Oh my god, Francis! This couldn't have gone any worse than it did," I said after I stopped crying.

"I don't know, Nick. This might just be for the best. The doctors will never again try such a thing."

I was quiet for a while. "That might be the case, but my dad will have questions about what happened and I just don't think I can answer any of them. I feel so humiliated, knowing that he's found out everything. What will he think of me now? He might even throw me out of the house."

"Oh, no! He loves you, Nick. He will never throw you out of the house."

"I don't know, Francis. I just can't look him in the eye any more."

"Well, I think you need to. He will have questions, you know."

"I know, but I don't think I'll be able to tell him anything."

"Don't you think it would be good to tell him everything that happened."

"We need someone to support us in all this."

"Yes, I know what you mean, but I'm afraid he will want me to press charges against the doctors. I can't do that, you know. It will all become public then. No, I think it's best to tell him nothing so he won't be able to do anything."

"Don't you think that David or Mike will have told him everything already?"

"They might."

"To be honest, Nick, I think you have to tell him everything so he knows what you went through and can help you get past all this."

"I don't know, Francis."

"You know what we talked about this morning? I'll be here for you whenever you need me, but I don't think that I've got all the solutions and answers. I see how you are still in pain underneath and I think you need to get this in hand. If you're going to suppress it, then you'll never get past this."

"You're not talking about the master/slave stuff, are you?"

"No, I think you know what I mean. You're not dealing with what happened to you that one Sunday night. I think I'm doing the same with my parents. We're both trying to avoid the subject and not think about. If we're not going to deal with it now, we'll never be able to grow and it'll always be this large weight hanging over us, ready to break loose at any time."

I just looked at him. "You could be right, Francis, but still, telling him all that. I don't know if I can do that. You know what happened when I told you and I don't think I could handle that again."

"I didn't say it would be easy, but I think you'll find that your dad is more supportive than you would expect him to be."

I didn't answer him. I was alone with my thoughts and fears, just wondering what to do. I had no idea, but I knew that dad would have some questions for me to answer.

We stayed together on the couch. I wanted and I needed to feel Francis close by. I had no idea what I would have done without him. I'd never be able to hold it all together if it wasn't for him.

"Thanks, Francis," I said and I kissed him on the mouth.

"What for, Nick? Not that I didn't like it, but still, why did you thank me?"

"Nothing special, Francis, just that you're here with me now."

He smiled and he kissed me back.

I'm not sure, but we kissed some more, something that felt great after the ordeal I'd had to go through earlier that day. I knew my dad would be back soon. I wondered what was going on at that time. Then I heard the door was opened and I looked at it.

I saw my dad entering with David.

I retreated into Francis's arms, looking into the other direction. I felt a hand on my shoulders and I felt Francis look up towards my dad.

"Don't worry about it, Nick. It'll all be all right again. I love you."

Just the words I needed, but I didn't expect to hear them from my dad. I couldn't turn around, but suddenly I felt very embarrassed and I started to cry again.

"I think you should bring him home, Francis."

"Aren't you coming along with us?"

"No, not yet. The match will soon end and I need to be there when the others come back. They'll wonder where you all went. Then I have to take care of the doctors."

Hearing that I started to cry even more and I suddenly felt that hand again on my shoulder.

"I'm not going to do anything with or to them, Nick. I only want them to know that I expect them to stay in town and that I want to see them tomorrow after I've talked with you."

I stopped shaking a little. "You'd better go with them, David, and you can tell them what we discussed."

Francis got up and took me in his arms. It was a good thing he was bigger and stronger than I was. We went together with David to his car and drove home.

"I think we'll first take a shower and then we can talk. Is that OK, David?"

"That's a good idea, Francis. I'll make some coffee in the meantime."

We went upstairs and somehow Francis got me under the water. He carefully washed me. I could feel the tension and hesitation when he came to my buttocks, but he slowly and very carefully washed them and let the water flow over them ... something that made them feel much better.

We got dressed ... well, Francis did most of the dressing ... and then we went downstairs.

David was already sitting in the living room and we sat down together on the couch.

"So, David, what did you tell your dad about what happened?"

"Well, almost everything, I must say. I did the introduction and Mike told him the rest. Alexei was there to convince him not to let the doctors walk out just like that."

"So how did he take it?" Francis asked, knowing it was the question that would have been on Nick's lips.

"He was mad, mad as hell, and sorry for all what happened."

"See, Francis, I told you he'd be mad."

"No, Nick, he wasn't mad at you. I though you knew that already from the things he told you in his office. He was mad at himself and at the doctors. He said he wanted to go to the police straight away, but we managed to make sure he talked with you first."

"Thanks, David," I said, knowing that I couldn't let Francis take all the questions and heat.

"Is he still mad at Francis or not?"

"No, we explained everything so he knows now what really took place."

"You told him everything?"

"No, only about your relationship with Mike and the doctors. Nothing else. Nothing about what went on and certainly nothing about what happened on that Sunday, Nick."

"Oh, thanks, David. I'm not sure if I ..."

"Don't worry about it, Nick. It will come out just fine. We know we can trust your father."

"I know, but still ...."

"He'll be able to help you, brother. I'm sure of that. If you just saw the way he reacted to this all. There was only concern for you, nothing else."

I just lay down on Francis's lap. "Sorry guys, but I just want to lie down for a moment. I'm tired."

"That's fine. Do you mind if we put on the TV, we'll keep the noise down."

"No, that's fine." I smiled, looking into Francis's face and he smiled back. "You just lay down and rest," he said.

So I just lay there and before I knew it, I was away into the land of dreams.

(While I slept, from Francis's point of view)

"Look, David! He finally fell asleep."

"Hmm, I think that's the best thing that could have happened to him tonight, Francis."

"Yea, I know. I'm glad he's able to rest a little bit."

"So, how are you coping with all this, Francis?"

"I thought you were going to deck the coach when you found us in front of that door."

"I knew how bad Nick would feel if his dad walked in on them. I'm still sorry I couldn't prevent it from happening. It went perfectly, just as we planned it, until almost the last minute."

"I know. I've seen the video, you know."

"You what???"

"Yes, I've seen the video. It was incredible that you could stand all that without going crazy."

"Oh, you don't know how many times I wanted to walk into that room and end it, but I promised I would wait until the end before I did that."

"Well, I'm glad I couldn't see what happened in there. I wasn't sure I could stand it, you know."

"Why didn't you tell Nick that his dad had seen the video?"

"Well, I'm not sure he would have taken the news very well. I know he hadn't yet told me anything about what he and Mike did, and I'm sure he didn't tell you everything either. So I'm sure he would have felt very badly if he knew that dad had seen what they did to him tonight."

"We'll have to tell him in the end."

"No, I think I'll leave that up to dad. I don't think we need to make Nick feel worse than he already does."

"So, your dad wants to talk with the doctors tomorrow?"

"Yes, he does. He also told Mike to come around tomorrow."

"And Alexei?"

"Well, Alexei went home. He had to, but he wants you to tell Nick that he can call whenever he wants."

"I'll let him know."

We just watched TV for a while and then Nick's dad came in.

"So, did you tell Nick everything?" he asked as soon as he came into the room.

"Shhh," David said and waved him to come closer.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see him," he whispered.

"So, you did talk?"

"Yes, for a short time, dad. Then he fell asleep on Francis's lap and we aren't sure if we should wake him."

"Hmm, I think you'd better. Francis, you might have to stay like that the whole night unless we try and move him up to his bed."

"You don't want to talk now, sir?" I asked.

"No, I don't think that's such a good idea. We can leave that to tomorrow. We all need a good rest now."

The coach took Nick into his arms and carried him to Nick's bed.

"Do you mind if I stay with him, sir?" I asked.

"I think that would be a good idea, Francis. I'm sure he'd want you to be here if he wakes up. I'll get a blanket so you can sleep in that chair over there."

I wanted him to say that I could sleep in the same bed with Nick, but I didn't want him to feel any more uncomfortable than he already was with the way things were. Maybe it was even for the best because I wasn't sure I could sleep that well."

The coach came back with a blanket. I made sure that Nick was under his bedspread and I sat down in the chair.

When Nick's dad turned around to leave the room, I whispered, "Sir, thank you for trusting me."

He turned around and looked at me. "I'm sorry for the things I said earlier, Francis. That was totally based on shock, nothing else. I know you only want the best for Nick."

He then slowly closed the door and left the room.

I watched Nick for quite some time, but I finally managed to drift off into a very light sleep.

I was suddenly awakened by a very loud scream from Nick. Then he started to sob and he called out my name.

"I'm here, Nick. I'm here with you," I said as I took him in my arms.

The door flew open and both his dad and David ran into the room.

"Is he OK?"

"Yes, just a nightmare, I guess."

When they saw that Nick was holding onto me, they started to relax.

The coach said, "OK, we'd better leave you, but if you need anything, just come by and, if I'm asleep, please wake me, Francis."

"I will, sir."

They left and I turned my attention to Nick.

"A nightmare, Nick?"

"You could say that, Francis," he said in a very subdued voice.

"You want me to stay here with you?"

"Yes, come and lie beside me."

So I crept under the covers and we lay beside each other, holding one another.

(the next morning, from Nick's perspective)

I woke up, remembering the horrible nightmare. I was standing in court and testifying, but the questions were so personal, so detailed, that I just couldn't take it. As each embarrassing question was asked, I had to look at the faces of the participants, all of which had a big grin on them as I told every horrible detail.

I turned around to see Francis lying beside me. "So how long have you been awake, Francis?"

"Not too long, just long enough to enjoy the view of seeing you wake up."

I looked at him. I knew I would have loved to see him wake.

"So, how do you feel, Nick?"

"I'm glad we got it over with, Francis. I'll be glad when I've talked with dad. I'm not sure I can do it, but I know I need to."

"I know you can, Nick. Just trust him."

"I know, but still! We'll just have to get over it. I'm going to get up and shower and go down and have breakfast. Do you want to join me, or do you want to be alone with your Dad?"

"I think you'd better leave us alone for a while. I know you could use some more sleep. I'll go see if David is awake too, to let him know he should be up in a while."

"OK, if you need me, let me know and I'll be down in a minute."

"I know you will, Francis. Just lie down and try to sleep some more."

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I'd heard the door bang earlier, and I also heard some noises coming from downstairs, so I knew dad was awake.

Very slowly I walked down. David was still asleep, so I didn't want to wake him. I opened the door to the kitchen and I saw dad standing at the sink.

"Morning, dad."

"Morning, son. Did you sleep well?"

"I slept pretty well, considering, thanks."

"Is Francis not coming down?"

"No," I said. "He'll take a little nap before coming down."

"Ah ..."

"I guess you'll want to have a talk with me and I'm kind of nervous, dad, so I thought it better if we could get this over with."

"Are you sure, Nickolaus? I don't want to push you."

Hmm, my dad was nervous!!! He always called me Nickolaus when he was.

"No, that's fine. We need to do this in any case, so I think we'd better get it over with."

"Let's go into the living room and sit on the couch."

"OK," I answered.

We sat down in the living room and we looked at each other.

"I was a bit shocked by what I saw yesterday, Nick. Well, I never expected to see you have sex and then what happened ... well, you can imagine my first reaction was one of shock. I had a long talk with David, Mike and Alexei in a classroom after we saw the video."

"What!!!" I said. "You saw the video?"

"Yes, Mike thought it was the only way to explain without telling me too much about what was going on. I didn't get it all, but it explained enough about what had been going on."

"You're not mad at me?"

"No, not mad at you. I am a little disappointed in you for not coming to me for help. I'm mad at myself because this happened and perhaps more, but for now I just don't know what I feel. What I'd like is for you to tell me what happened and whether you think we should go to the police. I made an appointment with the doctors to see them at the hotel later today to work things out and I also asked Mike to come around, but that could wait until later this evening."

"You want to know why this happened?"

"Yes, for one thing, and why you didn't come to me for help."

"To be honest, dad, I was in too deep before I realised it and then I just couldn't come to you for help. I was too embarrassed to do so."

"OK, I'll only listen. You can tell me everything you want. You must understand that it'll take time for me to get used to it."

I started then to tell dad what happened in my own words. I knew he'd heard Mike's version already, but I knew he wanted to hear it from me instead of from someone else. I think it was also a means of re-establishing our very fragile openness in communications that we had agreed upon, but which my dad felt I had betrayed.

I stopped when I came to what happened to me on Sunday. I wondered if I was going to tell him that or not. I hesitated for a moment and then decided that I didn't want him to know that. I wasn't able to tell him that; there was no way I could do it.

I continued with the fact that I'd told Alexei everything and how that worked out. I wasn't sure he liked me telling Alexei rather than him, but I tried to explain that Alexei had found out by accident that something had happened.

I finished with the part where Mike and I had decided that it had to end and the way we had set the doctors up to make sure it would work. I left out almost all the details and the tasks that would take place. I though he had seen enough already when he had watched the video.

"So you liked this, Nick?"

"Well, at the beginning I did, yes. It was like a fantasy come true."

"Hmm, I think I can see your point of view there, but weren't you afraid that something like this might happen, that you'd get trapped?"

"I never though for a second about it, dad."

"So, can you explain to me why you were sick some weeks ago? I still have no idea what went on then. Was it because of the blackmail?"

I turned my eyes away from him. Could I tell him? Did I have to tell him what had happened that afternoon? Again I hesitated. That must have made dad even more curious than he'd been before.

"You can trust me, Nick. I only want to help you."

I remembered the talk this morning with Francis, that I needed to get clear of this, that it was possible to hide it all but that it would surface again in the future with even more devastating effects.

"I'm not sure I can, dad. I'm not sure I'm ready to tell it to anyone yet."

"So, you did tell anyone else why you were sick?"

"Yes and I'm not sure if I could stand it talking about it again. Alexei told me I needed to tell others, to get it out of my system."

"Is it that bad, Nick?"

"I'm just afraid of your reaction if I tell you."

"You know I love you, Nick. I really do, and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"I'm just afraid that I'll collapse totally if I tell you what happened. I did exactly that when I told Francis the first time and he helped me to tell David."

"Should I go and get Francis to help you tell it to me?"

"No, I need to do this on my own, dad. I know in my mind that it would do me good to tell you, but I'm not sure I can do it."

"Well, take your time and start at the beginning."

"I'm not afraid of what you'll say about the beginning, just at the end."

I took a deep breath and I started to tell him what had happened.

"I had to go to Mike's place for one of the tasks. He did something he'd never done before, he bound me to the bed, spread-eagled with both my feet and arms tied to the side of the bed. He then left me there. He said he had to go out for an hour or so to get some things. What he didn't know was that he'd forgotten to turn off the webcam so the doctors could see everything that had happened that afternoon."

I stopped for some coffee and then continued.

"Mike had also put a blindfold on me so I'd no idea of time passing by. Suddenly I heard the front door open. I heard some voices and I knew it wasn't Mike; someone else had walked into the house. I didn't think any more, but I became very nervous. You must know, dad, I was lying there bound and only wearing my underwear, a situation which left nothing to the imagination. I heard them call Mike's dad, but well he wasn't there. They must have seen the light coming under the door of the basement because they opened it and one of them came down. They said something like, "Look, Fred has himself a little boy toy." I only heard their voices and I was aware that there were at least three of them. The one who'd said that came close by and then I felt a hand touching my crotch, starting to rub it. He also took one of my nipples in his hands. Then ..."

Until then I was able to tell the story without too much emotional involvement, but I knew I'd came to the point where I wasn't sure I could tell him any more. I took a deep breath and tried to continue. I started to cry a little. My dad took me in his arms and I let him.

"Just continue when you're ready, Nick."

I stayed in his arms for a moment and then I looked at him again. "It was horrible, dad. They, well you know ... they took my underwear off and before I knew it I felt a dick between my cheeks ... I ..."

My dad held me tighter. "Oh, no, Nick, they didn't. Oh, my son, how could they???"

We stayed like that for quite a while. I had heard the door of the kitchen open but nobody came in.

"You don't have to continue, Nick, if you don't want to. I have an idea of what happened."

"No, dad. I'm sorry, but I think I need to do this." Again I took a deep breath and with a positive certainty I knew I had to go on this time. I needed to tell him. I needed him to trust me again.

"One dick went in and then I felt the blindfold being shoved up so my mouth was clear. Another dick was pushed between my lips and, when I didn't open my mouth quickly enough, I was slapped in the face a few times. It was brutal, dad, and painful, very painful. He shoved it in without thinking of me, you know. The one in my mouth came quickly and changed places with the third guy. He began to pump my mouth very hard. I felt the other men cum ... dad, he came into my ...."

Again I took a deep breath. "When he pulled out, the one in my mouth remained hard and used me again. He had an even bigger dick than the first one. It was so painful, I was about to lose it then ... I just wanted it to end, to feel nothing any more ... to ... Oh, god, it was ..."

With that, I started to cry again. I could feel the pain again, the pain that had been put away deep down inside me, not wanting to realise it was there.

"Shit, Nick. You can stop now; you don't need to go on," my dad whispered.

Again those words gave me the strength I needed to continue to tell my story, even more than I did to Francis and David, because they hadn't heard it all. So after another deep breath, I continued again. "I'm not sure, but I think I didn't feel the third one cum; it was just as well. I just didn't feel it. I still couldn't see anything and I didn't know what they were doing. Then the voice was there again, close by my ears. He told me he wanted to see that I was enjoying myself; he said he wanted me to cum for them. I was told to jerk off in their presence. So without much feeling and on autopilot, I took my dick and started to jerk off but, as you can imagine, I couldn't get hard.

Then the voice said, "If you're not getting into this, we'll help you." With that he spanked me on my ass. "We'll continue until you cum, so you'd better work on it."

I'm not sure how I did it, dad, but I started to pull and push harder. Every five seconds or so a blow landed on my ass and some were even directed at my balls. The latter were softer, but still painful. Somehow ... I have no idea how ... I managed to do what they wanted. I don't know how long I laid there, but the next thing I heard was Mike returning. He untied me and tried to talk to me, but I left as soon as I could. Dad, I don't think I'll ever be able to get that out of my memory.

"I know, Nick, but we need to go and get help with that. There are specialists who can help you with this, you know."

"I hope so, dad. I don't want to feel this any more. I'm also afraid to get too close with Francis in the future because I might ... "

"We'll get someone in and they'll help you deal with it. I now know why you were ill that week, Nick. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, son."

"There is more to tell, dad," I said.

"More???? What do you mean, more???"

"Well, do you remember the Tuesday when Francis came by?"

"Yes, you seemed to be much happier after his visit. I assumed that was when you got to know each other really."

"Well, yes, that's true but Francis found me on my bed, dad. I had ... I had ... He found me with a large number of pills in my hand."

"Oh, god, no!!! You didn't seriously try to kill yourself, did you, Nick?"

"Until now, I'm not sure, dad. I can't remember how they got in my hand. I only know that they were there. I might have had them in my hands for an hour or so before Francis walked in. Who knows what might have happened if he didn't stop me?"

My dad started to cry and this time he pulled me towards him and together we stayed like that for a while, crying and then just holding each other.

"So, now, what do you want to do, Nick? Do you want to press charges?"

"I'm sorry, dad. I thought about that long and hard and I can't do it. You know it all would became public then, and there is no way I could stand that. I would lose Francis, I know that for sure. He could never handle being left alone without his parents and I am not sure if I could handle that, either. It would turn life completely upside down. I don't want that to happen. I want to keep going to school without those staring eyes."

"OK, that's fine by me. I'll go see the doctors and make sure that they never do anything like this again. I don't want them to be responsible as a doctor for any sports team."

"I think that's a good idea, dad."

"Then we'll make sure you get help to get past this."

"Thanks, dad. I'm not sure if I could have told you if you hadn't reacted the way you did."

"I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you if you want to talk."

`Thanks, dad." We hugged once more and then he said, "I think it's time for breakfast."

We walked into the kitchen where David was sitting at the table. He looked us and saw we both had been crying. He came towards me and said, "I'm proud of you, Nick, for telling dad everything. I'm so proud of the way you've handled this."

I was totally shocked by that, but I just smiled and blushed a little.

"I think it's a good idea if you go and get Francis, Nick, so we can have breakfast in about 20 minutes. Do you think that's enough time to wake him up and get him showered?"

I looked at him and said, "Let's make it 30, OK?"

"Fine by me."

I went upstairs to get Francis. I felt I needed to be in his arms, to feel his warmth and his protection.

(in the meantime, in the kitchen, from David's point of view)

"Dad, are you OK?"

"I'm not sure, David. I'm not sure if I'll ever be OK again."

"I think you did great job there, dad. You said everything necessary for Nick to feel needed, trusted, loved and protected."

"I know, but still ... my god! I'm not sure if I can believe what he just told me. He must be unbelievably strong, David, to be able to endure all that on his own! I should have been there for him, David. I should have protected him from it. He ..."

Dad started to cry again and this time I was the one who needed to do the comforting.

"You can't protect him forever, dad. He has to learn about the world for himself. You did your best to raise him as well as you could. Where else do you think he got his strength from?"

I know my dad heard me, but still, hearing and feeling were two different things.

(in Nick's bedroom, Nick speaking)

I opened the door and I walked towards the bed. Francis indeed had fallen back to sleep. I pulled him up while he was sleeping and I started to hug him.

I knew he was awake the moment I grabbed him and I was glad he just responded to my hug.

"So you told him everything?"

"Yes, I did, Francis. I did tell him everything."

"So he reacted all right, I guess?"

"Yes, just as you predicted."

"I'm glad he did. So, what now?"

"He'll have a talk with the doctors later today to end it all and he'll talk with Mike about it tonight. He also wants me to get some professional help."

"I think that's a great idea, Nick," and he kissed me quite passionately.

He had been the best thing to come out of all this. A beautiful boyfriend who loved me almost as much ... or maybe even more ... then I loved him.

So 38 pages further now and I think you know now what I mend when I said at the beginning that this might seemed to be the last chapter. Well I am thinking of continuing it if you want me to. Let me know if you want to read more about Nick and Francis and if you do what should happen with them. (, ICQ: 36967366)

Next: Chapter 24

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