Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Nov 16, 2003


Ok here is chapter 42 and I was just thinking about wow how I am going to go on so much in the story at the moment so many lines to keep track of and lead them into a good way but then again for the future of the story these are crucial and needs to be written so here it goes.

Nick tells what happened that night further:

[James and Alexei's room]

For the next 30 minutes there where a lot of questions that where fired at James bye his mom from how long he knew, how many contacts he had had and if he always had been careful with aids until how he knew and what he felt for Alexei. It seems that they both came to an understanding at that moment. James and his mom agreed they needed more time for this and that this evening was not the most convenient one. James told me that he felt his mom was absorbing it all and would probably have a lot more questions when she got to get grips on it all.

James's mom left the room and went back downstairs to the bar to get a drink. James was tired and waited for the return of Alexei.

[David and Kathy's room]

David stayed in his room he just didn't know what to do he was still trying to cope with it all as it was not something that you get to hear that you will be a farther. Not that he not wanted no he was sure that at some point he liked to have children but now at this point so young. He could hardly believe that it ever could have happened as he always wore condoms. Damned how could this have happened then. So many questions but the way Kathy reacted he understood and he hoped that she was able to listen later again for now he needed to get everything right in his head. There was no way that he would risk his relation with Kathy. He knew he loved her and he wanted to stay with her but what about their education and his gymnastic. He was not sure but at this point he though that Kathy would want to go on with this and get the child. He might be wrong but at least that is the impression he got from her reaction so far.

There was a knock on the door. " Come on in"

"Hi David, I just wanted to let you know that probably jams and I won't be going out with you guys tonight or will be later for sure".

"Oh ok" David answered Alexei.

"Just let us know when you leave and where you are going ok".

"Hmm well I will let Nick know when they get here as I am not sure we will go with them as well".

"Are you ok David"? Alexei could see that there was something bothering David but he was not sure that David wanted to tell him.

"Did you ever think about being a father Alexei"?

"Hmm no not yet really you know with me being gay but why do you ask".

"Oh shit yea sorry forgot about that".

Alexei so that David was confused about something, worried and well a lot more emotions from the look that he had on his face.

" Is there any particular reason you asking for it David".

"Hmm not sure I able to talk about it yet Alexei. I am just trying to grab it all myself".

"You mean you are going to be a father, Kathy is pregnant?"

"Yen she just told me".

"Oh so what are you going to do".

"Talk about it I guess with her, we didn't quite get around to that yet you know. My dad just came into the room when she told me and then well you can imagine what a disappointment it is for him. He saw me up on that podium at the Olympics already".

"Hmm yea well I must admit there are almost known around with a family when they are competing on that level but there are a few so don't worry you will find a way around all of this".

"Could be but still for the moment I am still a bit in a shock I guess".

"Well if there is anything that I can do David let me know yea. I am little experienced with father ship but always ready to listen if there is some one you want to talk about it".

"Thanks Alexei I might just take you up on the offer. I have seen what you have been doing with Nick so".

"Oh he just deserved nothing of that bullshit so. But maybe going out is still a good idea we all need to take our mind of the heavy stuff I guess and enjoy what you guys did today at the competition. Shall we say in about 1 hour downstairs? I will see if I can find the others ok".

"Yeb you might be right there I will see if Kathy wants to come as well but I guess it is a good idea".

Alexei left the room and David wondered where he could find Kathy or that he just should wait for her to come back.

Alexei continued down the hall to find Brad and Rodney there room.

[In the meantime downstairs at the bar]

My god pregnant Dave's dad though how did that happen, why know. For the first time in years everything started to look good for him and his sons and now something like this happened. It was now almost impossible for David to go on and expect to perform on the level that he wanted. It was such a shame. How did he let this all happen? He knew they where getting close and expected them to fuck around as well but he hoped that David would have known better then he did when he was younger. Nowadays kids where grown up with lots and lots of more information then he had in the past.

He looked up as some one joined him on the chair beside him. It was a women and he though he knew her then it struck him not know this was not the right time and place he was not ready for this yet. He knew a few hours ago that he had to open his heart but not what just had happened he couldn't not know. He saw that the women ordered a double whiskey and he wondered if she was such a heavy drinker as he saw she got ride of it very fast. He went a bit closer to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hi, didn't know you where here too".

"Oh, shit sorry but I hadn't recognize you at first".

Nick's father smiled and said: "Well such a lovely lady I would have recognized very easy".

She blushed a bit "thanks" excepting the compliment she just got.

"Another one please" she asked the bartender as he just walked pasted.

"Hmm heavy night".

"Well let's just say that I found something out that I was not prepared for at all".

"Oh" was all nicks' dad said. He wondered if she found out about James and Alexei. He knew they had a room together and had been in there since they all went there separate ways to get ready to go out.

"That seems to be the idea of tonight so far. I had quite a bit of a shock myself".

She looked at him now a bit more closely and looked at the bar to see what he had been drinking. She smiled when she saw that he had an empty double whiskey glass standing in front of him as well.

"You like whiskey". She asked.

"Yea from time to time but now just needed it I guess".

They set silent waiting for one of them to continue. "Did you see James already". Nick's dad asked almost knowing what the answer would be.

" You knew already about them didn't you".

"Well to be honest yes. And I gather he just told you".

She blushed and looked at him. "Not exactly telling let say that I saw more then enough to give me an idea".

Damned he though and tried to read her face to see how she was taken it all. He knew that James had not been ready to do this but one way was glad that it had happened so maybe the summer holiday trip would all get a bit easier.

"Oh, that is not the way he probably wanted you to find out".

"You are ok with it" she asked him. "With being the coach and Alexei being around your team all the time".

"I trust him Madame he is not some one to take his job lightly so I know I can trust him and the guys on the team".

"Do they all know"?

"No only Nick and David but that has other reasons that I would not want to go in now".

"Ok, so they where ok with it".

"Lets say that they where. He has been a great help with Nick lately. He is the one that is responsible for the way he is doing at the moment". He tried to stay on the safe side here and hoped she would see that he mend his abilities at gymnastic. He would explain later but so far he wanted to know first how she would respond.

"You know he is my only son and after his dad died I got pretty attached to him, wanting him to everything he could to grow up a good solid boy and later a men".

"You feel you have failed now". This was not going ok he though.

"Well not sure about that, a bit I guess but James told me it had nothing to do with the way I raised him or the fact that his father had died so early".

"Good as I think I can only agree with it".

"Let say that I just need some time to get to grips with this. You know it is not something lightly to find out your son is gay but also having a relationship with some one quite a few years older". She was silent for a moment and then continued.

"Maybe that that last part is the most troubling thing at the moment" she emptied her second double whiskey and looked at Nick's dad.

"But for now we have talked about it and decided to leave if for a while so we can get both used to the idea that I know now and we will talk when we are back home".

Good he though that was the attitude he had hoped for.

"Well things like this are never easy but you will get used to it and is not the most important thing that James is happy".

"I guess so, so what is bothering you then".

I though I better tell her after she opened her hart like she did to me.

"I just walked at the wrong moment into David and Kathy. It seemed she is pregnant and was just telling David that so I instead of backing off and leaving it first to them I got mad and from worse it went to worse so I think I was just trying to drink myself some courage and apologize to them and then well I guess your suggestion is a good one talking about it all when we are back home as this is not the right place and time to talk about it".

"Wow, that is not something. You had other hopes for him didn't you".

"Lets say that I though he might had the courage to go all the way and give it 100% so he might try out for the Olympics but if Kathy is pregnant well I guess everything will be different then I know what I am talking about".

" Oh" was all what James's mother said as a reply to that.

"I think I am going to see them for a minute telling them so, so we can leave that behind for tonight. I wondered if you ...... " Nick's dad started to blush a little. " I mean as the kids are going out to celebrate I see no point in why we wouldn't do the same. Do you want to join me"?

"Oh, hmm well maybe I am not sure though James..".

"Don't worry about James he will be all right so what do you want to do".

"Sounds like fun".

"Ok let me tell them that we will talk back home and I will be back in 5 or so".

Nick's dad left the bar and went to the elevator but a girl to the right of him while he was waiting for the elevator got his eye.

"Kathy what are you doing down here I though you where talking with David".

Kathy looked up and he saw that she had been crying.

"You had a fight, what happened".

"I am sorry but I guess I kind of lost it after you went away. The way David reacted was I guess not what I expected but then how could I".

"What do you mean Kathy?"

"I got mad at him but I guess he was really just surprised and trying to get the news absorbed so I guess it was a bit stupid to get mad at his low response". "Well he needs time remember you told him so you have been dealing with it for some time so I guess you where surprised and upset when you found out as well."

'Yea I started to see that when I was downstairs but now I am not sure how to get on".

"Did you tell your parents Kathy"?

"No, not yet and I think we would have told them at the same time as we would have told you but we where not that far at least I am not".

"Ok I was just going upstairs to let you guys know that I won't want to talk with you about it right now. Tonight is a night to celebrate their victory. It is better to leave this until we are home. So why don't you go upstairs and talk with David and then meet up with the rest of the guys to go out".

"Do you think so"?

"I think it just a good idea to have some fun and leave the serious things till tomorrow or the day after at the moment".

"Thanks" she said while she stood up and hugged him.

"Now go upstairs and make up and have fun tonight".

Instead that I went up Kathy stepped into the elevator. I hope it would all come out ok but for now I better concentrate on James's mother. I turned around and walked back. At the entrance of the bar I waited for a minute and enjoyed the view of such a beautiful women.

[Yea yea I know you want to know what is happening with our two main characters Nick and Francis so I guess it is time to go to see that now. In the room where Nick was brought to]

I was not sure I wanted to see all of this or even describe it I know that my first feelings where one of despair at that moment. Later on before he had said anything I wondered how he had been able to set this all up.

"Quite something isn't it Nick" he said.

I didn't answer him and I got a push in my back. "Answer when you are asked a question".

"Yea, but why, why. I though it was all over".

"Oh did you, did you really though I would let you just go on with that stupid Francis and let him spoil all the fun. No you are mine Nick and you know that yourself as well. I know from what I heard that what they say is right once a slave always a slave. Go and sit down on the chair just before the bed. Take your shirt off".

"Please I have to go now I will come back but I have to go Francis he is in danger you don't know it all. Please let me go".

"Yea and you will come back with the police no way Nick. First we are going to make sure that you are going to obey me again and then we will see".

"Please sir you have no idea what could happen I need to go right now".

"I don't think so, look there are already people around watching you and it is not even the time of the show that I announced".

I looked at the computer screen that he projected big time on the wall beside the door. I could see myself sitting and I think it was the website that my pictures where on before that was showing.

I looked closer this time for the first after that last few words afraid of what might happen to me then what was going on with Francis.

[In Francis and Nick's bedroom at the hotel]

"Open up" came a voice from behind the door.

I (Francis) had had the doorknob in my hands to open it but the sound of the voice on the other side froze me up completely. There was a soft scream out of my mom's mouth and when I turned around to look at her I knew my assumption of the voice had been correct it was my dad who was on the other side. Mom looked at me and I at her but we didn't say anything.

I hoped he would leave if there were no one going to open.

"Open up you fuck, I know you are in there and probably with your boyfriend and your mother doing what ever".

I got my hand of the doorknob and turned around completely and walked towards mom. I saw tears in her eyes. This is not what she had wanted to happen not at all. Now what he sounded angry and maybe even a bit drunk?

"Damned" I said softly as I knew my mother wouldn't approve of me using that kind of language.

"Yea damned for sure" came he reply.

That took me with surprise. "Now what mom, you want me to tell him to leave. There is no need for him to find out you are here".

"No Francis lets stay still and wait to see if he will leave".

"Hmm, not sure that will help, do you want me to call the reception desk".

"And then, then he will find out for sure I was here".

"Open up you little faggot, or are you to busy what ever you do open up for your dad".

We looked at each other. This is not going ok I though I walked towards the phone and just when I picked it up I said to my mom: "Sorry but I have the feeling he is not going to wait and stay outside and I want some one to help us as I don't know what he will do. Would he harm us do you think"?

At first she didn't respond to that question but then in between some curses coming from the other side of the door she nodded her head. "He might Francis".

That was what made me dial. "Yea, this is room 910, I need assistance right away some one probably a bit drunk is trying to get into my room".

"Are you sure came the answer of the receptionist".

"Well you listen". I held up the phone and I am sure that curses said on the other side would be loud enough for them listen. Words like faggot where in there a lot.

"Ok, we hear enough we will send some one from security up. Are you one of the gymnastic team?"

"Yea, I am",

"Ok, because we say your team leader going into the bar and he wanted to be told if there was any hotel disturbance bye you lot so I will warn him".

"Ok, the more the happier" I answered. "But hurry not sure he is going to be kept outside for a long time".

"Ok, leave the line open yea so I can record everything that is going on".

"Sounds like a plan" I answered. What started with a cool reply in the beginning started to develop in a very caring type of phone call.

I left the hook off and walked to my mom and put my arm around her. Tears where now on her cheeks running down.

"You know there is no way he will leave".

"No I don't think either hope they security will here be swift".

"Ok, if you don't want to open I guess I will just have to come in then and teach you two a lesson". We knew then that he would be in here soon.

I was able to get us as far from the door as I could with the bed in between the door and us. It was the biggest thing around to protect us a bit at least.

It got quite now and then with a loud push some one walked into the door. It cracked a bit but stayed in pieces. But how long that was the question. I started to pray for the security people to make it here fast. He runs into the door 2 or 3 more times and it started to give in. I got hold tighter to mom and I could feel she did the same.

"We can do this mom, we are strong".

Then with the next push it broke and my dad came rumbling in. It took him a second or so to be able to stand up and look at you.

"There you are faggot I knew you would be in here. And you " pointing at my mother. "Why didn't you open the door when I asked? Come over here now. He is no son of us just a little faggot to scare to listen to his parents".

We both didn't say anything as we didn't want to get him more angry so we stayed just where we where.

"Now get over here or do you want me to come and get you. You know I though I taught you better then going against my will but it seems I just have to reinforce that again don't I".

I felt my mom starting to shake beside me. What ever happened in the past she was not up for this and I knew with a bit more force she would cave in. She did this all for me, she loved me I knew that then otherwise she would never have taken the risk but it seems that taken the risk is one thing but being discovered a complete different one. I could feel that she started to push me away when my dad came a step closer.

"No way you she is staying right here where she is," I said with little force.

"Oh and who is going to prevent me to come and get her. She knows she has to obey me she made that promise when she married me so let her go and I won't hurt you, well not a lot at least".

"No" I said more convinced then I was a second ago as made sure that I was standing in front of my mother now completely. I heard her whisper something in the way of oh no please don't hurt him.

"Oh you are now such a tough boy well it seems you deserve just another lesson then. I though when we threw you out of the house that you learned to stay out of our sight. But then you send that stupid teacher after us and well now you wanted your mommy down here".

He came one step closer and he was now just inches away from us. In the past I always would have dropped my face not able looking straight into his eyes but I knew I would not cave in now. I had gained a lot of strength from all the things I had seen Nick go through. If he could I could so I stayed looking into eyes. I saw on his face that that made him only madder. But I knew I couldn't give him. Not this time.

"So you want to learn the hard way, little faggot".

I saw his right hand making a fist and it went back. I knew what was coming but I was not going to give him bye the thread.

[Yea yea I know lets see first how nick is doing now]

"Please what are you going to do with me? This is not good I don't want this".

"Well I though about this Nick and I came to the conclusion that you want otherwise you would for example never would have gone with me to the park you would have found another way out I am sure".

"No please Mike, you can't do this. Let me go and I won't say a thing".

'No Nick, this is my time to have fun. I have seen you hanging around with Francis. The way you act around him and then today, that victory it should have been mine and you know it".

Damned there was more to it then just our past he was angry because he though that I had taken his place in the team.

"So now what then. You want to play and then".

"I will make sure you won't say anything to any one Nick. You will be too ashamed of it all. I will well you will see. I have announced a live play session with you and told people around that I would take suggestions so we will see what will happen. You have seen what for fun we all can have".

I looked a bit more round now and saw there where on a table a lot of stuff, I saw a candle, some paddles, a wipe, some dildo's, a few things that I didn't recognize but didn't look like something to enjoy. I must have gotten a scared look on my face and Mike must have seen that.

"I know there is nothing to be scared off Nick. You know you will have a fun time just look at the screen look at you sitting therein your underwear for everybody to see. Humiliated like a small kid on display".

No I though he is not going to get me going. I knew had softened down from the moment we walked into the room. But when he started to talk like that I felt a little twitch. This is not what I wanted there was no way I would respond to this.

"Ok you better get your dick hard Nick. I know there is not a lot we need to do for that as you are easy as you know".

"No Mike, I am not going to play along like this so easy".

"Oh you think so, remember I still can make sure you come out at school and they will know about you and Francis being fuck buddies".

I felt the color getting away from my face. "You wouldn't, and who would believe you after today".

"I have proved. You really didn't think that I would throw out all those picture of you did you".

Oh damned I felt my face starting to flush now. I was trapped, now what.

"I can see I still didn't convince you well there is always Francis, do you think he is ready to come out to all his friends and family".

"No Mike never, I won't my god you are really gone crazy aren't you".

"Well to make sure you will let see about this".

He walked closer bye and had something in his hand. He stood in between the camera and me now so nobody could see what he was doing. He opened my underwear up front and got my dick. He slowly started to roll something down on it and when it was at the point where it hits my balls he let it go and I felt it was very tight around my dick. He then got something from behind the chair and attached it. I tried to look and see what it was but I couldn't. He put the underwear back and then stood a few steps back.

"Good, it hardly shows, well except your dick then Nick as you enjoy me fondling with it didn't you".

He had been right I had got a bit harder. I didn't want that but my god he was right I was easy excited.

"So are you going to play along Nick or do you need some stimulation"

'I told you mike no way I am going to do this so you better let me go".

I still though I might pursue him if I was strong and wouldn't play along.

"Are you sure Nick"? He asked again.

There was little I could do with my hands tight behind the chair and somehow my dick on a line with something behind the chair as well.

"No mike ever".

"Ok well remember that I asked you a few time".

Then I felt pain going through my dick and balls. My god noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and this time it was not a scream that stayed in but I let it out big time.

[Back in Francis his bedroom]

I saw that he looked at me before his armed moved forward.

I knew then that it would hit me within a second. So I tried to force myself for it. I saw it getting close to my head I though about stepping aside but I knew mom was right behind me and probably he would hit him when I would do that.

"No" I heard coming from here. But there was more but it was not possible for me to get that all together as I felt him hitting me. I felt pain, unbelief that he really had done it and also, well lets say that I got into oblivious quite fast as I felt myself falling on the ground.

Ok this is it for now chapter 43 is going strong so hopefully it will be out soon. If you want to let me know if you are reading this and what you think about that well those comments, messages and encouragement is always welcome: or bye ICQ.

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Next: Chapter 43

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