Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Feb 23, 2004


Hi guys, well here is a new chapter of Coach's Assistant as promised reasonable fast so I hope you are ok with that. Not sure I will keep up this pace of new chapters but we will see.

If you want to read more about what I have been writing so far go to my website and find the first and second story that I have been writing in the past or the new story Tom that I am writing together with Coach's Assistant at the moment.

I had a valentine special on my website which soon will be followed bye a new special so keep a look out for it.

If you want to let me know what you like about the website, stories or what ever contact me at:, or on MSN or ICQ. My website can be found at


[in Mike's room, Andrew speaking]

I watched Nick carefully on the chair. He stood silent, not moving. So far he'd been doing what Mike wanted of him. I'd seen him get aroused when Mike made him feel embarrassed and even more while he was sucking our cocks. By the look on Peter's face, Nick was doing more than a good job and I had to admit to myself that he was pretty good. I knew we weren't allowed to speak, as I didn't want him to know we'd been here. I'm sure, if need be, that Mike would tell him later but I'd hoped he wouldn't.

Then I had to help Nick onto the chair. Touching his soft skin felt nice and, in some way, exciting too. I watched Peter ... I hoped he didn't mind. Mike wanted me to put a rope onto Nick's balls. I tried to do it as carefully as possible but, again, Mike looked and instructed me to tighten it and put a knot in it.

While I was doing that, I looked it Nick's face, trying to make sure I didn't hurt him too much. But there wasn't a lot of emotion showing on his face, he looked pretty stoic. His dick was still hard, so I guess that was the best sign he was doing OK, I thought.

When I finished that, Mike wanted me to move closer. Now what? I wondered. He'd some kind of liquid-filled bottle in his hands. He wrote something on a piece of paper. Did I read that correctly? I looked at Mike's face again, but yes, he had a tiny evil grin on his face. So I walked back to Nick and started to put the bottle on the other end of the rope hanging from Nick's balls. There had been one more sentence on the paper that Mike had written, but I wasn't sure I could do that.

Mike asked Nick if he was ready. He started to say something, but then he stopped and answered that he was.

"OK, number 1, go for it."

I saw the tension on Nick's face increase, as he couldn't know what was about to happen.

I looked at Nick. There was at least 5 feet between his balls and the ground. The rope would not make it to the ground, I knew that, but still it would be a drop of about 3 feet.

"Go on," Mike said again.

I held the bottle a little in front me and I saw Peter looking at what I was doing. He must have sensed what was about to happen as I heard him gasp.

I then slowly let the bottle slide out of my hands. Straight away, my eyes were glued on Nick's balls, as I knew this would hurt. Or at least I imagined that it would. The water-filled bottle did bounce up and down a bit when it came down. A scream came out of Nick's mouth but I could see that he tried to suppress his reaction.

"Leave it hanging for a moment," Mike said.

I saw that Nick was starting to get used to the weight. His balls were a bit pink from being tied down.

"So, how was that, Nick? Instead of some embarrassment, a bit of pain on your nice little balls. I think you liked it, didn't you?"

WOW, I thought. Mike was going out of his mind now. He'd walked closer to Nick and started to touch Nick's dick, which was still hard. If he meant that, then indeed Nick must have liked it as he was still very hard.

Mike started to tease Nick by slowly masturbating him. "Go on, number 2, give it a push." I saw Peter looking at me and I nodded. He gave the hanging bottle a little push so it started to swing a bit ... not a lot, just a swing of 4 or 5 inches.

"Is that all you can do? I'll give your one more chance to do it properly or I'll have to do it myself," Mike said.

Peter looked at me again. I could see fear on his face. But he got the bottle and again gave it a push, this time harder, and the bottle started to make a wider swing of about 18 inches.

Nick started to moan, so I knew that it was having an effect on him. Then Mike stopped and he winked at me, inviting me closer. I looked at what he wrote down. Again, I looked at his face to see if he meant it.

"Go on, number 1, just do it."

[at the hospital, the coach speaking]

I had no idea what was happening. I started to feel really scared. It was taking too much time for what they said they were doing, so I walked out of the lounge and to the nurses' desk.

"Have any of you any idea what is happening with the kid we brought in about an hour ago and was taken away for head x-rays?"

"The doctor didn't go talk with you, sir?" the nurse asked.

"No, not yet."

"Oh, let me see if I can find him." She picked up the phone and I heard somewhere, not too far away, a beeper going off.

"You called me, nurse?" a young doctor asked as he walked towards us.

"Yes, this man wants to know what happened with the guy who was brought in for x-rays on his head."

"Oh, yea, the young man named Francis, right?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Are you his father?"

"No, his coach."

"Oh, I'm sure the doctor talked already with his parents about his condition so you better ask them. I'm not allowed to give any information except to relatives."

"No! Shut up for one second!" I started to get angry. "Do you mean that there is news and no one came to tell us? I've been waiting with his mother down there and she doesn't know a thing."

The doctor started to colour. "I'm sorry, sir. I'll take care of this, straight away. Let me check on him and then I'll be back."

He walked away before I could say anything.

"Now what do I do?" I asked the nurse.

"Oh, don't worry, he'll be back. He probably just wanted to get an update on the patient and will be back as soon as he knows. I think you'd best go back to the lady now, she looks kind of worried."

I looked back and I saw that Francis's mother was in fact standing there, looking worried. I didn't know if she'd reveal her inner feelings to me or not.

"OK, but you'd better page him again if he's not back in 5 minutes."

"I will."

I walked back to the rest of them.

"And ...?" she asked, the moment I walked in.

"Well, there seems to have been some mix-up as he was finished some time ago, but it seems they forgot to inform us about it. That doctor I talked with just went back to see how he was and he'll bring us an update in a minute."

"Oh, good! That is good, isn't it?"

"In all probability, yes. If it was something serious, they would never have forgotten to tell us."

A few minutes later the doctor walked in. We all stood up.

"Sit down, please. I must apologize for leaving you waiting so long, but I though my assistant had brought you up to date with this young man's situation."

"How is he, doctor?"

"He's OK, ma'am. We took some x-rays but they didn't show anything out of the ordinary at all."

"Why did it take that long, then?"

"Well, for some reason, he fainted just as he came out of the x-ray and we've been doing some test since then to see what is wrong but, so far, it all looks very good ... so I don't think there is a lot to worry about."

"Oh, are you sure? You don't do that without any reason, do you."

"Well, has he been under a lot of stress today?"

I started to laugh when I heard that question. "I think you can say that. He had a state championship final today and later tonight he did a press conference ... and his father came by to do some less pleasant things."

"Oh ... OK, I see! Well then, I think it's just a result of all that excitement and there's nothing to worry about. But we want to keep him overnight so we observe him and collate all the test results."

"Can we see him?" his mom asked.

"Hmmm, sure, that should be OK. I just checked to see if he was doing well and he was. I'm not sure he'll be awake, though, as we gave him something to relax him and let him sleep."

"OK, we'll follow you."

I looked back at David and Brian. "You're going to stay here for a while?"

"Yea, just see how he is and, if he doesn't ask for us or Nick, we'll stay here."

"OK, let's go."

[in the meantime, back in Mike's room, Peter speaking]

"Go on, start with it," Mike said.

I looked at Andrew. My god! What now? I felt so strange standing there! Andrew just continued touching Nick, and I'd seen that he'd gotten hard from it as well.

When Nick had started to suck on my cock, I tried to stay soft but somehow my hormones got the better of me.

When Mike told me to start swinging the bottle tied to Nick's balls, I thought how that must hurt. But I was standing with my back to Nick, so I couldn't see anything. I knew I probably wouldn't do it hard enough, but there was no way I was going to make this worse for Nick. But then I was called back by Mike and, the second time, I gave it a much harder swing. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't do anything that Andrew and I didn't agree on, so I checked with him each time.

Now I could see more doubt in Andrew's eyes, but he took the bottle in his hand. Was he going to drop it again? Yes ... oh, my god! It was just as if I'd felt it coming down. This time Andrew didn't wait, but he picked it back up straight away and let it drop another time. He repeated this five times in total. My god, Nick! I'd heard him scream the first time, but after that, there were just loud gasps and I though I heard a cry as well.

"OK, your turn, number 2. Go and give his dick a good tug."

I turned towards the front now and, when I saw Nick's balls, I was startled.

They were a bit blue and purple.

"That is just from the fact they are tightened, not because of the bottle, number 2. Go ahead, start to work on that dick ... make him cum," Mike said.

I got my hand around Nick's dick. It was very hard and pulsing. I slowly slid my hand up and down and squeezed it a bit. The moment I touched it, Nick let out a moan. Hmmm, I thought, it must not have been that painful. I felt my dick start to get harder again as well. This was lovely, to have Nick's dick in my hand. I'd always found him to be a good looking guy but I never thought I'd be able to do this.

More moans came from Nick's lips and I felt that his dick definitely was very hard now.

Then Mike started to talk again. "Here you are, Nick, in your underwear, in front of a lot of people and you are getting milked just like a cow ... whether you want it or not. And do you know, Nick, what the worst of it is? There is no way you can keep it from happening. This is what you want, isn't it?"

"Go on, number 2, you can make him cum."

I stroked a little harder on Nick's dick and I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw his balls start to contract and then ... yes, I felt his cum start its way up through his dick and splash on his belly. When I thought he was finished, I let his dick go. He was breathing very, very hard.

"OK, step back, number 2. Your turn, number 1."

I looked at Andrew and saw that he was as surprised as I was. "He's not yet dry, go for it." I saw Andrew take Nick's still-hard dick in his hand. I knew how it had felt and I got a bit jealous of it all. I must admit, I found it very arousing, the smell of Nick's cum, his dick in my hands, and now seeing Andrew milking him, as Mike called it.

I though that Nick's dick would go soft after he came, but it didn't. He stayed reasonably hard and, after a few tugs from Andrew, I heard Nick start to moan again. First softly, then harder, just as Andrew put a bit more speed into his stroking. He was doing it more rapidly than I'd done ... I could tell because that the bottle was dancing rather than swinging. I knew Nick would probably feel that, so it couldn't have been easy on him. But somehow it must have made him horny again, as his dick was getting even harder this time and, wow, there, he came again. More spurts of cum came out of Nick's dick. He was panting now a bit and collapsing forward while he shot spurt after spurt out of his dick.

This was great to watch! I looked down at Andrew and could see he was very hard as well. I thought about touching Andrew's dick, but I was pretty sure that Mike wouldn't let us.

"OK, number 2, free Nick's balls now and put him back on the chair. Make sure his underwear is put back on."

I did as ordered and I saw Andrew step back a bit.

"OK, tie him back onto the chair again."

I got the wire that was on the back of the chair and put it back on the iron ring again. As I did that, I realized what it was. I looked up at Mike and saw that he was watching me.

"Any problems, number 2?"

I didn't say anything, knowing I'd better not. I looked at Andrew, but he still had a bit of a smile on his face. It seems he was enjoying this, too. Well, maybe it wasn't too bad then. Nick seemed to be enjoying himself, considering that he was coming. And all those pictures on the Internet ... he must have liked that, otherwise he'd never have let this happen. Not Nick.

"OK, we're going to take a short break. Do you want something to drink?"

I saw Nick start to nod. "Please, sir," he whispered softly.

"You'll get some later, Nick."

Mike got us some beer from the fridge and we started to drink.

[back in the lobby]

"So, your mom is OK?" I asked James as he sat down.

"Yea, she'd been talking to the reporter for quite a time. Especially as she thought he was taking a lot of interest in what we all were doing when we gathered down here for the second time. So she kept him busy ... but, when nothing happened and she backed out a bit, he lost interest and left. She went up her room to shower and was just about to come down to see what was going on."

"Ah, OK, good. She was here then?"

"I guess so."

"So she's coming down? There's no time to make out then?" I whispered urgently.

I saw James blushing and he hit me playfully on my leg. "Naughty boy," he said. "No, she's staying upstairs, as I told her what was going on and that there was no need for her to come downstairs at this time. I think she wanted to be woken up, though, when Kathy was getting up so they could keep an eye on the lobby together. So, maybe later, we can have some fun, Alexei."

I smiled back at him. "Good!!! Kathy might just need a bit of womanly advice tonight."

"Oh, why is that?"

"Shit ... maybe I should have kept my mouth shut, but I think that Kathy is pregnant. I think she told David tonight and somehow the coach walked in on that."

"Oh, damn!!! What a night!"

"You can say that again!"

I moved a bit closer to him and put my arm around him. We quietly sat together, waiting for the night to turn around. I think we both sensed that nothing would happen until the morning now, so although we stayed awake, our eyes were more on each other than on the very few people that walked in and out of the hotel.

[in the meantime, back in the hospital, the coach narrating]

The doctor opened the door for us. "You'll find him down here. Please don't stay too long with him. He needs his rest."


We walked into the room. I saw that there was only one chair beside the bed and I made sure Francis's mother sat down on it.

"He looks like he is sleeping," I said to her.

"Yea, doesn't he? Well, let's hope there is nothing wrong with him."

"Mom," he whispered softly. Hmmm, I thought, he must have recognized his mom's voice.

"Yes, Francis, I'm here with you."

"Oh, good, no problems with the x-rays then."

"No, everything was fine. So go to sleep, Francis."

Good, I thought, she remembered that we don't want him awake for very long.

"Will you stay around?"

"Yes, we won't be far away, so have a good night of rest and we'll see you in the morning."

"OK, I will. Give dad a good night kiss from me."

As he said that sentence, we were standing up and turning around to leave the room but I felt a chill run down my spine. Wow! How was that possible? What was happening? I saw that his mother had completely turned pale.

I turned back to Francis and saw that he was sleeping again, as he was breathing in a very regular way.

"Let's get out of here and talk."

She just nodded, afraid to wake him up again.

The moment we walked onto the hallway, she stopped and looked at me.

"Did I hear that correctly? Did he really want me to give his dad a good night kiss?"

"Seems like that."

"But ..."

"Come on, let's go and see the doctor."

I saw some tears form at the corner of her eyes. Damn! We thought Francis had been doing OK, but this looked like amnesia or something for sure. Well, we talked to the doctor and told him what had happened, not only in the room just now but also during the evening, and how his reaction was so wrong. The doctor confirmed our suspicion about what had happened ... so what now? He wanted to wait the night and see what happened in the morning ... a good night of sleep could do miracles ... and we had to remember that he'd recognized his mom, so that was at least something.

If you want to let me know what you like about the website, stories or what ever contact me at:, or on MSN or ICQ. My website can be found at

Next: Chapter 48

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