Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Mar 8, 2004


Hi guys, well here is a new chapter of Coach's Assistant as promised reasonable fast so I hope you are ok with that. Not sure I will keep up this pace of new chapters but we will see.

If you want to read more about what I have been writing so far go to my website and find the first and second story that I have been writing in the past or the new story Tom that I am writing together with Coach's Assistant at the moment.

I have started a yahoo group in which I shall announce when new chapters of coach's assistant will be put on the website. The name of the group is underwearspankinggay. You can join up at underwearspankinggay-

I have almost 10.000 visitors on my website so for that occasion I will make a special page as well.

If you want to let me know what you like about the website, stories or what ever contact me at:, or on MSN or ICQ. My website can be found at


Now for chapter 48:

{In mike's room, Nick is telling}

I could hear them drink something. Sometimes I heard Mike say something but most of the times it was just quite. I was just starting to relax a bit. I hardly could believe what had happened. When the rope was put on my balls I had no idea what was going to happen. But well it got me a bit hard first the pain that came from what ever was on to the rope was hard. Not a sharp pain but more an ever lasting feeling that took some time to slide away from it. It was strange when Mike had played with it and then one of the guys who was their. I hadn't expect that I would have been able to cum but to my own shame the play got my hormones very up and running. Coming once with my balls bound was coming in a very special way as it was just more sensitive then normal. Coming again was exhausting. It was just well like every bit of energy run out of my system and that not alone but it was painful as well. I could feel my balls giving in and erupting again.

So I was happy that they had left me for a moment. I was worried worried about what would happen next as I was sure that Mike was not finished yet and worried about Francis. I had stopped worrying about him for sometime but it came back to me harder now. I though about asking them to stop but I didn't want to be punished for speaking up. They should be looking for me now as well but would they look in every room, never I though.

No If I wanted to end this I needed to speak up talk with Mike about it reason maybe ever promise him to go on with this after tonight just to make sure he would let me go.

"Ok let see how he is doing" I heard Mike say.

I heard some movement around me trying to make out where every one is.

"You ready for your drink Nick".

I knew that this was the time. I was aloud to speak this was the moment to speak up.

"Yea please Mike but even better don't you think it is time to stop now, didn't you had enough fun".

"Fun, Nick, well it is a start to be honest" he laughed a bit.

Oh my god no way he is going to listen to this I though.

"Please Mike it is enough let me go".

"I warn you Nick shut up now you know what we agreed up on".

Hmm agreed up on, no I didn't know we had agreed on anything.

"No I don't know Mike, please let me go I need to ..." before I could end the sentence their was another flash of pain through my balls and dick. I collapsed forward, wanted to take my balls in my hand but I couldn't.

I felt that my dick started to respond to the pain and tinting feeling that what ever Mike did to me gave me. More doubts crept back into my head not again. I knew it was better to shut up and just wait and see. Maybe giving him would make him end this faster then arguing with him.

"Hmm that is better Nick. You know you would try to do that and you knew you would be punished for it so shut up now and answer the question. Are you ready for your Drink?".

"Yes sir".

"That is better. Well open your mouth".

I opened my mouth waiting for my drink. I was shocked when I felt a warm fluid hitting my face and I knew exactly what was happening some one was peeing on me, then a bit hit me on my tong and I was forced to swallow bye the amount that came into it.

When the amount got less I heard Mike say: "You get ready it is your turn now".

I got three different horrible tasting pee over myself. I was happy that the others didn't pee in my mouth that much as Mike had done. Then not sure what happened but I was forced to stand up again and before I knew it my dick was in some ones mouth and the sucking motion on my dick made it get harder again. Not knowing if I could do it again I felt my balls starting to contract even if I didn't want it I felt cum starting to leave my dick.

During the next 15 minutes I got in touch with more cock as I was told to suck their cocks one bye one and then all over again. At some point my hormones took over again. Mike kept talking to me making sure I felt humiliated bye all that happened. He knew exactly what to say. I had no idea he had been such a good on the mental area with this. Just when I felt one of them starting to come their was more play with my own dick as well.

{Back in the Hospital}

I had taken the mother of Francis back to the lounge totally in shock now. I knew how she felt as I could hardly understand what had happened down their. The doctor had easy talking bye just saying that he might be better after the night sleep but what if he wasn't.

I told David and Brian what was said and we all felt we had to stay in the hospital just in case Francis would wake up. We discussed a bit what would happen if he didn't change and if he still couldn't remember what had happened the evening before or even worse what had happened during the last few months.

But it all ended in silent ness as we felt that we could talk a lot but nothing do about it at the moment. As helpless we had felt with Nick missing, it was now even more deepened bye what had happened in the room with Francis.

Brian contacted Andy once more but there was no news and it seems the hotel was not interested in doing anything further.

I stepped outside with David to see if we would stay or go to search for Nick but we both knew that Alexei would do anything he could back at the hotel. The best think we could now for Nick was stay here and make sure everything was done for Francis to get him better. I called Keith though and told him what happened, despite the late hour he said he would go back to the office and make a few calls to the local police to give them a bit of background on the whole situation. As cold as I got bye the though Francis' father would have bummed into Nick it was nothing compared with the idea that somehow the doc could have returned for some revenge. I hadn't talked with any of the others about it as so far it didn't have seemed to come up in any of their minds but still their was always the possibility. Keith promised to get back in contact with me early next morning.

I got back in the lounge and set myself beside Francis's mother who tried to get comfortable and somehow we drifted off into dreamland.

{Back in mike's room; Andrew talking}

After more cuming was flocked around not only Nick's but also some of ours, I felt it was time to stop. Nick looked exhausting and needed a rest and I felt like we done more then we should have done already for Mike. I have had my doubts several times during it all but the fact Nick kept hard and he kept cuming reassured me that he was ok with it. He didn't object a lot more after that first time either as Mike knew Nick would try to get out of it to early and they had agreed that Mike would ignore that request. I was a bit ashamed though bye the way it all got to me. Although I didn't want to cum or have fun in some perverted way I had. It felt sleazy and dirty though and I knew we, peter and me needed to talk about this later as it was not an event I was looking in someway to be repeated.

Nick had come several times now and it was amazing the way Mike was able to reach out to it and get another eruption out of him. I looked at Mike and winked him. We walked towards and then into the bathroom.

"It is time to stop Mike, Nick looks exhausted and I think we all had a lot of fun but we need to leave it bye this".

I saw that Mike was pondering this all very carefully. "Ok guys you kept your promise. I think you are right we all need to go sleeping as it is far into the morning bye now".

"Ok we want the pictures Mike and the originals, you said you would gave them to us".

"Ok, keep calm Andrew. I will give them to you as soon we are back in town. You don't think I brought them here did you".

"Damned Mike, you promised".

"I will keep it Andrew don't worry but for now you have to believe me. I just didn't want to bring them with me and have the risk that they would be some how got lost down here and found bye others".

"You know Mike you better deliver them as soon as you get home tomorrow. We don't want to be pulled in any blackmail anymore with your perverted games. If Nick wants that is up to him but leave us out of it ok".

"Oh and you didn't like it".

"We did what you wanted Mike and we are not going through with this. Tomorrow the pictures or just out us if you want as we won't participate in such a thing anymore".

Mike looked at me. I felt he was checking me out to see if I mend that or not so I tried to be as positive as I could when I repeated: "Back the pictures mike or we might even out you".

"As I said Andrew we had a deal and the pictures will be delivered with you tomorrow when we come in town".

"Good, we will be leaving now".

With that I took the hand of Peter who had been behind Mike all the time and we left the room. I felt as I said dirty their was no way I would stay another minute in it. The after shock of what we had been doing came more and more to me. It was sleazy what ever Nick and Mike wanted to do it was up to them but never would I or if it was up to me Peter be involved in something like this.

{Still in Mikes room, Nick telling}.

I was hanging more or less exhausted in my chair. Hanging on bye just the idea that staying awake would give me a change to get out of here faster then when I would fall asleep. I had felt cum splashing on my face of at least all the three guys and even worse I was forced to cum a few times more each time as well. I had felt blue balls before but coming time after time was starting to be annoying. It felt like my balls where starting to shoot from within. Trying to find the little bit semen that was left at that moment. Contractions starting to become more and more heavy to be able to put what was left out of my dick. I still shot though not a lot but it seems my balls where able to keep up with at least some form with production at the moment.

I heard the talking in the background but couldn't make out the voice then it got silent and I heard a door shut. Had the two men left? Was I back alone again with Mike? Would he let me go or what? I heard him walking around in the room. I tried to feel somehow what he was doing but there was no way I could. I knew my balls where again attached to the cord behind the chair so I was not sure I could speak up or not. Would I do it or better stay quite.

"So Nick, they left us alone again, although they wanted you to thank you for the great pleasure you gave them. They hoped they could do it again soon".

There was a break then if he wanted me to answer but I had no idea what to say.

"Are you tired Slave".

I just nodded not wanting to give him any idea how tired.

"Well you have had a long day so I guess it is time for some sleep don't you think".

Sleep damned he was going to sleep and me what was I going to do, would he loose me up probably not I though about it and knew I had to try again.

'Mike, please".

'What Nick".

"Please Mike let me go. I need to go to Francis he is in danger I need to know what happened".

"Ah afraid some one or something happened with your boyfriend. Well knowing Alexei he is probably already fucking Francis his brains out and you are already forgotten bye them".

"No way lyer you are. They would never do anything like that".

"Well just shut up or do I have to make you. For the time being you are not going anywhere. I am going to go to sleep and we will see tomorrow".

"And me" I asked.

"I am going to put you on the bed so you can have some rest too but I will make sure you are tied enough to the bed to keep you on it".

Damned I knew he probably would he had the skills to do it.

After 10 minutes I was put on the bed and my hands where tied just above my head into not a very bad position I might even sleep like this I thought. I heard how Mike sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I am going to take your blindfold off now so you can sleep a bit more easier".

He got the blindfold off and then walked back to the table. "I might have a few surprises tonight as I don't think you are aloud to sleep without disturbance so enjoy it and try to sleep in between".

With that he walked to the other bed and lay down on it. I was still a bit in the light that came from outside but he was on the darker side of the room so I couldn't see what he was doing or if he was asleep. When about 10 minutes later I heard his breathing come more steady I knew he had gone of to sleep and I started to drift away as well, remembering several of images of that evening.

{Back down in the lobby}

Kathy and Susan had been taking over the watch from James and Alexei and had been talking silently. Not only about the situation but Susan had also asked if she knew about James and Alexei so slowly Kathy had told her all she knew not getting into details but at least explaining what had been happening during the last few months and why all the guys had been getting so mixed up and involved with each other. Each couple caring for the other and worrying about how they would get pasted this again.

Kathy told about their passion for sports and gymnastic in special as she knew that James had a passion for that himself. When Susan asked how she and David felt about being surrounded bye gay ones she just had laughed and said that they where the best friends they could wish to have gay or not gay they where just a bunch of incredibly great friends, sticking through thick and thin.

When Kathy said that she started to cry a bit as she knew that soon she needed that help and she knew they would be their for her as well. Talking with another women was easier then it had been with David so it felt easier better to be able to do it. Not that Susan had asked what they had decided to do now but just having the change to discuss it without prededuce or anything was good.

They somehow had stopped talking and more or less where drifted of back to dreamland.

[In Mike's room, Mike telling}.

I just did as if I had fallen asleep keeping a regular breath as I saw that Nick kept looking at me. I knew he couldn't see me but I knew he could hear me. I was not ready with him not in a far shot. He would knew what exhaustion would mean bye the time I was ready with him. He would remember ever time he was Francis and had sex how it had felt tonight with me. I would be always be with them what ever the future would bring.

{Back in Peters and Andrew's room}

"Did you mend it Andrew that you rather would out yourself or even Mike then doing anything like that again".

"I have no idea Peter, but it felt so bad being their you know, doing all the stuff. It changed during that last few minutes we where in the room you know. I am not sure what happened but it felt wrong to me".

"I know I had a bit of the same feeling but after seeing Mike working on Nick I am not sure if we would be a match to him. Did you see how he was able just talk Nick back hard? It was incredible he knew exactly what to say to get Nick\s dick back to life".

"yea I was surprised bye that myself. They must have played this a lot of time. You know I never had any idea that Nick would be like this. He looked so happy with Francis but I guess there is a more dark side to Nick as well. I have read about people not been able to control such a side from themselves. Hating it and loving it at the same time. I just hope that he won't hurt Francis with it and is able to stop it".

"You want to talk about it with Nick".

"Hmm not sure yet Peter, not sure, just not sure about anything at the moment".

"Come here" Peter said and he took Andrew in a hug's.

'You smell you know that Andrew".

"Yea dirty sex smell come lets take a shower and then sleep".

"Good idea, we can sleep in no need to leave the room before check out time".

They got in the bathroom. There was both a shower and a bath in it. Wondering about what he would do Andrew looked at peter and said " come on lets get the dirt off our body and then soak in the bath tub it is ashamed not to use it".

The stepped under the streaming warm water of the shower. Helping each other to rinse everything off as if they had been under a layer of mud. Not touching each other at first until they where certain the invisible layer had disappeared and then softly scrubbing each other off.

"You know Andrew, I love you and what ever you decide to do I am their for you 100 percent. Coming out or not but you are right never we will be involved in something that only appeals to the hormones there is more to love then plain less sex without joy without love". With that he slowly started to kiss Andrew on the mouth first softly then more and more intense trying to forget about the sleazy evening it had been.

"Come on lets get into the bathtub".

Holding hands looking intense at each other they walked from shower to the bath which was now half filled with water.

"You first" Andrew said.

Peter slide into the water, which was now half up to him. He lay down on his side. He knew their was more then enough room for Andrew to lay down beside him.

He looked at Andrew who slowly sinks in as he well. He tried to look at every beautiful detail of Andrew's body. He felt not only hormones rushing through his body but a wonderful sense of having his other half here with him. The one he loved, cared for, the one he would follow everywhere.

More kisses where given the moment Andrew was beside him. Filling the tub almost to the half now with their body side bye side leaving just their tows, knees and upper part of their face without water. Hands where flowing through the water softly touching the skin of each others body. Feeling the softly ness of it but also making each other aware of every little skin they had as each touch felt like electric warming the little place up.

Their dicks had started to get hard but it seems they felt that this was not about sexual explosion or hormones this had to do with love. They felt each other backs, hairs, nipples and even their legs where tangled in a complex love dance in the water. Playing with each other nipples making them look stand out pride. Then slowly starting to let the water break line flow over them if they where straddled bye the softest touch possible.

Then kissing again like they had never been before, letting electric fire pushing into each other mouths but still softly and slowly making sure that this was about tenderness and nothing else.

Drawned in each other eyes they kept calm still trying to be as close to the other one possible. Trying to apologize for what had happened that night, knowing in their harts that what had happened was not good for their relationship and that it would never happen again.

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Next: Chapter 49

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