Coachs Assistant

By Tim Tim

Published on Oct 17, 2006


After 7 years of writing this is it for now.There are many people I would like to thank. Dana and Bill for the editing they have done on this story. Especially Dana who has done most of it for the last few years. Not only for the editing but also for the support you showed and the fact you introduced me to the most important person in my life at this moment. And then of cause all of you who have been writing to me to encourage to go on and who have kept faitfull waiting for new chapters to be born and published.

This story has been much more for me then just writing, the change to develop characters in a story can't never go without the development as a writer yourself. You grow you move on, look back and take the next step. That together with the sometimes very enthousiast respons kept me moving towards the end for now.

If you want to be kept informed if and when I will start a sequal on this story send me an e-mail to I will keep you informed in the future if there will be more of Nick and Francis. As I can assure that somewhere there is more I can feel that but not for some time now.

If you have read this story for some time and never send me a line I would like to invite you to do so, so at least I have some idea if there are people who read the story. mail me at

Ok lets do this final bit where ...

WOW! He'd seen me before ... before that moment we'd looked into each other's eyes at the gym. Seemingly he'd been thinking the same as I had earlier that afternoon.

We'd only been driving for a minute or two and I realized that I didn't have anything to give him, so I rapped on the window between me and the driver.

"Can you go back for a moment? I forgot something."

"Yea, if you think it's important."

"I think it is."

"No problem."

I wanted to give him something and the picture I'd sketched that afternoon was the perfect gift. I knew he probably would have liked a sketch of myself, but the last thing I wanted to do was a self portrait.

I ran into the house and went straight upstairs without shutting the door.

"You forgot something?" my dad asked me when I came back downstairs.

"Well ... see ... I ... hmmm ... dad, do you have an empty picture frame I could have?"

"For that?" he asked, pointing at the rolled up paper I had in my hand.

"Yes ... I'll explain tomorrow."

"Well, if you want, you could take one of the old ones we put upstairs when we moved in."

"Thanks, dad!" I rushed upstairs again and found a frame. I looked at what was in it and ... well ... I'm not sure I wanted that "art" on our walls anyway ... so I removed it as quickly as I could, I put it aside and mounted my sketch. I'd do something with the old drawing tomorrow.

I rushed downstairs and looked at my dad, who was standing at the door with wrapping paper in his hand.

"Thought you might want this, too."

"Thanks again, dad."

"Can I see it, Nick?"

I thought about that and showed it to him.

"Wow! What an incredible sketch of Francis!!! When did you do that?"

"This afternoon. I found a note in the limo from Francis and thought it'd be a nice present to give him."

"Yea, I think he'll like it, for sure. Hope you're not getting used to traveling in style like this ... it's not gonna happen again soon!" he said, laughing.

I blushed and said good night.

I got back in the car and told the driver I was ready to go. I got out a glass of rosé and, as I sipped, I wrapped the framed sketch. I felt better that I now had something for him with me.

I enjoyed the ride and my glass of rosé. When I felt the car slow down, I started to get a bit nervous. What now, I wondered.

The car door was opened and I got out. I looked around and I immediately recognized where I was. We were at the tiny old restaurant at the lake, the location of our first date. I smiled and thought ... yea, this is the perfect place.

I looked to see if I could see anyone. There was no light on in the front of the restaurant. It looked deserted.

"Could you please bring this in later, so he won't see it?" I asked the driver.

"Of course," he answered.

The door opened ... and there he was ... my soulmate, I thought.

He smiled. "At last! I thought you weren't coming."

"Why was that, Francis?"

"Well, it took you quite a long time. I know the driver picked you up almost an hour ago."

I smiled. "Getting impatient?"

He smiled back. I'd come up to the door now and he stepped towards me and took me in his arms. We looked into each others eyes and our lips softly touched ... first slowly ... then going into a more passionate kiss.

"I love you, Nick" he said when we came up for some air. "Please follow me."

"Thanks, Francis! You'd better be careful or I'll always expect to be picked up in style like this," I teased, remembering the words my dad had said.

"Oh, no problem, Nick ... I want only the best for you!" I couldn't see his face but his voice sounded serious. He wasn't joking. We went through the hallway to the back of the café. It was the only area where some shadows of light were visible.

"May I invite you into our private dining room for the evening? Although I have some things in mind tonight, I just want you to know that if you want or need anything ... just say so ... OK?"

"No worries, Francis ... I will."

"I know. I just want to make sure ... as it's your evening tonight."

He opened the door to the room and I was overwhelmed by the soft light coming from a few spot lights on the wall. The scene was completed by some candles that were placed around the room ... not too many ... just enough to make it look really nice and special. Towards the conservatory at the back was a table which was covered with candles as well. When I got closer, I saw it overlooked the lake, which was ablaze with light from a series of lamps. It was all astonishingly romantic.

"If you're hungry, we can sit down and start dinner. If you want to sit down and have a drink on the couch first, that's good, too. The main course should be ready in about an hour but we can start with the appetizer when you want."

"Let's start," I said. From the moment I'd entered the dining room, my nostrils had been teased by some different but terrific smells from what I expected would be some pretty wonderful food.

He led me to the table and drew out the chair so I could sit down. He walked to the other side and sat down.

It felt very special ... very relaxing ... and yet there was a bit of a tension in the air. Maybe it was the tension of too high expectations ... I don't know ... but it seemed like he'd gone out his way to make this as perfect as he could.

"So you'd seen me before?" I said, referring to the revelations in his note.

"Yea ... I knew I hadn't told you before ... but I'd seen you for the first time about four weeks earlier when you walked down the hall to the canteen. I was struck dumb ... and I didn't move for 15 minutes or so. Then, when I wanted to follow you into the canteen, you'd gone. During the next four weeks, I saw you several times ... but I never got the chance to speak with you. When I found out that you were helping out the gymnastics team, I had one more reason to get back into the sport as quickly as I could."

"Ahhhh ... so I was part of the reason you joined?"

"Oh, I'd have joined anyway ... but you were the reason I did it as quickly as I did ... otherwise I might have waited till the start of this school year."

"Hmm ... I'm glad you didn't, Francis."

"Me, too, Nick ... me, too."

"So, what is this?" I asked, looking at the plate in front of me.

"Oh, are you hungry? This is the starter ... saumon au Francis's smoked salmon with slivers of peach, drizzled with white wine."

"Hmm ... it looks great."

"Well, let's dig in and see if it's as good as it looks."

We ate our appetizers and talked a bit about that first meeting at the gym. Looking back, it'd been love at first sight ... not only for him, but for me, too.

"Hey!!! Look ... a deer," I pointed out. I'd seen some movement out of the right hand corner of my eye.

"Wonderful!" Francis said as he looked out at the lake.

One deer was followed by another ... then a third. They'd slowly moved towards the lake and now had started to drink in the shallows.

"Hmmm ... the owner told me that, in the past, this happened when the restaurant was closed in the winter but I've never seen it before."

"Yea ... I thought it was closed. You were able to arrange to use it tonight?"

"Oh, he was more than happy to oblige. I just needed to make sure I'd do the cooking myself and, in the end, leave the place clean in the morning."

We talked a bit more about the future. Neither of us wanted to speculate about what would happen when we went to college ... but I know he felt as I had that afternoon ... that we'd need at some point to think about the future.

But we both had our dreams down the road ... gymnastics, drawing, and something to do with teaching kids ... all were a part of my future, for sure.

We exchanged stories about some of the famous people we'd met on the Friday.

Like me, Francis had gotten contact details from several of our famous visitors so he could stay in contact. Jamie Cullen ... who'd I'd not really seen ... was one of them.

"OK ... time for me to go and prepare the main course. You can either join me or wait for me to come back ... but you might not like the condition of the kitchen at the moment."

"I'll wait," I said.

He strode out to the kitchen. He was really making this into a wonderful evening. The tension of the start had disappeared. I really enjoyed talking as, surrounded by friends and family, we'd not been able to do that lately.

"Here it comes!" he said as he returned.

He had a big tray filled with fragrant food in his hands ... with two plates and several small bowls.

I hoped everything would be a success ... he'd worked so hard to make it perfect.

"If it's as good as the salmon, then you've nothing to worry about. That was wonderful."

He smiled. "I liked it, too ... but still, let's see. If you're interested, this is a medallion of lamb with a smooth thyme and red wine sauce. The side dishes include some herbed roasted potatoes and a mixture of root vegetables."

I cut a sliver of the lamb and watched him gauge my reaction. "Tender, Francis," I said. It tasted wonderful ... almost delicate in its spicing.

The tension in his face disappeared a bit and he started to eat, too.

I told him about David Eddings, that he wanted to see some more of my drawings, especially as I impressed him with my knowledge of fantasy books.

"You might end up as a cover illustrator for books," he said.

"Oh, I'm not that good!"

"You are, Nick ... and you know it. It's just one of your wonderful talents."

"Well, I definitely discovered one in you, Francis ... you're a great cook."

"OK, you caught me on a good day ... as long as you don't expect me to cook every night in future."

As a dessert, he'd gotten some ice-cream which he covered with more fruit. We talked some more and enjoyed the evening.

When we'd finished, he got up and walked towards the bar. "You want a whiskey?"

"Hmmm ... doesn't one of us have to drive?"

"No ... we're spending the night here, Nick."

"Oh! We are?"

"Yea, I told your dad ... and I don't think he wants us back, either."

"I agree ... I saw him cleaning his bedroom before I left. Pour one for me, then."

"I think I have just the right choice here," Francis said.

"You wanna sit on the couch now?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan! It's time to spend some time closer together," he said with a slight blush on his face.

I sat down on the couch. Francis walked towards the fireplace and used a match to start a small pile of paper, sticks and logs he'd obviously set up earlier. It slowly started to glow and then a little flame came to life ... slowly in the beginning but it got bigger soon.

He walked back and sat down beside me.

"Hmmm ... yes, this is how I'd dreamed tonight would happen," he said, then kissed me on my cheek softly.

I turned a bit and wanted to kiss him on his lips.

"Wait. Nick. There's one more thing that I want to do before our minds get too distracted." He turned towards the cabinet beside the couch and took a wrapped gift out of the drawer.

"This is for you, Nick ... my soulmate forever ... I promise you ... like I wrote in my note."

I looked at him and melted completely at that moment. I knew he meant every word of it.

I took his present and looked at it ... then slowly I started to open it. There was a small gift box in it. Was this what I thought it was? I opened the lid. Inside was a small silver ring, accented by a little emerald stone.

"I hope you want to wear this forever ... to remind you of our first year together ... a year that gave me the confidence that there is no other place for me ... other than with you ... to care for you ... to make our dreams come true together. I'm here for you whenever you need me. I trust you ... I love you ... and I want to make you happy however and whenever I can."

For a moment, I was happy that he wasn't on his knees ... as that would've made this seem a bit weird ... but this was perfect. I held out my hand ... it shook a bit as I felt the meaning of the gesture he'd just made.

"I will, Francis," I said. Appropriate words wouldn't come into my mind and the last thing I wanted to do was spoil the moment.

"Just wait here," I said. I stood up. I just hoped that he understood that the drawing was my way of showing him the same emotions ... although my approach was not as traditional.

I saw the surprise on his face as I walked back into the room with the wrapped framed sketch that the driver had left in the hall as I'd asked. I'd taken that retrieval time to think about the words I wanted to say when I returned. "I can't put my feelings in words the way you can ... but I hope this will tell you how I feel. But if I must ... then I want to say ... you've been there for me the last year at a time when I needed love more than at any other time in my short life. I hope you know I love you very much ... and that I too feel like I've met my soulmate."

He started to rip off the paper and, when he saw the drawing, his mouth fell open. "Wow! Nick ... this is incredible! Are you sure I look like this?."

"In my eyes, you do, Francis ... others will have to say how realistic it is."

"Thanks, Nick! I'll cherish this forever. When did you draw this?"

"This afternoon. I did it without really thinking ... it came right out of my heart. I just sat there ... I started thinking about the last year ... and I started to draw. I think this came out of my thinking about what has happened."

He leaned forward and we kissed. We became lost in each other for quite some time ... lots of kissing ... looking into each others eyes ... touching. We stayed dressed, though I knew that was just for the time being.

We stayed together ... just enjoying our closeness ... the whiskey gave us a special connection ... just making sure the other knew how much love there was. I'm not sure how long it took but my bladder let me know it needed a visit to the loo. While I went, Francis filled up the glasses again.

When I came back, he'd moved the table away. "Can I have this dance of you?" he asked.

In the background I could hear soft romantic music.

"Yes, of course you can," I said.

He walked towards me and reached out to hold me. We came closer ...we kissed ... his hand rested on my lower back and a bit on my ass. He pulled me closer, his head now resting on my shoulder and mine on his. We moved slowly around the open space ... just enjoying each other's company while listening to the song that I knew but had never found so right as at this moment.

He started to join in and I could hear the words whispered into my ear. This is what I heard:

(If you wanna hear the song, too, let me know and I might be able to provide it for you somehow.)

When the daylight's gone and you're on your own And you need a friend just to be around I will comfort you, I will take your hand And I'll pull you through, I will understand.

And you know that I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side. If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn I'll be at your side. If life's standing still and your soul's confused And you cannot find what road to choose If you make mistakes (make mistakes) You can't let me down (let me down) I will still believe (still believe) I will turn around And you know that I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side If you feel like you're alone, and you've nowhere to turn I'll be at your side I'll be at your side

I'll be at your side You know that I'll be at your side, there's no need to worry Together we'll survive through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go, `Cos I'm right there

I'll be at your side, I'll be right there for you (Together we'll survive) through the haste and hurry I'll be at your side If you feel like you're alone, you've got somewhere to go, `Cos I'm at your side I'll be right there for you I'll be right there for you, yeah I'm right at your side.

Wow! I started to feel like I was flying. His words went straight into my heart and only made me feel more loved than I'd ever felt before.

When the music stopped, he whispered, "I thought this song said exactly what I felt. Love you, Nick."

"Love you, too, Francis."

We stared each other in the eyes again, a small smile appearing on his face.

"You OK if we go lie down?" he asked.

"Yea, we need to go somewhere."

"No, just go and sit on the couch."

I followed him, walking towards the fireplace, putting more logs on it. He had moved the table before and now got a rug or blanket from one side of the fireplace and spread it out on the floor

"It's a bear rug, I realized. We could spend the night on it"

"It looks nice and soft."

"It is ... come down here," he said in a slightly husky voice.

I moved towards him. He kissed me first. I let him and started to respond.

His hand moved behind my head, touching my hair, using his fingers as a brush. Then he moved lower. When he reached the waistband of my trousers, he brought his hands higher, under my shirt, his warm hands touching my back. I shivered with his first touch.

"You're cold, Nick?" he asked.

"No ... go ahead ... I'm just enjoying this" I said.

He went on sliding his hand across my back as he pulled my shirt over my head, drawing his hands up my back and arms as he slid my shirt off. "That's a lot better," he said with a smile.

His eyes now were focussed on my stomach and chest. His hands returned to stroking my body ... he reached for my chest and he stroked my nipples gently before giving each a small twist. I could feel them start to harden ... very hard. My dick wasn't too far behind.

"Let me," I whispered.

He backed off a bit, let his hands hang beside his body, and waited till my hands were behind his back. I copied what he'd done to me. Kissing him again, I stood against him and felt his hard nipple pressing against my chest. I moved a bit to play with it.

"Stand still!" he said. "I can't concentrate on this kiss if you keep doing that."

I let his nipple go. I could feel his hands moving down my back again ... reaching my waistband again ... now going in to play with my ass.

"Hmmm ... now I can't concentrate!" I mumbled as his hands pushed my jeans a bit lower and one of his hands reached for my ass.

He stopped kissing and put his head on my shoulder again. Standing close together, our chests touching, I could even feel his stiff dick through his clothes. He moved his other hand behind me so both of his warm hands were now caressing my cloth-covered ass.

"Hmmm ... nice." He massaged both my cheeks through my briefs ... then he slipped one hand along my hip.

He went for my zipper and slowly started to pull it down. My dick wanted to jump forward to feel the warm of the flesh of his hands. He undid my jeans and, with his hand on my back and the other on the front, he wriggled them downwards taking my briefs with them in the process.

I felt my dick jump up at least half an inch when his hand moved over my crotch as he slid my jeans off. I lifted my leg up a bit. He then moved two hands to one leg and, just like he did with my shirt, he kept his hands on my leg while sliding my jeans off. He was slowly caressing every bit of my flesh, and I loved it. He repeated this on my other leg, removing my jeans completely.

He stepped back a bit to put the jeans aside. His eyes, though, were still fixed on my body. "My beautiful Nick," he whispered softly a few times.

I just stood there. I could almost feel him caress my body with his gaze. It almost felt like we were becoming one.

I moved closer to him and brought my hands towards him. "Yes!" was the next sound he made. Not slowly and seductively ... but in need to see and feel more of him ... I roughly got his jeans off ... feeling his knees, calves, ankles ... oh, yea ... his crotch area as much as I could. His dick stood out hard in his briefs.

Moving closer together again, we went for a more passionate kiss. It felt like our love had caught fire. Our hands were touching each other everywhere ... moving up and down ... sometimes playing with one of our nipples ... sometimes teasingly ... sometimes for a longer time. When both of his hands had reached either side of my shoulders, he slowly pushed me down onto the rug, which I willingly did.

"Good! Even more beautiful," he crooned. "You look just perfect in the reflection of the candle and fire light."

"And so do you," I answered.

He now moved to his knees, placing one outside and one between my legs. Bending forward, he lowered himself over my belly and chest till his face reached mine and another passionate kiss was started.

He was hovering just above me. I was still using my hands to play with his body ... but, more and more, they were playing with his briefs. I caressed his dick through them and played a bit with his balls. My hands wanted more, though ... they wanted to feel the warmth of it ... directly, without anything in between. With one hand I got my hands inside and pushed his underwear down. I could feel him trying to help, one of his hands pushing the other side down.

I could here him starting to breathe more heavily when, suddenly, his dick sprung out of his briefs, some strings of pre-cum splashing on my stomach.

"Hmmm ... you're willing and ready!" I said.

He blushed. "Guilty as charged," he whispered back.

His gaze went downwards towards my cock, and I knew there was a wet spot at the end. Realising he was looking at it, I started to blush, too.

"Hmmm ... you're guilty as well, I guess," he said with a big grin on his face.

"I think he needs to be freed, too."

He moved backwards a bit till his head was at the same level as my crotch. My dick instantly knew what was coming and jumped up three times, seeking the warmth of his mouth, just two feet away. As I felt his hot breath so close, more pre-cum dripped out of my pee hole, making the wet spot even bigger.

He kept his hands beside my body but he lowered his head till it almost came in contact with my briefs. He waited for a bit and my dick again tried to reach his mouth without any success.

"Hmmm ... think you're ready now, Nick?" He looked at me. I saw him part his lips ... he licked them with his tongue ... and then turned again, facing my crotch. Not waiting any more, he leaned over. Eagerly he took my briefs in his mouth, now mixing the wetness of my pre-cum with the spit of his mouth.

I let out a loud moan at that point. I think that encouraged him even more and, quite roughly, he tried to take my dick into his mouth, pushing his lips lower over my soft underwear.

I knew I had to be careful or I would have come right then and there. Not that that would have been such a bad thing ... but, still, it was too early for this to come to a climax.

In the meantime, my hands had found the softness of his hair ... fondling it ... sometimes using my fingers as a brush ... other times just pushing his head down a bit more to encourage him to go on. I could feel the warmth of his mouth more and more as my briefs got saturated with moisture.

He moved his head up and looked at me. "Time to get naked," he whispered. He went back but now he took my undies in his mouth, pulled them up and, when, he touched the top of my dick, he started to pull them downwards. My briefs moved slowly lower. Then suddenly, as he needed some air, he released the elastic band, which snapped against my balls,

"Ouch," I yelped.

He went for it again. This time he used one of his hands to lower then further until my briefs were tucked underneath my balls.

"Hmmm ... wonderful, wonderful cock," I heard him whisper. He moved upwards again but, this time, he used his tongue to leave a wet trail from my balls all the way to the top of my dick. When he'd reached the tip, he moved forward, looking towards my face again. At first he failed as my dick jumped again, maintaining contact but then he moved further till our eyes locked.

"You want more, Nick?" he asked, his voice now deep and seductive as he took in deep breaths. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

I just smiled and looked at him, but I guess he was waiting for an answer.

"I think you've seen how ready I am, Francis."

I could hardly believe how fast he went back to sucking me ... not slowly and gently ... but needfully and eagerly. He moved his head forward, opened his mouth towards me, and sucked my cock with one all-consuming gulp into his mouth ... till it reached the back of his throat. Another loud moan escaped my lips. He stayed down on it for a moment, closing his lips even tighter around it. I could feel it sucked in a bit deeper into his mouth and then, when it was time for him to take a breath, he loosened his lips slightly moved towards the top of my dick ... then he used his lips to touch it slowly and softly, almost tickling the tender skin ... then quickly he slid down again. This time he didn't remain with my cock deep in his throat but immediately slid back up to the tip again. In a steady rhythm he started to suck me ... up and down ... sometimes tightening his lips tightly around my dick ... then again he opened up his mouth and blew warm air alongside it on the way down.

I knew this couldn't last too much longer. I was too horny ... too hard and ready for him. I'm not sure but I thought he knew exactly what I was feeling as he stayed down a bit longer on my cock just before I hit the orgasm level. I felt my cum make its way up my shaft ... then explode into his eager, waiting mouth.

He gently eased the pressure on my cock and, as he released my cock, I could feel him swallowing, making sure he got every drop.

I tried to return to normalcy from this wonderful moment as I'd closed my eyes and rested my head on the rug. I was a bit surprised when I felt skin touching my lips. Eagerly I opened them ... only to feel his tongue slide across mine ... and I savoured the taste of my cum ... a part of a hot kiss ... till I had to break it off, so I could breath again.

We looked at each other. Love filling our gaze. He slid his body beside me, giving his hand and arms some rest. While doing so he pushed me a bit over to one side. He moved his body a bit so we were spooned together. He was nibbling on my neck and when, a moment later, I felt his hard dick against my legs, I knew I wanted it.

I turned around and whispered, "You relax now."

He smiled as I could see he knew what I was doing.

My hands tore his briefs off him. He'd been nice and very gentle with me but I felt he needed something different. He'd get a more forceful treatment this time.

I didn't hesitate one moment. I could feel that I'd surprised him as he'd gasped as I grabbed his briefs. He moaned loudly as my mouth engulfed his cock, almost to his balls. Then, moving up quickly, my hands joined to feel his legs, moving up towards his balls, touching them ... and then sliding again, back down his legs.

After a short time, as I milked his cock, I eased off and made my way down to his balls. As he'd done to me, there was no foreplay: I immediately took one after the other in my mouth and massaged them with my tongue. He moaned even louder. He eagerly moved his hips upwards. I got back to the top of his dick and, before going back onto it deeply, I blew some warm air over it, this time getting a response from his cock which started to leak pre-cum.

Once again, going deep on it in quick up and down strokes, I sucked his cock. My hands still played with the inside of his leg and his balls. As I got one hand on his balls and the other one just a bit below, he thrust his hips upwards. Without thinking, my hands reacted to his movements and slid underneath him. When he dropped his body, both my hands were trapped between the rug and the warm flesh of his ass.

In that position I had to stretch a bit to feel him completely, so I moved forward a bit, getting one of my legs over his body ... kneeling like that with his body in between. I knew what I wanted and, when I moved my hands a bit and he made the space to accommodate them, I pushed his legs further apart and a bit higher. One hand moved up higher till I held his balls ... the other hand slowly moved towards the middle of his bum, exploring till I found his asshole.

He groaned loudly as I moved my hands over his body, pushing his ass down a bit. I had gone down with my mouth over his dick again and, with my concentration split between two wonderful body parts, I was moving with more deliberation.

My hand had started to massage his asshole slowly, moving them inside the opening, relaxing it. I could feel him loosen a bit more and slowly I added another one of my fingers. I continued to open his hole while sucking his dick slowly.

I'd felt his hands on my back, moving up and down for a few seconds, almost like a massage. When he'd reached the top again he pushed my hips lower. I moved them down and slid backwards a bit with my knees.

I was reminded of my own reaction to being fingered when my second finger ... which had been exploring the outside of his hole ... moved in to join my first intrusion. As I moved them both around, I could feel his dick harden even more. He breathed heavily. When that stopped for a moment, I felt something unexpected ... hmmm ... he was licking my ass ... at first gently.

"Move closer," he whispered.

I took my mouth off his cock and looked back. As I did that, I moved my hips downwards, my ass getting closer and closer to his face ... making it easier for him to reach my ass with his tongue.

It'd felt good ... but I wanted to pleasure him, too. I felt his dick touch my face. My thoughts immediately turned back to his dick and I quickly moved my mouth back over it.

Using my fingers to open his asshole, I got in deeper and deeper till a third slipped in. When it did, another moan came from Francis's lips. He had slowly come closer and closer to my asshole. When he hit the opening, I had to be careful not to bite down as an electric current of pleasure coursed through my body.

We continued doing this for a while, letting the pleasure build. I made sure I'd release his dick for a moment when I could feel it tense up, so he'd be kept on the edge of cumming. My fingers kept stroking the inside of his ass while his tongue was doing a dirty dance around mine, making it wetter and wetter. It felt relaxed and suddenly, to my surprise, I felt him slide the tip of his tongue in between my ass lips. Another eclectic jolt went through my body.

The next time I felt his dick tense up, I quickly moved away, totally aware at that moment of the erotic feelings he was creating just by tonguing my asshole. It was wonderful. It was ecstatic. It was so much different from other times my ass had been played with ... this time, there was so much love in what was happening to me. Could that mean ... yea, it must mean ... it felt so pleasurably different. I stopped moving my fingers around in his ass. I'm not sure he knew what I was doing to him, he was concentrating so much on what he was doing. When I slid my hips away so he couldn't reach my ass any more, he looked up and said, "Hey! You stopped! Is anything wrong?"

"Hmmm ... yea ... I want you, Francis," I whispered.

"What???" he looked at me, confused.

"I want you, Francis."

He didn't respond right away, so I gave him a hint and moved my ass in the air a bit. "You know?"

"Oh! But Nick! Oh, Nick ... that was not what I was trying for ... I just thought you might like it." I saw a mixture of guilt and other emotions washing over his face.

Oh! He was afraid he'd been hurting me. "No, Francis. I want you to go on ... I want more ... I want to feel you in me."

Now his face cleared, his mouth standing open. "You do? That's what you want? Are you sure?"

"Yea ... as long as you keep up what you were doing ... slowly ... with care and love."

"Yea," he said very eagerly. "But if it hurts or if you get any flashbacks ... you tell me, OK?"

"I will ... now, continue."

"OK. Just go and kneel on your hand and knees."

I did as he asked. He slid away from underneath me, knelt behind me and put his hands on my ass, pushing them a bit outwards, exposing my hole so he could reach it better. I looked forward, awaiting the touch of his lips. Then his warm wet lips touched the skin and his tongue started to lick its way in again. This time it entered easier as his hands pulled my ass lips apart a bit.

I moaned loudly as I felt his tongue move deeper and deeper into my ass. It felt like he had a very large tongue as the sensations went deep ... very deep. My dick had quickly gotten back to full hardness again.

From time to time, he shifted his angle of attack a bit ... moving in slightly from the right or left ... making sure he touched all over the inside of my hole. I felt my brain going into overdrive ... very different from other times when I'd felt forced or humiliated. This was pure love, pure good.

Becoming more and more relaxed, I felt him move in a little deeper, then he slid his tongue out again. Lost in my own thoughts and feelings, I was startled when suddenly something cold touched my hole. My brain quickly realized that he'd replaced his tongue with one of his fingers. It felt different ... that was for sure ... but still it sent electric bolts through my body, jolts of pure excitement.

A second finger moved in and he massaged the opening quite erotically. I could feel my ass opening up again but, this time, I enjoyed what was happening. When his fingers left, I reactively pushed my hips upwards a bit. I showed that I wanted more. Francis must have recognised that, for he whispered, "I think you're ready for me." As he said that, I started to shiver a bit and said, "Yea ... give it to me, Francis. I want it."

I waited, not sure for what ... but, when I looked back, I saw Francis trying to put a condom on his dick with shaking hands. I smiled and turned around.

"Hmmm need some help, I guess."

He looked up into my eyes and said, "Just nervous, Nick ... the last thing I want to do is to hurt you."

"I know ... but, so far, you're just giving me unbelievable amounts of erotic pleasure and new feelings that are overwhelming me ... so just go slow and move on ... you're doing fine."

As I finished, I moved closer to him and kissed him on his lips. My first reaction was to move away as I could taste something different ... a mixture of his spit and my ass juices, I thought ... but, when Francis reacted by opening his mouth a bit, I eagerly went for more and kissed him deeper. Our tongues were now duelling in a passionate dance.

When we came up for air again, he said "Can you lie on your back? I want to be able to see your face so I know you're OK."

"Sure." I turned around, smiled at him, and got comfortable. He pushed my legs upwards as he inched closer. I tensed my ass muscles a bit in anticipation as his now hard and proud dick got closer and closer to the entrance of my love tunnel.

One of his hands went back to my ass ... one, then two fingers were quickly inserted, and I slowly started to relax again. A third finger went in. Our eyes had been locked but, as a new jolt of pleasurable sensation went through my body, I relaxed my head backwards and closed my eyes.

He slid his fingers out of my hole and I could feel him move his body closer to mine. I could feel the tip of his cock touching my ass. But that was it. When I opened my eyes, I saw he'd moved his upper body lower ... closer and closer. Our faces came together ... he smiled and went for another kiss ... soft and passionate again. Our kisses took my mind completely off what I knew would happen but, with my emotions totally focused on our kiss, I lost track of the feelings in my ass. Then, during our third kiss or so, my concentration was focused back on my ass as I could feel the warmth of the tip of his cock through the condom slowly exploring my hole.

He drew back from our kiss as he moved his dick around a bit more and slowly entered it into me a bit. His eyes kept focusing on my face and, when I closed my eyes again and let out a loud moan, he moved forward again ... convinced, I guess, that I was doing OK.

Now, with each thrust, I could feel him very slowly moving deeper and deeper into my love-hole. My lover and I were slowly but truly becoming one, I thought. When he slid back a bit, a new sensation went through my body ... another movement making it into a new experience. He didn't let it slip out, though, as a bit later, he moved forward again ... slowly ... a bit further. He continued doing this and, with each inch he moved in, I cried out more and more in pleasure.

When he moved in again and didn't move back right away, I opened my eyes and smiled at him. He smiled back. His face was starting to glisten with sweat.

One of his hands moved up towards my cock and he started to feel it up. "No ... just hold it Francis ... nothing more," I whispered between two deep breaths, trying to speak as clearly as my emotions allowed.

He nodded and started to move again ... out and in ... out and in ... deeper and deeper. I'd closed my eyes again, resting my head, enjoying what I felt. Then, with one more push, it felt like I'd exploded. He must have hit the right button, I thought ... for with that explosion, I felt his balls against mine.

Wow! He was inside me! I think he knew what had happened as he stopped, letting me adjust to the feeling of fullness and pleasure. I think ... no, I knew ... he knew how I was feeling ... as I'd cried out louder than ever.

When my breath slowed again, he took that as a sign to move on ... and he really started to fuck me ... slowly at first ... so different than those horrible guys before ... but each thrust brought me to a higher level of excitement ... and, with each thrust, my cries became louder and louder. My dick was now thrusting itself through the ring his hand had formed around it. I'm not sure I was even touching his hand any more ... but I could feel the tension building in my balls.

He stopped again when he'd almost completely withdrawn ... leaving me with an empty feeling. Damn! So quickly, it felt like it belonged in me ... as if it were a part of me. I pushed my body back a bit, making sure he knew I wanted it. I opened my eyes again as I did it and saw a smile on his face.

"Get ready," he whispered.

He slid his cock back in and I felt new sensations. He'd hit the jackpot inside me again and I cried out. He pulled it back but I could feel his cock harden even more. Was he getting close? I knew I was! His hand had gone back to help me keep my legs up as well as we could. I'm not sure that was the reason why he'd been able to hit that joy spot again but it might have been.

Again he moved forward. This time he stayed inside and a very deep, loud, long cry escaped his mouth. At the same time, I could feel his cock tense. He pushed in deeper. His body convulsed ... he was coming, I thought, as I felt his jets of cum squirt into the condom. At the same time, I sensed my own orgasm ... intense ... but overwhelmed by the feelings of him cumming in my ass. His moans slowed down a bit but I felt a second jolt of cum erupt into the condom. Now it was my turn to shake and cry as well. Never had I cum so hard! I could feel it splashing on my face and I was sure it had gone even further. While I was cumming, Francis let out another cry and drove his cock even deeper into me. Together we screamed and moaned while our final spurts of sperm left our dicks ... mine now landing on my chest and belly ... his filling the condom as he slowly slid his cock out ... quivering with the final spasms of his orgasm.

My body was super sensitive ... every nerve ending seemed to tingle. I felt a complete happiness. I was at one with the man I loved.

I opened my eyes as his dick slipped out of my hole. He slopped the condim off ... it was filled with his precious cum.

He looked up into my eyes. I could read the question in them; I knew what he wanted to know.

"That was incredible, Francis," I said softly. "Just incredible! I don't think I'll ever be able to make you understand what you've just done for me.

I love you forever, Francis, with every fibre of my being."

His face, which previously had shown a bit of concern, now relaxed and he smiled. "I love you, too, Nick, and there'll be more lovemaking in the future. For now, I'm exhausted!" I'd lowered my legs and he moved closer to my side. He laid down and, as his head moved closer, I opened my mouth in invitation. I saw him respond and, as out lips met, another heavy and passionate kiss began.

After a bit I could feel him start to slide down a bit so he could rest his head on me. He gently guided me to my side again ... he was lying right beside me. "Just some snuggles to cherish this feeling, Nick." Again we spooned and I could feel his body completely against mine ... his dick resting between my cheeks and his lips touching my neck ... which felt like a never-ending kiss. I relaxed and closed my eyes.

I could actually feel every one of my muscles slowly relax and I think even Francis's breathing had become shallow.

This was love ... this was happiness ... this was like being one person. We were proceeding in life together ... together towards everlasting love ...

we'd have our painful times ... we'd have our struggles ... but we'd cope together ... forever ... holding each other tightly ... protecting one another from the outside world ... feeding on the depth of the love we felt for each other ... dreaming of a perfect world ... with just us... our love ... and our dreams.

The end.

After 7 years of writing this is it for now. There are many people I would like to thank. Dana and Bill for the editing they have done on this story. Especially Dana who has done most of it for the last few years. Not only for the editing but also for the support you showed and the fact you introduced me to the most important person in my life at this moment. And then of cause all of you who have been writing to me to encourage to go on and who have kept faitfull waiting for new chapters to be born and published.

This story has been much more for me then just writing, the change to develop characters in a story can't never go without the development as a writer yourself. You grow you move on, look back and take the next step. That together with the sometimes very enthousiast respons kept me moving towards the end for now.

If you want to be kept informed if and when I will start a sequel on this story send me an e-mail to I will keep you informed in the future if there will be more of Nick and Francis. As I can assure that somewhere there is more I can feel that but not for some time now.

If you have read this story for some time and never send me a line I would like to invite you to do so, so at least I have some idea if there are people who read the story. mail me at

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