Cock Snob

By Richard Lickerish

Published on May 20, 2008


Warning! If you are not of legal age to read stories that contain erotic subject matter or you are offended by the erotic subject matter contained herein do not read any further. All rights to this story are retained by the author. This story is protected under applicable copyright laws and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the author. I hope my readers enjoy this latest installment as they have previous installments.

Comments and critics on the story are welcome and may be directed to:

Email: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com

Subject line: Cock Connoisseur

Cock Snob

By Dick Lickerish

Chapter XII: Painful Memory

After Jason and I cleaned up from a couple fantastic before breakfast blow jobs we returned to the kitchen. We each poured fresh cups of coffee. Jason sat down at the table where he began nursing his cup of black coffee while he read the morning paper. I sipped mine, savoring the taste of the gourmet drink as well as the lingering residual taste of Jason's beautiful cock. In the meantime, I began preparing breakfast. I glanced up at the clock on the microwave and noticed it was a little after eleven, so I asked, "What would you like to eat Jason?"

"You," Jason responded with a big grin looking up from the newspaper.

"You've already had that meal," I replied with a laugh.

"Whatever you're fixing is fine with me," Jason replied.

"How bout a light brunch; bacon, scrambled eggs and English muffins?"

"Sounds great to me."

I finished sectioning half a grapefruit and put it in front of Jason. He thanked me and began spooning out the little sections, eating them one at a time. I broke out the skillet and other utensils to begin preparing breakfast. As I retrieved the bacon and eggs from the fridge I asked Jason, "Are you a church goer?"

"No, not really," Jason replied, "why, do you attend church on Sunday mornings?"

"Sometimes, but I don't attend on a regular basis."

I told Jason that I hadn't been much on religion since my high school days, and how I lost interest in the church after Jimmy was killed. I hadn't been that impressed with God's choice, letting Jimmy die. I turned my attention back to preparing breakfast, but for some reason the mention of church burdened my mind with images of that awful day when Jimmy died. My parents do to new jobs moved to California the summer between my freshman and sophomore year in high school. I managed to survive being uprooted, moved across country and starting anew; new community, culture and school. The summer of the move I made new friends almost immediately with a group of boys in the neighborhood where I lived, but Jimmy quickly turned out to be my best friend.

The friendship between Jimmy and I would be short-lived. Although brief, our friendship was undoubtedly the most intense relationship of my life. We'd become intimate very early in the relationship; an intimacy that blossomed into a full-blown love affair. The type of closeness that I'd not experienced since. Then, almost as quickly as our teenage tryst began it ended, ending tragically.

My high school boy friend, my teenage lover was killed in a freak accident walking to school one morning. Normally, I'd catch up with Jimmy, his brother and others at the intersection and walk the next two blocks over to school with my friends. We always walked together, but I was running a couple minutes late the morning of the accident. I was a little less than a block away as I watched everything unfolded in slow motion down the street.

The accident was surrealistic. An out of control car careened across the street upon to the sidewalk. I watched in horror as the young bodies of kids walking to school were knocked to the ground and hurled through the air in all directions. Jimmy hearing the horrific screams turned, looking back at the oncoming car. I saw his face freeze with terror as the car swept him beneath it like a riding lawnmower mowing down tall grass.

I stood there that morning motionless, in total shock, less than the length of a football field away from the accident. I felt dead inside, but quickly realized there were victims that needed help. I ran towards the chaotic accident scene as if I were carrying the ball towards the end zone for a touchdown. When I arrived my adrenaline was pumping to the max. I tried to lift the car up to release Jimmy but couldn't. I remembered looking for him under the vehicle. I called out his name again and again, no answer.

The police and fire department arrived and began pushing all the bystanders back. A bunch of us boys gathered to help lift the vehicle so fire rescue could extricate Jimmy from beneath the car. I cried as the fire department pulled Jimmy's twisted bloody body from under the vehicle after raising it off him. I think I knew at first glimpse that Jimmy was dead; never the less, paramedics initiated immediate action before loading him into the ambulance where they continued working on his lifeless body.

I wanted to ride with Jimmy to the hospital, but that was not allowed. I moved over to be with and comfort Jimmy's brother who suffered a broken leg in the accident. After all the victims were loaded into ambulances, sirens wailed as they began roaring off towards the hospital. Once the ambulances left the scene I ran for all I was worth to Jimmy's house to tell his mother. As I delivered the news that her boys had been severely injured she fell to the floor at my feet sobbing. I dropped to the floor next to her trying to comfort the grieving mother. I sat there with her and we cried together. Finally, the police arrived and took us to the hospital.

The official report stated that Jimmy died instantly from multiple external and internal injuries. I was thankful that he didn't suffer. For days after the accident, and then the funeral I cried almost nonstop. Anything that reminded me of Jimmy started me crying. I couldn't concentrate on my school work and didn't want to be with any of my friends. I didn't care about anything, not even life itself. I just holed up in my room where I'd stare at the ceiling and walls, crying myself to sleep night after night.

All I could think about was how much Jimmy and I shared during the months before his death. How much I loved him; how much he meant to me. There were fun times, serious times and intimate times. If I'd ever been in love in my life I was in love with Jimmy. The first time I met him I fell for him. God he was gorgeous. His body reminded me of Michael Angelo's David. He was the stereotypical curly blonde California surfer boy with blue eyes. He was full of life and adventuresome; moreover, he had the most beautiful cock. I think the spring semester of my senior year I finally came to the realization that I preferred boys over girls, at least sexually.

Although Jimmy had brought me to realize that I truly preferred guys over girls for sex, I dated girls occasionally for show and eventually married a girl for a short while. I think my parent's knew that there was more to our friendship, but never said anything. Later in life I told my mother how much Jimmy meant and no one could or had ever taken his place in my life. He was the one who'd introduced me to the joys of anal sex. Although he was younger he was years ahead of me sexually. As I stood over the stove that Sunday morning I was experiencing flashbacks to images of Jimmy and that awful accident when the smoke alarm began screeching.

Jason yelled at me snapping me back to the real world, "You're gonna burn the fuckin house down!"

The smoke alarm was going off from the bacon burning in the skillet. I was carried away by grief, crying while the bacon burned. I took the smoking skillet and gently put it in the sink, turned on the hot water and then turned on the fan. As the water ran in the sink I stood there sobbing uncontrollably. Jason got up from the table, moved beside me and put his arm around me asking, "What's wrong man? It's just bacon."

"No, it's much more than that; it's memories, painful memories," I blubbered.

"Why don't we forget about brunch," Jason said, "let's go to Denny's."

"Naw, I'm okay."

"Well, at least tell me what's wrong."

"Later," I said as I returned to the stove with Jason close by my side. I got another skillet and four more stripes of bacon to put in the skillet. I stood over the stove and began to prepare breakfast once again with Jason by my side.

"If you want after breakfast maybe we can talk about what's bothering you," Jason said.

We finished brunch and enjoyed the last of the coffee while we chit chatted. Finally, I asked Jason, "What're your plans for this afternoon?"

"Nothin really. Go back to the dorm and watch some television maybe. What about you?"

"I'd like for you to stay here and have dinner with me."

"Sure, maybe I better stay with you so you don't try to burn the house down again," Jason said with laugh

"Yeah, I could use a friend this afternoon," I said.

"Like you said to me once, I got a soft shoulder if you want to unload," Jason said as he got up and moved towards me.


"So, what's for dinner?" Jason asked as he sat down in my lap facing me.

"I've got chicken breasts to grill, two nice pieces of Sword fish to fix or a couple of Salmon fillets. You pick."

Jason looked at me kind of funny and said, "I don't think I've ever had Sword fish before. Is it anything like what I had earlier this morning?" He asked with a shit eating grin. "I've had chicken and Salmon."

"Why don't we plan on the Salmon? It's ready in the fridge. We'll have grilled Salmon and a salad," I said.

"Sounds great," Jason replied.

"You're gonna have to get up so I can take a bath. You ever had a bubble bath?" I asked.

"Nope. I just take showers," Jason stated.

"Would you like to try a bubble bath with me? If you don't like it you can get out and take a shower."

"Okay, sounds cool," Jason replied as he moved in nuzzling my neck. As he began kissing my neck he whispered, "Will you play with my nipples?"

"If you want."

"Will you kiss me on my back and neck?"


Will you stroke my dick as your doing all that?"

"I'd enjoy doing that."

"Well, what are we waiting for, lets get to the bathroom," Jason stated as he got up from my lap.

Warning! If you are not of legal age to read stories that contain erotic subject matter or you are offended by the erotic subject matter contained herein do not read any further. All rights to this story are retained by the author. This story is protected under applicable copyright laws and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the author. I hope my readers enjoy this latest installment as they have previous installments.

Comments and critics on the story are welcome and may be directed to:

Email: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com

Subject line: Cock Connoisseur

Cock Snob

By Dick Lickerish

Chapter XII: Painful Memory

After Jason and I cleaned up from a couple fantastic before breakfast blow jobs we returned to the kitchen. We each poured fresh cups of coffee. Jason sat down at the table where he began nursing his cup of black coffee while he read the morning paper. I sipped mine, savoring the taste of the gourmet drink as well as the lingering residual taste of Jason's beautiful cock. In the meantime, I began preparing breakfast. I glanced up at the clock on the microwave and noticed it was a little after eleven, so I asked, "What would you like to eat Jason?"

"You," Jason responded with a big grin looking up from the newspaper.

"You've already had that meal," I replied with a laugh.

"Whatever you're fixing is fine with me," Jason replied.

"How bout a light brunch; bacon, scrambled eggs and English muffins?"

"Sounds great to me."

I finished sectioning half a grapefruit and put it in front of Jason. He thanked me and began spooning out the little sections, eating them one at a time. I broke out the skillet and other utensils to begin preparing breakfast. As I retrieved the bacon and eggs from the fridge I asked Jason, "Are you a church goer?"

"No, not really," Jason replied, "why, do you attend church on Sunday mornings?"

"Sometimes, but I don't attend on a regular basis."

I told Jason that I hadn't been much on religion since my high school days, and how I lost interest in the church after Jimmy was killed. I hadn't been that impressed with God's choice, letting Jimmy die. I turned my attention back to preparing breakfast, but for some reason the mention of church burdened my mind with images of that awful day when Jimmy died. My parents do to new jobs moved to California the summer between my freshman and sophomore year in high school. I managed to survive being uprooted, moved across country and starting anew; new community, culture and school. The summer of the move I made new friends almost immediately with a group of boys in the neighborhood where I lived, but Jimmy quickly turned out to be my best friend.

The friendship between Jimmy and I would be short-lived. Although brief, our friendship was undoubtedly the most intense relationship of my life. We'd become intimate very early in the relationship; an intimacy that blossomed into a full-blown love affair. The type of closeness that I'd not experienced since. Then, almost as quickly as our teenage tryst began it ended, ending tragically.

My high school boy friend, my teenage lover was killed in a freak accident walking to school one morning. Normally, I'd catch up with Jimmy, his brother and others at the intersection and walk the next two blocks over to school with my friends. We always walked together, but I was running a couple minutes late the morning of the accident. I was a little less than a block away as I watched everything unfolded in slow motion down the street.

The accident was surrealistic. An out of control car careened across the street upon to the sidewalk. I watched in horror as the young bodies of kids walking to school were knocked to the ground and hurled through the air in all directions. Jimmy hearing the horrific screams turned, looking back at the oncoming car. I saw his face freeze with terror as the car swept him beneath it like a riding lawnmower mowing down tall grass.

I stood there that morning motionless, in total shock, less than the length of a football field away from the accident. I felt dead inside, but quickly realized there were victims that needed help. I ran towards the chaotic accident scene as if I were carrying the ball towards the end zone for a touchdown. When I arrived my adrenaline was pumping to the max. I tried to lift the car up to release Jimmy but couldn't. I remembered looking for him under the vehicle. I called out his name again and again, no answer.

The police and fire department arrived and began pushing all the bystanders back. A bunch of us boys gathered to help lift the vehicle so fire rescue could extricate Jimmy from beneath the car. I cried as the fire department pulled Jimmy's twisted bloody body from under the vehicle after raising it off him. I think I knew at first glimpse that Jimmy was dead; never the less, paramedics initiated immediate action before loading him into the ambulance where they continued working on his lifeless body.

I wanted to ride with Jimmy to the hospital, but that was not allowed. I moved over to be with and comfort Jimmy's brother who suffered a broken leg in the accident. After all the victims were loaded into ambulances, sirens wailed as they began roaring off towards the hospital. Once the ambulances left the scene I ran for all I was worth to Jimmy's house to tell his mother. As I delivered the news that her boys had been severely injured she fell to the floor at my feet sobbing. I dropped to the floor next to her trying to comfort the grieving mother. I sat there with her and we cried together. Finally, the police arrived and took us to the hospital.

The official report stated that Jimmy died instantly from multiple external and internal injuries. I was thankful that he didn't suffer. For days after the accident, and then the funeral I cried almost nonstop. Anything that reminded me of Jimmy started me crying. I couldn't concentrate on my school work and didn't want to be with any of my friends. I didn't care about anything, not even life itself. I just holed up in my room where I'd stare at the ceiling and walls, crying myself to sleep night after night.

All I could think about was how much Jimmy and I shared during the months before his death. How much I loved him; how much he meant to me. There were fun times, serious times and intimate times. If I'd ever been in love in my life I was in love with Jimmy. The first time I met him I fell for him. God he was gorgeous. His body reminded me of Michael Angelo's David. He was the stereotypical curly blonde California surfer boy with blue eyes. He was full of life and adventuresome; moreover, he had the most beautiful cock. I think the spring semester of my senior year I finally came to the realization that I preferred boys over girls, at least sexually.

Although Jimmy had brought me to realize that I truly preferred guys over girls for sex, I dated girls occasionally for show and eventually married a girl for a short while. I think my parent's knew that there was more to our friendship, but never said anything. Later in life I told my mother how much Jimmy meant and no one could or had ever taken his place in my life. He was the one who'd introduced me to the joys of anal sex. Although he was younger he was years ahead of me sexually. As I stood over the stove that Sunday morning I was experiencing flashbacks to images of Jimmy and that awful accident when the smoke alarm began screeching.

Jason yelled at me snapping me back to the real world, "You're gonna burn the fuckin house down!"

The smoke alarm was going off from the bacon burning in the skillet. I was carried away by grief, crying while the bacon burned. I took the smoking skillet and gently put it in the sink, turned on the hot water and then turned on the fan. As the water ran in the sink I stood there sobbing uncontrollably. Jason got up from the table, moved beside me and put his arm around me asking, "What's wrong man? It's just bacon."

"No, it's much more than that; it's memories, painful memories," I blubbered.

"Why don't we forget about brunch," Jason said, "let's go to Denny's."

"Naw, I'm okay."

"Well, at least tell me what's wrong."

"Later," I said as I returned to the stove with Jason close by my side. I got another skillet and four more stripes of bacon to put in the skillet. I stood over the stove and began to prepare breakfast once again with Jason by my side.

"If you want after breakfast maybe we can talk about what's bothering you," Jason said.

We finished brunch and enjoyed the last of the coffee while we chit chatted. Finally, I asked Jason, "What're your plans for this afternoon?"

"Nothin really. Go back to the dorm and watch some television maybe. What about you?"

"I'd like for you to stay here and have dinner with me."

"Sure, maybe I better stay with you so you don't try to burn the house down again," Jason said with laugh

"Yeah, I could use a friend this afternoon," I said.

"Like you said to me once, I got a soft shoulder if you want to unload," Jason said as he got up and moved towards me.


"So, what's for dinner?" Jason asked as he sat down in my lap facing me.

"I've got chicken breasts to grill, two nice pieces of Sword fish to fix or a couple of Salmon fillets. You pick."

Jason looked at me kind of funny and said, "I don't think I've ever had Sword fish before. Is it anything like what I had earlier this morning?" He asked with a shit eating grin. "I've had chicken and Salmon."

"Why don't we plan on the Salmon? It's ready in the fridge. We'll have grilled Salmon and a salad," I said.

"Sounds great," Jason replied.

"You're gonna have to get up so I can take a bath. You ever had a bubble bath?" I asked.

"Nope. I just take showers," Jason stated.

"Would you like to try a bubble bath with me? If you don't like it you can get out and take a shower."

"Okay, sounds cool," Jason replied as he moved in nuzzling my neck. As he began kissing my neck he whispered, "Will you play with my nipples?"

"If you want."

"Will you kiss me on my back and neck?"


Will you stroke my dick as your doing all that?"

"I'd enjoy doing that."

"Well, what are we waiting for, lets get to the bathroom," Jason stated as he got up from my lap.

Next: Chapter 5

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