

Published on May 11, 2015


Cockatoo Part 15

I live for feedback

This chapter is dedicated to two very good friends of mine, Jerry and Samantha Anne.

I caught the first flight out to Samui and as soon as I landed I rang Areeya on her mobile. She picked up but didn't say anything; she must have recognised my number.

I said quickly, `Areeya please don't hang up. I need your help.'

There was silence but at least she didn't hang up.

`Areeya, I need to see Alex. I know you probably don't think very much of me right now but you know I am honest and I really need to see Alex.'

`She doesn't want to see you, James.'

At least she was talking to me now.

`I know that, and I can understand why, Areeya, but I have to see her, and I promise I won't hurt her again.'

`You've hurt her more than enough already James, why should I help you?'

`Because I did something wrong and I want to set things straight. You know me and if you have any feelings left for me, please help me to see her. I give you my word I will not hurt her again. I cannot undo what I have done, but if I can talk to her, I can make some amends, Areeya. Please?'

Silence again.

`How can I tell that you won't hurt her again?'

Still talking, that's good I thought.

`Areeya, You have my word that I have something to say to her that will go some way to making up for what I did. The worst that will happen is that I will have to go away and never return.'

`And what would be the best?' Areeya asked.

Good girl, I thought, she's at least considering it.

`Areeya, it may still mean I have to go away, but at least I may have a chance to set things right.' Silence again.

`Where are you James?'

`Samui airport'

`What? You're here?'

`Yes, I just have to see her, Areeya.'

`I will call you back.' The line dropped and so did my hopes. I walked around and bought a beer and a sandwich. There wasn't anything else to do there. An hour later, the phone rang and I grabbed it. It was Areeya.

`James, I am trusting you with my life here. If this goes wrong and you let me down, Alex will never forgive me and I will find you and hurt you very badly.'

`Areeya, you are an angel and you won't regret it.'

She snorted at that, but went on, `Come straight to the flat. I have told her there is a journalist who wants to write a story on the restaurant.'

`OK, OK and thank you, Areeya.' The line dropped and I ran for a taxi. For the first time ever I wished that a Thai taxi driver would drive faster.

My heart was pounding as I reached Koh Samui Blue. I had bet the farm on this move and if it went wrong I would lose everything. I walked slowly and deliberately up the steps to the flat and could see Alex sitting with her back to me and Areeya looking nervous.

I drew a deep breath counted to ten and walked in the door. Alex stood up and turned towards me smiling until she realised who it was. Her smile froze as she saw me and the blood drained from her face.

What the fuck is this?' she screamed, Areeya, what the fuck have you done? I don't want to see this bastard. Nor you if you helped set this up.' Areeya's face went white and I jumped in, `Don't blame Areeya, this was my doing. I needed to speak to you.'

Alex interrupted and yelled, `I will blame whoever I fucking well like and I don't need to listen or talk to you. You had your chance, now just fuck off.'

I hoped that once she had blown up she would calm down, but the odds on that didn't look good right now.

Areeya said, `Alex. I think you should give him one last chance. If he isn't worth it I will personally throw him down the stairs.'

Alex looked furiously at Areeya, then at me and back to Areeya. She seemed to be making a decision on which one of us to go for first.

`You have five minutes and then you can piss off back to where you came from.' At least she had stopped saying Fuck, which might be a good thing.

Alex sat in one of the chairs around the dining table. Her body turned away from me with her arms folded across her chest. Areeya was beside her and looked anxiously from me to Alex, desperately hoping she had done the right thing. I sat down opposite them and began to speak.

`Alex, I am truly sorry for what I said and the way I left and I will be sorry until my dying day. I thought only of myself and that is unforgivable. I should have thought of what you were going through and I failed you at the moment you needed me. However much I wish I could, I cannot undo what I said and did then. However, I want to see if I can make some amends for what I did. I just want you to listen for five minutes and then if you want I will leave and you will never see me again.'

`This had better be good,' she hissed, still not looking at me.

`I made two appointments in Bangkok yesterday. The first was to hand in my resignation to my company with immediate effect. I am no longer have a job.'

Alex turned even further away from me and said, `And I suppose you're here to tell us you're going back to England. Well you could have saved yourself the air fare.'

I took a deep breath and went on, `I told you that I had made two appointments yesterday. Resigning was the first, the second was with Kritsada.'

Areeya's mouth opened wide and Alex froze in her chair.

Areeya said, `My father? Why?'

`Kritsada had said to me after the pirate attack that if there was anything that he could do for me, I should not hesitate to ask. Well, I went to him and asked for two things. The first was easy. I explained that I had resigned and that if I wanted to stay in Thailand would he be able to use his influence to help me find a new job. He said, of course, that would not be a problem. He would be more than happy to help me.'

Areeya asked, but you said if you want to stay'?'

Yes, Areeya, if. Because that decision is not mine alone.' I replied, looking towards Alex. She was still turned away from me but she was now definitely listening to what I was saying. I had gone to ask for two things from Kritsada. The second was much more difficult for me to ask and for him to give. I told him that I knew about the secret contract he had with Alex and that I thought he was wrong to hold her to a deal that was so cruel. I told him I wanted him to release Alex from that part of the contract and in a way that would not affect the wider business relationship with you.'

I heard Alex suck her breath in and Areeya looked disbelieving, `But my father would not break a contract willingly made, it would go against everything he believes in.'

I saw Alex turn and stare straight at me.

I looked at Areeya and said as gently as I could, `Areeya, firstly, I am sorry but I have to say that what your father did with Alex is despicable, its little more than slavery.'

Alex immediately jumped down my throat, 'Don't you dare bring Areeya into this, I made that deal on my own and she has tried everything she can to change her fathers mind.'

I turned to Areeya and said, 'Areeya, I don't blame you in any way for what your father did, I know you love Alex and you wouldn't have been a part in this, but I still think it was wrong.'

Areeya looked as is she was about to cry. 'James, this has brought great shame to me that I could not change my father's mind over this.' She blinked away tears from her eyes.

I paused a moment and went on, 'I was so angry at him that I wanted to storm in and threaten him with exposing him for what he does.'

'Fuck, tell me you didn't do that,' Alex looked aghast at what I had said.

'No, I'm not that stupid. I know that would have been worse than useless and probably very dangerous for me.'

I turned to Areeya again, `Areeya, I think you underestimate how much your father loves you. Your father, rightly or wrongly, feels I am responsible for saving your life. Because of that I thought I might be able to use the debt that he feels he owes me to change his mind. I suspected there would be no other circumstance in which he would agree to such a proposal, but I hoped that whatever he feels he owes me might outweigh everything else. He asked me to go away so he could think about it. He called me yesterday afternoon and told me that he would do this for me solely because of what had happened on the Cockatoo that day. In return we should consider his debt to me to be repaid. I thanked him, but explained that I needed to come and tell Alex this and to ask what her decision would be, it was not a decision I could make for her. I did tell him that whatever Alex's answer would be, I would consider any debt to be settled in full.'

Alex and Areeya were absolutely still, neither of them moved a muscle.

`Kritsada did ask me why I was doing this and I told him that I thought it was the honourable thing for me to ask and for him to do. I told him again that if Alex had not done what she did when we were attacked then we all would have died. I still believe that Alex was the most courageous of us all that day. I don't think he understands that at all, but he said he would give his word that it would not affect the business relationship he has with you. For him, I think it was a hard decision but in the end he valued what I had done for Areeya above his deal with Alex. I have to give him an answer tomorrow.'

There was absolute silence in the room; the only sounds were from the sea in the background as the waves washed against the beach and a car horn somewhere on the strip in Lamai.

Alex,' I said, speaking to her directly for the first time. It's up to you to decide whether to accept Kritsada's offer. I will give him your response tomorrow and you know he is a man of his word. He will honour the new arrangement.'

Alex spoke to me directly for the first time. `And you, what will you do?'

I thought before speaking, `Alex, I have no job now and I don't want to go back to England, there is nothing left there for me now. If Kritsada can help me find a new job in Thailand, then I will stay here. If not, I will have to start over again, something that would have terrified me a few weeks ago, but now I would look forward to it. I need to do something different. My time here has opened my eyes to a new life and I want to embrace it.'

Alex said carefully, `And if I don't accept the arrangement?'

Then I will tell Kritsada and I will leave Samui today and you won't see me again.' I said. And if I do accept?' she said looking away.

`Then I would stay in Thailand for certain and ask you to forgive me for walking out on you as I did and to take me back.'

She stood and walked over to the window and stared out into the distance.

She turned and asked me, `What made you go to Kritsada?'

Honestly?' I asked and she nodded, because I realised in Bangkok I had thrown away the best thing that had ever happened to me in my whole life. I said things to you that day that were unforgiveable and I wanted to try to make up for the hurt I had caused you. I know that I am a better man than the one who sat here and said those things and come what may, I wanted to give you the opportunity to live your life in freedom without having that damned contract hanging over your head. And I finally realised that if I loved you, nothing else should matter.'

Areeya sat there looking stunned and Alex moved away from the window and stood somewhere behind me.

My heart was thumping like a jackhammer as I waited for Alex to say something. I tried to read Areeya's expression as she was looking straight at Alex behind me but her face was a mask. I heard the sound of Alex's heels behind me and I could suddenly smell her perfume as she moved closer. She laid one hand on my shoulder and said, 'James, no one in my entire life has done something like this for me.' She sniffed and I think she was in tears as she went on, `but if I accept this offer I am merely swapping one debt for another. I will be in debt to you I instead of to Kritsada.'

I wanted to turn around to look at her but her hand pressed down harder on my shoulder and I stayed as I was. Something from a long ago bible study class flashed into my mind.

`'Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another.' That's what the Bible says. You could not be in my debt as I love you.' I gave thanks for a Catholic education.

She was silent for a moment and her hand rubbed my shoulder more gently, `And what do you want out of this?' she asked.

I put my hand over hers on my shoulder and said, `I deserve nothing in return for this, Alex. What I would like is for you to give me another chance.'

She was crying now as I could feel tears falling onto my hair.

`James, I hated you, not so much for what you said, but for walking out the way you did and I truly never wanted to see you again. I was in pieces after you left and Areeya spent the entire night trying to stop me crying. For the second time you had left me and this time I couldn't see any way back. When I turned round and saw you just now I could have killed you. I can't afford be hurt any more, James.'

Areeya brushed a tear from her eye and she started to cry.

This time I did turn round, stood up and put my arms around Alex.

`Alex, if you will have me back, it will be for good. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you. I will not leave you again.'

She put her hands up to my face and looked me in the eye for a heartbeat and then kissed me. I felt her arms go round me and pulled me in tight. Tears were now splashing onto my cheek and she said, `James, I accept the offer and I want you to stay, will you stay?'

`Alex, there's nothing in this world I want more.'

Areeya stood and came to join us. Soon all three of us were crying and laughing together.

Areeya pulled back and said with a straight face, `James, if you ever, ever hurt Alex in the future I swear I will hunt you down and cut off your cock, am I clear?'

Alex laughed and said, `No need, Areeya, It will already be in my purse.'

Our hugging became more intense, hands began to infiltrate clothes and I turned to Alex and began to kiss her. Almost immediately I felt her hand on my cock. I looked down and she had one hand on my cock and the other was under Areeya's short dress and rubbing her pussy through her knickers. In one elegant move Areeya lifted her dress up and over her head to reveal those wonderful breasts and I watched as Alex's hand disappeared down the front of Areeya's knickers. Areeya moaned and arched her back as she felt Alex's fingers invade her pussy.

I took one of Areeya's breasts in my mouth and began sucking on her nipple. It responded instantly, the nipple hardening as my tongue swirled around it. Alex, one hand still in Areeya's pussy dropped to her knees and unzipped me with the other. She pulled me out and engulfed my cock with her mouth. I was still sucking on Areeya when Alex pulled her head back, stood up and said with a mischievous smile, 'Let's take this outside.'

Areeya giggled and grabbed my cock and began to pull me towards the door to the balcony.

'We can't,' I said, 'people might see us,'

Alex laughed, 'so what?'

Areeya was literally dragging me by my cock and Alex was pushing me from behind and we stumbled through the door onto the balcony. The balcony wasn't visible from below but there were buildings on either side from which it could be seen. I looked around nervously but there didn't seem to be anyone I could see.

'Are you sure we won't be seen?' I said.

'Fuckin' positive. Stop being so English,' growled Alex.

She once again slid to her knees and this time unbuckled my belt and pulled my trousers and boxers to the floor. My cock had shrivelled by this time and she started to work on it with her hands and tongue. Areeya meanwhile stood directly behind me with her arms around me and she began to undo the buttons on my shirt and pulled it off. In a few seconds the two girls had stripped me naked. Areeya's hands were all over my chest and nipples from behind and I could feel her breasts and hard nipples pressing on my back as she nibbled my ear lobe.

Alex's attention had got my cock hard again and she let me fall from her mouth, grabbed Areeya from behind me and began lapping at her pussy. I watched in awe as Alex tongued Areeya and her hand reached out for my cock and began to stroke it. I turned Areeya's head towards me and we began to kiss, our tongues fighting as Alex worked on both of us.

There's something special about making love outside; feeling the sun on your skin and the breeze tickling you as it swirls around your body. There's a different intensity because of the risk of being caught and it ramps up the excitement to a fever pitch.

Alex suddenly stood up and pulled us all over to the sun beds. She pushed me onto one of the beds and down onto my hands and knees in front of her. She had been the only one of us with clothes left on and she now reached around and unzipped the dress and let it slide to the floor. She only had knickers on underneath and these too soon joined the pile of clothes on the floor. Her cock was already pointing to the sky as she stood in front of me and taking it in her hand she rubbed it across my lips a couple of times before pushing it into my mouth.

My tongue started to lick and bathe the head of her cock and I could see her hands pulling and tugging her breasts. I felt my own cock being engulfed and I realised that Areeya had slipped underneath me on her back and taken my cock into her mouth. She reached up and played with my balls which just made me harder. Alex was now pushing her cock deep into my mouth and I gagged a few times but managed to keep sucking.

The sensation of sucking Alex and Areeya sucking me was taking me up to the edge. Alex was breathing heavily and moaning as she ground her cock into my mouth. Areeya had now moved her fingers from my cock to my hole and was slipping a finger inside which was making me rock forwards onto Alex. I was overwhelmed as the assault from both ends continued.

I knew I couldn't last much longer and just at the moment Alex moved away and pushed me aside. Areeya lay down on the bed face down and Alex pushed me on top of her. Areeya pushed her bum in the air and I slid my cock into her pussy. I felt Alex stand on the bed behind me and she quickly lubed me, opened my cheeks with her hands and drove her cock straight into my hole. I moaned as the flash of pain hit me and then it disappeared to be replaced by the most intense pleasure as she jammed her cock into me.

Oh my God, I was fucking Areeya and Alex was fucking me. My mind just didn't know what was happening, my cock was tight into Areeya and Alex was pushing hard into me. Every time Alex pushed into me it pushed me into Areeya. She was moaning loudly now as she felt me crashing into her pussy and I was grunting as Alex was shoving her cock into me. I had never felt anything this intense before and I felt my head was about to explode. I just couldn't hold back any more, I shouted `Fuuuuck' and came deep inside Areeya but I was still being driven into her by Alex who now felt huge inside me. Alex kept thrusting her cock into me and I could feel every inch of her cock deep inside me. Just as she was about to come she pulled out and I felt her hot cum splash onto my back.

Alex quickly jumped off the bed and stood back in front of me. I rolled off Areeya onto my back and Alex pushed her still erect cock back into my mouth to clean it off. I sucked the head clean and tasted the cum still oozing from her cock. I finally flopped back on the bed to see Alex grinning down at me and Areeya.

`Now, that's what I call makeup sex,' she said.

I was startled to hear someone starting to clap slowly, then more clapping and someone cheered. I looked towards the sound and over on the building to our right there were people standing on their balcony and applauding. I went bright red and ran for the door. Areeya waved gracefully to the watchers and casually strolled after me and Alex just stood there, took a deep bow, blew them a kiss and walked slowly through the door. The clapping and cheers rose to a crescendo.

Next: Chapter 16

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