

Published on Jan 15, 2016


Cockatoo Part 20

I stopped dead in my tracks, `What did you say, Pao?'

`Miss Sam, she meet the man. The horrible man. Nin follow him and saw them talking.'

`Was Nin sure it was Sam?'

`Yes, Mr James, she say she saw them clearly outside hotel he staying.'

I couldn't believe it. What the hell would Sam be doing with this creep? Areeya was now well ahead of me on the way to Cockatoo, I didn't want her to hear this until I go there.

`Pao, please don't say anything to Alex or Areeya until I get there. Oh, and tell Nin not to say anything either.'

This was getting weird. This sleazeball journalist turns up, then, if what Nin and Pao say is true, Sam meets with him. It didn't make any sense.

I started to run after Areeya, but she had a head start and was no slouch. I got to Cockatoo and looked around for Alex or Areeya, but couldn't see either of them. Pao and Nin were inside the bar and I made straight for them.

`Have you seen Alex or Areeya?' I asked them.

`No seen Miss Alex. Miss Areeya just left, she say she might know where Miss Alex gone.'

`She didn't say where that was?'

`No, Mr James, We say nothing to Miss Areeya.'

This, at least, gave me the chance to talk to Nin.

`Nin, please tell me what you saw.'

Nin looked nervous, probably wondering if she was going to be in trouble over this.

`Nin, tell me what you saw, I promise you won't get into trouble.'

Pao said something in Thai to Nin. She still looked anxious, but started to speak, I followed the man. He went very slow and was easy to follow.' Nin's English was very good for a Thai bargirl. He was, how you say, stagger?'


`Yes, he was staggering along road and sat down two times at bars. He ended up at hotel down by beach.'

Pao jumped in, `Cheap hotel, very bad.'

Nin continued, He sat in the hotel lobby. I was going to come back when I saw lady come up to him and start talking. I couldn't see who it was from outside, so I sneak in and then see it was Miss Sam.'

`Nin, are you absolutely sure, it was Sam?' I asked.

Nin looked nervously over at Pao, who nodded to her.

`Yes, Mr James, I sure. I seen miss Sam several times here with Miss Areeya. I know it was her.'

`OK, Nin, I believe you. Did you hear what they said?'

`I could not get too close, Miss Sam know me I think. Miss Sam was angry, she was talking loudly at man, but I could not hear.'

`Nin, thank you. Don't worry, you're not in trouble at all.'

I tried to make sense of all this. I believed Nin. After all, she knew Sam well enough, and I had no doubt that she had seen her. But what did it mean? It was obvious that Sam knew Tony somehow. I was certain, he was the journalist who had raked up the story in the UK about Alex and myself after the pirate attack. I had been told by a friend in the UK that someone inside the company was leaking information about us to the media. It had started about the time Sam arrived in Thailand, and it was she who told me what the journalist was publishing. Was I being paranoid? It did all seem to fit, but why would Sam be doing this? Was it to get me out of the way, so she could get my job? That would take an almost psychopathic level of cunning and manipulation on Sam's part. Why was she so angry with Tony when Nin had watched them. I wished Nin had been able to hear what they were saying.

While all this was flashing through my mind, I still had no inkling where Alex or Areeya had got to. Neither did I know where Sam was. Fuck, this was getting crazy, I had to track somebody, anybody, down. I called Areeya and the phone went to voicemail, as did my next call to Alex. I didn't have Sam's number so I was back to square one. Somehow I had to pull some of these strands together to make sense of this. I had no idea where Alex and Areeya might be, but I guessed Sam might be back on the boat. She and Areeya had been staying aboard since Sam arrived so I thought I would try there first.

Telling Pao and Nin yet again not to tell Alex or Areeya about Sam, I headed off to the boat. Nin and Pao looked uneasy, but i thought they would do as I asked, unless they were confronted by Alex or Areeya, which I thought unlikely. As I walked down the pier I tried to call Alex and Areeya again, but both calls went straight to voicemail, so I asked them to call me as soon as they could. I was also trying to work out what to say to Sam if she was there. Should I charge straight in and ask her outright what was going on, or try to find out something more subtly. After all, there was the chance this was a misunderstanding or a coincidence. My instinct told me it wasn't, but I couldn't rule it out completely. Areeya had moored Cockatoo stern on to the pier, so I didn't have any problems about getting to it. The interior lights were showing and as I reached the stern, I called out, `Sam, are you onboard?'

I heard Sam's voice from the cabin, `Hey, James, yes I'm here, come on board.'

I slipped off my shoes and walked across to the stern. Sam came out of the cabin and smiled broadly at me.

`Hi, James, what's up?'

`Hey, Sam, I'm trying to find Alex and Areeya, they seem to have vanished. I thought they might be on board.'

`No, they're not here, have you called them?'

`Yes, but it's going straight to voicemail.'

`Ah, come on in anyway, I'm sure they'll call soon.'

`I couldn't call you as I don't have your number, Sam.'

`Wouldn't have done you any good. I've lost my phone, had to report it so it's been blocked. Relying on emails at the moment. It's nice not to have to worry about it. I'll leave it til I get back to Bangkok to replace it.'

I followed Sam into the cabin, still not sure what to say. Sam produced beers and we sat down around the table. Sam sipped her beer and said, `I've been on board all day, trying to catch up on some work.'

That was a lie, I thought. If Nin was right, Sam had been in town earlier on.

`That's rough, working while you're on holiday. I see the company hasn't changed that much then.'

She laughed, 'No, you're right, they still want their pound of flesh. How's the new business going?'

`OK, I'm getting the business systems sorted first, getting them out of the way first. It's straightforward, so shouldn't take long.' I had the glimmer of an idea.

I asked Sam, `Is there anyone left at the company who I would still know?'

Sam thought and then shook her head, `I don't think so. They had a pretty good clear out, why? Is there anything I can do?'

`No, I doubt it, it's just something about the pirate attack which has nagged away at me. Don't worry, I'll give John a call sometime.'

`John? I don't remember a John.'

`John Nichols, part of the back office team, before it got disbanded. Probably left before you arrived. Gave me the heads up about something. He had heard there was a rumour someone in the company was spreading gossip about me. Probably nothing to it all, I always think it's more cockup than conspiracy. It will keep. As I was here, I thought I would ask.'

I thought Sam looked a bit edgy, she wouldn't keep eye contact with me. My phone bleeped and seeing it was Areeya, I answered.

`James, where are you? I found Alex, she's upset but alright. We're heading back to the apartment.'

`That's great, Areeya. I'm on the boat with Sam. I thought you might have headed here.'

`No, I went after Alex. Can you tell Sam I will stay here with Alex, I'll see her in the morning.'

`Will do, Areeya, I'll see you shortly.' She rang off.

`Sam, there's been a bit of a crisis, that's why I couldn't reach them. Areeya said she would stay at the apartment tonight and see you tomorrow morning. Anyway, mystery solved. I'll shoot off now, Sam. I'll see you tomorrow, shall I?'

`I think Areeya was planning to take the boat out tomorrow, she promised to take me to a reef on the other side of the island. I think we'll stay the night there and be back the day after. It's my last chance before I go back to Bangkok. Send my love to both of them will you?'

`Will do, Sam. Goodnight and have a great trip.'

We kissed and I walked off the boat, slipped on my shoes and headed down the pier. As I reached the end by the beach, I ducked into the darkness behind a wall and waited. It was probably only 15 minutes later when I heard footsteps coming down the pier. Sam walked past me and straight into town. I let her get out of sight as I was sure I knew where she was headed. I trailed some way behind her as I didn't want to let her see me. Reaching the hotel Nin had mentioned, I found a spot opposite the hotel, where I could keep watch unobserved. I could only think this little late night trip was because of what I'd said about `John' and the leaks.

Sure enough, a few minutes later I saw Sam and Tony through the window of the bar in what looked like animated conversation. They seemed to be arguing angrily with each other and Sam was waving her arms and shouting at him. He looked at one point if he was going to hit her until she grabbed his arm and stopped him. I took out my iPhone and took a few photos of the two of them through the window. They wouldn't win any prizes but at least you could recognise the two of them clearly enough. I thought about getting closer to hear what they were arguing about, but I would risk being spotted and I didn't want that at this stage. I thought I had enough evidence, so I backed away into the shadow and headed back to the apartment.

When I arrived, Alex and Areeya were out on the balcony. Alex was sitting on a chair with her arms wrapped around her legs, staring out into the darkness. Areeya was on another chair and raised her eyebrows to me as I came over to where they were sitting.

`Hi Alex, how are you? I was worried about you when you ran off.' I sat down next to her.

`Nobody has to worry about me, I'm fine on my own.'

`Where did you go?'

`I went looking for that little prick of a journalist.'

`But you didn't find him?'

`Not yet, but when I do, I will break all his fingers, so he can't write any more filth and ruin any more people's lives.'

I believe she would have done it if she could.

`What would you do if I told you I know where he is?'

Both Alex and Areeya turned to stare at me.

`Where is he then?' said Alex, quietly.

I'm not going to tell you.' I started to say. Alex leapt up and clenched her fists, Tell me now.'

`I'm not going to tell you, because I don't want you running off to belt him. I have a far better plan.'

What is it?' she said, because if it doesn't involve breaking his fingers I'm not interested.'

Areeya, silent up to now, said, `Alex, please sit down and let James explain his idea to us. Please?'

Alex did sit down but I could tell the red mist was still in her eyes. I waited for a few seconds to see if she would calm down a little more, but she wasn't, so I shared the plan which had been fermenting in my mind on the way back from the hotel. When I finished, Areeya was the first to speak, `Yes, James, I think it would work. I would need to speak to my father, but I am sure he would be happy to play his part.'

Alex was still quiet, but I hoped she would accept the plan. She looked at me and said, `You're smarter than you look, you know.'

`Thanks, I think.' I said. She jumped up off the chair and came and sat on my lap, her mood almost miraculously changed.

`I'm still mad that I can't break his fingers, but I will just have to take that out on you tonight, baby.'

She kissed me and her tongue snaked into my mouth. She started to grind her bum around on my lap and my cock decided it was time to wake up. Areeya, said, `I'll leave you two to do whatever you want, I'm heading off to bed.'

Alex pouted, `Aww, please come give me a goodnight kiss then.' Areeya walked across and Alex pulled her down and kissed her hard on the lips right in front of my face. I could see Alex's tongue trying to open up Areeya's lips who gave a little moan before pulling away.

`You are such a bad girl, Alex. I am going to bed now, see you both in the morning.'

Alex giggled as Areeya kissed me before disappearing into the apartment. `Where did you get to? I was worried about you.'

Alex put her arms around my neck and her head against my chest. `I'm sorry, I was so angry that I couldn't get my hands on the little creep I. wanted to sort my head out. There's a place out by the beach where I like to go to if I'm worried about something. It's quiet and secluded, I can sit there, day or night, and it helps me sort things out in my mind. Areeya knows about it, so she came to find me, hugged me and just talked to me. She is so good at calming me down when I get into a mood. She never gets angry, never lets things get to her. She's the most unselfish person I have ever met.'

That made me think of what the truth about Sam would do to Areeya. I thought I would keep it to myself for a little longer, and hoped I could come up with some idea of what to do.

Alex and I sat, holding each other and enjoying the cool breeze which had spring up. She had her head on my chest and I rubbed her back which I knew she loved. I thought she was about to go to sleep when she sat up and looked me in the eyes, `Did you enjoy Nana Plaza?'

`What?' I squeaked, she had taken me completely off guard.

`When you went to Bangkok after we fought, did you enjoy Nana Plaza?'

`How did you know I went to Nana Plaza?'

`Areeya called her father after you left and he had you followed when you arrived. He told her all about your visit to the bars in Nana Plaza and your time with, who was it? Bell and Ting? Did you enjoy it?'

I was now blushing furiously and had no option but to confess.

`I'm sorry. To be honest, I can't remember exactly what happened, I was so off my head that night. I was angry and jealous, and I was trying, in some mad way, to get revenge for what I thought you had done. I am ashamed to say it and it sounds so puerile now. I was so totally fucked up with booze and self loathing that night, I lost sight of what was truly important. It wasn't my finest moment and I feel so embarrassed about how I behaved. So, no I didn't enjoy it. It did do something, though.'

`What's that?'

`It convinced me I had been a colossal fool and that I needed to win you back at all costs, because I loved you.'

She was still looking in my eyes, trying to work out if I was telling the truth.

`Would you have told me about it?'

I thought for a moment, `Probably, but only with my last breath on my death bed.'

She laughed, `You think we'll be together that long?'

`I hope we both live to be 100, Alex.'

She smiled and said, `Me too, baby, me too. Please don't run off again, I really couldn't take it again.'

`I won't, I promise.'

OK, in that case I forgive you, but mark my words, no more fucking anybody other than me or Areeya unless I say so, is that clear?' How about Pao?' I meant it as a joke, but Alex grabbed my nipple through my t-shirt and twisted, `Oww, that hurt.'

`Good, I told you I would make up for you not letting me break that guy's fingers. Your cock belongs to Areeya and me. If you want to use it anywhere else you have to get our permission, is that clear? Remember that little cock cage I showed you?'

`OK, OK, I agree.' Frankly, restricting my sexual activity to Alex and Areeya wasn't exactly a hardship.

`So you want to get it on with Pao again, do you?' She was smiling now.

`That's not what I said, but she is very sweet.' I batted her hand away as she tried another assault on my nipple.

She grinned and said, `Yes she is, and I may have to reward her with a session with you. She is in love with you, you know. But tonight, you're mine, you bad boy. Come with me, mummy needs to punish you.'

Alex stood up, took my hand and pulled me through into the apartment. We got to the middle of the room and she stopped, turned round to face me and let go of my hand.

`Unzip my dress, James.'

She turned her back to me and held her hair up so the zip was visible. I took hold of the top of the zip and began to pull downwards.

`Slowly, James.'

I did as she asked and slowly pulled the zip down to the bottom. She shook her hips, the dress fell to the floor and she stepped out of it, revealing a white bra and knickers. She looked back over her shoulder at me and said, `Undo my bra, James.'

I stepped forward and unhooked the bra and she shrugged the straps off her shoulders and the bra and let it fall to the floor. Turning to face me, she kept her hands over her breasts and I could see her cock was peeking over the top of her knickers. My head began to spin and my mouth felt dry as I imagined what was to come. Alex dropped her hands from her breasts and said, `I'm in control tonight, do you understand?'

I nodded, not trusting my voice to speak.

`That's good, baby.' She whispered.

I knew all along I would have to do penance for what had happened after I left her and went to Bangkok, and it seemed like I was about to find out what the penalty would be. She reached out with one hand, stroked my cheek with her fingers and then gave me a little slap. It didn't hurt but the shock of it was enough to make me say, `Oww.'

She bent her head forward and kissed me, her tongue forcing it's way into my mouth as her hand started to rub my cock through my thin shorts. I responded immediately and began to grow hard as she continued to fondle and kiss me. She broke the kiss and walked behind me, her fingers stroking my face and caressing my lips as she did so. I began to turn to follow her and I got a sharp slap on my bum.

`Face the front. Don't move until mummy tells you to.'

I felt her move close behind me, her breasts pushing against my back and I could feel her hard cock jutting between the cheeks of my bum. Her hair brushed against my neck and the velvety feel of her tongue as she kissed and licked my neck. Her hands came round and she pushed them up under my t-shirt and began tweaking and pinching my nipples. They hardened immediately as she rolled and stretched the nubs between her fingers and dug her nails into them as well. I heard myself groan, and I closed my eyes as she continued to attack my increasingly sensitive nipples.

She began pushing her cock harder against me and I could feel myself responding in kind. I groaned again and my back arched with pleasure as she continued her assault on my tortured nipples. They were now painful, but it was such a sensuous thrill that I wanted it to go on forever. She suddenly raised her hands, pushed off my T-shirt and flung it into a corner of the room. She dragged her nails across my bare chest and I could feel the sting as they broke the skin. The pain was exquisite and it made me arch my back again as she dragged them once more across my torso.

She put one hand across my face and pulled my head back as she pushed the other hand down the front of my shorts and found my hard cock. Her fingers rolled around it, stroking up and down the length before digging her nails into the head. I winced, the pain mingling with that from my nipples. I felt her fingers roll my balls together and she squeezed, making me stagger and almost lose my balance. She had stopped kissing my neck but now she started again, licking and kissing before nipping my earlobe hard between her teeth. I felt a sharp pain, but as with the sensations from my nipples and my groin, it was exciting me; somewhere the pain had become pleasure and was turning me on. I had my eyes closed and was becoming highly aroused. Alex suddenly pulled down my shorts and I stood naked, uncertain of what she had planned next.

I felt a stinging pain and realised she had slapped the right cheek of my bum followed by another as she did it again. Her nails raked my back this time and I staggered slightly forwards. Alex used this to push me towards the wall of the room and I had to put my hands out to stop myself falling over, leaving me spread eagled against the wall. She held me in that position and thrust one leg in between mine and pushed them apart. I was now immobile, legs splayed and having to lean against the wall for balance. I got another sharp slap on each cheek, and she reached between my legs and squeezed my balls again, hard enough for me to moan with the pain. Even so, I felt my cock get even harder with the treatment.

Have you been a bad boy?' she hissed into my ear. Have you, James? Have you been a bad boy, putting that cock which belongs to me somewhere it shouldn't have been?'

I nodded and she squeezed my balls once more.

`Promise me you won't do it again.'

`I promise, I promise.'

`Good boy, James, I will hold you to that promise.'

She caressed my back with her fingertips this time and the softness of her touch after the raking from her nails almost made me climax. I felt her move between my legs and she ran her fingers gently across my bum cheeks which were burning slightly from the previous slaps. The she slapped me hard on each cheek one more time and I bucked forwards allowing her to move closer between my legs. She pushed a finger into my mouth and I sucked on it as I guessed she intended. She let me cover it with saliva and pulled it out with a small plop. She reached down and I felt her finger circle the edge of my hole. She pushed it in and kept her hand on my back so all I could do was make a sound in my throat as her finger slipped in and out of my hole. I felt her push in a second finger and she began to finger fuck me, gently at first and then harder as she opened me up.

She withdrew her fingers and in an instant I felt her cock tapping at my entrance. Spreadeagled against the wall there was nothing I could do to stop her, but by this time I was desperate to feel her inside me. I felt this was my punishment for what I had so stupidly done in Bangkok and I deserved this as part of the price of forgiveness. I felt something wet fall onto my hole and I realised that Alex was using her saliva to lubricate me. I heard her spit once more and felt her spread it onto her cockhead. I involuntarily tensed as she began to push her cock head into me.

`Push back, baby, or it will really hurt.'

I tried to do as she said, but there was a burning pain as he pushed her cock past my muscle and then with a grunt she was inside. It hurt more than any other time she had fucked me and I was groaning loudly as she slammed into me. I can't remember exactly when but at some point the pain faded and instead a red hot surge of pleasure overcame me. I was now pushing back as her cock rammed into me and I could hear her grunting as her balls slapped against me. She slapped me again on the bum, and then once more, but that simply escalated the levels of ecstasy I was feeling. I could feel her cock getting even harder and she was now almost pushing me off my feet as she pounded into me. She reached up and grabbed my hair, pulling my head backwards as she accelerated her thrusts, trying to reach her climax. I could feel she was getting close and I pushed back as hard as I could, even though I was burning inside.

She grunted once and I felt her come deep inside me, her cum pouring into me. I was now convulsing as I came almost at the same time as she did. My cum flooding from my rigid cock without it being touched at all. Alex pumped once or twice more to drive all her juices into me, and through the haze of all my passion and pain and pleasure I thought I heard her whisper something that sounded like, `You're my bitch now.'

Alex pulled out of me and I felt empty when her cock was gone. I felt so shattered that I couldn't even stand up and remained leaning against the wall. Alex put my arm around my shoulder and led me across to the wetroom, turned on the water and gently washed and cleaned me up. She didn't speak, giving me time to think about what had just happened. Alex had not hurt me; nothing she had done had caused me real pain and I had never had any inclination for S&M. Yet, even though the pain of what she did to me was mild, it had excited me. Alex had dominated me as a punishment and not only had I accepted that, I had enjoyed it.

`Are you OK, baby? You look miles away.' Alex's voice cut into my thoughts.

Oh, no. I'm good.' I wrapped my arms around her, kissed her, and as the water cascaded down over us, I pulled back and said, I love you, Alex. I promise I will never leave you again.'

`Oh, James, I love you too.'

She turned off the water and brought towels to dry me off gently, before leading me across to the bed. I lay back on the cool sheets and within a few minutes I was fast asleep. Some time during the night I woke and Alex was spooning up behind me, her arm over my hip. I could hear her slow, soft breathing mixed in with the sounds of the sea and I knew I would keep my promise. I wanted to be hers forever.

I woke early while Alex was still sleeping. I slipped from the bed, pulled on a t-shirt and shorts, made myself a coffee and took it quietly out onto the balcony. I have always loved those few moments in the early morning when the darkness dissolves into a fresh day. The sunrise on Samui is beautiful; the sun gently bruises the far horizon blue and red and finally yellow as it rises, followed by the first sharp rays of sunlight flickering through the fronds of the palm trees. The sea changes colour from black to dark blue to a sparkling azure as the light spreads across the water and the heat starts to hint at what will follow.

I heard the door to the apartment open and I heard someone pad out onto the balcony. Before I could look round, arms wrapped around my neck and someone kissed my cheek.

`Good Morning James. How are you?' Areeya's soft voice made my heart lift.

I reached up and held her arms with mine as she nuzzled my neck.

`All the better for seeing you, Areeya.'

`We haven't had much time together recently,' she said.

`You're busy with Sam, it's only natural.'

`Mmm, but I don't want you to think I have forgotten you, James. Sam will go back to Bangkok soon, I haven't deserted you.'

Keeping her arms around my neck, she slid round and sat in my lap. She was wearing a short silk robe and nothing else. I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head on my shoulder as we both watched the sunrise.

`It's so beautiful, isn't it? I couldn't imagine anywhere better, or anyone better to watch it with.' Areeya said. She raised her head and kissed me on the lips.

`I am sorry that I told Alex about Nana Plaza, James. I don't know what I hoped to do by that. I, too, was angry with you for walking out on us.'

`Areeya, you have no need to apologise for anything. I was the bloody fool, remember? You were the one who trusted me enough to let me come back and apologise. If it wasn't for you, I might not be here now. Besides, I would have told Alex about Nana Plaza, sometime, so it doesn't matter.'

She put her head back on my shoulder and said, `I'm glad you came back, James. It wasn't the same without you.' She lifted her head back up and kissed me again. At that point, I almost caved and told Areeya about Sam, but deep down I knew I had to keep this secret for a while longer. We were interrupted by Alex, coming out on the balcony and she stood in front of us, naked and shaking her head to try and wake up.

`Don't let me stop you two, I don't mind watching. Although I'm impressed if James is up to it, after what we did last night.'

Areey and I both giggled, which brought a smirk to Alex's face.

`I heard you both, even through the door,' laughed Areeya.

`Why didn't you come join in then?' Alex yawned as she said it.

`Mmm, it seemed to me three would have been a crowd last night.'

I laughed this time, `Yes, I think that was payback last night. It was wise to stay out of it. Anyway, I have to get on with what we agreed last night.'

Areeya stood up and for a moment I had a glorious view of her naked pussy inches from my nose. She strolled across to Alex, who had found some sunglasses from somewhere, and was wearing them and nothing else. Areeya embraced Alex and they kissed deeply then both looked across to me in a clear invitation. Alex was naked except for the sunglasses, and Areeya had let the robe fall open. Usually when faced with these two like this I had the backbone of a jellyfish, but this time I knew I had to get going if I was going to carry out our plan. I put my head in my hands.

Oh no,' I said, Not now, I have to get ready to go out.'

They pouted at me and giggled. `Your loss, baby.' said Alex.

I forced myself to stand up and head off into the shower, followed by howls of laughter and Alex shouting `Pussy' after me. I was sore after last night, but a shower and a shave helped ease the aches away. I came out to find the two girls laying on the bed, wrapped in each other's arms, kissing and caressing. I grabbed my phone and started filming them until Alex noticed and threw a plastic bottle of water at me.

`This will look great on the website,' I yelled, as Alex chased me out on the balcony.

`Bastard!' she shouted as I ran down the stairs to the restaurant but I could hear both Areeya and Alex laughing as I walked away. I popped into a local restaurant for a coffee mainly so I could finalise my thoughts about what I was going to do. We had agreed that I would confront Tony and try to find out what he wanted. Depending on this conversation, I would have to improvise what would happen next. Our plan depended on Tony being as greedy as he seemed to be, and me being able to act well enough to keep him doing what we wanted. It was a lucky break that Areeya and Sam would be out on the boat for the next two days.

It was just before 8 o'clock when I arrived at the hotel where Tony was staying. I found a spot in a nearby cafe where I could see the hotel clearly. I didn't think Tony would be an early riser and sure enough, it wasn't until 10 o'clock that I spotted him walking out of the hotel. He walked only a few yards to the nearest bar which was open and went straight inside. He sat at a table and had ordered a beer. From his performance the other night he was a serious drinker and firing up a beer this early proved it. I waited a few minutes to let him get settled in, then walked over to him and sat down in front of him.

`Mind if I join you Tony?'

`What the fuck? Who are you?'

`Don't you remember me? The other night in the bar. I bought you a drink.'

His eyes told me he couldn't remember me at all.

`Oh yeah, thanks for that. What was your name again?'

`James, but that's not want what I said then.'

A flash of recognition passed across his face, to be replaced by that rat like look I remembered from the other night. `Wait, you're...'

`Yep, the guy you are looking for, Tony. Well done, you've found me. Want another beer?'

I waved to the bar girl and she came across with a couple of Leo beers. He looked at me suspiciously but reached out for the beer.

`What do you want?'

I took a swig of the beer.

`I thought it was more what you wanted Tony? You're the one that's chasing me, or us, I should say. What do you want?'

He leant back, confident now that he thought he had the upper hand.

`I'm going to publish the truth about you and your ladyboy whore girlfriend and her lezzie partner. I'm going to tell everyone what you and they have been doing out here.'

I had to force myself to ignore his words, I had known he would do this and I let it pass.

`Doesn't sound like much of a story, really. Might get you a couple of paragraphs in the red tops, that's all. But I don't think that's what you're here for is it, Tony?'

His eyes narrowed, `Whadda ya mean?'

`It's not just us out here, is it, Tony? You think you have bigger fish to fry, don't you?'

`Dunno what you mean'

`Tony, you think you can link Areeya and Alex to her father's business dealings. That's what you meant last time about gangsters, wasn't it?' He looked away and I knew I was right.

`And if that's right, so what, it's true.'

`But it's very dangerous, Tony. You don't know what you're getting into.'

That ratty look passed across his face.

`There is a way I could be persuaded to drop the story.'

`I guess that would involve money would it?'

He grinned, showing dirty teeth, `Maybe, if there was enough of it.'

`How much, Tony? Let's not prat about.'

He hesitated. He hadn't thought this through properly and was trying to figure out how much to ask for. He was struggling to keep up.

`One hundred grand, that is, not Baht, in case you were wondering.'

`Not possible, Tony. Publish and be damned.' I got up to walk away. I could see the panic in his eyes as he saw his payday disappearing.

`Wait, what do you suggest?'

`50 grand, US dollars. You can have it tonight and be on a plane tomorrow morning. I'll throw in a free night with one of the girls at Cockatoo tonight. What about it? The offer will expire if I walk out of here and you can publish and see what happens to you.'

`Why do you care so much? What's in this for you?'

I wanted to throw a distraction at him.

`We have a good thing going here, we don't need you messing it up.'

`What you doin' then? Running drugs as well? I know you've got a new business opening up.'

I sighed, he could only have got that from Sam.

`Better you don't know, Tony. 50 grand or nothing.'

`Ok, Ok. Keep your hair on. OK, 50 grand tonight, used bills so they can't be traced.' The idiot had been watching too many movies.

`Ok, but tell me one thing. How did you get the story you published in the UK? I'm just curious. You must have had someone on the inside feeding you the details.'

I swear for a moment he was going to tell me, to show off how clever he had been, but he shook his head.

`Never reveal my sources. Tonight, I want a clean real girl. Not one of those pervy ladyboys you've got there.'

I had to dig my nails in my hands to stop myself jumping across the table.

`OK, but you leave the island tomorrow morning and then straight back to wherever you came from, deal?'

He leaned forwards and offered his hand. I shook it and felt I needed to scrub my hand straight away.

`Ten o'clock tonight at the bar.' I said, stood up and walked out.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 21

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