

Published on Mar 28, 2017


Cockatoo Part 36

Nikkie Silk

We turned around to see Shane standing there clapping his hands and grinning from ear to ear. `Come on, let's get moving. Neither of you want to be around when the cops start asking questions.'

We followed Shane down the alley and away from where we had been until we found a bar far enough away that we felt safe. I badly needed a drink, so we ordered some beers and then we all started to talk at once.

Shane put his hand up and said, One at a time. I'll go first, then you two can fill me in on what happened before I pitched up. I arrived at the bar looking for you two when I heard screams coming from the alley.' He shook his head in mock amazement and looked at me. For some strange reason I had a feeling that it might involve you. I came running out to see Nin here drop one bloke and James, I mean Jamie, or Scarlett... shit, who the hell are you tonight?'

I blushed. `Scarlett, I think.'

He grinned and went on. `Look, I see Nin take out one bloke with a great throw and stamp on his wrist. At the same time Scarlett smashes another bloke on the head with a pole and lays him out. Only then do I notice there's already one on the ground, moaning and holding his wrist. That was a sweet move Nin, by the way. Can you teach it to me?'

Nin blushed and mumbled, `Thank you.'

I picked up the story. We were walking down the alley to the bar minding our own business, when these three guys stop us. I guess they thought we would be a pushover. Nin, I couldn't believe what you said to them when they first appeared.' I turned to Shane, When the first guy took out his knife and told us to give them our money, Nin said that she would rather piss on his mother's grave.'

`Strewth, way to go, Nin,' said Shane and gave her a fist bump.

`To be honest, I thought she had gone mad. So, when the first guy came at her with his knife I thought it was all over. The next thing I know he's on his back screaming his lungs out as she snaps his wrist. You saw what she did to the other one. Where did you learn to fight like that, Nin?'

Her face split into a huge grin. `I learn how to defend myself while working here. I got good at it. Not first time I have had to fight men.'

I raised my bottle to her, `Thank God you were there, Nin. You were awesome.'

`To Ninja Nin,' said Shane, and we all collapsed in laughter.

`What did you say to him when we left, Nin?' I asked.

`I tell him next time I meet him I cut off his balls with his knife.' That set us off again.

`Look, Nin, I could get you a job teaching close quarter fighting any time,' said Shane when we had stopped laughing.

`Thank you, Shane, but I not sure anyone ready for Kathoey to do that.'

`Wasn't there a Kathoey Muay Thai fighter?' I said.

Nin nodded, `Yes, Nong Toom, she my idol. She changed a lot for Kathoey in Thailand.'

Shane ordered some more beers, and we sat for a while calming down from the evening's action.

I frowned, and Shane said, `Why the face?'

Well, I did say I didn't want any trouble this evening,' I said with a straight face which set the other two off one more time. I waited for them to stop laughing before asking, Shane, when are you due back?'

Not until the morning. The Ambassador has calmed down a bit. They managed to talk him out of the panic room at the Embassy yesterday, but he's still half convinced it's going to be a counter coup. He's a real wuss.' Nin looked confused Sorry, Nin. I mean he's got a yellow streak between his arse and his head.' She looked even more confused.

He means he's a coward, Nin.' I said, then looked Shane straight in the eye, Come back to the hotel with us then. Stay the night.'

He lowered his bottle to the table. `Are you sure, babe?'

I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure, Shane. Is it alright with you Nin?' She giggled and said, Yes, yes. No problem.'

`Then it's decided. Let's get a tuk-tuk back.' Nin and I roared with laughter watching Shane squeeze himself into the tuk-tuk. He had to bend himself almost in half to get inside and the vehicle leant alarmingly over to one side. Thankfully for everyone, including the tuk-tuk driver, it wasn't a long trip back to the hotel. Nin grabbed one of Shane's arms and I the other as we walked through the lobby to the private penthouse elevator. It slid open as I put in the code we'd been given, and within seconds we were stepping into the apartment.

`Wow, and wow again.' said Shane as he took in the size of the place.

`Make yourself at home, while I get some room service. Nin can you make some drinks?' Whilst I ordered a selection of Thai snacks, I sneaked looks at Shane as he toured the apartment. Maybe because of the fight earlier on, I'm not sure, but right now I was horny as hell. My cock started to twitch as I watched him move around, and I saw Nin looking at him as if she was going to eat him. Which if things went to plan, she would.

Nin gave us all beers, and we drank them on the balcony looking out over the glittering lights of Bangkok. We talked and laughed about some of the times we had together, from the time when Shane met us on my first time out en femme, to the terrible night when Pao was stabbed. I asked him what he had thought of me that first night.

`You don't really want to know, do you?'

`Only if it's nice.'

He grinned. `I had staked out my objectives, identified my target of opportunity, and was eager to close and engage in hand to hand manoeuvres.'

Bastard.' I threw a cushion at him. I was terrified of you that first time, pretending to be out with the lads, and then when we met on the ferry, the penny still didn't drop that we were set up. I'm still not sure I will forgive you.'

`Seriously, it was all professional for me at that point. Alex and Areeya had told me you needed some babysitting on the way to Bangkok. Although having seen what Nin can do, I think I was surplus to requirements. I was only following orders.'

Nin laughed, `We were so glad you were with us, Shane.'

Amen to that.' I raised my bottle to him and I think he blushed at that moment beneath his tan. Room service arrived with the food and we ate and drank a few more beers out on the balcony. If I was feeling horny earlier, I was now on fire. I whispered to Nin who grinned and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I turned to Shane. We're off to bed, Shane. You can either use the spare bedroom or you can come and join us. Your choice, big boy.'

Nin giggled and hand in hand we wiggled our way towards the master bedroom. We threw ourselves onto the bed, and I pulled Nin in for a kiss. Wrapping her arms around my neck she slipped her tongue into my mouth, and I nearly sucked it out of her throat. It must have been only a few seconds before we felt the bed move as Shane joined us. Nin slipped off the bed and in a few seconds was naked except for her panties. I did the same, and we embraced in front of Shane, and I could see Shane watching us wide eyed as we kissed and stroked each other. I was overwhelmed with lust by now, and I knew what I wanted to do to Shane.

Nin pushed me to my knees and I took the front of her panties in my teeth and eased them down until her cock sprang out. Turning my head so that I could watch Shane, I licked and tongued the side of Nin's cock. He peeled off his t-shirt and threw it into a corner as I took Nin into my mouth. She gave a little squeal, and I felt her grow inside my mouth. I watched Shane as he slipped off his shorts to reveal his beautiful cock, giving it one or two strokes making it grow before my eyes.

Letting Nin slip from my mouth, she glanced across at Shane who was now sitting on the edge of the bed stroking himself. She dropped to her knees in front of him and kissed and licked the end of his cock. Standing up, I slid off my panties and moved round to stand next to him, my cock was level with his face. He couldn't make up his mind whether to look at me or Nin, who was now energetically sucking away. I got his attention by slapping my cock on his cheek a couple of times before he opened his mouth and poked out his tongue. I slapped that with my cock as well before slipping it through his lips and into his warm mouth. He made me groan as he wrapped his lips around me and began to bob his head to and fro. Putting my hands behind his head to keep him there, he looked up at me as I slid myself into his mouth. His eyes were locked on mine as he swirled his tongue around the head.

Looking down I saw Nin sucking Shane. She couldn't deep throat him but was doing her best to get as much of that cock in her mouth as possible. Shane let me slip out and his tongue flickered against the tip of my cock, making me tremble and my knees almost gave way. I pushed myself back into his mouth and started to drive in and out. He slapped my bum and I squealed, but it felt good, the sharp little sting adding to the incandescent fire of desire I was already feeling. I looked down at him, `Can I fuck you?'

He nodded and Nin let him go as he stood up. Shoving him onto the bed and onto his hands and knees, I pushed Nin up to his head and she slid her cock into his mouth. Running over to the bathroom i found the lube which Nin had brought with her. I shot back into the bedroom, my cock swinging around wildly. Kneeling on the bed, I lubed myself and put some on Shane's hole. I knelt behind him and put my hands on his back as my cock tapped at him. He twitched as he felt it there, and I eased the head in and pulled straight out, teasing him as he waited for me to push all the way in.

I repeated this a few times, then pushed hard just as he was being shoved back onto me by Nin at the other end. He gasped as I slid into him, and then once again as I went past his muscle. Beginning slowly with long strokes I built up the pace gradually until I was pounding him hard. I found I could reach round to stoke his cock as I was thrusting into him. He grunted under the assault from Nin in his mouth, me at the back and my hands on his cock. Nin leant forward and I did the same so that we were kissing as we spit roasted Shane. Nin grunted, `I cumming now,' and erupted into Shane's mouth. My climax was close but I was till on the edge, so I kept pumping into Shane, my balls slapping against him. Nin pulled out and slid under Shane taking his cock into her mouth. He groaned as he felt her mouth wrap around his now rampant cock, and within a few seconds he climaxed, his cum splashing out onto Nin's face.

I slowed down once more and with one or two long strokes I too came, some of my cum being forced out of Shane and dripping down onto Nin's upturned face. Totally spent I slumped forward onto Shane's back and he slid sideways, avoiding Nin as he did so. I wanted to stay inside him, until I felt my cock begin to shrink and I pulled out with a plop. We collapsed onto the bed, all of us breathing heavily. Nin's face was splashed with cum, Shane's and mine I guessed.

`Come on, we have to get cleaned up.' Pulling her under the shower we gently washed each other, kissing as we did so, which, of course, produced the inevitable result and we play fenced with our cocks. Eventually stepping out of the shower, we were greeted by Shane standing there grinning all over his face.

`Don't stop on my account girls, I was enjoying that.'

We grabbed him and dragged him into the shower where Nin washed his back and I got the first prize, washing his front. At some point, I found myself kissing him and stroking his cock. I'm pretty sure Nin had a finger in his bum as he was squirming all over the place. I fell to my knees and took him into my mouth, or as much as I could without gagging. He slipped out of me just as he came and I took most of it on my face. That led to another clean up, but we had all had enough by this time. It had been a long and stressful evening and after drying each other we headed back to the bedroom. Shane took the middle of the bed and Nin and I on either side of him. He pulled us both close to him, and in that happy state it wasn't long before we drifted off to sleep.

I awoke to find the room still in darkness, but Shane wasn't in the bed. His voice from the main room I slipped on one of the hotel robes and went out to see what was up. He was already dressed and talking on his phone, and I guessed what had happened. I plopped myself onto his lap and put my arms around his neck.

Do you have to go?' I asked when his call finished. He kissed me and said, Sorry, love, the Ambassador is having a hissy fit. He wants extra security 24/7 now. The little shit is scared of his own shadow. I didn't want to wake you.'

`No. I'm glad I woke up. I can say goodbye properly.' I kissed him and began to wriggle around on his lap and I felt his cock begin to stir.

`Stop it, you bad girl. I have to go.'

`What if I rang the Embassy and told them you had been kidnapped and they had to pay a ransom to get you back?'

`They would probably say good riddance and to keep me.' he kissed me one more time and then tipped me onto the floor.

`Ouch, you sod, that hurt.'

He laughed and ducked to avoid a cushion, my favourite weapon of choice at the moment. After he left I sat there for a while, missing him. Sighing deeply i walked into the bedroom, slipped into bed beside Nin and cuddled up to her back, I was fast asleep in seconds.

I woke to find Nin spooning me and it felt nice to wake up with someone holding me again. She stirred and yawned, before asking `Where Shane?'

`He had to go to work, Nin. He left early.'

`OK, I have to go to bathroom.' She walked away, her cute little bum wiggling as she went. I managed to haul myself out of bed for the second time this morning, put the robe back on and went to make some coffee. I rang room service for some breakfast as I couldn't be bothered to go down for it. Nin out of the bathroom and sat drinking her coffee stark naked. My cock began to pay attention.

'Nin, please put a robe on, you're far too pretty for me this time of the morning.' She giggled and padded off to the bedroom, casting a cheeky little grin over he shoulder as she got to the door. Putting my head in my hands I wondered if I had developed some kind of sex addiction.

We had breakfast and I called Alex before heading over to Dr Wichasak's apartment for lunch.

How are you baby?' she asked when she eventually answered the phone. Did you have a quiet night?'

Yes, Nin and I went out for dinner, then came back and had some drinks here. Very quiet.' I had my fingers crossed as I said it. How about you?'

`So so, busy at the Cockatoo and the restaurant though. Pao should be well enough to go back to work this week, which will help Areeya out. Pao sends her love, and asks if Nin is looking after you.'

I coughed and heard Alex snigger. I don't think it was Pao asking.

`I miss you all, but mostly you and Areeya.'

`Me too. Have you seen Shane?'

`I saw him once last week, he's busy laying down his life for the Ambassador. Although i think he might shoot him anyway if he gets the chance.'

`OK, give him a kiss for me if you do see him, or something else if you prefer.'

Got to go,' I said. I'm seeing Dr Wichasak for lunch.'

`Definitely give her our love, we owe that woman a lot.'

`You don't have to remind me. Love you.'

`Love you too, and be safe over there. See you soon.'

I always felt guilty about not telling the whole truth to Alex, but right now I thought it for the best. I called in at the hotel shop to buy some chocolates and flowers as a gift for Dr Wichasak. Nothing I could bring would ever be enough to thank the Doctor for what she had done for me and Pao, but I hoped she would appreciate the thought.

The tuk-tuk dropped me off at her apartment block where the receptionist asked me to wait for a few minutes while she rang upstairs, and i took the chance to look around. It was obviously an expensive block judging by the furnishings in the reception area and the two security guards, one of whom was giving a very intense stare. The receptionist came over to me, made a wai and then said the Dr Wichasak was waiting for me on the 20th floor, and one of the security guards would go up in the lift with me.

The guard overrode the lift controls taking us nonstop to the 20th floor. The doors opened and there stood Dr Wichasak, a big smile on her face. `Sawasdee kha, khun James. It's so nice to see you again.'

`Sawasdee khap, Doctor. It's sweet of you to invite me.'

`James, please call me Praew, Doctor is so formal.'

`That's a pretty name.'

She smiled. `In Thai it means shining, or dazzling. It's my nickname. Many Thais believe that using a nickname wards off evil spirits who try to steal children. Please come through and have a drink.'

She took the flowers and chocolates I had brought and she seemed delighted that I had brought something. It seemed as if the apartment took up the whole floor. Praew saw me looking, `It's my home in Bangkok, but it doubles up as my private consulting office as well. I have a place on Phi Phi Don, but I don't get there very often.'

She led me through the apartment and we ended up in large room with floor to ceiling windows giving a panoramic view over the city.

`What a fabulous view, Praew.'

`I love this city, James, I've lived in lots of places, LA for one, but none is as exciting as this place.'

`Alex and Areeya, and Pao, of course send their love. Pao is returning to work next week.'

`She's a tough girl, we very nearly lost her twice. We did what we could, but she pulled herself through the rest of it. You are all very fond of her?'

`Yes, I met her before Alex and Areeya. Long story.' And one I didn't really want to get into I thought.

`James, I've arranged for lunch to be brought in. We can eat on the balcony, is that OK?'

We sat and ate lunch on the balcony looking out over the city. In the distance you could get a glimpse of the Grand Palace, and a little further away, the golden spires of Wat Arun glinting in the sunlight. We sat and talked about how things were going in Samui and my project here in Bangkok. She talked about her work here in Thailand as well as her consulting all over South East Asia as well. I asked her if she would tell me how she knew Kritsada, and she said that she had got to know hm after the death of his wife, Areeya's mother. They had grown close, but her career and his businesses had stopped anything coming of it. I guessed that she and he had been, maybe were still involved in some way, but I didn't press it. We went inside for coffee and sat looking out through the windows.

`James, may I ask you a personal question?'

`Of course, what do you want to know?'

`I first met you as James when I treated you after the pirate attack, and then you appeared as Jamie when I treated Pao. You said then you would tell me what was going on if I wanted to know. Would you tell me now?'

I had guessed she would ask, but I wasn't sure how much I should, or even wanted, to tell her. I thought for a moment, then decided to tell her most of the story.

`It all started when we had to get an urgent message to Kritsada that we couldn't trust to the phone or email. It had to be delivered in person. Alex and Areeya came up with this crazy idea for me to go dressed as a girl so I wouldn't be spotted because we thought we were being watched.'

Praew raised an eyebrow at this, but she didn't interrupt.

`I said no at first, but I guess you know how persuasive Alex and Areeya can be. They did a makeover on me and, to be honest, I was amazed at how I looked. I wasn't a beauty, but I didn't look so bad. They eventually convinced me that I could get away with it. So, Nin and I set off to Bangkok on the ferry. We met Shane on the ferry, by accident I thought, but it turned out it was part of Alex's plan.'

I paused to take a drink, uncertain how far to go. I realised I had never spoken to anyone other than Alex about how all this made me feel, and suddenly it all began to tumble out.

`Praew, I didn't understand what was going on, but dressing as Jamie made me feel different. I was terrified at first, but as time went on and nobody laughed or shouted at me, I became more confident. There was an incident on way from the ferry to Bangkok...' I had to stop and smile at the look on Praew's face.

`Somehow, that doesn't surprise me, James.'

Well, it meant we had to spend a night in a hotel together; myself, Nin and Shane. There was only one room left, and we had to share it.' I felt myself go red at this point. I found out Shane was gay, and as James it wouldn't have meant anything, but as Jamie, I was really attracted to him. I didn't understand why to be honest. I know I was lonely that night and maybe a bit scared too, but that wasn't the only reason I liked him. I was confused as hell, Praew. I had never felt any attraction to a man before. Alex is different.'

I knew I sounded defensive, and I looked at Praew to see if she would say anything, but all she did was nod her head, as if to say OK, go on.

Nothing happened that night, but it had shaken me. I couldn't work out why I was feeling like this. As I said, as Jamie, I felt different. More vulnerable certainly, but also more aware of my own feelings and emotions. Jamie seemed to bring out a side of me, which I hadn't realised was there. It was frightening, but nice as well. I realised that I liked being Jamie.' I winced, remembering Jandaeng. Well, most of the time, anyway'

I took a drink, realising the next part would be difficult to say.

`We got back to Samui OK, and Alex suggested a trip on the boat to have a break. To cut a long story short, I dressed as Jamie on the trip, and Shane and I ended up in bed and he made love to me. The next night we got back to Cockatoo and Pao was stabbed. That's when you met me as Jamie.'

Praew leant forward and took my hand. `Thank you, James. That must have been hard for you to say.'

`Parts of it, Praew. But, thank you for listening, it has actually made me feel better, sharing it with someone.'

`How do you feel about it all now? Being Jamie, I mean, and about Shane.'

I paused for a moment, trying to get my thoughts in order.

`I'm OK with it all, I think. I like being Jamie from time to time. It allows me to live out a different part of my personality. I wouldn't want to be Jamie all the time, but when I am, I feel calmer, more sensitive, more relaxed; in a way I can't do as James. Maybe it's about not having to carry around the macho bullshit all the time. It's also made me aware of how women are treated by men, how vulnerable women can be.'

I thought back to the attack the previous evening, and how easy the men thought we would be. Wanting to forget about that, I looked at Praew, `There is, however, one thing I really like about being Jamie.'

Her eyebrow shot up. `Oh?'

The clothes.' I laughed, I love dressing up as Jamie. It's so much more fun dressing as a girl than as a man.' Praew laughed with me, before a frown creased her forehead.

`And how about Shane?'

Praew couldn't possibly have missed the smile which flashed across my face as I thought back to another part of last night.

I'm good with that too. As Jamie, I really like him, but I love Alex and Areeya in a way that I could never love Shane. They know about Shane as well. I didn't want to tell Praew how Alex had pretty much pushed me into bed with Shane. Trying to analyse my relationship with Alex would have taken us off into a completely new dimension.

`How does Shane feel about it all?'

The question shook me. I hadn't really given it any thought. I'm ashamed to say that I don't know, Praew. He isn't a big talker.' I smiled again, I know he really likes Jamie, and probably James too, for all I know. But I don't know exactly. He seems to be someone who takes life pretty easily. Are you saying I need to take his feelings more into account?'

She didn't answer for a minute, letting her eyes play over my face, whilst deciding what to say.

`It's not for me to say, James. What I will say is that you seem to have been on a switchback ride since you came to Thailand. Given everything that has happened to you over here, you may have awoken feelings and emotions which were buried deep inside you, so it's not a surprise that you're unsure about what you feel. You are lucky to have people who care deeply about you, and who can help you on your journey of self discovery. It wouldn't be for everyone, but from what I have learnt about you, I think you have the courage and sensitivity to deal with it. We have a saying kham nam kham thale, it means to cross over water and sea, to fight through many obstacles to succeed. You will find your way, I am sure of it. You are one of the bravest people I have ever met. You don't hesitate to put yourself in harms way for people. You have charm and style and are easy to be with. People are attracted to you, even if you don't know it. You're easy to like James. Just be aware of the influence you have with them. Don't hurt them if you can avoid it.'

I squeezed her hand and felt a tear forming at the corner of my eye.

`Thank you, Praew. You have been so patient to listen to me. It was great to get some of that off my chest.'

`You are very welcome, James. You're a remarkable ma..I mean person.'

I grinned back at her. `Yes, I'm confused sometimes too.'

We laughed together, until Praew's mobile trilled.

Please excuse me, James, I have to get this.' She walked away a few paces and although I couldn't understand any of the conversation, I could tell from the glance she shot at me, that the call was about me. There was only one person who would call her about me, and that was confirmed as she walked across and handed me the phone. I'm sorry, James. It's Kritsada, he wants a word.' I took the phone from her and she disappeared from the room.

`Hello, khun Kritsada.'

`Hello, my dear James, I hope you've had a good time with Praew?'

`Yes, sir. She has been a most gracious host. Is there something I can do for you?'

`Yes, James, there is. You remember the party I talked about this week? The one you will be coming to?'

`Yes, of course.'

`Well, I have request for you, which I hope you will be able to agree to.'

'If I can, sir, I will.'

`Good, good. Now, I find myself without an escort for the evening. It's a long story, but I wonder if you would agree to be my escort for the evening? As Jamie, I mean.'

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 37

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