

Published on Sep 24, 2018


Cockatoo Part 44

At least I didn't have to answer Shane's question until I had contacted Aki. I was nervous about calling him, but I had backed myself into a corner and now had to do something. Maybe he had left Bangkok, or perhaps he wouldn't want to meet me. Worst of all, he would want to meet me again.

I left the others and found a quiet spot to make the call. Aki's number was already on my phone. It was simply a matter of pressing the button to make the call but I stared at the number for what seemed an age, wondering yet again how I had got into this. My thumb hovered over the button as I summoned up the courage to do it. Taking a deep breath, I pressed call. It connected and rang a few times and my heart leapt as I thought there might be no answer. Then, a click and a recorded message in Japanese, followed by "Leave message."

"Um, OK, It's Scarlett calling for Akihito-san. We met at the club, and I was, um, wondering if we could meet again, if you would like to, that is. If not, no problem. You can reach me on this number if you want. OK, that's it, thank you, bye."

I banged my head against the wall, thinking what a pig's ear I had made of the call. If he wanted to meet me, it would be a miracle. I closed my eyes and pictured Aki; handsome and charismatic, a great lover, but also a Yakuza. I shivered as I thought of him fucking me standing up, holding me off the floor in his arms as his cock plunged into me. The chime of my phone interrupted the daydream, and I almost dropped it in my haste.

"Um, hi, It's Scarlett."

"Be at club at eleven tonight." It was an accented Japanese voice, and obviously not Aki.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, for the umpteenth time I cursed everyone I could think of for getting me into this.

I walked back into the room and every head swivelled to look at me. Avoiding the eyes trained on me I walked across the room and sat down. Everybody had stopped talking when I came in and appeared to be holding their breath.

"Well?" exploded Alex.

With a straight face I looked around at them all, keeping them waiting for a moment.

"I'm meeting him at the Japanese club tonight."

There was a huge sigh as they let their breath out, then they all talked at once and I held my hand up for quiet.

"I didn't speak to him, but my message got through and I need to be at the club at eleven tonight to meet him. That's all I know. Now, Alex first."

"Are you sure about this, babe?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "No, but you were right, it's worth the risk to find out what's happening. If he knows where Jandaeng is I can tell Thaksin. I think he's ready to bring Jandaeng in."

Shane jumped in. "I'll work out a plan to keep an eye on you and to have backup from Kritsada's men."

"OK, Shane, but make it discreet for God's sake. I don't want Aki to get suspicious with too many people hanging around."

"I'll come with you." said Alex.

"No, you can't. It's a Japanese only club. We only got in last time because Nin knows the mamasan there. It's better I go in alone. I'm invited so there won't be a problem getting in. Even Nin should stay out of it this time." I grinned, "I'm a big girl now, I can take care of myself."

Everyone laughed and Areeya rushed over to give me a hug.

"Take care of yourself, Jamie. I love you."

"Areeya, I love you too, and don't forget I have this to protect me, remember." I pulled out the palad khik amulet she had given me before I left Samui the last time. "It's worked so far. I take it everywhere."

Her eyes glistened as she looked at it. She hugged me again and whispered in my ear, "We need to talk" before disappearing out of the door.

I walked over to Kritsada and shook his hand. "Thank you Khun Kritsada for what you did for Shane."

Kritsada smiled. "I look after those who deserve it, Jamie. The Ambassador is not worthy even to stand in the shadow of a man like Shane. It is unfortunate I have to be gracious with people who are worthless leeches."

I hugged him. "Thank you again."

"Jamie, you know you can ask if you need anything. It would be my honour to give it."

"Kritsada, I promise if I need something I will ask you, but now I need to speak to your daughter."

I found Areeya sitting on a bench at the riverside, watching the boats moving up and down the Chao Praya. She had pulled her knees up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them, and she looked lost in thought.

"This was my favourite place to sit with my mother. We would watch the boats for hours playing guessing games about who or what was on them and where they were going. I miss her so much sometimes."

I stayed silent, I didn't think she wanted me to say anything, just listen.

"Jamie, you were so good to me when the business with Sam happened. Her betrayal hurt me so much. Yes, I have Alex and you, but Sam opened my eyes to something new. An excitement different from what I had. I know Alex worried she would lose me, but it will never happen. We've never been, how do you say? Exclusive? It's not in either of our natures." She looked at me for the first time, "Nor yours, I think."

I shrugged, and she went back to watching the river.

"But I don't want to lose Alex or you Jamie, but I've met someone who I like, really like, I think, and I don't know what to do."

She tucked her chin behind her knees and although she was looking at the boats on the river, I don't think she saw them.

"Areeya, I remember when I first arrived and Alex and I got together. I wondered how it must have been for you. This guy arrives from nowhere and your girlfriend drags him into your life. You seemed to know trying to get in Alex's way wouldn't work. You let it play out because you knew Alex loved you and I might be a one-night stand. In which case it wouldn't matter. If it was more than, you and she would adjust to it. I couldn't get my head around it at first, I didn't know it was possible to love someone and still share them with someone else. It took me a while, but I got it in the end. I love you both and would do anything for either of you, but I wouldn't stand in your way if you found someone else, and neither would Alex. She learnt from what happened with you and Sam."

"You know, don't you?" She whispered this so quietly I almost didn't catch it. "I saw it in your face earlier."

"Hmm, I was in the corridor talking to Shane on the phone, and maybe I overheard two people enjoying themselves."

"Do you think it's crazy?"

"You mean any crazier than what's going on around us. No, I don't think it's crazy. Only you can decide what happens, Areeya. Whatever it is, Alex and I will stand by you."

"You won't tell Alex, will you?"

"Firstly, you don't need me to tell you Alex is as sharp as a stiletto blade. She'll find out. She may even know now. Secondly, I won't tell Alex anything, unless you want me to. Do you want me to?"

Areeya sighed, "No, I will tell her. She shouldn't hear it from anyone else."

She nestled into my shoulder and I hugged her tight.

A long-tail boat with two passengers raced its way downstream. "I think it's George Clooney and Amal. They're off to Vanilla Sky for cocktails followed by dinner at Issaya Siamese Club then onto Insanity for dancing."

Areeya laughed and kissed me, "Jamie, I am so lucky to have you in my life, thank you. But you are wrong about one thing, George Clooney is too old to get into Insanity."

At five minutes before eleven o'clock, I stood outside the club where I was to meet Aki. We had spent the evening getting me ready as Scarlett. Despite what Shane had said there wasn't a choice between Jamie and Scarlett. Aki would expect Scarlett, and so I was wearing a short red dress with a flared skirt with a V neck exposing a lot more flesh than I was comfortable with. Five inch red open-toed heels matching the dress and the nail polish Nin had applied to to my fingers and toes. My panties were red and tight enough to keep me in check in normal circumstances. There was no point in wearing a bra as Aki had seen there was nothing there already. I had gone back to the wig I was wearing when I met Aki the first time. Alex was grinning all over her face as she watched me get ready.

"If was your mother, I wouldn't let you go out dressed like that."

"Well, you're not my mother, so butt out." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"It looks like you're getting into Scarlett. I'm getting horny watching you and thinking about what you're going to get up to."

"I'm not going to get up to anything. I'm only going for a drink with him."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire."

I tried to stare her down, but we both dissolved into giggles.

"OK, I may have to take one for the team."

She laughed "Babe, promise me you won't get up to anything I wouldn't."

"Doesn't leave me much wiggle room, does it?"

"Come back safe. Shane and the boys will be around so you'll be all right."

Shane had suggested I wear a wire. I looked at him, spread my arms out and mouthed "Where?"

Looking around, I couldn't see Shane or any of the men who were supposed to be watching me. I smoothed down my dress for the hundredth time, took a deep breath and walked more confidently than I felt through the door of the club. The girl on reception was about to tell me this was for Japanese only, and to get my skinny white farang ass out of her sight when the mamasan appeared and snapped at the girl. Her attitude improved exponentially, and she bowed to me as the mamasan led me through into the club.

Aki sat alone at a table with his bodyguards a few metres away. He was talking on his phone with a flask of sake and two cups on the table. One of his men walked over and frisked me. It wasn't as if there was somewhere to hide anything given the way I was dressed. He checked the small bag I was carrying and kept my phone. He nodded and led me towards Aki's table. Aki was still on his phone and I waited with my head bowed deferentially.

He finished his call, looked up at me and smiled. I bowed "Konbanwa Akihito-san." Nin had given me a quick Japanese lesson as I got ready.

"Scarlett, good evening, it is good to see you again. You look beautiful."

His voice made my tummy flip.

"Please sit, and we will drink some of their excellent sake. I think you liked it last time, no?"

"Akihito, it was lovely, arigatou. I would love to share some with you."

"Scarlett, as I told you last time, please call me Aki, it's so much easier." He handed me a small porcelain cup of sake.

I smiled, "Thank you Aki."

"Kanpai, Scarlett, I am happy to see you again."

"Me too, Aki. I have looked forward to this."

There was no doubt I was attracted to him in a way I couldn't explain even to myself. Power seemed to emanate from him and I felt small and submissive in his presence. I was forgetting what I was here for and it took an effort to drag myself back.

"Scarlett, I'm afraid the call I took was something I need to take care of, so I need to leave here."

"Oh, OK, so can we get together again soon?"

"No, you misunderstand me, I want you to come with me. We will have some fun together, but it has to be somewhere else."

He stood up and held out his hand to help me up. Huh, this wasn't in the plan. Panic swept through me but I didn't have many options. His men were already heading towards the back door and I had to make my mind up fast.

"Um, OK, I guess. Where are we going?"

"It's not too far away, and I will make sure you get back here later. Please say yes. It will mean a lot."

I struggled to keep my unease at bay, but I had come this far, so why not?

"Can I get my phone back?"

"Don't worry, it's perfectly safe, you will get it back soon. Come on."

My hand found his, and we walked towards the back of the club. A man opened the back door and a Range Rover with blacked-out windows was already waiting, its engine idling and the back door open. Someone pushed me into the back seat followed by Aki, and the car pulled away. It all took only a few seconds, and I prayed Shane had someone watching the rear of the club.

I couldn't see through the windows so I had no idea where we were going. Aki sat back and looked at me.

"Tell me something about yourself, Scarlett. You're from New Zealand. Did I remember right? How did you end up in Bangkok?"

Shit, I had told him I was from New Zealand. I knew nothing about New Zealand if he asked me questions. "Half true, Aki. I was born in New Zealand but my parents moved to England when I was very young and I grew up there. I came out here to work and to get away from a bad relationship and fell in love with Bangkok." I giggled, "You could say I found myself here. I found it hard to be accepted at home, but here I can be free to be who I want to be."

"And where do you live in Bangkok?"

"With a girlfriend. We met in Samui and moved here. Her father lives here and we stay in his house."

The best lies have grains of truth in them, but I wished he would shut up with the twenty questions. I was terrified of letting something slip. The car slowed and stopped.

"We have arrived. This is a house I have rented while I am here in Bangkok. It is modest but acceptable."

The back door opened and one of his men helped me out of the car. My feet were aching in these shoes and I regretted wearing such high heels. I am also sure I flashed the man as I got down from the car. If the house was what Aki called modest, then I would love to see what he would call luxury.

In the dark it looked huge and surrounded by a wire fence. I could hear the soft buzz of traffic so we were still in the city but in an exclusive area. Lights were on inside and in what appeared to be a garage next to the house.

"Scarlett, please go inside with this man. He will show you to my suite. Please make yourself comfortable there. I have to deal with something. I won't be long."

He walked towards the garage and I followed the man into the house. I followed him up an enormous sweeping staircase to the first floor where he unlocked a door and stood back to let me in. He closed the door behind me and I heard the key in the lock. OK, I thought, Aki doesn't want me snooping around. I guessed the guard would be outside the door to make sure I didn't wander off to steal the silver.

It was a big room furnished in Japanese style with low couches and tables. I had a quick look around and it looked remarkably austere. There was a kitchen, a shower room with a sunken bath and a dining room as well as the lounge. There were other doors, but they were locked. The whole suite looked almost Spartan in its simplicity. I thought it suited Aki; no frills, straight lines, uncluttered and very masculine. Heaving a huge sigh, I sat down and kicked off my shoes to rub my aching feet.

It gave me a moment to think about what to do next. This had not been part of the plan, and I couldn't be sure the others knew where I was. My phone wouldn't be any help as it probably would have even turned off. This was more than I had bargained for. As soon as Aki came back, I would ask to leave.

A key turned in the door lock and I jumped up as Aki walked into the room.

"My apologies Scarlett, it was an urgent piece of business I had to deal with."

"Aki, look, if you're busy I should leave you alone. Can you call me a tuk-tuk?"

"Scarlett, of course, if it is what you want, but why not have a drink with me while you're waiting? I have some very fine Japanese whisky I have been saving for a special occasion."

"Aki, I am flattered you think this is a special occasion. OK, one glass and then I should go." I shook off a feeling I had missed something

He put his hand on my arm and a jolt ran through me at his touch. He held onto my arm as he led me over to one of the low sofas, and, somehow, I managed to sit down without falling over or flashing too much. I instantly regretted wearing such a short dress. Aki went over to what looked like a wall, but which turned out to be a hidden cupboard with a bar inside. He brought over two glasses, a bottle with an ice bucket on a tray and placed them on the table in front of us.

"I hope you enjoy this." He opened the bottle and poured two large measures. "It's Suntory Hibiki, 21-year-old."

Japanese whisky, I thought. It can't be any good. I took a sip and was astonished how good it was; smoky, dark, and made me think of dark nights around a wood fire.

"Aki, this is amazing. Thank you."

He smiled, took a sip and smacked his lips. "Can I tell you a secret, Scarlett? But you must never, ever disclose this to anyone. Do you promise?"

Shit, what was he going to tell me? "OK, I promise, but you've got me worried."

"If anyone hears this, I may have to hide from my people."

My mouth must have dropped open.

"I prefer whisky to Sake. There, I've confessed, now my life is in your hands."

I stared at him for a second, then burst out laughing.

"Fuck Aki, you had me going there."

He grinned, "It's good whisky, no?"

"It's fantastic. I tried Thai whisky, and I nearly spat it out again, but this is wonderful."

I raised my glass and sipped again, watching Aki over the top of my glass. He smiled at me and I thought it wouldn't do any harm to stay a bit longer. He moved a little closer to me on the sofa and clinked his glass with mine.

"Kanpai, Aki."

I took a big sip this time, and the whisky hit my bloodstream, sending waves of warmth washing around my whole body. Aki matched me sip for sip, and before I knew it, our glasses were empty. Aki refilled our glasses and we toasted each other again. This isn't so bad after all, I thought. Aki was funny and charming. I was enjoying myself and all thoughts of leaving were forgotten.

Our shoulders touched, and I felt the hard muscles beneath his shirt. Desire grew within me like a bonfire smouldering before it flares into life. Our faces came closer and closer and then we were kissing and the bonfire exploded into flames. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and I was on fire. My reason gone, I wanted him to possess me, to dominate me, to make me submit to him.

Sliding onto my knees I moved in front of him. I pushed his legs apart and looked up at him. I smiled and unzipped his trousers, plunging my fingers inside to touch his cock. It was stiffening already as I freed it. With my eyes locked on his, I wrapped my fingers around it and stroked until he was rigid. Unlike last time, I could take my time. Teasing him with my fingers I bent forward to kiss the tip, and he hissed above me. Always a good sign. I licked and kissed my way up and down the shaft, and he put his hands on my head urging me to do more.

His eyes were closed now, and I took the head into my mouth running my tongue underneath the head, provoking another sharp hiss. I did this a couple of times before taking him fully into my mouth. His hands gripped the back of my head and he pulled me onto him, making me gag. Pulling back, I used my saliva as lubrication and kept stroking him with my hand until he was thrusting back, obviously on the edge. I didn't want him to cum yet, so I teased him again with my tongue, feeling his excitement build.

Standing up, I reached under my dress and pulled my panties down and kicked then away. I was hard too, and my cock flapped around. Aki reached up and stroked me, and I thought I would explode.

"I want you inside me, Aki,"

Turning around I straddled his lap and lowered myself onto his cock. I yelped as his cock pushed into me, but then he was inside and his cock twitched inside me. He pushed up, and I raised myself up and dropped down again, making him gasp. I pushed down onto him again and again, my cock flapping wildly as I bounced up and down on him. His hands found my nipples and pinched them, making me squeal. He swelled inside me and I knew he was cumming, so I turned my head and managed to kiss him as he let out a long sigh, jerked and came inside me.

Aki kept thrusting a few more times before he began to shrink. Easing myself up I knew I would be sore in the morning. Grinning to myself I thought, but it had been worth it. I kissed him once more before heading to the bathroom to clean myself up. It was in there I remembered what I had missed before.

Coming back into the room I saw Aki had zipped himself up and had another drink in his hand. He handed me one as I sat down, and I twirled the drink around in the glass.

"Aki, why did you bring out the whisky? You didn't ask me if I liked it, or even ask if I wanted something else."

His eyes darted away.

"You knew I liked whisky."

"Didn't you tell me?"

"No, I didn't." Realisation hit me like a hammer. "You know who I am, don't you?"

He hesitated for only a second. "My dear Scarlett, did you think I wouldn't find out about a Westerner who shows up in a Japanese only club and lets me fuck her?"

I put my hand to my mouth and my heart hammered in my chest.

"The why did you meet me again?"

"Because you intrigue me."

"Intrigue you, how?"

"I discovered much that I admired about you. The pirate attack, surviving the bomb, the way you dealt with the nosey journalist, your run in with Yut."

The blood must have drained from my face.

"I think we are alike, Scarlett. Maybe in another time and place you could have been Yakuza."

I was reeling, all the time he had known who I was. I felt a complete idiot.

"It was you, wasn't it? I mean you warned the authorities about Yut on the boat. I owe you my life."

He shook his head. "No, your life belongs to your large Australian. All we did was to clear up a problem with Yut. He was a fool, believing he could play off us and the Triads. I am glad we were able to save you too, by the way."

I was struggling to take all this in.

"Then you know about Jandaeng?"


"I wanted to find out if you knew where Jandaeng might be. I have a score to settle with him."

"Yes, I know."

"So, do you? Know where he is, I mean?"

He stood up and pulled me to my feet. "Come with me, Scarlett. I have a gift for you. I think you will like it."

We went downstairs, and led me to a door which he opened, blocking my view of what was inside. He smiled, moved out of the way, and I nearly passed out as inside was Jandaeng, tied to a chair with his face bloodied and bruised. One eye was almost closed from a massive bruise, and blood ran from the corner of his mouth. Two of Aki's men stood behind the chair.

"We picked him up as he was trying to sneak around outside my house tonight. I think his Triad friends may have sent him to do me some harm."

My heart was pounding as one of Aki's men grabbed Jandaeng by his hair and pulled his head back. His good eye focussed on me, and he looked puzzled, struggling to work out who I was. There was a flash of recognition in his eye as it hit him, and I think he tried to smile, but it turned into a lopsided leer.

"So, it's the farang pussy boy from the bar. Did you enjoy my prick in your mouth?"

"Meh, it was OK, but I prefer adult sized ones."

He coughed, saliva and blood spraying out of his mouth. Even after all he had put me through, I didn't enjoy seeing him in this state.

"What is she doing here?" With only one eye open Jandaeng had to move his head to address Aki.

"Because you are my gift to her."


I crouched down to look him in his one good eye. "Sawasdee khaa, Jandaeng. We've met before."

"I know, I fucked your face in the bar."

"You did, but it's not what I meant. Surely you remember dragging someone off the street and threatening him and his friends if he didn't inform for you. Getting your sad little kicks beating up girls is bad enough, but threatening my friends is unforgivable. I despise you."

His head moved to look at Aki and then back in confusion. Then his face changed, and in a rage, he struggled against the ropes. One of Aki's men stepped forward and slapped him until he quietened down.

"You, you are the farang working for Kritsada. I knew I should have killed you. I will still kill you."

"I think not Jandaeng. You picked the wrong side this time." Aki's voice was as cold as the grave. He snapped his fingers and one of his men handed him a pistol. He smiled as he aimed it at Jandaeng's head.

"Scarlett, this is your chance to be rid of him." I was rooted to the spot, not wanting to watch this. But Aki didn't fire. Instead, he put the gun into my hand and said, "Shoot him."

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 45

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