Cocksuckers Training

By Jonathan H.

Published on Jun 2, 2003


Travis just walked out, leaving me on my knees. My cock was still hard as a rock, and I was slowly stroking it, thinking about, as Travis had told me to, the next time he was going to come over. I wondered if he would bring his roommate, and let me suck the two of them off. I was imagining being down on my knees, sucking off his roommate, as Travis pushed my head further down on the cock. After a few minutes, I realized that my knees were getting a little sore. I had spent a good deal of time that day on my knees, so I got up and moved over to the chair, still stroking my cock, thinking about Travis and his amazing dick.

As I leaned back in the chair, a white card on the side table caught my eye. It was Anaconda's card. I immediately thought back to earlier today, sucking him off. Or, perhaps better, getting face-fucked. He had forced his fat shaft down my throat without thinking what I could take, just thinking about his own pleasure, his own needs. He used me for his own pleasure, then once satisfied, walked away. Somehow, that was a turn-on for me. All I could think about was him forcing his cock back down my throat, using me again for his pleasure. Although a part of my mind said I would regret it later, I picked up the phone and called him.

"Hello?" someone answered.

"Is Anaconda there?" I asked. I was still stroking my cock as I talked on the phone.

"Just a second. I'll get him for you." I could hear the guy who answered the phone calling out "Con, phone for you." A few seconds later, Anaconda got on the phone. "This is Anaconda," he said.

"This is Jon," I said.

"Hmm...I'm sorry, I'm blanking on your name," Anaconda replied.

"We met earlier today in the park."

"Oh...the whiteboy cocksucker?" he asked me.

"Yea, in the park this morning."

"I remember now. You should have said you were the cocksucker who let me fuck his throat this morning. I'm not too good at names of cocksuckers."

"Sorry about that." I said.

"Let me guess cocksucker. You want another chance to swing on my shaft?"

"Yeah, I do." I said. My cock was hard as a rock, listening to him talk.

"You had some trouble getting all of it down, right cocksucker?"

"Yea, I did."

"Well, I guess that means we'll have to have a nice long training session for you, right?"

"I guess so." I had no idea what he meant by a training session. I just wanted to feel his cock in my throat again.

"How about tomorrow at 9 am, cocksucker?"

"That should work for me. Where?" I asked.

"You come here cocksucker." He proceeded to tell me where he lived, and how to get there. It wasn't that far, only a 10 minute walk. He also told me to wear a jockstrap. I was still jerking my cock when I hung up, wishing I was sucking on his tool. Or any cock. Despite sucking two guys off four times today, I still wanted more.

I was suddenly interrupted from my reverie by the sound of the doorbell. I looked up, and realized that I hadn't closed the shades, so whoever was at the door could look right in, and see me jerking off. I looked again, and saw Kevin at the door. He was wearing a tank top and a pair of running shorts, and it looked like he was pretty sweaty. I pulled up my pants and went to the door.

"Hi," I said, after opening the door. I think he had just been running or something, since he was breathing hard, and covered in sweat.

"Hey. I was out for a run, and was in your neighborhood. I thought I would stop by, see if you were free."

"Yeah, just hanging out right now"

"I saw," he said. His hand dropped to his crotch, and he ran his fingers over a noticable bulge. Of course, there wasn't much fabric in the running shorts to hide it.

"You want to come in?" I asked, trying to hide my embarassment. I wondered how much he had seen.

"Sure." he said. As he stepped inside, he asked, "So, who was that on the phone? He seemed to get you hard."

He had seen me on the phone. Well, I guess I had sucked him off already, so there wasn't much shame in that. "Just a friend of mine."

"Did you want to suck him off?" Kevin seemed to know everything. It was a little disconcerting.

"Uh, yeah. I did." I was blushing. "But he was busy. But I'm sucking him off tomorrow morning." I was trying not to stammer, and a part of me wondered what I sounded like. We had gotten to the living room and were facing each other now.

"Well, I guess it was a good thing I came along then. I was hoping you would be able to get me off again." He put his hands on my shoulders, and pushed down. Almsot automatically, I let him force me to my knees, assuming an all-too familiar position.

"Let me get the shades first," I said.

"Naw. Don't bother. As you've seen, I have nothing to be ashamed of," he said. We had ended up right in front of the window, me on my knees in front of him. He pulled off his tank top and threw it onto the couch behind me. "You think you can get me off with just your mouth?" he asked, looking down at me smiling.

"Yeah, I can." I was actuely aware of the sunlight streaming into the living room through the open shades. I hoped no one would walk by as we enacted this tableau.

"Good. Well, let's see you can do it." I reached up to pull down his shorts, to free his cock. As I did so he reached down and grabbed my hands. "You said you could do it with just your mouth. No hands."

"But..." I stammered.

"No hands, cocksucker." He held onto my wrists tightly, just in case I was thinking about cheating. I looked at what I hand to to do again. He was wearing a very light pair of running shorts. However, as his cock slowly began to stiffen and grow, I could tell that underneath the shorts he had on a jock strap as well. This was going to take some work. I started by grabbing the waist band of the shorts in my mouth, and pulling it down. However, this was hampered by the rapidly growing bluge in his jock strap. After a bit of work, I was able to pull his sweat-soaked shorts down, leaving me with just his jock strap to take care of.

I paused for a second, and he laughed, "Halfway to the treasure. Not too bad." I could taste his sweat in my mouth, and knew the flavor was only going to get more intense as I tackled his sweat-soaked jock strap. "This your first time doing it like this?" he asked me.

"Yeah, it is," I said.

"I guessed as much. You're not doing a bad job. Just get off my jock strap, and you'll get what you want." He laughed at what he just said, then pulled on my wrists a bit, forcing my face into his crotch. I got my first good whiff of his jock, and it was pretty rank. "Yeah, you like that?" he said; obviously seeing my reaction. "I never wash my jock straps."

Seeing no choice but to start, I reached up and grabbed the waistband of the jock, and began to pull it down and over his nearly-erect cock. This wasn't an easy process. Since I only had it in my mouth, I didn't have a very good grip on the fabric, and I needed it to stretch a lot more than it was designed to do. As I feared, it snapped out of my mouth, and back into place. I tried it again, holding the fabric even more tightly in my mouth, and pulling it back further, trying to clear his cock.

And again, it snapped out of my mouth, and right back. This time, it landed on his cock; his head was now sticking out the top. At least I had made some progress. "Hey," Kevin said. "Be careful. That hurts." He released one of my hands, and adjusted his jock strap. His cock was now completely back in the pouch. "Try not to do that again," he said as he grabbed my wrist again. Now I was back where I started, with another restriction on what I needed to do.

Once more, I grabbed the waist band. It was now getting a little slippery between my saliva and his sweat, and I had to struggle a bit to get a good bite on it. I pulled it down a little further, but with a sickening snap, it pulled out of my mouth, and landed squarely across his balls. Without any hesitation, he let go of one of my wrists again, and slapped me hard across the face. I was momentarily dazed, then felt the heat of his slap on my cheek. "Fucking hell cocksucker. I told you not to do that again." He adjusted his jock again, once more I was back to where I started again. "You really haven't done this before, have you?"

"No, I haven't" I said. My cheek still hurt from him slapping me; even worse was the pit in my stomach from disappointing him. I was worried he was going to walk out, and take his beautiful cock with him.

"Figures," he said. "Why don't you lick my balls a bit, and I'll explain how it's done." I started to lick his balls through the pouch, tasting the built-up sweat and fluids on the pouch, gently nuzzling his testicles through the fabric. "Oh yeah, cocksucker, that's much better." He stood there, letting me lick his nuts, getting the pouch wet. I slowly got used to the taste of his sweat, and found myself seeking it out, now wanting to taste it rather than avoiding it as I had only a few minutes ago.

After a few minutes of letting me suck his balls, he said, "The trick is not to try to take off the jock strap. Just pull the pouch to one side. Much easier for you cocksucker. But it was fun watching you try. Why don't you try it now?" I stopped sucking him, and this time, grabbed the side of the pouch with my mouth. With only a little bit of difficulty, I was able to pull it over his cock, and drop it gently on the other side. I went back, and pulled on the pouch again, uncovering his balls as well. "Oh yeah...that's a good boy. Most guys ignore the balls." He let go of one wrist and rubbed my head as a reward.

"But now, it's time for what I really came here for." He stopped rubbing my head, and grabbed it firmly, forcing me down onto his shaft. Without even thinking, I opened my mouth, and let him in, accepting his cock without hesitation. As I closed my mouth around his rod and began to suck him off, he moaned in pleasure. "Yeah, that's what I was waiting for." He let go of my head, and grabbed my wrists again. Quickly, we fell into a steady stroke, his cock going deep into my mouth, then pulling out to let me lick the head. Then back in, pushing against my throat.

Just as this started to feel like the most natural thing in the world for me to do, the doorbell rang. It shocked me, reminded me that anyone at the door could see me working over Kevin's cock. I tried to stop, and get up, but Kevin kept me down. "Just keep on sucking me. Don't worry about the door..." --

Author's Note: Sorry about the delay. The next few episodes should come out more regularly. Any ideas, comments, thoughts, or requests for service are more than welcome.

Next: Chapter 7

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