Cocksucking Charlie

By TJD Nifty

Published on Apr 29, 2017



This is my first attempt at writing gay or any other type of fiction. Any feedback and or suggestions are welcome at This chapter has very limited sexual content and is more about setting the scene for future chapters. All characters are fictitious and are of legal age in the UK. If any part of this story is or looks to be illegal in your Country of residence, please stop reading.

Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Charlie and I'm an 18 year old new freshman who just started out at College a little over a week ago. I'm around 5'10 tall, have blue eyes, shaggy blond hair and a skinny build. That isn't to say I don't have an okay body - I do - but when stood next to my God of a roommate, I'm always reminded that I could do with lifting a few more weights in the gym.

That brings me on to Bruce. I knew from the second I met him that it would be tough to share a room with him for the next year without having a constant boner. At around six feet tall, mixed race, jet black hair and a body to kill for, he's genuinely one of the hottest guys that I've ever met.

Me? I've known for as long as I can remember that I'm gay, but I've mostly kept it to myself. That has made meeting guys particularly difficult - and most of my sexual encounters have been limited to sucking off a few discreet skater dudes from my home town, who knew me between them as `cocksucking charlie'.

Anyway, we share a room in one of those mini-suite dorm setups: 8 guys spread across 4 rooms, a shared communal area and kitchen and a shared bathroom. Then more mini-suites on the same floor.

But enough of that. Back to the story..

"Hey, man! Are you done already..?" came the already familiar sound of Bruce, who stumbled through the door with a grin on his face and what must be his third can of beer in his hand. It was 7:08pm and we were late for a party being hosted in the dorm across the street by some of the soccer guys that he had befriended.

"Two more minutes", I said, putting together the last few buttons on my shirt and checking the mirror to see that my hair looked okay.

"Man, you're such a fag. Even my old girlfriend didn't take this long to get ready. Hurry up so that we can go and grab us some pussy!", came his remark.

I had no doubt that Bruce would be able to `grab' any pussy he wanted. He had the looks and the confidence.

I did wonder whether him calling me a `fag' so much was just a sheer coincidence and playful banter, or whether he had a sixth sense that I didn't yet know about. Still, I hadn't let him know about my sexuality. Although he was a cool guy and we'd gotten on well in the short time we'd known, I got the feeling that he could have a bit of a nasty streak about him - one which I didn't want to get on the wrong side of.

I grabbed the comb from my desk and carried on. "I thought you'd already gotten some pussy, man? That brunette chick from the bar the other night?"

"Nah, I could tell a mile off that she was a prude. I need more than that, bro. I need a bitch who won't make me wait until our sixth date; someone who will treat this guy well", he said, as he grabbed his dick through his jeans. I quickly looked away.

"Well, come on then", I chuckled, "lets grab the other guys and go find her for you."


We headed out and were at the party within a few minutes - the other dorm being just across the street.

It looked as though it was already in full swing - the music was loud, people were dancing and from what I could see the side units were already flowing with cans of beer and bottles of spirits.

"You want one?", asked one of the soccer guys, holding out a beer for me. I nodded and took the drink, quickly giving him the once over without trying to make it obvious. He was hot.

Just at that moment I noticed Karen, one of the girls who was in my Biology class. She smiled at me so I smiled and waved back, gently pushing through the crowd to head over to her.


I grabbed my cell from my jeans pocket - 11:15pm and I was already way too drunk. It seemed as though everyone at the party had brought far too much alcohol.

The low battery percentage reminded me that I'd forgotten to charge up before I came out. Not wanting to lose all of my power I turned it off and, just as I was placing it back in to my pocket, I stumbled.

"What are you like?" laughed Karen, giving me a wink as she helped me back to my feet. We'd been dancing together for most of the night and I hadn't realised just how drunk I was. I needed my bed.

Just as she held me back up and gave a little giggle again, she brought her face towards mine. I politely thanked her and moved my face away, pretending that I hadn't noticed the invitation to kiss her.

I scanned the room for Bruce, curious as to how his night was going. Just as I found him, I realised that he was already looking directly at me - the same good looking guy who'd given me my first beer was whispering in to his ear. Bruce shook his head at him and mumbled back something that I couldn't make out.

Worrying that I was becoming too much of a mess and before more people could talk about me, I decided that it was time to leave. I wished Karen a good night and gave her a friendly peck on the cheek.

I walked over to Bruce to let him know that I was leaving.

"Don't you dig girls, bro?" asked the guy who'd passed me the beer earlier, a tone of arrogance ringing in his voice.

"Huh?", I asked, playing dumb, my heart pounding so loud that I'm surprised he couldn't hear it.

"That chick down there, she was all over you and you just brushed her away" came his reply, a confused look on his face.

"I.. uh.. sure I do. I'm just a little too dr--"

"Give him a break, Joe", Bruce interrupted him before I could finish my sentence, slapping him across his back. "Charlie here is just a little more of a gentleman than we are. He'd rather get to know a girl before busting her up. Am I right, Charlie?"

"Yeah", I lied. "And I'm way too drunk anyway, guys. I'm heading back to the dorm."

"Sure, man. I think I've got another couple of hours left in me, bro, so I'll be quiet when I come in and see you in the morning", Bruce said as he high-fived me.

I quickly turned away and headed for the exit, my dick beginning to swell in my jeans.


I got back to the dorm room as horny as ever. Living in the same room as Bruce meant that I hadn't found the time to jack off in days.

I stripped off my clothes and threw them in to my now overflowing laundry basket. A problem for tomorrow.

I lay on my bed and fired up my favourite porn website on my laptop. Just as I did, something caught my attention - Bruce also had an overflowing laundry basket across the room - and at the top of his were a pair of his boxer shorts.

I trembled but decided to take my chance, grabbing them and lying back on my bed. I held them up to my face and smelt the most beautiful, intoxicating smell that I had ever known. And it was coming right from where Bruce's cock had been only a few hours earlier.

I took my cell out of my jeans pocket, horny and ready to dirty text one of the skater dudes from back home. I forgot that I'd turned it off at the party.

No sooner than I turned it on, a text message appeared from Bruce. He must have sent it just after I'd left.

"Joe had no right to accuse you of being a fucking homo, bro, and I've made sure he knows that. On my way back now to make sure you're okay."

On his way back? I thought he said he'd be another couple of hours? Too drunk, before I could fully react to the words in front of me, the door to our room opened.

And there stood Bruce. Looking directly at me. His underwear still held fully up to my nose, a gay porn movie playing on my laptop, and a hard on sticking up against my own underwear.

He slammed the door.

"Well, well, well.." - he said, with a wicked grin on his face - "It looks like I owe Joe an apology."

He walked closer towards me.

"But first", he rubbed a growing hard on in his jeans, "get on your fucking knees, you low life piece of shit."


And that was the first time ever that Bruce hit me.

My face burned red with shame.


To be continued?

Next: Chapter 2

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