Cocksucking Charlie

By TJD Nifty

Published on May 1, 2017



This is my first attempt at writing gay or any other type of fiction. Any feedback and or suggestions are welcome at Please remember that Nifty is a completely free service to the end user, however does incur costs for its owners. Without donations from readers like yourself, however big or small, this service would not be possible.

He slammed the door.

"Well, well, well.." - he said, with a wicked grin on his face - "It looks like I owe Joe an apology."

He walked closer towards me.

"But first", he rubbed a growing hard on in his jeans, "get on your fucking knees, you low life piece of shit."


And that was the first time ever that Bruce hit me.

My face burned red with shame.

I stayed sat on the bed; frozen; unable to move. How could this be happening? Bruce had said he'd be another couple of hours and it hadn't even been half of one yet.

At that moment in time I wanted to disappear. I'd just been caught sniffing my roommates underwear while jacking off and, even after receiving a hard slap to the face, my own cock was still rock hard.

"I said GET ON YOUR FUCKING KNEES!", another slap hit me square in the face.

"Bruce, I'm.. I'm sor--"

"Sorry? Sorry for what, Charlie? Sorry for being a low life faggot? Sorry for sniffing my underwear? Or sorry that you've let me go an entire week struggling on pussy patrol, when all this time I had a cocksucking piece of shit only a few feet away from me?"

The nasty streak that I'd got a hint of over the last week was now well and truly beginning to surface. Bruce looked genuinely pissed off and his face had a nasty glow to it. But there was also something else - an intrigued sort of look.

"I p-p-promise that it won't happen again", I said as I was now visibly shaking, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

But he didn't listen. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it until I fell off the bed, banging my face as I hit the floor - the exact place he wanted me to be.

I looked up at him, a single tear falling from my eyes. I was scared. Would he tell our roommates what he'd seen? His soccer friends? What if my own friends found out? My family? My brother? I wanted to vomit.

"You know, Charlie, I can't believe I didn't listen to Joe. All night he'd been whispering in to my ear, telling me he thought you were a fag and that I should ask for a room transfer while I still had the chance. But I wouldn't listen to him. I told him you were a cool guy."

Another slap to my face.

"I don't know why I didn't listen to him. I used to be able to smell queers like you out back home; then I'd beat the shit out of them. Just for being faggots. A bunch of cocksucking scumbags."

He smiled to himself, groping his hard cock through his jeans.

"But that was back home, where my cock was getting a decent serving of pussy whenever it wanted. See, the girls back home were slutty, not like the stuck up cunts here. They didn't need to be taken out on dates first. They were just happy to have a big jock like me nobbing them every night."

I was still scared as hell, but listening to Bruce talk like this was getting my own cock harder and harder. A wet patch began to form in my boxer shorts from leaking pre-cum. He noticed.

"You know, Charlie, I was beginning to worry that I'd only be able to get some when I visit home during breaks. Thought I'd have to wank off like some fat, ugly fuck in the meantime. How things change so fast.."

He threw his t-shirt to the floor and unbuckled his jeans. My heart began to pound against my chest. Surely this wasn't about to happen. I didn't even know if I wanted this to happen.

No, I didn't. I couldn't. I wouldn't let him use me when he was this angry; this drunk. I had more dignity than that.

I began to stand up.

"DON'T... FUCKING.. DARE", he said, raising his fist. I got back on my knees.

"I'm not a faggot like you, Charlie. The thought of sucking a dick or letting a guy fuck me makes me want to bork. But you're the best option that I've got right now, bro, and god I need it."

"So, this is how it's going to work. You do what I say. You make me feel good. And in exchange, I won't put you in the emergency room or tell everybody who you really are."

It had been less than 5 minutes since Bruce walked in to the room, and already his t-shirt was off and his jeans thrown on the floor. All that remained were a pair of white boxer shorts, similar to the type that I'd been sniffing only minutes earlier - the clear white shorts looked amazing against his half-cast skin and toned body.

He grabbed my hair again, pulling my face in to the fabric of his shorts. Abercrombie & Fitch - only the best for a jock like Bruce.

"This year might not be so bad after all hey, Charlie?", he asked, as he rubbed what looked to be a thick 7" dick against my face. It felt damp where his dick had already started to leak.

"Take it out", he commanded. I reached out my hand, still trembling from all of the emotions and adrenaline rushing through me, and unbuttoned his boxer shorts. I reached inside and brought out his dick.

Even through my fear and upset, I had to admit that it was a great looking cock. At seven inches long and nice and thick, it could easily be described as perfect.

"You know what to do, faggot", he said, guiding my face closer to his torso.

I opened my mouth and, at that moment in time, sealed my fate for the rest of the year.

After only a few more minutes of sucking Bruce off on my knees, it became clear that he wasn't going to settle for a nice slow blowjob. He was too drunk and too steaming.

I was now lying face up on my bed, with my hunk of a roommate straddling my chest. His dick was back inside my mouth and he was riding my face without any ounce of respect for me or my feelings.

I have to admit, it hurt me to be treated like this.

"Yeah, come on fag. Take my nob. Take it like the dirty piece of scum that you are", he said, riding even harder, his balls slapping my chin as he went on.

He must have gotten close but he wasn't ready to cum yet. He stopped and plopped his dick out of my mouth. Suddenly, he began slapping my face with it, laughing.

Slap, slap, slap. My face was covered in both my own saliva and fragments of Bruce's pre-cum. Slap, slap, slap.

"Yeahhhh, boy, look at you. Even the sluts back home won't let me dick slap their faces. Say they don't get anything out of it. But you don't care, do you? As long as you get to serve a jock."

My face began to burn red again. Bruce was right. I couldn't think of anybody else who would let somebody treat them like this. I wondered what was happening to me.

After a minute of humiliating me even more, he lifted himself up a touch and dropped his balls in to my mouth.

"Yeahhhh boy, suck on those nuts. Taste my ball sweat!"

He kept this up for a few more minutes, his balls in my mouth while his dick rested across my face. The alcohol mixed with the smell of his dick resting next to my nose and the taste of his balls in my mouth made me start to go light headed.

Without any warning, he replaced his balls with his cock and started riding my face again. I could tell that he played a lot of soccer and worked out - he had more stamina in him than I could ever dream of having.

"Shit! Get ready, bro", he said, giving me only a couple of seconds notice before flooding my mouth with his seed. My mouth now had most of his 7" dick inside of it and what felt like a litre of salty jock's cum.

I began to choke.

"Spit it out and I will fucking fight you", he growled.

I fell to the floor, swallowing as much as I could so that I didn't piss Bruce off any more, but gasping for breath and choking hard. I tried to catch my breath.

"Hey, is everything okay in there?", came the voice of Adam, one of our other roommates. He was only feet away from us, stood outside the door, listening intently. I looked at Bruce, my pleading eyes begging him not to say anything. I didn't know how much more of this I could take.

"Yo, everything's fine thanks, Ad bro!", he shouted back. "Charlie here just took a little more than he could handle.. in the alcohol department. I'm sure he'll get better!", he sniggered.

"Ha! What a lightweight!", came Adam's reply.

Lying on the floor, my breath finally caught, I was relieved to hear him walk back towards his own room.

Finally, my humiliation was over, I thought.

But it wasn't.

Bruce stood over me, still naked, with a now soft dick. Even after all that he'd done to me, I couldn't help but admire him. He was such a stud. But there it was again, that menacing look on his face.

"Oh, and Charlie.." He took his dick in his hand and aimed it straight me. A steady stream of piss began to flow.

"This is for making me wait a week before finding out my roommate is a cocksucker."

He took a step forward so that his dick was directly above my face and shook off the last couple of drops of piss. They landed right on my forehead.

Laughing, he got in to bed and was asleep in seconds.

Me? I was paralysed on the floor, not wanting to believe what had happened. I'd never felt so ashamed in my entire life.

Right there, I began to quietly cry my eyes out, not wanting to wake Bruce up and piss him off again.

I've got what I think is a fairly hot idea for the next chapter of my story, but I'd appreciate any feedback and comments. :-)

Next: Chapter 3

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