Codename Phoenix

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Feb 19, 2006


Codename: Phoenix Chapter two

Disclaimer: This story is rated R, for langue, Mutant violence and cross-dressing mutants with a obsession for young blonde boys. I do not know any of the members of NSYNC or Backstreet Boys or 98 degrees or any other celebrities that I may use in the near future. And this story is not intended to imply anything about the sexuality of the members of the group 'N Sync, Backstreet boys, and 98 degrees. All X-Men material and references is a copyright of Marvel Studios and Comics Inc. They do not belong to me and all of it is merely from my mind.

Rating: NC-17

angel, we need to get up, now." said a soft but stern voice. Justin's eyes flow wide open. He jolted up in bed. "Justin, are you alright?" JC was by his side in a blink of an eye. "W w what are you doing here?" he asked with a quiver. JC giggled a little, lightly stoked Justin bare arm. "Don't tell me you forgot all about last night?" He lean close to Justin and planted a small kiss to his lips. "Go take a shower, we're meeting Johnny downstairs, in Twenty minutes." JC kissed him one more time and then left. Leaving Justin slightly dumfound. He got out of bed, realizing that he and JC had slept together, and to top it off, he told him he was a mutant. Justin maybe his way in to the bathroom, turning the water on hot, just to help get rid of the shock. What shock? The shock of not feeling any fear about what had happen last night. In fact he was over joy. He couldn't help but whistle a cheerful little tune. After finishing up getting dress, he met the guys downstairs. "Good morning to you all, isn't a lovely day?" Chris, Joey and Lance all gave him a odd look. "You feeling ok, curly?" asked Chris. "Yeah, why?" "You just seem really chipper today, that's all." said Lance. "Of course he is, because we have something to tell you guys." said JC. He wrapped his arms around Justin and place a small kiss on his neck. "If you haven't notice, we're together." Justin was shocked, he didn't intended on telling the guys so soon, but it seem like JC was totally taking charge of things in the relationship. Justin didn't know what to think of that. "Well, its about time you did something JC." said Chris. "Yeah, now we won't have to hear you going on about how you'll never get Justin every want you." said Joey. "I'm happy for ya'll." said Lance. Before he could say anything JC had moved away from him and took a seat next to Joey. Johnny had just walked in carrying some papers with him. He looked over at the guys. "Good to see all of you up and early, okay so you already know that I have been trying to get this little concert with you and the Backstreet boys going, but we had to work out schedules and luckily for us we were able to do it. I want you all to go up get your things and meet me outside in ten minutes." The guys all hurried upstairs and returned in a hurry back down. They piled in to the van and were on there way to the stadium. Not knowing what would take place that day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What the hell is taking him so long?" asked Kevin Richardson, age 25, he pace, checking his watch ever few seconds. Nick was already so late for everything it made him so mad, he wanted to punch someone. "Oh will you stop it, you keep that up and that vein of yours will pop. Your to young to have heart attack." said AJ Mclean, age 18. Someone like AJ, its not like anyone would really care if he did. "Shut it, Alexander." "Hey! I told you not to call me that!" "Cut it out you two, its too early for all that." said Howie Dorough, age 23, he didn't need to hear all the bitter argument from AJ and Kevin. "Maybe his using the bathroom or he can be on his way." suggested Brian Littrell, age 21, he checked his watch also. 7:35. Whatever Nick was doing better had been wroth it. "This can't be happening to me." Nick Carter, age 16, said to himself. He scurried around the room, holding the glowing alarm clock. He ran to the window and quickly open it, he took the clock and chuck it out the window. While in midair the clock exploded, making a loud BOOM!!!! Noise that could be heard throughout the hotel. "Why does that keep happening?!?" Nick yelled to himself. He jumped when he heard loud banging hitting his door. "NICK! NICK, ARE YOU ALRIGTH??!!" Kevin! Nick panic a little, then he slowly calmed himself down. "Yeah!, I'm coming out now!" Nick walked to the door and open it. Kevin pushed pass him, looking over the room. He turned to Nick. "I heard a huge explosion." "I didn't hear anything, come on we don't want to be late do we." Nick pulled on Kevin's arm, taking him out of his room. He shut the door behind him and pushed Kevin toward the elevator. He had to do something about his abilities and he had to do something fast. He didn't say anything to Kevin when they were in the elevator or when they met up with the guys. Nick just could met Kevin's eye. He knew that Kevin would have question for him. Question that he wasn't going to be able to answer him at all, because wasn't really sure how he did it himself. And that scared him, a lot. "Hey, Nick, your needed back on planet earth!" Nick turned to the voice. "Oh hey Brian." he said flatly. "Oh hey Brian? What? That' s all I get. Man did you hear that explosion?" asked Brian. Nick tried to play it dumb. "What explosion?" "Oh, come on, you had to have heard that." Nick just shook his head and took a seat next to AJ. A woman, who looked to be about Thirty years of age, with long brown hair and tan skin, wearing glasses stood in front of the guys. She gave them a sweet smile, a smile that send shivers down Kevin's spine. He couldn't believe that she had found him. "...... ..If you all could get in the van we'll be on our way. But I need to speak to Kevin, so you can all go ahead of us." They watch the guys head out of the hotel. She turned to Kevin, smiling sweetly at him, but he didn't show any kind of emotion. She frowned slightly. "Oh what's wrong Kevin, you don't look to happy to see me." "What the hell are you doing here?" he asked coldly. " Just checking out the new recruits for Magneto, I hear that he and another are suppose to be very strong, probably the strongest mutant to every be born." Kevin didn't need to know who she was talking about. Since Nick had turned fourteen, Kevin could feel the change happening in Nick. But he didn't know who the other one she was talking about. She laughed, knowing that the gears in his brain were turning. "You'll know when you meet him, which is just in a few minutes." "Why are you doing this, Jinx?" "I'm not Jinx, the names Ms. Bates, try to remember that, now let's go. We don't want to be late." Ms. Bates grabbed Kevin's arm and dragged him along with him. He had a feeling that this wasn't going to be a normal day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both groups had arrive around the same time. Once there they were thrown in to rehearsals. Something they were not happy with. Backstreet went first, meaning that N*sync could seat back and watch them work. Lucky for them, not so lucky for Backstreet. Fatima was working the guys hard, harder then usually. AJ dramatically fell to the floor, gasping for air. "Fatima, have mercy, please we need rest." "AJ right, can we please take a break?" begged Nick. "Fine, you guys did better than you usually do so, you get a fifteen minute break. The guys would have cheered, if it weren't for the fact that they were all really tired. Then it was N*SYNC turn, all getting in line waiting for Darren to give them the cue. BSB sat on the side line, watching there every move. "There good." said Howie. "Yeah, there o.k." said AJ. "Water, me want." AJ took a huge gulp of water. "Man, and I thought Fatima was bad." said Brian. He watch Darren, tell the guys were to go. He mostly told Joey, Lance or Chris were they had to be. But other then that they were good. That's pretty much how half of the day went for them. Until finally they were done. The guys could be more than thankful. The mini concert that they were giving that night was two hours away, so that gave them plenty of time to relax and hang. Justin and Nick hit it off real well. Which was good, because now Nick had a `playmate' which AJ pointed out. Much to Nick's dismay. Kevin watched them, he a had a bone chilling feeling about Justin. Every time he was near Justin, he felt something. The same `something' that he got from Nick. "Well, I'll be damned." he said to himself. "Hey Kev, you alright?" asked Brian. "What? Oh sorry, wasn't play attention." "Yeah, I know. What's on your mind?" Well, let's see, my band mate maybe what dooms all humans, and Justin is also something to worry about and how about the fact that I' m also in love with Nick. "Nothing really, made just a little tired." Brian nodded his understanding. "Have you seen the look JC' s been giving Nick." said Howie. They all turned to see a very pissed looking JC, boring holes in the back of Nick's head. "If I didn't know any better I would have to say that JC' s feeling a little neglected." said AJ. Who the fuck does he think he is? Talking to my angle like that, he trying to take him away from me. Well, that's not going to happen. JC thought to Himself. He walked up behind Justin and wrapped his arms around his waist. Justin jumped at the contact. He moved away from JC, JC didn't like this. " Justin can I talk to you?" said JC. "Sure, be right back." he told Nick. He followed JC out to the hallway to another room. JC shut the down behind them, once inside. "What you want to talk about?" "I don't like how Nick was looking at you. He had lust in his eyes." JC was pacing back and forth, kind of looking like a solider. "Josh, we were just talking." "About what?" Justin looked down at his feet, before responding. "I can't tell you." said Justin. JC stepped closer, lifting up Justin's chin and making him look into his eyes. " Angel you know you can tell me anything right?" Justin nodded. "So then just tell me what ya'll were talking about." Justin let out a sigh. " Nick told me that he has a crush on someone." Really? "Who is it." "It starts with a K." said Justin. JC thought for a minute. "Kyle?" "No." "Ken?" "No" "Kelvin?" "Not really, get rid of the L." "Kevin?" Justin nodded. "As in Kevin Richardson?" Again Justin nodded. "Tall, dark and handsome, Kevin Richardson?" "Yes Josh, sheesh, how many question are you going to asked me?" "Sorry, So that's all?" "Of course, that's all. JC are you going to be like this?" "Like what?" "All jealous and stuff. I don't want that kind of relationship. I don't want to have a boyfriend who will have to call me all the time, asking where I am, who I am with." "It won't be like that Justin. I'm not like that. I didn't mean to make you feel suffocated, I'll keep the whole `Jealous Boyfriend thing'." "Good, now can we please get out of here, the smells starting to get to me." They walked out, heading back to rehearsal hall. The others had all started talking with each other. Brian, Chris and Howie were off talking it up. Lance, Joey and AJ were also talking amongst themselves. While Kevin and Nick were talking, well, not really. They were just seating over by the corner resting. "Hey Nick!" called out Justin. He ran over to them and sat in front off Nick. "Hello Kevin." JC said. "How's it going Josh?" They talked for awhile until Johnny came in. "Okay listen up guys. It's time to get ready. I know ya'll are going to knock them dead tonight." The guys all got ready to go. It was going to be a good night. At least that's what Kevin hoped it would be. A good night. "Now I get to see you guys in action." "What are you doing here, Jinx?" "I said to call me Ms. Bates. And I'm here to tell you that you have a special guest to night, so give it your all." she gave him a quick kiss and vanished. Who can she be talking about? "Hey Kevin, come on were on!" called out Howie. He stood up and made his way to the stage. He listen to the loud screams coming from the crowd. This was the part that he loved the most about his job. "HOW YA'LL FEELING TONIGHT?!?!? COME ON, HIT IT!!" AJ said to the crowd. Hour and thirty-five min. later, "THANK YOU GERMANY!!!" said Howie, they all bow and ran off stage. Giving Johnny a high five as they went by. Then it was N*SYNC' s turn. Howie and AJ went to their dressing room to rest, but Brian, Nick and Kevin stayed behind to watch the N* sync perform. "Wow, there even better when they' re actually performing." said Brian. Nick had to agree, they were good. Kevin watched in silence, he couldn't shake off this weird feeling that he was being watched. " Guys, I'm gonna head back.... Guys?" He turned around to see the guys not moving. what the... He notice that all the stage crew weren't moving at all either. "Oh, poor Kevvy, feeling lonely? Don't worry I have someone here to see you." Damn that Jinx. Kevin was about to leave when he heard an all to familiar voice. "Going so soon. You know a lot of sons would give anything to see his father again." A man at least in his early fifties came in to view. He had on a dark red long jacket and black pants, he had long gray hair that reached his shoulders. He had ice blue eyes, that could turn your blood cold. "First Jinx, now you. God, can my lift get any worst?" "Now, now, is that anyway to speak to your father?" said the man. "My father, so happens to be dead and you know that, Magneto." Kevin said coldly. "Yes, so sad that Jerald couldn't be here to see what a fine young man that you happen to became. Please have a seat." said Magneto. He waved his hand and two mental chairs came flying out from behind some stage hands. One chair slide behind Kevin forcing him to seat. "Why are you here?" "Just to see you of course, because if you must know, I have been looking for something, or should I say someone who possess great power, so great he would be able to destroy nations. I've been looking for over twelve years. So you can only guess my reaction when I heard that the boy that I have been looking for, happens to someone that you are very close with." a smile played on his lip. Kevin could only scowl at him. "Your not going any where near Nick." Magneto smile grew wider. "Oh really? And what will you do if I do?" "I'll kill you." This made Magneto laugh out loud. "You don't have the gulls to do it." "Oh really?" Kevin's eyes grew a bright green. Magneto stared back at him. He slowly turned around. Behind him were six sharp mental poles were pointing right at him. He turned to face Kevin. "You are definitely my son. I would have done the same thing." "I suggest that you leave now, before you become a human pin cushion." Kevin said with a cold tone. Magneto got up and brushed his jacket off. He turned to Kevin. "It was very nice speaking to you Kevin. it's a shame that we can't do this more often. Until next time, and there will be a next time. I bid you farewell." With a blink of an eye, he was gone and everyone was moving again. "Yo Kev, how'd you get over there?" asked a bewildered Brian. "You weren't paying attention when I moved." said Kevin. "That's what you get for being such a spaz all the time." joke Nick. They shared a laugh, but Kevin wasn't laughing. Just thinking about what his Father.....what Magneto had said to him. `Until next time, and there will be a next time.' Kevin didn't like that one bit. He now had to watch Nick and, it seem, Justin like a hawk. Whatever Magneto had up his sleeves he had to make sure it didn't happen, even if it killed him. TO BE CONTINUE...... Okay that was chapter two, yeah its long but the longer it is the more you find out about what's going on. It would be really great if you could email me back at: _jrt131@aol.com_ ( . I'll answer any question you have or read any response from ya'll. Until then, Hugs and Kisses.

Next: Chapter 3

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